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Protracted pre-eruptive zircon residence is frequently detected in continental rhyolites and can conflict with thermal models, indicating briefer magma cooling durations if scaled to erupted volumes. Here, we present combined U-Th and (U-Th)/He zircon ages from the Acigöl rhyolite field (Central Anatolia, Turkey), which is part of a Quaternary bimodal volcanic complex. Unlike other geochronometers, this approach dates crystallization and eruption on the same crystals, allowing for internal consistency testing. Despite the overall longevity of Acigöl rhyolite volcanism and systematic trends of progressive depletion in compatible trace elements and decreasing zircon saturation temperatures, we find that zircon crystallized in two brief pulses corresponding to eruptions in the eastern and western part of the field during Middle and Late Pleistocene times, respectively. For Late Pleistocene zircon, resolvable differences exist between interior (average: 30.7 ± 0.9 ka; 1σ error) and rim (21.9 ± 1.3 ka) crystallization ages. These translate into radial crystal growth rates of ~10?13 to 10?14 cm/s, broadly consistent with those constrained by diffusion experiments. Rim crystallization and (U-Th)/He eruption ages (24.2 ± 0.4 ka) overlap within uncertainty. Evidence for brief zircon residence at Acigöl contrasts with many other rhyolite fields, suggesting that protracted zircon crystallization in, or recycling from, long-lived crystal mushes is not ubiquitous in continental silicic magma systems. Instead, the span of pre-eruptive zircon ages is consistent with autochthonous crystallization in individual small-volume magma batches that originated from basaltic precursors.  相似文献   
We examined 14 subaerially deposited speleothems retrieved from submerged caves in the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico). These speleothems grew during the Middle to Late Quaternary and were dated by 230Th-U techniques to provide upper depth limits for past sea levels. We report the first relative sea-level limits for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 11 and 6, and present new evidence for sea-level oscillations during MIS 5 and early MIS 1. For the latter periods, the origin of growth interruptions is evaluated by combining petrographic methods with trace element analyses. The MIS 5c sea-level highstand probably occurred between 103.94 ± 0.58 ka and 96.82 ± 0.42 ka and must have exceeded -10.8 m (relative to present-day local sea level). The minimum average rate of sea-level fall over a 9.4 ka-long period during the MIS 5e/5d transition is calculated from stalagmite and published coral data at 1.74 ± 0.37 m/ka. For the early Holocene, previous discrepancies with respect to a potential multimetre oscillation of local sea level were found to be challenging to reconcile with the existing speleothem data from the area.  相似文献   
Overuse of groundwater in coastal areas, due to high population and agricultural activity results in seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer. This paper presents the control measures taken to manage aquifer recharge (MAR) and also to overcome the problem of seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer along the Kalangi river, Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh, India having connectivity with Pulicat (saltwater) lake estuary. Due to overexploitation of groundwater and less rainfall in past years, adjacent seawater has started intruding in the Kalangi river sub-surface and deteriorating groundwater quality up to 11.6 km from the confluence of the river with Pulicat lake. To prevent this situtation, subsurface dams were constructed in traditional manner using local earth material in three different places across the Kalangi river near Sullurpet town. The water storage capacities calculated after the sub-surface dams’ construction are 1.28 mcft at GK Engineering College, 6.23 mcft at Challamagudi and 3.143 mcft at Holy Cross School sites. The Holy Cross School sub-surface dam is the first full scale dam-cum-check dam constructed to prevent salt water intrusion in the Kalangi river at Sullurpet, Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh. At the Kalangi river estuary portion (at the mouth of sea) a groyne was reconstructed over old groyne site with the introduction of clay bed and wooden sheet piles at down stream. Apart from prevention of sea water entry into Kalangi river sub-surface (during seasons) the groyne top level was raised to prevent mixing of high sea water tides with fresh water and ensuring additional storage of fresh water at upstream side. The reconstructed groyne was serving the purpose of obstructing the surface seawater entry in the Kalangi river and water quality has improved in the river as well as in the wells. After construction of sub-surface dam, as per the Simpson ratio classification, there is substantial improvement of water quality in the SHAR infiltration well situated near the Holy Cross School sub-surface dam.  相似文献   
The Teplá Crystalline unit (TCU), western Bohemian Massif, proves highly suitable for studying the effects of differential metamorphic reworking on the U–Th–Pb systematics in monazite, as the overprint of Variscan regional metamorphism onto high-grade Cadomian paragneisses intensifies progressively towards the northwest. Although variably hampered by scarcity, small size, and low uranium contents of monazite, isotope dilution–thermal ionisation mass spectrometry of monazite from paragneisses from the garnet, staurolite, and kyanite zones of the TCU gives a narrow 206Pb/238U age range from 387 to 382 Ma for Variscan peak metamorphism. These data are supported by 382–373 Ma monazite ages derived from electron microprobe analyses. Inheritance of older components in grains from the central TCU imply major “resetting” of pre-Variscan monazite around 380 Ma, possibly due to widespread garnet growth during Variscan metamorphism, which led to the consumption of pre-Variscan high-Y monazite and subsequent growth of new low-Y monazite. Concordant 498–494 Ma monazite ages in a migmatitic paragneiss close to the adjacent Mariánské Lázně Complex (MLC) grew in response to metagabbro emplacement in the MLC from 503 to 496 Ma and not during either Cadomian or Variscan regional metamorphism. Backscatter imaging and electron microprobe analyses reveal that discordant monazite of the migmatite comprises a mix of various age domains that range from ca. 540 to 380 Ma. Combined evidence presented here suggests that instead of Pb loss by volume diffusion, the apparent resetting of the U–Th–Pb systematics in monazite rather involves new crystal growth or regrowth by recrystallisation and dissolution/reprecipitation.  相似文献   
Adsorption of Cr(VI) on γ-alumina was investigated as a function of ionic strength (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 M NaNO3), pH (4-10), Cr(VI) concentration (10−4 or 10−5 M with 5 g/L solid) and pCO2 (0, atmospheric, 2.5%). Cr(VI) sorption is significant at low pH and decreases with increasing pH, with 50% of the Cr(VI) adsorbed between pH ∼6.5 and 8. Adsorption varies little with ionic strength or pCO2 under most of the studied conditions. However, at low pH under high ionic strength and especially at high ionic strength and high pCO2, Cr(VI) sorption on γ-alumina is suppressed. The adsorption edge data were used to parameterize constant capacitance (CCM), diffuse double layer (DLM) and triple layer (TLM) surface complexation models. None of the models entirely captures the full range of observed adsorption dependence on ionic strength and sorbate/sorbent ratio. The best fits to the full dataset are produced by the CCM, mostly because it has ionic-strength dependent stability constants. The more sophisticated TLM, which requires the most fitting parameters, does not produce better fits than the simpler CCM or DLM approaches for the conditions tested in this study.  相似文献   
Movement within the Earth’s upper crust is commonly accommodated by faults or shear zones, ranging in scale from micro-displacements to regional tectonic lineaments. Since faults are active on different time scales and can be repeatedly reactivated, their displacement chronology is difficult to reconstruct. This study represents a multi-geochronological approach to unravel the evolution of an intracontinental fault zone locality along the Danube Fault, central Europe. At the investigated fault locality, ancient motion has produced a cataclastic deformation zone in which the cataclastic material was subjected to hydrothermal alteration and K-feldspar was almost completely replaced by illite and other phyllosilicates. Five different geochronological techniques (zircon Pb-evaporation, K–Ar and Rb–Sr illite, apatite fission track and fluorite (U-Th)/He) have been applied to explore the temporal fault activity. The upper time limit for initiation of faulting is constrained by the crystallization age of the primary rock type (known as “Kristallgranit”) at 325 ± 7 Ma, whereas the K–Ar and Rb–Sr ages of two illite fractions <2 μm (266–255 Ma) are interpreted to date fluid infiltration events during the final stage of the cataclastic deformation period. During this time, the “Kristallgranit” was already at or near the Earth’s surface as indicated by the sedimentary record and thermal modelling results of apatite fission track data. (U–Th)/He thermochronology of two single fluorite grains from a fluorite–quartz vein within the fault zone yield Cretaceous ages that clearly postdate their Late-Variscan mineralization age. We propose that later reactivation of the fault caused loss of helium in the fluorites. This assertion is supported by geological evidence, i.e. offsets of Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments along the fault and apatite fission track thermal modelling results are consistent with the prevalence of elevated temperatures (50–80°C) in the fault zone during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
白垩纪深水古海洋学研究仍处于早期发展阶段,一方面是由于来自钙质底栖有孔虫的稳定同位素和地球化学数据的缺乏,其原因在于白垩纪高碳酸盐补偿深度;另一方面在于深水有机质胶结有孔虫示踪古海洋还没有充分发展起来。深海环境深水胶结有孔虫的分布主要取决于碳酸盐可利用状况、原始生产的输入通量、深水交换、环境波动(深海洋流、浊流和快速沉积事件)和底层沉积类型,因此对于重建深海环境具有非常巨大的潜力。东、西特提斯Campanian Maastrichtian深水底栖有孔虫组合的统计分析揭示出6个生物相,代表着明显不同的沉积环境。包括:深海红色泥岩与矮小深海生物组合(生物相1);红色深海泥灰岩(“Couches Rouges”相),含钙质胶结有孔虫组合(生物相3);深水远洋灰岩(“Scaglia Rossa”相),含易碎的Rhizammina组合(生物相2);绿色灰色半远洋泥灰岩,含适应高输出通量生物组合(生物相4);半远洋泥岩和粉砂岩,含Aschemocella Nothia 组合(生物相5);陆源浊积层序,含“复理石型”Rhabdammina组合(生物相6)。Campanian Maastrichtian红色氧化深水环境动物组合与现今深海类似,而白垩纪贫氧深海环境胶结组合在现今无法找到相类似物。随着古生态信息的增加和数据库的扩展,深水胶结有孔虫有望成为揭示古海洋条件的重要工具,尤?  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die drei großen der jüngst vonSchlager &Schöllnberger für die Nördlichen Kalkalpen herausgearbeiteten stratigraphischen Wenden, die jeweils eigene Entwicklungsstadien einleiten, lassen sich auch in den im Tauernfenster vorliegenden Serien des Mesozoikums feststellen.Die Adneter Wende, die zeitlich mit dem Aufreißen der kontinentalen Kruste und der Herausbildung der Bündner Schiefer-Geosynklinale zusammenfällt, die die europäische von der ostalpinen (austroalpinen) Platte trennt, ist für den betrachteten Raum das wichtigste Ereignis zwischen variszischer und alpidischer Gebirgsbildung.Die altalpidische Orogenese setzt in der mittleren Kreide ein und erreicht in der Oberkreide mit der Subduktion der europäischen Platte unter die Sedimente der Geosynklinalfüllung (Bündner Schiefer) sowie derselben unter die ostalpine (austroalpine) Platte ihren Höhepunkt. Der Zuschub der heute im Tauernfenster vorliegenden Serien war im Campan abgeschlossen. Ebenso ist die Deckengliederung in Venedigerdecke (Zentralgneis-Komplexe mit Sedimenthülle und höhere Teildecken), Glocknerdecke (vorwiegend aus Bündner Schiefern mit Ophiolithen bestehend) und Ostalpin bereits auf die kretazischen plattentektonischen Vorgänge zurückzuführen.Die alttertiäre Regionalmetamorphose hat während ihres Höhepunktes am Ende des Eozäns die heute im Tauernfenster aufgeschlossenen Serien bis in Tiefen von 15 km oder mehr versenkt. Die anschließende, durch weitere Einengung verursachte Aufwölbung der Tauernkuppel führt zum Einströmen heißen, tiefkrustalen sauren Materials in den Kern des Antiklinoriums und — in heute noch nicht angeschnittenem Niveau -zur Anatexis.Der Flysch der Ostalpen ist aus einem paläogeographisch nördlich der Zentralgneiszone beheimateten Gebiet abzuleiten.
The Mesozoic series of the Tauern Window are characterized by three changes in the sedimentation conditions dividing the stratigraphic evolution in four periods.In Middle and Upper Cretaceous time, the European plate is subducted under the Austroalpine plate. In Campanian time, the series of the Tauern Window are wholly covered by the Austroalpine Nappe. Three great tectonic units can be distinguished: i. e., the Venediger Nappe (consisting of Zentralgneis and its cover as well as smaller nappes and schuppen), the Glockner Nappe (mainly consisting of the Bündner Schiefer with ophiolites), and the Austroalpine nappes.The Lower Tertiary regional metamorphism culminates at the end of the Eocene at which time the series of the Tauern Window are brought into depths of 15 km or more. The succeeding arching of the Tauern cupola by continuing compression causes influx of hot acid crustal material and anatexis in the core of the anticlinorium.The flysch of the Eastern Alps derives from a zone situated paleogeographically north of the Zentralgneis zone.

Résumé Les séries secondaires de la fenêtre des Hohe Tauern sont caractérisées par trois changements dans les conditions de la sédimentation divisant ainsi l'évolution stratigraphique en quatre périodes. Pendant le Crétacé moyen et supérieur la plaque Européenne est subductée sous les Schistes lustrés de la fosse eugéosynclinale qui, de son côté, est subductée sous la plaque Austroalpine. La formation des grandes unités tectoniques s'est achevée pendant le Crétacé supérieur, c'est-à-dire la Nappe de Venediger (constituée par le Zentralgneis et sa couverture aussi que des nappes et des écailles particulières), la Nappe du Glockner (surtout constituée par des Schistes lustrés avec des ophiolites), et les nappes Austroalpines.Le métamorphisme tertiaire culmine à la fin de l'Eocène, au terme duquel les séries de la fenêtre des Hohe Tauern sont enfouies à un profondeur de 15 km ou plus. La formation de la voûte des Hohe Tauern commence immédiatement après par rétrécissement continuel, provoquant l'admission de materiel chaud de la croûte acide et l'anatéxie dans l'intérieur de l'anticlinorium.Le flysch des Alpes orientales dérive d'une zone située paléogéographiquement au nord de la zone du Zentralgneis.

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