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Recent developments in theoretical model-calculations for the synthesis of the chemical elements during late stages of stellar evolution are reviewed. Special emphasis is put on a discussion of various astrophysical sites, including core-collapse and thermonuclear supernovae, and the physics of turbulent reactive fluids. Results of numerical simulations are presented and discussed, together with new results concerning solar-system abundances as well as abundances observed in very metal-poor stars, in the context of searches for constraints on the still rather uncertain nuclear physics data and astrophysical models. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Piston cores in Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, revealed an alternating sequence of periplatform ooze and bankderived turbidites of the past 5 glacial and interglacial periods. By using the point-count method we have analyzed the composition of the turbidite sediment. Variations in the bank-derived fraction are clearly linked to the glacial-interglacial cycles. Nonskeletal components (pellets; ooids; grapestones) are most abundant in interglacial turbidites, while skeletal components (calcareous algae; peneroplids and reef builders) dominate in glacial turbidites. We attribute this pattern to the exposure and flooding of the surrounding carbonate platforms during Late Quaternary sea-level cycles. Because nonskeletal sediment is produced in the interior of the platforms, its growth and subsequent export to the flanks are at a maximum when the banks are flooded, i.e. during interglacial periods. During glacials, skeletal grains dominate because the banks are exposed and carbonate production is limited to a narrow belt of skeletal sands and fringing reefs. The resulting compositional signal appeared to have a good correlation with aragonite variations in the periplatform ooze between the turbidites. Further, compositional variation parallels the change in turbidite frequency described earlier (»highstand bundling«). Frequency and composition of turbidites are both unaffected by diagenesis and therefore provide an excellent monitor of sealevel fluctuations.
Zusammenfassung In Kolbenlotkernen aus der Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, bestehen die jüngsten fünf Glaziale und Interglaziale aus einer Wechselfolge von Periplattform-Schlamm und Turbiditen mit Flachwasser-Material. Die Zusammensetzung der neritischen Kornfraktion in den Turbiditen wurde durch Punktzählung ermittelt. Sie schwankt deutlich im Verlauf eines glazialen Zyklus. Abiogene Komponenten (Pellets, Ooide, Traubenklumpen) dominieren in den interglazialen Turbiditen, während Biogene (Kalkalgen, peneroplide Foraminiferen und Riffbildner) in glazialen Turbiditen vorherrschen. Wir erklären diese Schwankungen mit dem Auftauchen und Überfluten der Bahama Bänke während der jungquartären Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels. Die abiogenen Komponenten werden auf der Innenseite der Plattformen gebildet. Ihre Produktion und Export zu den Plattformflanken erreichen daher ein Maximum während der interglazialen Hochstände des Meeres. In den Glazialen dominieren biogene Komponenten, weil die Plattformen trocken liegen und die Karbonat-Produktion auf einen schmalen Streifen von Saumriffen und Biogensanden beschränkt ist.Die Zusammensetzung der Turbidite variiert im gleichen Rhythmus wie der Aragonitgehalt der zwischengeschalteten Periplattform-Schlamme. Überdies korreliert die Zusammensetzung gut mit der Häufigkeitsverteilung der Turbidite. Während der Interglaziale sind Turbidite häufiger als während der Glaziale (»Hochstand-Bündel«). Häufigkeitsverteilung und Zusammensetzung der Turbidite zusammen ergeben ein gutes, durch Diagenese nicht verwischbares Abbild der Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels.

Résumé Dans le »Tongue of the Ocean« (Bahamas), des sondages à piston effectués dans les sédiments des cinq dernières périodes glaciaires et interglaciaires montrent une alternance de turbidites et de boues déposées en périphérie de plate-forme. La composition de la fraction néritique des turbidites, dé terminée par la méthode du compteur de points, montre une relation claire avec les cycles glaciaires. Les composants abiogènes (pellets, ooïdes, grapestones) dominent dans les turbidites interglaciaires, tandis que les composants biogènes (algues calcaires, foraminifères de type pénéroplide et organismes constructeurs) sont prépondérants dans les turbidites glaciaires. Nous attribuons cette répartition aux émersions et submersions successives du banc des Bahamas, consécutives aux variations du niveau de la mer au Quaternaire récent. Comme les composants abiogènes ont été formés sur la partie interne de la plate-forme, leur développement et leur transport vers les flancs étaient maximaux lorsque le banc était submergé, au cours des périodes interglaci aires. Par contre, les composants biogènes dominaient pendant les épisodes glaciaires, où la plate-forme était exondée et où la production de carbonate était restreinte à une zone étroite de récifs frangeants et de sables biogènes. Ces variations dans la composition des turbidites présentent une bonne corrélation avec la teneur en anhydrite des boues de périphérie de plate-forme intercalées entre les turbidites. Il existe également une bonne corrélation avec la fréquence des turbidites, plus élevée pendant les interglaciaires. La fréquence et la composition des turbidites ne sont pas affectées par la diagenèse et constituent donc un excellent témoin des fluctuations du niveau de la mer.

, «» , , . . . / , , / , , .. , . - . . . , . , . , . , / «Hochstand-Bndel» /. , .
All of the extremely large telescopes (ELTs) will utilize sodium laser guide star (LGS) adaptive optics (AO) systems. Most of these telescopes plan to use the Shack-Hartmann approach for wavefront sensing. In these AO systems, the laser spots in subapertures at the edge of the pupil will suffer from spot elongation due to the 10 km extent of the sodium layer and the large separation from the projection laser. This spot elongation will severely degrade the performance of standard geometry wavefront sensing systems. In this paper, we present a CCD with custom pixel morphology that aligns the pixels of each subaperture with the radial extension of the LGS spot. This CCD design will give better performance than a standard geometry CCDs for continuous wave lasers. In addition, this CCD design is optimal for a pulsed sodium laser. The pixel geometry enables each subaperture to follow a laser pulse traversing the sodium layer, providing optimal sampling of a limited number of detected photons. In addition to novel pixel layout, this CCD will also incorporate experimental JFET sense amplifiers and use CMOS design approaches to simplify the routing of biases, clocks and video output. This CCD will attain photon-noise limited performance at high frame rates, and is being incorporated in the plans for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT).  相似文献   
A differential approach to map comparison and integration is presented utilizing the variance-covariance matrices of polynomial trend surfaces. The approach is based on the statistics presented in the trend-surface computer program, CORSURF. Examples in south-central Kansas and the Maracaibo Basin in Venezuela are presented to show how the technique could be used in basinanalysis studies.  相似文献   
Near-K/T boundary clastic deposits from Texas, Mexico, Haiti, Guatemala and Brazil, often described as impact-generated tsunami deposits, are stratigraphically below well-defined K/T boundary horizons and appear not to be causally related to the K/T boundary event. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that their deposition began during the last 170–200 kyr of the Maastrichtian, coincident with a major eustatic sea-level lowstand that lowered sea level by as much as 70–100 m. Clastic deposition ended a few tens of thousands of years before the K/T boundary during a rapidly rising sea level. The presence of glass in clastic deposits in Haiti, northeastern Mexico and Yucatan suggests that the sea-level lowstand coincided with a time of major volcanism or pre-K/T boundary bolide impact.  相似文献   
Isotope paleontology uses the isotopic composition of fossil remains of organisms to make inferences about the physical surroundings of growth of the organisms (especially temperature), and to obtain clues about life history and modes of growth. In calcareous fossils, oxygen isotopes are mainly used in the former, and carbon isotopes in the latter. However, since physical surroundings and organism response are intimately associated, both types of information are contained in each of the isotopic signals. To explore the potential of isotope paleontology, and to provide a basis for reconstruction, a broad range of extant organisms has been studied, taking the pioneering work of Epstein and associates as a starting point. Results are summarized for a representative sampling of these studies, with emphasis on work at the laboratories of the authors, from the mid-seventies to the present. The organisms considered are nannoplankton, benthic algae, planktonic and benthic deep-sea foraminifera, “larger” foraminifera, sponges, corals, bryozoans, polychaetes, arthropods, bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods, and vertebrates (fish otoliths). The survey broadly suggests that, regarding oxygen isotopes, materials tend to be precipitated close to equilibrium with the surrounding seawater (as postulated by Urey), and that for carbon isotopes disequilibrium is the rule. Life spans, growth rates, differential seasonal growth, and age of reproductive activity can be extracted under favorable circumstances from individual shells and skeletal parts. In detail, the interpretation of isotope records of individual shells is quite complicated, and simple models will fail to give satisfactory results in many or most cases.  相似文献   
Fossil assemblages of planktonic Foraminifera contain many valuable clues to paleoclimate and paleo-oceanography. Unfortunately, our understanding of production, dissolution, redeposition, and other processes of foraminiferal sedimentation is but rudimentary. Lacking direct observations, information largely rests on comparisons between abundance and composition patterns of life-, death-, and sediment-assemblages.  相似文献   
Most magmatic-hydrothermal Cu deposits are genetically linked to arc magmas. However, most continental or oceanic arc magmas are barren, and hence new methods have to be developed to distinguish between barren and mineralised arc systems. Source composition, melting conditions, the timing of S saturation and an initial chalcophile element-enrichment represent important parameters that control the potential of a subduction setting to host an economically valuable deposit. Brothers volcano in the Kermadec island arc is one of the best-studied examples of arc-related submarine magmatic-hydrothermal activity. This study, for the first time, compares the chemical and mineralogical composition of the Brothers seafloor massive sulphides and the associated dacitic to rhyolitic lavas that host the hydrothermal system. Incompatible trace element ratios, such as La/Sm and Ce/Pb, indicate that the basaltic melts from L’Esperance volcano may represent a parental analogue to the more evolved Brothers lavas. Copper-rich magmatic sulphides (Cu?>?2 wt%) identified in fresh volcanic glass and phenocryst phases, such as clinopyroxene, plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxide suggest that the surrounding lavas that host the Brothers hydrothermal system represent a potential Cu source for the sulphide ores at the seafloor. Thermodynamic calculations reveal that the Brothers melts reached volatile saturation during their evolution. Melt inclusion data and the occurrence of sulphides along vesicle margins indicate that an exsolving volatile phase extracted Cu from the silicate melt and probably contributed it to the overlying hydrothermal system. Hence, the formation of the Cu-rich seafloor massive sulphides (up to 35.6 wt%) is probably due to the contribution of Cu from a bimodal source including wall rock leaching and magmatic degassing, in a mineralisation style that is hybrid between Cyprus-type volcanic-hosted massive sulphide and subaerial epithermal–porphyry deposits.  相似文献   
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