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Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Übersicht über einige neuere Ergebnisse zur Stratigraphie der Anden von Süd-Mendoza und Neuquén und zur Paläoklimatologie der südlichen Anden gegeben.- 1. Zur Stratigraphie des prämesozoischen Grundgebirges am Südende der Frontalkordillere: Es handelt sich hier nicht, wie früher angenommen, um Präkambrium, sondern um einen wahrscheinlich devonischen Flysch, der von Tonaliten des tiefsten Karbons (334±16,5 MJ) intrudiert und von permotriassischen, meist sauren Vulkaniten überlagert wird. 2. Zur Stratigraphie des Lias und Unteren Dogger im Río-Atuel-Gebiet (Anden von Süd-Mendoza): Es wird ein stratigraphisches Gliederungsschema gegeben, nebst kurzem Abriß von Lithologie, Mächtigkeiten, Verbreitung, stratigraphischen Beziehungen, Fazies, Alter, Paläontologie, Entstehung und Korrelationen der behandelten Folgen. 3. In einem kurzen Überblick über die Stratigraphie des höheren Jura und der Kreide im Bereich der Mesozoischen Geosynklinale von Mendoza und Neuquén werden die neuesten Ergebnisse eingebaut. 4. Bemerkungen zur paläozoischen und mesozoischen Klimageschichte der südlichen Anden: Warmes Klima während des Altpaläozoikums, gemäßigtes bis kühlgemäßigtes Klima mit häufigen Gebirgsvergletscherungen im Karbon und wärmere Verhältnisse seit dem Perm und während des ganzen Mesozoikums charakterisieren, grob gesehen, den südlichen Andenraum. Die Klimazeugen spiegeln jedoch eine starke räumliche Differenzierung der Niederschläge wider. So ist z. B. das südliche Patagonien während langer Abschnitte des Mesozoikums durch pluviales Klima gekennzeichnet, während gleichzeitig in Mendoza und Neuquén zum Teil extrem aride Verhältnisse vorherrschten.
New results on the stratigraphy of the Andean area of southern Mendoza and Neuquén and on the paleoclimatology of the southern Andes are reported.- 1. On the stratigraphy of the pre-Mesozoic basement of the southern end of the Frontal Cordillera: A probably Devonian flysch is described, which is intruded by a Lower Carboniferous tonalite (334±16,5 MY) and covered by Permotriassic, mainly acid vulcanites. 2. On the stratigraphy of the Lias and Lower Dogger in the Rio Atuel area (Andean southern Mendoza): A scheme of the stratigraphic subdivision and a short review of lithology, thicknesses, distribution, stratigraphic relations, facies, age, paleontology, origin and correlations of the formations treated are given. 3. A short review of new results on the stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous of the Mesozoic Geosyncline of Mendoza-Neuquén. 4. Annotations on the Paleozoic and Mesozoic climatic history of the southern Andes: Warm climate during the Lower Paleozoic, temperate to cool-temperate climate (with frequent mountain-glaciers) during the Carboniferous, and warm conditions since the Permian and during all the Mesozoic times, characterize, roughly, the southern Andean area. The climatic indicators reflect, however, strong differences of the quantity of precipitations in space. Thus southern Patagonia is characterized during long intervals of the Mesozoic by strongly pluvial conditions, while in Mendoza and Neuquén partly extreme arid conditions prevailed.

Résumé De nouveaux résultats sur la stratigraphie des Andes, du sud de la province de Mendoza et de la province de Neuquén, et sur la paléoclimatologie des Andes méridionales sont présentés. 1. Stratigraphie du soubassement prémésozoïque de l'extrémité méridionale de la Cordillère Frontale: Les sédiments parfois légèrement métamorphiques de cette aire ne correspondent pas, comme on l'avait supposé antérieurement, au Précambrien; il s'agit d'un flysch probablement dévonien, pénétré par une tonalité du Carbonifère Inférieur (334±16,5 MA) et couvert en discordance par des volcanites surtout acides, d'âge permotriassique. - 2. Stratigraphie du Lias et du Dogger inférieur de la zone du fleuve Atuel (aire andine du sud de Mendoza): Un schéma de la subdivision stratigraphique est donné ainsi qu'une brève révision de la lithologie, des épaisseurs, de la distribution, des relations stratigraphiques, des faciès, de l'âge, de la paléontologie, de l'origine et des corrélations des formations traitées.- 3. Un bref résumé de la stratigraphie du Jurassique supérieur et du Crétacé du »Géosynclinal Mésozoïque« de Mendoza et Neuquén, en tenant compte des dernières résultats sur ce sujet. - 4. Notes sur l'histoire climatique palëozoïque et mesozoïque des Andes méridionales: climat chaud pendant le Paléozoïque inférieur, climat tempéré à tempéré froid avec de fréquentes glaciations de montagne pendant le Carbonifère et des conditions plus chaudes dès le Permien et pendant tout le Mésozoïque caractérisent grossièrement le domaine des Andes méridionales. Tout au long du Mésozoïque, cependant, les indicateurs climatiques reflètent une forte variation dans la quantité de précipitations dans l'espace et dans le temps. La Patagonie méridionale, par exemple, est caractérisée par des conditions fortement pluviales pendant des longues périodes du Mésozoïque, tandis que, simultanément, en Mendoza et Neuquén prédominèrent des conditions d'aridité jusqu'à extrème aridité.

Resumen Se reseñan nuevos resultados acerca de la estratigrafía de los Andes del sur de Mendoza y Neuquén y sobre la paleoclimatología de los Andes australes. - 1. Acerca de la estratigrafía del basamento premesozoico de la terminación austral de la Cordillera Frontal: Las sedimentitas a veces levemente metamórficas de esta área no corresponden, como se había supuesto anteriormente, al Proterozoico; se trata de un flysch probablemente devónico, intruido por una tonalita del Carbónico Inferior (334±16,5 MA) y cubierto discordantemente por vulcanitas mayormente ácidas de edad permotriásica. 2. Sobre la estratigrafía del Lias y Dogger Inferior de la zona del Rio Atuel (àrea andina del sur de Mendoza): Se da un esquema de la subdivision estratigráfica y una breve reseña de la litología, espesores, distribución, relaciones estratigráficas, facies, edad, paleontología, origen y correlaciones de las formaciones tratadas. 3. Un breve resumen de la estratigrafía del Jurásico Superior y Cretácico del Geosinclinal Mesozoico de Mendoza y Neuquén, con consideración de los últimos avances. 4. Anotaciones acerca de la historia climática paleozoica y mesozoica de los Andes australes: Clima cálido durante el Paleozoico Inferior, clima templado a templado-frío con frecuentes glaciaciones de montaña durante el Carbónico y condiciones más cálidas desde el Pérmico y durante todo el Mesozoico caracterizan, groseramente, el espacio de los Andes australes. Sin embargo, los indicadores climáticos reflejan una fuerte diferenciación en cuanto a la cantidad de precipitaciones, en el espacio y el tiempo. La Patagonia austral, por ejemplo, se caracteriza durante largos tiempos del Mesozoico por condiciones fuertemente pluviales, mientras simultáneamente en Mendoza y Neuquén prevalecieron condiciones de aridez hasta extrema aridez.

Mendoza Neuquén. 1) - : , ; , , , . 2) Rio Atuel, , , , , , , . 3) Mendoza Neuquén . 4) : ; — , — . — .
In this paper, we constrain the input and output fluxes of H2O, Cl and S into the southern-central Chilean subduction zone (31°S–46°S). We determine the input flux by calculating the amounts of water, chlorine and sulfur that are carried into the subduction zone in subducted sediments, igneous crust and hydrated lithospheric mantle. The applied models take into account that latitudinal variations in the subducting Nazca plate impact the crustal porosity and the degree of upper mantle serpentinization and thus water storage in the crust and mantle. In another step, we constrain the output fluxes of the subduction zone both to the subcontinental lithospheric mantle and to the atmosphere–geosphere–ocean by the combined use of gas flux determinations at the volcanic arc, volume calculations of volcanic rocks and the combination of mineralogical and geothermal models of the subduction zone. The calculations indicate that about 68 Tg/m/Ma of water enters the subduction zone, as averaged over its total length of 1,480 km. The volcanic output on the other hand accounts for 2 Tg/m/Ma or 3 % of that input. We presume that a large fraction of the volatiles that are captured within the subducting sediments (which accounts for roughly one-third of the input) are cycled back into the ocean through the forearc. This assumption is however questioned by the present lack of evidence for major venting systems of the submarine forearc. The largest part of the water that is carried into the subduction zone in the crust and hydrated mantle (accounting for two-thirds of the input) appears to be transported beyond the volcanic arc.  相似文献   
Major changes in community structure and depositional relief of high-latitude coral communities in the southern Persian Gulf between marine isotope stage (MIS) 7 and the present day suggest that the area has become increasingly restricted. Corals and bivalves from outcrops on Kish Island, Iran, were identified in order to interpret the Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental setting. U/Th disequilibrium dating was used to constrain the ages of the stratigraphic units. During MIS 7, two coral-bearing sequences were deposited on what is now Kish Island. The lower sequence is dated as MIS 7.5 and changes laterally from an assemblage dominated by Cyphastrea sp. and Platygyra daedalea in the west to one characterized by branching Montipora in the east. By contrast, the upper sequence, dated as MIS 7.1, transitions from an assemblage dominated by platy Montipora in the west to a diverse assemblage of Platygyra and other faviids in the east. The assemblages of both sequences are within a marl matrix and bounded by thin lithified mollusc-rich layers. Corals and bivalves indicate that the sequences were deposited on gentle slopes in sheltered environments less than 20 m deep. The MIS 7 deposits may be classified as coral carpets or biostromes that developed a low-relief framework. During MIS 5, coral communities were no longer framework building and are now limited to an Acropora-rich layer of coral rubble that covers large parts of the island, and two small incipient reefs with sparse faviids. Similarities between the MIS 5 and modern nearshore coral communities suggest that the environmental conditions during MIS 5 were comparable to those of today. The late Pleistocene coral carpets and non-framework coral communities of the southern Persian Gulf may serve as models for coral biostromes in the fossil record, which formed under restricted environmental conditions such as elevated terrigenous input, high turbidity, and strong seasonal changes in temperature and/or salinity.  相似文献   
Overuse of groundwater in coastal areas, due to high population and agricultural activity results in seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer. This paper presents the control measures taken to manage aquifer recharge (MAR) and also to overcome the problem of seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer along the Kalangi river, Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh, India having connectivity with Pulicat (saltwater) lake estuary. Due to overexploitation of groundwater and less rainfall in past years, adjacent seawater has started intruding in the Kalangi river sub-surface and deteriorating groundwater quality up to 11.6 km from the confluence of the river with Pulicat lake. To prevent this situtation, subsurface dams were constructed in traditional manner using local earth material in three different places across the Kalangi river near Sullurpet town. The water storage capacities calculated after the sub-surface dams’ construction are 1.28 mcft at GK Engineering College, 6.23 mcft at Challamagudi and 3.143 mcft at Holy Cross School sites. The Holy Cross School sub-surface dam is the first full scale dam-cum-check dam constructed to prevent salt water intrusion in the Kalangi river at Sullurpet, Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh. At the Kalangi river estuary portion (at the mouth of sea) a groyne was reconstructed over old groyne site with the introduction of clay bed and wooden sheet piles at down stream. Apart from prevention of sea water entry into Kalangi river sub-surface (during seasons) the groyne top level was raised to prevent mixing of high sea water tides with fresh water and ensuring additional storage of fresh water at upstream side. The reconstructed groyne was serving the purpose of obstructing the surface seawater entry in the Kalangi river and water quality has improved in the river as well as in the wells. After construction of sub-surface dam, as per the Simpson ratio classification, there is substantial improvement of water quality in the SHAR infiltration well situated near the Holy Cross School sub-surface dam.  相似文献   
We have undertaken a study of the common green or orange-brown spots at the surface of rough diamond specimens, which are caused by alpha particles emanating from radioactive sources outside the diamond. Richly coloured haloes represent elevated levels of structural damage, indicated by strong broadening of the main Raman band of diamond, intense strain birefringence, and up-doming of spots due to their extensive volume expansion. Green radio-colouration was analogously generated through the irradiation of diamond with 8.8 MeV helium ions. The generation of readily visible radio-colouration was observed after irradiating diamond with ≥1015 He ions per cm2. The accumulation of such a high number of alpha particles requires irradiation of the diamond from a radioactive source over long periods of time, presumably hundreds of millions of years in many cases. In the samples irradiated with He ions, amorphisation was observed in volume areas where the defect density exceeded 5 × 10?3 Å?3 (or 0.03 dpa; displacements per target atom). In contrast, graphitisation as a direct result of the ion irradiation was not observed. The green colouration transformed to brown at moderate annealing temperatures (here 450 °C). The colour transformation is associated with only partial recovery of the radiation damage. The colour change is mainly due to the destruction of the GR1 centre, explained by trapping of vacancies at A defects to form the H3 centre. An activation energy of ~2.4 ± 0.2 eV was determined for the GR1 reduction. The H3 centre, in turn, causes intense yellowish-green photoluminescence under ultraviolet illumination. Radio-colouration and associated H3 photoluminescence are due to point defects created by the ions irradiated, whereas lattice ionisation is of minor importance. This is concluded from the depth distribution of the colouration and the photoluminescence intensity (which corresponds to the defect density but not the ionisation distribution pattern). The effect of the implanted He ions themselves on the colour and photoluminescence seems to be negligible, as radio-colouration and H3 emission were analogously produced through irradiation of diamond with C ions. The photoluminescence emission becomes observable at extremely low defect densities on the order of 10?6 Å?3 (or 0.000006 dpa) and is suppressed at moderate defect densities of ~5 × 10?4 Å?3 (or ~0.003 dpa). Intensely brown-coloured diamond hence does not show the H3 emission anymore. Anneals up to 1,600 °C has reduced considerably irradiation damage and radio-colouration, but the structural reconstitution of the diamond (and its de-colouration) was still incomplete.  相似文献   
Protracted pre-eruptive zircon residence is frequently detected in continental rhyolites and can conflict with thermal models, indicating briefer magma cooling durations if scaled to erupted volumes. Here, we present combined U-Th and (U-Th)/He zircon ages from the Acigöl rhyolite field (Central Anatolia, Turkey), which is part of a Quaternary bimodal volcanic complex. Unlike other geochronometers, this approach dates crystallization and eruption on the same crystals, allowing for internal consistency testing. Despite the overall longevity of Acigöl rhyolite volcanism and systematic trends of progressive depletion in compatible trace elements and decreasing zircon saturation temperatures, we find that zircon crystallized in two brief pulses corresponding to eruptions in the eastern and western part of the field during Middle and Late Pleistocene times, respectively. For Late Pleistocene zircon, resolvable differences exist between interior (average: 30.7 ± 0.9 ka; 1σ error) and rim (21.9 ± 1.3 ka) crystallization ages. These translate into radial crystal growth rates of ~10?13 to 10?14 cm/s, broadly consistent with those constrained by diffusion experiments. Rim crystallization and (U-Th)/He eruption ages (24.2 ± 0.4 ka) overlap within uncertainty. Evidence for brief zircon residence at Acigöl contrasts with many other rhyolite fields, suggesting that protracted zircon crystallization in, or recycling from, long-lived crystal mushes is not ubiquitous in continental silicic magma systems. Instead, the span of pre-eruptive zircon ages is consistent with autochthonous crystallization in individual small-volume magma batches that originated from basaltic precursors.  相似文献   
We examined 14 subaerially deposited speleothems retrieved from submerged caves in the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico). These speleothems grew during the Middle to Late Quaternary and were dated by 230Th-U techniques to provide upper depth limits for past sea levels. We report the first relative sea-level limits for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 11 and 6, and present new evidence for sea-level oscillations during MIS 5 and early MIS 1. For the latter periods, the origin of growth interruptions is evaluated by combining petrographic methods with trace element analyses. The MIS 5c sea-level highstand probably occurred between 103.94 ± 0.58 ka and 96.82 ± 0.42 ka and must have exceeded -10.8 m (relative to present-day local sea level). The minimum average rate of sea-level fall over a 9.4 ka-long period during the MIS 5e/5d transition is calculated from stalagmite and published coral data at 1.74 ± 0.37 m/ka. For the early Holocene, previous discrepancies with respect to a potential multimetre oscillation of local sea level were found to be challenging to reconcile with the existing speleothem data from the area.  相似文献   
Hundreds of natural catastrophes occur worldwide every year—there were 780 loss events per year on average over the last 10 years. Since 1980, these disasters have claimed over two million lives and caused losses worth US$ 3,000 billion. The deadliest disasters were caused by earthquakes: the tsunami following the Sumatra quake (2004) and the Haiti earthquake (2010) claimed more than 220,000 lives each. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 was the costliest natural disaster of all times, with total losses of US$ 210 billion. Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, was the second costliest disaster, with total losses of US$ 140 billion (in 2010 values). To ensure that high-quality natural disaster analyses can be performed, the data have to be collected, checked and managed with a high degree of expertise and professionality. Scientists, governmental and non-governmental organisations and the finance industry make use of global databases that contain losses attributable to natural catastrophes. At present, there are three global and multi-peril loss databases: NatCatSERVICE (Munich Re), Sigma (Swiss Re) and EM-Dat (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters). They are supplemented by numerous databases focusing on national or regional issues, certain hazards and specific sectors. This paper outlines the criteria and definitions relating to how global and multi-peril databases are operated, and the efforts being made to ensure consistent and internationally recognised standards of data management. In addition, it presents the concept and methodology underlying the NatCatSERVICE database, and points out the many challenges associated with data acquisition and data management.  相似文献   
白垩纪深水古海洋学研究仍处于早期发展阶段,一方面是由于来自钙质底栖有孔虫的稳定同位素和地球化学数据的缺乏,其原因在于白垩纪高碳酸盐补偿深度;另一方面在于深水有机质胶结有孔虫示踪古海洋还没有充分发展起来。深海环境深水胶结有孔虫的分布主要取决于碳酸盐可利用状况、原始生产的输入通量、深水交换、环境波动(深海洋流、浊流和快速沉积事件)和底层沉积类型,因此对于重建深海环境具有非常巨大的潜力。东、西特提斯Campanian Maastrichtian深水底栖有孔虫组合的统计分析揭示出6个生物相,代表着明显不同的沉积环境。包括:深海红色泥岩与矮小深海生物组合(生物相1);红色深海泥灰岩(“Couches Rouges”相),含钙质胶结有孔虫组合(生物相3);深水远洋灰岩(“Scaglia Rossa”相),含易碎的Rhizammina组合(生物相2);绿色灰色半远洋泥灰岩,含适应高输出通量生物组合(生物相4);半远洋泥岩和粉砂岩,含Aschemocella Nothia 组合(生物相5);陆源浊积层序,含“复理石型”Rhabdammina组合(生物相6)。Campanian Maastrichtian红色氧化深水环境动物组合与现今深海类似,而白垩纪贫氧深海环境胶结组合在现今无法找到相类似物。随着古生态信息的增加和数据库的扩展,深水胶结有孔虫有望成为揭示古海洋条件的重要工具,尤?  相似文献   
The genesis and development of a monomictic, mesothermal lake and its sediments is demonstrated by the analysis of sediment cores from different parts of the lake and from different stages of development. The compounds which build up the sediments, consist of irregular large particles from the surrounding crystalline rocks, of fine grained silt sediments from catastrophic flud deposits, of evaporitic series, and algae mats. The thickness of the different layers and their distribution in various parts of the lake; the different compounds, absolute age determinations, the carbonate layers and algae mats allow the definition of different stages of development of the lake. Causes and influences of an unusual type of monomixis with summer turnover are discussed and related to the sedimentary environment. Annual fluctuations in physical and biological limnology lead to the development of annual cycles in mat development and evaporites, which are reflected in the varved sediments. Inorganic sedimentation of terrestrial sediments, evaporites and organic matter accumulation are in shifting equilibrium which can be analysed by changes in the sediment types. Within the zone of biologic decay of algae via photosynthetic and other sulfur bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria, biogenic aragonite, Mg-Calcite and sulfides are precipitated. The autigenic dolomite occuring within the algae mats could not be attributed to biological precipitation so far. The lake started out as a lagoon approximately 4500 years B.P. Algae mat development was initiated after the lagoon was separated from the open sea (2400 B.P.). The central parts of the lake subsided at a time between 1900 and 1600 B.P. At this time the algae mat deposition, which until then took place in the whole lake, was restricted to the remaining shallow parts. Years of extremely high precipitation and catastrophic floods are represented by silt layers in the western parts of the lake, while coarser terrestrial sediments are intercalated in the algae mats of the eastern parts. Oöids, carbonate laminae, oncoliths and other types of carbonate particles within the algae mats are defined as biogenic by SEM analyses and laboratory experiments.  相似文献   
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