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We propose a new class of inflationary models in which the scalar field potential governing inflation is generated by the same nonperturbative gauge dynamics that may lead to supersymmetry breaking. Such models satisfy constraints from cosmic microwave background measurements for natural values of the fundamental parameters in the theory. In addition, they have two particularly interesting characteristics: a “blue” spectrum of scalar perturbations, and an upper bound on the total amount of inflation possible.  相似文献   
Statistics on the temporal variability of uv cloud features on Venus during 66 days of nominal mission imaging by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Cloud Photopolarimeter reveal at least five types of systematic variability on large scales: (1) a low-latitude global-scale wave of period 3.94 ± 0.1 days corresponding to longitudinal motion of the dark equatorial band and propagating westward relative to the mean flow; (2) a midlatitude wave of period 5.20 ± 0.2 days corresponding to wavenumber 1 oscillations of the latitude of the bright polar bands and propagating eastward relative to the mean flow; (3) ~2- to 3-week fluctuations in the slope of longitudinal cloud brightness power spectra at intermediate wavenumbers manifested by variations in the intensity of large bow-shaped features; (4) ~2-month variations in polar region brightness consistent with polar brightening episodes observed from Earth; and (5) a monotonic decrease in the disk-integrated brightness of Venus during the nominal mission which may be either a true time variation or a solar-locked longitudinal dependence of brightness. Small-scale features appear to correlate with large-scale albedo patterns. Specifically, cellular features exist primarily where large-scale dark material is present, while the orientation of streak features with respect to latitude circles oscillates with the same ~4-day period as the large-scale features at low latitudes. The wide range of time scales present in the data suggests the complexity of Venus stratospheric dynamics. Extended observations over many years may be becessary to define the general circulation.  相似文献   
Two distinct series of slumps deform the upper part of the sedimentary sequence along the continental margin of the Levant. One series is found along the base of the continental slope, where it overlies the disrupted eastern edge of the Messinian evaporites. The second series of slumps transects the continental margin from the shelf break to the Levant Basin. It seemed that the two series were triggered by two unrelated, though contemporaneous, processes. The shore-parallel slumps were initiated by basinwards flow of the Messinian salt, that carried along the overlying Plio-Quaternary sediments. Seawater that percolated along the detachment faults dissolved the underlying salt to form distinctly disrupted structures. The slope-normal slumps are located on top of large canyons that cut into the pre-Messinian sedimentary rocks. A layer of salt is found in the canyons, and the Plio-Quaternary sediments were deposited on that layer. The slumps are bounded by large, NW-trending faults where post-Messinian faulted offset was measured. We presume that the flow of the salt in the canyons also drives the slope-normal slumps. Thus thin-skinned halokynetic processes generated the composite post-Tortonian structural patterns of the Levant margin. The Phoenician Structures are a prime example of the collapse of a distal continental margin due to the dissolution of a massive salt layer.  相似文献   
This paper presents the findings from an in-depth analysis of the (axial) stiffness data recorded during tension–tension fatigue tests on wire ropes, particularly in relation to how changes in stiffness during testing relate to changes in rope strength. A linear relationship between stiffness and strength is shown to exist and a methodology presented for quantifying residual strength with applied cycles. New lower bound fatigue lines for six-strand rope and spiral strand are presented which are based on a 10% loss of strength. These new lines have the advantage of having been established using a common discard criterion for wire ropes.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was investigated along a gradient across the Subtropical Convergence (STC) off the South Island, New Zealand. Ultrahigh resolution electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS), excitation emission matrix fluorescence (EEM) spectroscopy, and molecular lignin analysis techniques were used to study this DOM. The analysis revealed a group of compounds found only in the coastal DOM samples, which were also characterized by an elevated terrestrial DOM fluorescence pattern and elevated lignin content if compared to the offshore samples. This group exhibited a high degree of carbon unsaturation, as evident from high double bond equivalence minus oxygen values (DBE-O > 9) and maximum fluorescence intensity. Sulfur-containing molecular formulae for summer DOM samples were much more abundant across the entire transect of the STC compared to winter and exhibited distinctly different hydrogen:carbon and oxygen:carbon elemental ratios, suggesting a possible correlation between biological activity and sulfur compounds. The molecular formulae common to all STC samples were compared with those calculated for DOM extracted from freshwater collected from a stream discharging into Doubtful Sound (West Coast, New Zealand). ESI-FT-ICR-MS measurements undertaken in negative electrospray ionization (ESI?) mode indicated that 30% of the molecular formulae were present in both types of DOM, while in positive ESI mode (ESI+) over 90% of the formulae were present in all samples. Hence, a significant portion of the molecular formulae assigned to the solid-phase extractable DOM pool (SPE-DOM) appear to be identical in oceanic and freshwater samples.  相似文献   
Temporal and spatial patterns of recruitment (R) and spawning stock biomass (S) variability were compared among functionally analogous species and similar feeding guilds from six marine ecosystems. Data were aggregated into four regions including the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank, the Norwegian/Barents Seas, the eastern Bering Sea, and the Gulf of Alaska. Variability was characterized by calculating coefficients of variation and anomalies for three response variables: ln(R), ln(R/S), and stock–recruit model residuals. Patterns of synchrony and asynchrony in the response variables were examined among and between ecosystems, between- and within-ocean basins and among functionally analogous species groups using pair-wise correlation analysis corrected for within-time series autocorrelation, multivariate cross-correlation analyses and regime shift detectors. Time series trends in response variables showed consistent within basin similarities and consistent and coherent differences between the Atlantic and Pacific basin ecosystems. Regime shift detection algorithms identified two broad-scale regime shift time periods for the pelagic feeding guild (1972–1976 and 1999–2002) and possibly one for the benthic feeding guild (1999–2002). No spatial patterns in response variable coefficients of variation were observed. Results from multivariate cross-correlation analysis showed similar trends. The data suggest common external factors act in synchrony on stocks within ocean basins but temporal stock patterns, often of the same species or functional group, between basins change in opposition to each other. Basin-scale results (similar within but different between) suggest that the two geographically broad areas are connected by unknown mechanisms that, depending on the year, may influence the two basins in opposite ways. This work demonstrates that commonalities and synchronies in recruitment fluctuations can be found across geographically distant ecosystems but biophysical causes of the fluctuations remain difficult to identify.  相似文献   
Addressing social and economic considerations is crucial to the success of Marine Protected Area (MPA) planning and management. Ineffective social assessment can alienate local communities and undermine the success of existing and future MPAs. It is rare to critique the success of methods used currently to incorporate social and economic considerations into MPA planning. Three Australian MPA planning processes covering three states and incorporating federal and state jurisdictions are reviewed in order to determine how potential social impacts were assessed and considered. These case studies indicate that Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is under-developed in Australian MPA planning. Assessments rely heavily on public participation and economic modelling as surrogates for dedicated SIA and are followed commonly by attitudinal surveys to gauge public opinion on the MPA after its establishment. The emergence of issues around public perception of the value of MPAs indicates the failure of some of these proposals to adequately consider social factors in planning and management. This perception may have potential implications for the long term success of individual MPAs. It may also compromise Australia's ability to meet international commitments for MPA targets to gazette at least 10% of all its marine habitats as MPAs. Indeed, this is demonstrated in two of the three case studies where social and economic arguments against MPAs have been used to delay or block the future expansion of the MPA network.  相似文献   
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