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The sea as a source of atmospheric phosphorus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The geochemical fractionation of phosphorus on the drop produced by bubbles bursting in seawater has been studied using a field sampling system called the Bubble Interfacial Microlayer Sampler (BIMS). The droplets from bursting bubbles were collected on filter samples in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island during the summer of 1975. Phosphorus was found to be fractionated by the bubble-bursting process. The enrichment factor ranged from 4 to 170. Enrichment was found to increase with decreasing phosphorus concentration at 20 cm depth while it decreases with increasing wind velocity. Enrichment was independent of bubbling depth. Together these facts suggest that the sea-surface microlayer is the source of the phosphorus on the ejected drops. Organic phosphorus on the filter samples was found to be enriched relative to surface-water phosphorus by factors of 100–200, while reactive phosphorus was enriched by factors of only 6–8. This suggests that surface-active organic phosphorus compounds are the source phosphorus in the microlayer.The organic phosphorus content of samples of atmospheric particulates collected over the phosphate-rich upwelling waters near the Peru coast was found to correlate significantly with sea-salt sodium. Enrichments calculated using the average phosphorus concentration of the surface water in this area agree well with the results of the BIMS study. Thus it appears that phosphorus fractionation does occur in nature and may be important in supplying this nutrient to some coastal regions of the world.  相似文献   
Overwash is a major controlling factor in the morphology of the mixing zone of coastal aquifers. Conceptual models of the mixing zone describe an interface controlled by tidal oscillations, wave run-up, and other factors; however, few describe the influence of large storm events. In August 1993, Hatteras Island, North Carolina, USA, experienced a 3-m storm surge due to Hurricane Emily. Sound-side flooding infiltrated a wellfield, causing a dramatic increase in TDS levels that persisted for more than 3 years. Two-dimensional simulations with SUTRA, the USGS finite-element model, are calibrated to the TDS breakthrough data of this storm to infer model dispersivity values. Simulations using the calibrated dispersivity values, predicted flooding levels, and 54 years of hurricane records to determine the influence of the overwash events suggest that it is rare for the mixing zone to approximate the conceptual morphology. Even during quiescent periods such as between 1965 and 1975, TDS levels do not return to theoretical levels before being elevated by a subsequent storm event. Thus, while tidal oscillations and other factors are important to mixing zone development, basic wind events and more severe storm events may have more influence and lasting effect on the morphology of the mixing zone.  相似文献   
Scanning measurements by a single wavelength lidar (1.06 m) were made downwind of the Pt. Sur rock, an isolated hill (height 110 m) along the California coast. Turbulent eddies (approximate diameter 50 m) were observed detaching from a stationary aerosol feature above the rock and moving downwind. Under conditions with a high Froude number [1.8], the Strouhal number [0.22] of vortex shedding was close to that observed in tank experiments with a Reynolds number of 200.  相似文献   
Diagrams giving plagioclase and sanidine fractionation paths and liquid fractionation lines under conditions of ideal water-buffered fractional crystallization in the ternary feldspar system were constructed graphically using topological reasoning, and experimental data and calculated phase relationships from the literature. The liquidus lines and solidus or solvus paths are unique at constant P and a H 2O. The composition of a liquid evolves with time and moves along a fractionation line by removal of successive crystal fractions, whereas the compositions of each of the crystal fractions lie on and define a solidus or solvus path. Most but not all such water-buffered lines and paths differ only slightly from those in which water is free to build up during crystallization and a H 2O to increase, as in many rocks. Liquid compositions lying along liquidus fractionation lines are not normally preserved, unless erupted as aphyric lavas. The solidus or solvus paths may be preserved either as overgrowth zones in crystals (zoning paths) or as a series of crystal fractions in layered intrusions. The topologies of the lines and paths depend mainly on the nature of the two-feldspar boundary line separating the plagioclase and sanidine fields which is a function of P H 2O or a H 2O at constant P; increases in either progressively lower the liquidi and solidi and cause larger intersections of the solidi with the solvus. One-feldspar solidus paths at high P and a H 2O are simple, whereas they are complex and may bend back on themselves at low P H 2O or low a H 2O at high P. Two-feldspar paths may be simultaneous (cotectic) or sequential (peritectic). The former are simple and do not meet at high P and a H 2O, the critical solution line lying in the gap; they are complex and may bend back or overlap at low P H 2O or low a H 2O at high P, the position of the critical solution line being hard to determine. Liquids which have simultaneously fractionated two feldspars may fractionate only one towards the end, crystallization changing from subsolvus to hypersolvus. Sequential paths may involve overgrowth of an early feldspar by a later one, usually sanidine overgrowths on plagioclase, but plagioclase overgrowths on sanidine occur. These complexities explain in part the difficulties of unravelling the textural and compositional relationships of ternary feldspars in water-poor felsic igneous rocks (even in the absence of alteration or complex magma dynamics) and of trying to deduce phase relationships from natural occurrences of feldspars.C.R.P.G. contribution number 948  相似文献   
The pH-dependence of oxide dissolution rates is controlled by Brønsted acid-base reactions at the mineral surface. These reactions are rapid but depend explicitly on temperature, as do the subsequent slow rates of bond hydrolysis. The net result is that dissolution rates vary in a complicated fashion with temperature and solution pH. The enthalpy changes of acid-base reactions on oxide materials are sufficiently similar, however, that general statements can be made about their contribution. The enthalpy changes from proton adsorption to a hydroxyl functional group (SOH), or to a deprotonated functional group (SO ), are generally exothermic. The enthalpy changes become increasingly endothermic, however, as charge accumulates on the mineral surface and the charged species interact electrostatically. The result is that mineral dissolution rates are least sensitive to temperature, as measured with an Arrhenius-like rate law, at pH conditions near the Point of Zero Net Proton Charge.  相似文献   
An analysis of the spatial and temporal scales of cloud variability and their coupling provided by the results from existing cloud observing systems allows us to reach the following conclusions about the necessary attributes of a cloud monitoring system. (1) Complete global coverage with uniform density is necessary to obtain an unbiased estimate of cloud change and an estimate of the reliability with which that change can be determined. (2) A spatial sampling interval of less than 50 km is required so that cloud cover distributions will generally be homogeneous, or statistically homogeneous, within a sample. (3) A sampling frequency of at least six times a day ensures not only that the diurnal and semi-diurnal cycles are not aliased into long term mean values, but also that changes in them can be monitored. (4) Since estimated climate changes are only evident on a decadal time-scale, unless cloud monitoring is continuous with a record length greater than 10 years and has very high precision ( 1%) instrument calibration with overlapping observations between each pair of instruments, it will not be possible either to detect or to diagnose the effects of cloud changes on the climate.  相似文献   
There are two angular momentum (AM) problems associated with the formation of stars in general and the solar system in particular. The first is how to dispose of the AM possessed by turbulent protostellar clouds. Two-dimensional calculations of the gravitational infall of rotating gas clouds by several authors now indicate that stars are formed in groups or clusters rather than as single entities. Added evidence comes from observation of probable regions of star formation and young clusters, plus the fact that most stars are presently members of binaries or other multiples. Thus the first problem is solved by postulating the fragmentation of massive clouds with most of the AM ending up in the relative orbits. These clusters are notoriously unstable and evolve with the ejection of single stars like the Sun.The second problem is the uneven distribution of AM with mass in the solar system. It turns out that the collapse time for the majority of the infalling material is comparable to the time necessary for significant dynamical interaction of the protostellar fragment with its neighbors. It is found here through calculations utilizing very simplified numerical models that the last few tens of percent of infalling material can easily have sufficient AM transferred to it by the tidal action of passing protostars to form a solar nebula and ensure alignment of the solar spin. The most important parameter is the degree of central condensation: fragments without several tenthsM in a central core tend to be torn apart by encounters, or at least stimulated into binary fission. A stabilizing central mass maintains its identity and acquires a rotating envelope of material.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 7, 1978.  相似文献   
An analytical theory is developed for the velocity evolution of nonaccreting planetesimal populations, based on the Boltzmann and Fokker-Planck equations. Adapting Shkarofsky's calculation of plasma viscosities, the rate of increase in random velocities due to gravitational encounters between planetesimals of equal mass is found to be one-third to one-half Safronov's result. Comparison with Wetherill's numerical experiments suggests that the Fokker-Planck equation underestimates the effectiveness of encounters and that Safronov's value is approximately correct. For populations of nonuniform sizes, the Fokker-Planck equation indicates an efficient redistribution of energy from the largest bodies to the smaller ones. By conserving angular momentum, the rate of radial spreading of orbits is also derived.  相似文献   
We searched for a variation with heliographic latitude of the solar limb effect by comparing the relative wavelengths of weak and strong Fraunhofer lines. The blue shifts associated with the limb effect appear 9%±5% larger in the polar radius vector than in an equatorial radius vector at cos = 0.5. This should perhaps be interpreted as an increase with latitude of either solar convection or of convective overshoot. Recent observations of poleward meridional flows of 30m s–1 should be corrected for this limb effect variation. This correction increases this flow velocity to 70 m s–1. A search for a similar variation in plages and in network boundaries had negative results, the variation being +1%±5% and -1%±6% respectively.Now at the Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721, U.S.A. The MMTO is jointly operated by the University of Arizona and the Smithsonian Institution.The Sacramento Peak Observatory is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
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