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Petroleum residues, or tar lumps, are concentrated in the northwestern portion of the Pacific Ocean, particularly in the Kuroshio current system. The source of the tar appears to be tank washings from tankers on the very large Middle East to Japan route. Tar pollutants apparently are discharged by tankers south of Japan, become entrained in the Kuroshio current, and create a plume of contamination which extends downstream for 7000 km across the Pacific.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Methode beschrieben, die es gestattet, mit Hilfe lackierter Glasplatten Kondensationskerntröpfchen oder andere Tröpfchen mit einem Durchmesser von 5 zu fixieren und dann elektronisch auszuzählen. Vorversuche, bei denen diese Methode angewendet wurde, machen es wahrscheinlich, dass bei Kondensationskernzählern, die nach dem Expansionsprinzip arbeiten, ein Teil der Kerne wegen ihrer Aktivität schon vor der Expansion als Wassertröpfchen ausfällt und damit der Zählung entgeht.
Summary In the present paper a method is described, which allows to fix droplets of condensation nucleus or other droplets (diameter 5 ) by means of varnished plates of glass and count them afterwards electronically. Preliminary experiments with this method show up the probability, that in the nucleus counter, working on the principle of expansion, some of the very active nucleus drops out before the expansion chamber is dilated and thus escapes registration.

Riassunto Nella presente ricerca si descrive un metodo il quale consente di fissare goccioline provenienti da nuclei di condensazione, o altre goccioline (diam. 5 ), su dischi di vetro verniciati, e in seguito di contarle elettronicamente. Prove eseguite con questo metodo rendono probabile che, in contatori di nuclei di condensazione che lavorano secondo il principio dell'espansione, una parte dei nuclei, in seguito alla loro stessa attività, cada sotto forma di goccioline d'acqua già prima dell'espansione e che quindi sfugga al conteggio.
Zusammenfassung R. v. Eötvös hat für die Bestimmung von Lotrichtungsdifferenzen mit seiner Drehwaage zwei Verfahren angegeben, die aber nur unter Hinzuziehung astronomisch-geodätischer Messungen zum Ziel führen. Beide Verfahren sind sehr umständlich, und in der einschlägigen Literatur finden sich keine Hinweise, daß eines der genannten Verfahren seitEötvös nochmals angewandt wurde. — In Freiburg i. Br. wird zur Zeit eine Drehwaage erprobt, mit der voraussichtlich die direkte Messung des GradientenUzzs möglich sein wird. Es soll nun gezeigt werden, daß die Bestimmung der Lotrichtungsdifferenz zweier Feldpunkte mit Hilfe dieser Größe, ohne Zuhilfenahme von astronomisch-geodätischen Messungen, möglich ist.
Summary R. v. Eötvös has showed two methods for the measurement of differences between vertical lines with his torsion-balance. Both methods are only applicable, if they are connected with astronomic and geodetic measurements, and they are very troublesome. In the special publications are no remarks, that one of these methods everytime has been applied since the measurement ofEötvös. —At Freiburg i. Br. (Western Germany) now a new torsion-balance is built, with which foreseeable the direct measurement of the gradientUzzs will be possible. In the following publication will be demonstrated, that the fixation of differences between the vertical lines of two points of the gravity field of the earth is possible with this gradientUzzs without astronomic and geodetic measurements.
Summary The main subject of Ekman's most careful and detailed analysis of the current measurements of Armauer Hansen is to elucidate the periodical character of ocean currents. A survey of his results is given in table 2 and by means of an outline chartlet a comparison is made between the values which are derived from the observations on board Armauer Hansen and those attained by the reviewer by numerical calculation.
Les observations faites à bord du navire Armauer Hansen en 1930 à ses mouillages dans l'Atlantique et leur exploitation par V. W. Ekman
Résumé Le but principal de V. W. Ekman dans son analyse scrupuleuse et détaillée des mesures de courant est d'élucider le caractère periodique des courants océaniques. Les résultats les plus importants en sont donnés dans la table 2; en outre le rapporteur compare ces résultats empiriques d'Ekman avec ses propres calculs numériques en les confrontant dans une petite carte.

V. W. Ekmann, Studies on Ocean Currents. Geofysiske Publikasjoner Vol. XIX, No. 1, Bergen 1953.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Erzeugung von Kondensationskernen durch UV-Licht wurde mittels eines automatischenPollakschen Kernzählers und einerWilsonkammer aus Glas untersucht. Da die UV-Kerne von einem Schwebstoffilter zurückgehalten werden, ließ sich durch Verwendung zweier Bestrahlungsgefäße mit dazwischengeschaltetem Filter die Spurengashypothese bestätigen. Bestrahlungsversuche in Luft, Stickstoff, Sauerstoff, Argon und Wasserstoff ergaben, daß durch längere Bestrahlung eines abgeschlossenen Gasvolumens die kernbildende Substanz allmählich verbraucht wird. Durch Zugabe definierter Mengen gasförmigen Ammoniaks in den Bestrahlungsraum zeigte sich, daß die von verschiedenen Autoren geäußerte Ansicht, gasförmiges Ammoniak sei die kernbildende Substanz, nicht haltbar ist. Die Untersuchung des Einflusses von Schwefelwasserstoff bzw. Schwefeldioxyd ergab, daß die atmosphärische Konzentration von H2S zur Erklärung des UV-Effektes nicht ausreicht, während dies bei SO2 der Fall ist. Das Ergebnis, daß SO2 maßgebend an der Bildung der UV-Kerne in atmosphärischer Luft beteiligt ist, wird dadurch gestützt, daß der UV-Effekt einen ähnlichen Tagesgang zeigt wie das atmosphärische SO2.
Summary The production of condensation nuclei by UV light was investigated by means of an automaticPollak nucleus counter and aWilson glass-chamber. As the UV nuclei can be removed by an aerosol filter, the trace gas hypothesis could be confirmed by using two irradiation tubes separated by an aerosol filter. Irradiation experiments in air, nitrogen, oxygen, argon and hydrogen in a closed volume had the result that the nucleogenic substance gradually disappears after sufficiently long irradiation. By adding definite quantities of ammonia vapour into the irradiation tube it could be shown that ammonia is not the nucleogenic substance, as was supposed by some authors. The investigation of the influence of sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide showed that the atmospheric concentration of H2S is not sufficient to explain the UV effect in atmospheric air, whereas this is true with SO2. The result that SO2 takes part in the formation of the UV nuclei is supported by the fact that SO2 and the UV effect show a similar diurnal variation.
The San Francisco Estuary Regional Monitoring Program initiated surveillance monitoring to identify previously unmonitored synthetic organic contaminants in the San Francisco Estuary. Organic extracts of water samples were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in full scan mode. The major contaminant classes identified in the samples were fire retardants, pesticides, personal care product ingredients, and plasticizers. Evidence from the literature suggests that some of these contaminants can persist in the environment, induce toxicity, and accumulate in marine biota and in higher food chain consumers. The major sources of these contaminants into the marine environment are the discharge of municipal and industrial wastewater effluents, urban stormwater, and agricultural runoff. As a proactive effort, it is suggested that surveillance studies be used routinely in monitoring programs to identify and prevent potential problem contaminants from harming the marine environment.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Durch weitere experimentelle Untersuchungen wird festgestellt, dass das an destillierten Wassertropfen ermittelte Gefrierkernspektrum von speziellen Versuchsbedingungen unabhängig ist und auch für Wasserarten mit verschiedenen natürlichen oder künstlichen Verunreinigungen gilt. Es kann ausserdem in allen bisher im Laboratorium und in der Atmosphäre durchgeführten Untersuchungen über die Eiskeimbildung nachgewiesen werden. Dieser Befund stützt als notwendige Bedingung die Deutung des Gefrierkernspektrums durch Strukturänderungen des Wassers und besagt, dass im Laboratorium und in der Atmosphäre dieselben Gefrierkerne vorhanden sind und dass bei der atmosphärischen Eiskeimbildung auch nur die aus Untersuchungen im Laboratorium bekannten Besonderheiten des Gefrieveorgangs (im unterkühlten Wasser) vorliegen.
Summary Further experimental investigations demonstrate the «Gefrierkernspektrum», which was found for droplets from destilled water, to be independent from special experimental conditions and valid for sorts of water containing natural or artificial impurities, too. Furthermore it can be pointed out from all existing investigations on ice-nucleation, made in laboratory and in the atmosphere. This result supports, as a necessary condition, the interpretation of the «Gefrierkernspektrum» by means of changes in the structure of water itself and proves, that there are the same freezing nuclei both in the laboratory and the fre atmosphere and that ice-nucleation in the atmosphere holds but the same peculiarities of freezing (of supercooled water), known from laboratory work.
Field studies that investigate sediment transport between debris-flow-producing headwaters and rivers are uncommon, particularly in forested settings, where debris flows are infrequent and opportunities for collecting data are limited. This study quantifies the volume and composition of sediment deposited in the arterial channel network of a 14-km2 catchment (Washington Creek) that connects small, burned and debris-flow-producing headwaters (<1 km2) with the Ovens River in SE Australia. We construct a sediment budget by combining new data on deposition with a sediment delivery model for post-fire debris flows. Data on deposits were plotted alongside the slope–area curve to examine links between processes, catchment morphometry and geomorphic process domains. The results show that large deposits are concentrated in the proximity of three major channel junctions, which correspond to breaks in channel slope. Hyperconcentrated flows are more prominent towards the catchment outlet, where the slope–area curve indicates a transition from debris flow to fluvial domains. This shift corresponds to a change in efficiency of the flow, determined from the ratio of median grain size to channel slope. Our sediment budget suggests a total sediment efflux from Washington Creek catchment of 61 × 103 m3. There are similar contributions from hillslopes (43 ± 14 × 103 m3), first to third stream order channel (35 ± 12 × 103 m3) and the arterial fourth to fifth stream order channel (31 ± 17 × 103 m3) to the total volume of erosion. Deposition (39 ± 17 × 103 m3) within the arterial channel was higher than erosion (31 ± 17 × 103 m3), which means a net sediment gain of about 8 × 103 m3 in the arterial channel. The ratio of total deposition to total erosion was 0.44. For fines <63 μm, this ratio was much smaller (0.11), which means that fines are preferentially exported. This has important implications for suspended sediment and water quality in downstream rivers. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents results recently obtained for generating site-specific ground motions needed for design of critical facilities. The general approach followed in developing these ground motions using either deterministic or probabilistic criteria is specification of motions for rock outcrop or very firm soil conditions followed by adjustments for site-specific conditions. Central issues in this process include development of appropriate attenuation relations and their uncertainties, differences in expected motions between Western and Eastern North America, and incorporation of site-specific adjustments that maintain the same hazard level as the control motions, while incorporating uncertainties in local dynamic material properties. For tectonically active regions, such as the Western United States (WUS), sufficient strong motion data exist to constrain empirical attenuation relations for M up to about 7 and for distances greater than about 10–15 km. Motions for larger magnitudes and closer distances are largely driven by extrapolations of empirical relations and uncertainties need to be substantially increased for these cases.

For the Eastern United States (CEUS), due to the paucity of strong motion data for cratonic regions worldwide, estimation of strong ground motions for engineering design is based entirely on calibrated models. The models are usually calibrated and validated in the WUS where sufficient strong motion data are available and then recalibrated for applications to the CEUS. Recalibration generally entails revising parameters based on available CEUS ground motion data as well as indirect inferences through intensity observations. Known differences in model parameters such as crustal structure between WUS and CEUS are generally accommodated as well. These procedures are examined and discussed.  相似文献   

Optically pumped vapour magnetometers have an orientation dependency in measuring the scalar component of the ambient magnetic field which leads to challenges for integration with mobile platforms. Quantifying the three-dimensional attitude variations (yaw, pitch and roll) of an optically pumped vapour magnetometer, while in-flight and suspended underneath a rotary unmanned aerial vehicle, aids in the successful development of reliable, high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle magnetometry surveys. This study investigates the in-flight three-dimensional attitude characteristics of a GEM Systems Inc. GSMP-35U potassium vapour magnetometer suspended 3 m underneath a Dà-Jiāng Innovations S900 multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle. A series of unmanned aerial vehicle-borne attitude surveys quantified the three-dimensional attitude variations that a simulated magnetometer payload experienced while freely (or semi-rigidly) suspended underneath the unmanned aerial vehicle in fair weather. Analysis of the compiled yaw, pitch and roll data resulted in the design of a specialized semi-rigid magnetometer mount, implemented to limit magnetometer rotation about the yaw axis. A subsequent unmanned aerial vehicle-borne magnetic survey applying this specialized mount resulted in more than 99% of gathered GSMP-35U magnetic data being within industry standards. Overall, this study validates that maintaining magnetometer attitude variations within quantified limits (±5° yaw, ±10° pitch and roll) during flight can yield reliable, continuous and high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle-borne magnetic measurements.  相似文献   
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