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Clay minerals can hinder the transport of various contaminants in soil and aquifer, but how clay minerals affect the transport of nanoparticles in aquifers has not been investigated in depth. In this paper, the transport of surfactants dispersed multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in well-defined quartz sand and mixtures of quartz sand and clay minerals (kaolinite and montmorillonite) with varying ionic strengths was studied. Sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate (SDBS) and octyl-phenol-ethoxylate (TX100) MWCNT suspensions can migrate through quartz sand easily, but the presence of less than 2% w/w clay minerals in quartz sand can significantly hinder the transport of MWCNT suspensions, especially at high ion strength (0.6 mM CaCl2). The inhibition mechanism of clay minerals for surfactant-dispersed MWCNTs in porous media is the interception of MWCNTs. Kaolinite has stronger inhibition effect for MWCNTs transport than montmorillonite because more kaolinite can be retained in the quartz sand. Adsorption of surfactants by clay minerals does not affect the transport of MWCNTs significantly. This finding is important for the environmental assessment of MWCNT transport risks in soils and aquifers.  相似文献   

The water balance during a period of one year (15 October 1990–15 October 1991) was determined at an experimental site in the Areuse River delta (Switzerland). The groundwater recharge rates were found to be 36 and 33% of total precipitation according to evapotranspiration estimates based on the Primault (1962) and the Penman-Monteith methods, respectively. Variations in the water storage were obtained by weekly measurements with a neutron probe. Observed hydraulic gradients indicated a zero-flux plane between depths of 0.55 and 1.02 m that separated the infiltration zone from the zone of evapotranspiration in all seasons.  相似文献   
The so-called 10- phase of the MgO-SiO2-H2O (MSH) system wassynthesized with 100% yields from a 3: 4 MgO/SiO2 gel at fluidpressure of 50 kb and 500 C, but only during runs of up to1 h and with total H2O contents near 50 wt. % in the sealedcapsules. The water contents determined in the run productsindicate a chemical composition Mg3Si4O10(OH)20.65 H2O, whichis different from the composition reported by Bauer & Sclar(1981), which had 1 H2O molecule per talc formula. The 10-phase has a = 5.293(3) , b = 9.194(3) , c = 10.044(3) , ß=96.10(8)its calculated density is pcalc.= 2.672 g/cm3; the refractiveindices measured are nx = 1.554. and nx = 1.574. The compatibilityof mean refractive index, calculated density, and chemical compositionfalls within the category ‘excellent’ of Mandarino(1979). Runs of longer durations and with total H2O again near 50 wt.%, seeded with the less hydrous phase talc with the same Mg/Siratio, show that the 10- phase breaks down in the range 30–70kb, 200–700 C to form more talc. Thus it is not the stablehydrous high-pressure equivalent of talc as reported by Yamamoto& Akimoto (1977), but a metastable phase, which cannot playany role as a natural mineral of the mantle or of subductionzones. If the tie-line forsterite-H2O is stable in the MSH system,as it seems to be for the conditions of our experiments, mostof the hydrous, silica-poor, new high-pressure MSH phases maybe without significance for the Earth, except perhaps phaseA with as yet an ambiguous composition.  相似文献   
Three recurring regional patterns of extratropical baroclinic development associated with synoptic‐scale collapses of Northern Hemisphere available potential energy (APE) are identified using a 1979–95 time series derived from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis. A time series of the intraseasonal signal (from 1.6 to 180 days) of APE is used to discern an average cycle of approximately 3 days in the APE generation rate d A /d t (referred to as APE depletion rate if negative). An APE depletion event is defined as a fall and subsequent rise in the time series of d A /d t associated with this cycle. We define synoptic‐scale APE collapses as APE depletion events with maximum depletion rates (d A /d t min) and maximum APE falls (Δ A min) of less than −0.145× 106 J m−2 day−1 and −0.280×106 J m−2, respectively. All are cold season (15 October–15 April) events. APE collapses were classified based on the evolution of regional synoptic patterns during the 2 days centered at the time of d A /d t min . All are accompanied by deep tropospheric warming. The west Pacific warm surge (Type A) is driven by cyclogenesis over Japan and anticyclogenesis over the west‐central North Pacific. The Bering warm surge (Type B) is associated with an intense southerly flow across the Bering Strait brought on by cyclogenesis near the Kamchatka Peninsula and an intense anticyclone over Alaska. The Atlantic Canada warm surge (Type C) is characterized by an onshore flow of warm air ahead of a continental storm track over eastern North America.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have produced corundum-bearing residues through the evaporation of natural and synthetic hibonite samples. The sequence of major element losses as well as volatility related trace element fractionations in these residues are similar to those previously observed in residues from the evaporation of chondritic starting material, which suggests that the processes by which these fractionations occur may be largely independent of the starting material used. However, the mineralogy of the residues does depend on the composition of the starting material and, to some extent, on the conditions under which evaporation took place. Similarly, the degree of isotopic mass fractionation observed in the residues is composition-dependent. This observation means that it may be possible to use isotopic data for several elements to constrain the compositions of precursor materials of Ca-Al-rich inclusions, which have an evaporation origin. Although corundum-bearing inclusions are known, their origins are complex and variable, and the scarcity of such inclusions indicates that melting of hibonite, with or without concomitant evaporation, must have been a rare process in the solar nebula. By evaporating mixtures of synthetic oxides of the rare earth elements, we have reproduced the patterns of Group III inclusions and some of the characteristics of ultrarefractory patterns. However, the extreme conditions required to do so indicate that refractory inclusions with these patterns probably have a condensation rather than evaporation origin.  相似文献   
Distributed hydrological models are becoming increasingly complex with respect to spatial phenomena, and with the widespread availability of spatial data from GIS, this trend is likely to increase. In all such models the spatial arrangement of phenomena, such as soil properties and land-use categories is fundamental, and so the arrangement should have an influence on the model output. Testing for this influence we term spatial sensitivity analysis. Here, we report on the spatial sensitivity of two widely used models, AgNPS (agricultural non-point source pollution model) and ANSWERS (areal nonpoint source watershed environment response simulation). The input spatial data were subjected to spatially random mixing to varying degrees, such that the organized landscape became disorganized. The chemical discharge from AgNPS, and the sediment and water discharge from ANSWERS, are examined. In both cases most outputs exhibited little or no sensitivity to the spatial distribution of most input data. Only infiltration-related inputs produced large variations, but these changes were not in the sense that might have been predicted. Although the analytical methods used require further refinement, there must now be some doubt as to the validity of the models, and whether they repay their computational complexity. Furthermore, it is felt that spatial sensitivity analysis should become a fundamental part of the verification of all such models. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
During a search for unpolluted resources, new wells have been drilled to a deep confined aquifer in central Jutland. Since little is known about the extent and vulnerability of the deep reservoir, geophysical logging was used to supplement hydraulic well-testing. Gamma-ray, SP and resistivity logs were recorded in the boreholes. Gamma-logs were also recorded in two cased wells. Analysis of the logs, combined with information from samples, shows an unconfined aquifer of quartz and mica sand to a depth of about 55 m at Grindsted. Below this level there is a 40 m thick aquitard with an apparent southerly dip. The aquitard is composed of interbedded sand, silt and clay. The deep confined aquifer extends from 95 to 110 m below the surface at Grindsted. Both the aquitard and the deep aquifer are provisionally dated as Early/Middle Miocene. The electrical logs discriminate well between sand, silt and clay beds. If a suitable mud is used in the well it is possible to calculate the formation water resistivities in good agreement with water samples obtained after completion. From the resistivity logs formation factors were calculated in the range 3–5 using no-invasion departure curves. The high content of heavy mineralsin the Tertiary deposits makes it impossible to obtain precise lithological information from the gamma-ray log. On the other hand this log provides clear markers for identifying the hydrogeological units in the well-bores.  相似文献   
Marion Island in the South Indian Ocean has a maritime climate dominated by diurnal frost processes in the landscape. We test the hypothesis that synoptic time‐scale measurements are essential in understanding the drivers of diurnal frost processes. Preliminary results from automated microclimate measurements in a polar desert habitat show that diurnal soil surface temperatures on Marion Island are influenced by a complex interaction of radiation balance, air mass circulation, cloud cover and snow. The passage of synoptic scale weather systems influences soil thermal characteristics through changes in dominance of the radiation budget. Soil frost on Marion appears to be dependent on clear skies, while synoptic weather systems affect the duration and intensity of soil frost processes and non‐radiative heat fluxes. Air circulation patterns at Marion Island influence diurnal scale temperature fluctuations and its direct and indirect interactions with ecosystem processes. The data suggest that in a maritime sub‐Antarctic environment the climatic drivers of soil frost occur at a finertemporal resolution than for seasonal and permafrost environments and needs to be measured at a diurnal time‐scale to be meaningful.  相似文献   
The Hamburg atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) ECHAM‐4 is used to identify the main source regions of precipitation falling on Greenland and Antarctica. Both water isotopes H218O and HDO are explicitly built into the water cycle of the AGCM, and in addition the capability to trace water from different source regions was added to the model. Present and LGM climate simulations show that water from the most important source regions has an isotopic signature similar to the mean isotope values of the total precipitation amount. But water from other source regions (with very different isotopic signatures) contributes an additional, non‐negligible part of the total precipitation amount on both Greenland and Antarctica. Analyses of the temperature‐isotope‐relations for both polar regions reveal a solely bias of the glacial isotope signal on Greenland, which is caused by a strong change in the seasonal deposition of precipitation originating from nearby polar seas and the northern Atlantic. Although the performed simulations under LGM boundary conditions show a decrease of the δ 18O values in precipitation in agreement with ice core measurements, the AGCM fails to reproduce the observed simultaneous decrease of the deuterium excess signal.  相似文献   
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