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The purpose of this paper is to characterize the materials developed in the middle Tajo River valley, Central Spain. These sediments are loess, the characterization of which has not been reported in the international bibliography. The sediments are related to the next geological context and their characterization is indispensable to locate the said material in the adequate environment. A few different methods have been employed in this study, such as the pipette method (for determining the grain size) and separation of the light and heavy minerals of the sand fraction by using bromoform. The mineralogical composition was determined by XRD and textural study was accomplished by SEM/EDX. The loessic materials are silt-clay or sandy-silt that are quite unstable. The mineralogical composition shows quartz, feldspar, calcite and clay minerals. Some samples show gypsum; this mineral and calcite present dissolution and stability problems. The heavy minerals starting from the sand fraction are tourmaline, zircon, garnet, staurolite, sillimanite and biotite associations. The studies carried out with SEM show that the quartz grain surfaces present etch pits typical of the wind-blown origin.  相似文献   
A granite was drilled in the prevolcanic basement of Thera, an island of the Attico-Cycladic belt. It intruded the blueschist facies country rocks. K-Ar biotite ages and Ar-Ar plateau ages on two feldspars indicate rapid cooling, as all ages cluster around 9.5 Ma. Its occurrence indicates that the thermometamorphic evolution that characterizes the Attiko-Cycladic belt extends as far as Thera.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Insel Thera, im Attiko-Kykladishen Gürtel, ist ein Granitkörper in einer Tiefe von ca. 250 m durch eine Bohrung aufgedeckt. Dieser Granitkörper ist in metamorphen Gesteinen von Blauschiefer-Facies intrudiert. K-Ar-Biotit- und Ar-Ar-Feldspat-Altersbestimmungen streuen um 9.5 Ma. Diese Alter weisen auf rasche Abkühlung des Granitkörpers hin. Es zeigt sich somit, daß die thermometamorphe Entwicklung des Attiko-Kykladischen Gürtels bis zur Insel Thera reicht.

Résumé Un forage a été pratiqué dans un granite du socle pré-volcanique de l'île de Thera, qui appartient à la ceinture attico-cycladique. Ce granite a intrudé les roches encaissantes de facies schistes bleus. Les datations effectuées sur les biotites par la méthode K-Ar et les âges-plateau des feldspaths obtenus par la méthode Ar-Ar indiquent un refroidissement rapide, puisque tous les âges sont de l'ordre de 9,5 Ma. Ce granite montre que l'évolution thermométamorphique qui caractérise la ceinture Attico-Cycladique s'étend jusqu'à l'île de Thera.

Thera 250 . . / / 9,5 . , . .. , Thera.
22 hornblende K-Ar ages and 10 39Ar-40Ar spectra were obtained for hornblende garbenschists from the Western Tauern Window. The post-kinematic amphiboles were produced during the late Alpine prograde metamorphism (6–10 kb and 500–570° C). Two nearly potassiumfree cummingtonites rimming hornblende yield K-Ar ages of 120 Ma, while the 20 tschermakitic hornblendes scatter between 17 and 37 Ma. The reason for this scatter is excess Ar, possibly incorporated into amphiboles during healing of fractures, now traceable by trails of fluid inclusions. Excess Ar is semiquantitatively corrected for by combining cogenetic hornblende and cummingtonite with K-Ar isochrons. It can be quantified in 4 out of 10 hornblendes by 39Ar-40Ar stepwise heating experiments. Ages of 18–20 Ma result for corrected hornblendes. The retentivity of 40Ar, after correction for excess, shows no correlation with chemistry within the narrow compositional range observed; rather, it shows intriguing correlations with irregularities in Ca/K spectra, pointing to a microstructurally controlled mechanism for Ar loss. This observation leads to a critical evaluation of the closure temperature constant, which apparently depends on an incompletely known number of mineralogical and environmental parameters. In particular those 39Ar-40Ar release spectra which yield low temperature steps with younger ages than the plateaus are not interpretable in terms of a synchronous closure. This gives evidence that loss of radiogenic isotopes proceeds by a more complex mechanism than simple volume diffusion through isotropic media.  相似文献   
The COsmic Foreground Explorer (COFE) is a balloon-borne microwave polarimeter designed to measure the low-frequency and low-ℓ characteristics of dominant diffuse polarized foregrounds. Short duration balloon flights from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres will allow the telescope to cover up to 80% of the sky with an expected sensitivity per pixel better than 100 μK/deg2 from 10 GHz to 20 GHz. This is an important effort toward characterizing the polarized foregrounds for future CMB experiments, in particular the ones that aim to detect primordial gravity wave signatures in the CMB polarization angular power spectrum.  相似文献   
40Ar/39 Ar stepwise heating on one hydrothermal anhydrite and two partly hydrothermalized feldspars from a borehole in Vulcano volcano show that the initial trapped Ar does not have a constant isotopic composition. The constant 40Ar/36Ar ratio of the anhydrite, 306±3, is not a well-defined endmember for the two feldspars, which record a variety of fluid compositions. As the system is young (<100 ka), radiogenic Ar is much less than excess Ar.  相似文献   
During the deglaciation stages of the last glacial period a rock avalanche took place on the glacier that occupied the upper sector of the Cuerpo de Hombre Valley (Sierra de Béjar). The material displaced during the avalanche fell onto the ice, was transported by the glacier and later deposited as supraglacial ablation till. The cause of the avalanche was the decompression of the valley slopes after they were freed from the glacier ice (stress relaxation). Reconstruction of the ice masses has been carried out to quantify the stress relaxation that produced the collapse. The rock avalanche took place on a lithologically homogeneous slope with a dense fracture network. The avalanche left a 0.4 ha scar on the slope with a volume of displaced material of 623 ± 15 × 103 m3. The deposit is an accumulation of large, angular, heterometric boulders (1–100 m3 in volume) with a coarse pebble‐size matrix. The avalanche can be explained as a relaxation process. This implies rock decompression once the glacier retreat left the wall ice free (debuttressing). Calculations show that the avalanche took place where the decompression stresses were highest (130–170 kPa). In the Spanish Central System paleoglaciers the largest accumulation of morainic deposits occurred after the glacial maximum and the earliest stages of the ice retreat. The process described here is used as an example to formulate a hypothesis that the largest accumulations of tills were formed in relation to enhanced slope dynamics once some glacier retreat had occurred.  相似文献   
Many morphological elements in Cuba's landscape (e.g. marine terraces, tidal notches) demonstrate that coastal uplift has taken place, but the rate at which this occurs is not known. Carbonate phreatic overgrowths on speleothems have been found in a cave in Central North Cuba, ~1 km from the present coastline at 16 m asl. They form exceptional and unique mushroom‐shaped speleothems and balconies decorating the walls of the rooms. These phreatic overgrowths on speleothems (POS) formed at the oscillating air–water interface in sea‐level controlled anchialine lakes. U/Th dating of these overgrowths suggests ages that are compatible with the Marine Isotope Stage 5e (i.e. 130–115 ka). These POS have fixed this sea‐level highstand and demonstrate that this part of Cuba has been subjected to a much lower uplift rate than previously reported, that is, less than 0.1 mm/year since the last interglacial.  相似文献   
Zooplankton community analyses can reveal valuable information about the trophic status and secondary production in reservoirs. The zooplankton seasonal distribution and important physical and chemical parameters in Prado Reservoir (Tolima, Central Colombia) were studied in monthly surveys throughout a hydrological cycle (February 2000-January 2001) in order to establish seasonal patterns and the biotic and abiotic relationships for the reservoir. Surface zooplankton collections at 1 m depth were taken at six sampling stations with regard to reservoir morphometry, location of main tributaries and mixing areas of the incoming tributaries. Cladocerans numerically dominated (48.1%) the community throughout the study period followed by Copepoda (32.7%), Rotifera (19.1%), and Diptera larvae (0.01%). Among the cladocerans, there was a greater abundance of Bosmina longirostris (69.8%) than other crustaceans. Among the Rotifera, Brachionus falcatus was the most abundant with 23% and Keratella tropica was least abundant with 8%. The only cyclopoid species found was Thermocyclops decipiens. The phantom midge Chaoborus sp. was also part of the zooplankton community. Based on numbers, cladocerans represented a significant component of the zooplankton in both dry and rainy seasons. Four species (Brachionus spp., K. tropica, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina sp., and T. decipiens) had never previously been found in the reservoir, but were recorded for other standing Colombian water bodies. The replacement of B. longirostris instead of Daphnia sp. as dominant species was observed. The results of the comparison of the different studies confirmed that the trophic state of this artificial lake may be classified as eutrophic, and in general, physical, and chemical homogeneity were observed both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   
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