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This study diagnoses the climate sensitivity, radiative forcing and climate feedback estimates from eleven general circulation models participating in the Fifth Phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5), and analyzes inter-model differences. This is done by taking into account the fact that the climate response to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) is not necessarily only mediated by surface temperature changes, but can also result from fast land warming and tropospheric adjustments to the CO2 radiative forcing. By considering tropospheric adjustments to CO2 as part of the forcing rather than as feedbacks, and by using the radiative kernels approach, we decompose climate sensitivity estimates in terms of feedbacks and adjustments associated with water vapor, temperature lapse rate, surface albedo and clouds. Cloud adjustment to CO2 is, with one exception, generally positive, and is associated with a reduced strength of the cloud feedback; the multi-model mean cloud feedback is about 33 % weaker. Non-cloud adjustments associated with temperature, water vapor and albedo seem, however, to be better understood as responses to land surface warming. Separating out the tropospheric adjustments does not significantly affect the spread in climate sensitivity estimates, which primarily results from differing climate feedbacks. About 70 % of the spread stems from the cloud feedback, which remains the major source of inter-model spread in climate sensitivity, with a large contribution from the tropics. Differences in tropical cloud feedbacks between low-sensitivity and high-sensitivity models occur over a large range of dynamical regimes, but primarily arise from the regimes associated with a predominance of shallow cumulus and stratocumulus clouds. The combined water vapor plus lapse rate feedback also contributes to the spread of climate sensitivity estimates, with inter-model differences arising primarily from the relative humidity responses throughout the troposphere. Finally, this study points to a substantial role of nonlinearities in the calculation of adjustments and feedbacks for the interpretation of inter-model spread in climate sensitivity estimates. We show that in climate model simulations with large forcing (e.g., 4 × CO2), nonlinearities cannot be assumed minor nor neglected. Having said that, most results presented here are consistent with a number of previous feedback studies, despite the very different nature of the methodologies and all the uncertainties associated with them.  相似文献   
Blanco  S.  Bocchialini  K.  Costa  A.  Domenech  G.  Rovira  M.  Vial  J.-C. 《Solar physics》1999,186(1-2):281-290
We have studied through a multiresolution wavelet analysis the oscillations in a limb prominence. Intensity fluctuations in time and height corresponding to different lines of Siiv and Oiv observed with SUMER on board SOHO have been analyzed in the wavelet bands of J3= 1 min 36 s to 3 min 12 s and J4=3 min 12 s to 6 min 24 s. For all species, oscillations in the J4 band were dominant. We found relevant differences between the behavior of line D1 (1393.76 Å) corresponding to Siiv and the set D2 (1401.16 Å), D3 (1404.81 Å), D4 (1402.77 Å) corresponding to Oiv, Oiv and Siiv respectively. We also report the identification of a pulse in the intensity of the line D1 that appears in the range of 15–20 min. This disturbance seems to travel with a speed of about 170 km s–1.  相似文献   
Schmieder  B.  Heinzel  P.  Vial  J.C.  Rudawy  P. 《Solar physics》1999,189(1):109-127
A quiescent prominence was observed in June 1997 by instruments onboard the SOHO spacecraft: the Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation (SUMER), Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) and Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT), along with the coronagraph of the Wrocaw University Observatory at Bialków and the spectrograph of the Ondejov Observatory. We present prominence observations in higher lines of the hydrogen Lyman series (from L to L-9), together with some other UV lines obtained by SUMER. We extract the basic characteristics of the calibrated line profiles of these Lyman lines and compare them with the theoretical profiles computed from three kinds of NLTE models which also include prominence filamentation. Our principal result is that the current NLTE models are in principle capable of explaining the SUMER calibrated intensities in the observed Lyman lines. We also find that in order to fit all these lines, one has to consider a prominence-corona transition region (PCTR) with a temperature gradient. At low pressures, higher Lyman lines are still rather sensitive to the incident radiation which must be carefully taken into account in the modeling. From PCTR models, which also take into account the effect of ambipolar diffusion on the heating, we have derived the formation depths for the Lyman series lines. High Lyman lines seem to be formed just at the base of the PCTR.  相似文献   
The gold–tourmaline quartz–vein deposit of Passagem de Mariana, in the southeastern part of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, produced more than 60 tonne of gold, from the end of the 17th Century until 1954. The mine has not operated since 1985. Orebodies are veins composed of white quartz (> 60 vol.%), carbonate (ankerite), tourmaline, sericite and sulfides. Tourmaline (dravite), up to 10 vol.% of the vein, occurs as subhedral, coarse, commonly zoned crystals, and is concentrated along vein boundaries and on the edges of host rock inclusions in the veins. Tourmaline is present in all rock types in the mine, but the chemical composition of the host rocks determinates the intensity of tourmalinization, with the alteration being greater in sericitic phyllites, graphite–sericite phyllites, and calcareous rocks. The most abundant sulfide is arsenopyrite, which is normally associated with pyrite and pyrrhotite. Minor amounts of chalcopyrite, galena, löllingite, berthierite, and maldonite are present throughout the deposit. Sulfides are concentrated at veins boundary or are dispersed in the veins. Arsenopyrite is associated, most commonly, with calcareous rocks, and graphite–sericite phyllite. Pyrrhotite is usually found at the base of itabirites. Gold abundance is directly proportional to sulfide concentration. Hydrothermal alteration associated with the veins includes silicification, tourmalinization, and sulfidation. The mineralized zone is a shear zone associated with a bedding-parallel thrust fault that juxtaposes the itabirite (Lower Proterozoic Minas Supergroup) over other units. This shear zone/thrust fault extends for tens of km beyond the Passagem mine and hosts numerous gold deposits. The richest orebodies are along the itabirite footwall contact and within the graphite–sericite phyllite (Main orebody). Although many lithologic units were mineralized the graphite–sericite phyllite appears to have been most favorable for gold deposition.The area underwent three phases of deformation, D1, D2 and D3. Mineral assemblages indicate upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite conditions of regional metamorphism. Retrograde metamorphism, characterized by chloritization of biotite and chloritization and biotitization of garnet, developed locally. The gold-bearing veins crosscut the main foliation and lithologic contacts at low angle and occur within, or are in contact with, all lithotypes. Field and laboratory data indicate that gold mineralization at Passagem de Mariana is epigenetic. Gold deposition occurred after the peak of metamorphism, within the late- to post-D2 period of deformation, which is correlated with second set of structures of Trasamazonian age of Alkmim and Marshak [Alkmim, F.F., Marshak, S., 1998. Transamazonian Orogeny in the Southern São Francisco Craton Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil: evidence for Paleoproterozoic collision and collapse in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. Precambrian Research 90, 29-58.], indicating that the gold mineralization occurred between 2.124 and 2.04 Ga. We choose to regard Passagem de Marina as an orogenic gold deposit as defined by Groves et al. [Groves, D. I., Goldfarb, R.J., Gebre-Mariam, M., Hagemann, S.G., Robert, F., 1998. Orogenic gold deposits: A proposed classification in the context of their crustal distribution and relationship to other gold deposit types. Ore Geology Reviews 13, 7-27.], i.e., an epigenetic, structurally-hosted lode–gold vein system in a deformed metamorphic terrane.  相似文献   
The Quadrilátero Ferrífero is a classic gold province on a global scale, with hundreds of individual gold occurrences in the Archean greenstone belt comprising the Rio das Velhas Supergroup. There are numerous small gold deposits, including Faria, Esperança III, Bicalho, Bela Fama, Juca Vieira, Brumal, Boa Vista, Fernandes, Moita, Roça Grande, Bico de Pedra and Pari, as well as the world-class deposits of Morro Velho and Cuiabá. All these deposits, whether large or small, are structurally controlled and related to either shear zones or folds. Extensive down-plunge continuity is a consistent feature of the deposits. In the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, six main styles of gold mineralization are recognized. These are deposits hosted within: (1), Lapa seca (e.g., Morro Velho, Bicalho, Bela Fama), (2), Banded iron formations (e.g., Cuiabá, São Bento, Raposos, Faria, Brumal, Roça Grande), (3), Quartz veins (e.g., Juca Vieira, Fernandes), (4), Disseminated sulfides with quartz veinlets (e.g., Moita), (5), Amphibolites (e.g., Pari), and (6), Disseminated to massive base-metal sulfides (e.g., Bico de Pedra). The first four types of deposits are epigentic (orogenic) gold deposits, similar to those found in greenstone belts worldwide. The last two are unusual types of gold deposit, peculiar to the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. Bico de Pedra is a polymetallic Au–Ag–Zn–Pb–Cu deposit related to an aplite intrusion, whereas Pari is a stratiform Au-bearing-banded iron formation metamorphosed to epidote–amphibolite metamorphic facies.  相似文献   
We present observations of a UV event which occurred in a polar coronal hole. They were obtained by SUMER on SOHO in several chromospheric and transition region spectral lines. Its birth site was about 50 arc sec inside the limb and in a network lane showing a net outflow before its initiation. The event had an extension of about 5 arc sec along the slit, a duration of about 3 min and was characterized by a large increase of intensity together with a significant line broadening with, however, downflows of about 50 km s–1 being dominant. Proper motions with a velocity of about 10 km s–1 were also observed. The event appeared at middle transition (Ovi) temperatures and it simultaneously showed up in chromospheric (Oi, Ly ) and low transition region (Cii) temperatures. We discuss this event in view of different scenarios to account for it. Our event could be a part of the large family of quiet-Sun explosive events observed by Ryutova and Tarbell (2000) taking place in polar coronal holes that are triggered by magnetic reconnection in the low solar atmosphere.  相似文献   
This paper describes the influences on operational management of erosion at Inch beach, Co. Kerry on the south west coast of Ireland with specific reference to the CONSCIENCE Frame of Reference for erosion management and the key concepts defined under the EUROSION project. It provides an insight of the wave climate and quantifies contemporary erosion patterns through a combination of field analysis and modelling. An attempt is made to assess the response of the coastline to storms with varied return periods and to place current change in an historical context. The reasons for the lack of application of these key concepts are explored in combination with the applicability of the Frame of Reference to the management of Inch Strand. This paper describes the outcomes of attempting to apply this Frame of Reference at Inch Strand and the affect that national coastal policy, or lack thereof, has on the utilisation of internationally recognised erosion management concepts by local stakeholders with responsibility for eroding coastlines. The paper is of significance not only to an Irish audience, but also the wider international community who may face similar challenges in managing their coastal resources.  相似文献   
We study active region NOAA 8541, observed with instruments on board SOHO, as well as with TRACE. The data set mainly covers the transition region and the low corona. In selected loops studied with SUMER on SOHO, the VIII 770 Å line is systematically redshifted. In order to estimate the plasma velocity, we combine the Doppler shifts with proper motions (TRACE) along these loops. In the case of an ejection, apparently caused by the emergence of a parasitic polarity, proper motions and Doppler shifts give consistent results for the velocity. A cooler loop, observed in the same active region with CDS, shows a unidirectional motion reminiscent of a siphon flow. The derived electron temperature and density along a large steady loop confirm that it cannot be described by hydrostatic models.  相似文献   
New results concerning prominence observations and in particular the prominence–corona transition region (PCTR) are presented. In order to cover a temperature range from 2 × 104 to 7 × 105 K, several emission lines in many different ionization states were observed with SUMER and CDS on board SOHO. EM and DEM were measured through the whole PCTR. We compared the prominence DEM with the DEM from other solar structures (active region, coronal hole and the chromosphere–corona transition region (CCTR)). We notice a displacement of the prominence DEM minimum towards lower temperatures with respect to the minimum of the other structures. Electron density and pressure diagnostics have been made from the observed C III lines. Local electron density and pressure for T ∼ 7 × 104 K are respectively log N e = 9.30−0.34 +0.30 and 0.0405−0.014 +0.012. Extrapolations over the entire PCTR temperature range are in good agreement with previous SOHO results (Madjarska et al., 1999). We also provide values of electron density and pressure in two different regions of the prominence (center and edge). The Doppler velocity in the PCTR shows a trend to increase with temperature (at least up to 30 km s -1 at T ∼ 7 × 104 K), an indication of important mass flows. A simple morphological model is proposed from density and motion diagnostics. If the prominence is taken as a magnetic flux tube, one can derive an opening of the field lines with increasing temperature. If the prominence is represented as a collection of threads, their number increases with temperature from 20 to 800. Derived filling factors can reach values as low as 10−3 for a layer thickness of the order of 5000 km. The variation of non-thermal velocities is determined for the first time, in the temperature range from 2 × 104 to 7 × 105 K. The quite clear similarity with the CCTR non-thermal velocities would indicate that heating mechanisms in the PCTR could be the same as in the CCTR (wave propagation, turbulence MHD).  相似文献   
Since the Lyman-\(\alpha\) rocket observations of Gabriel (Solar Phys. 21, 392, 1971), it has been realized that the hydrogen (H) lines could be observed in the corona and that they offer an interesting diagnostic for the temperature, density, and radial velocity of the coronal plasma. Moreover, various space missions have been proposed to measure the coronal magnetic and velocity fields through polarimetry in H lines. A necessary condition for such measurements is to benefit from a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. The aim of this article is to evaluate the emission in three representative lines of H for three different coronal structures. The computations have been performed with a full non-local thermodynamic-equilibrium (non-LTE) code and its simplified version without radiative transfer. Since all collisional and radiative quantities (including incident ionizing and exciting radiation) are taken into account, the ionization is treated exactly. Profiles are presented at two heights (1.05 and 1.9 solar radii, from Sun center) in the corona, and the integrated intensities are computed at heights up to five solar radii. We compare our results with previous computations and observations (e.g. L\(\alpha\) from Ultraviolet Coronal Spectrometer) and find a rough (model-dependent) agreement. Since the H\(\alpha\) line is a possible candidate for ground-based polarimetry, we show that in order to detect its emission in various coronal structures, it is necessary to use a very narrow (less than 2 Å wide) bandpass filter.  相似文献   
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