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Blazars are the subclass of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) which includes the Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQ) and BL Lacertae (BL Lac) objects. Variability on the short- and long-time scale in all the wide energy ranges from radio up to gamma-ray emission is a special characteristic of blazars. Multi-wavelength studies of the flaring activity and variability of blazars can serve as a tool to probe the physical properties of the near the core regions and processes responsible for the observed features. 3C 454.3 is a bright FSRQ that is intensively studied through the wide range of electromagnetic spectrum. It has shown remarkably high activity since 2000. The long-term observations of 3C 454.3 at 800 GeV–100 TeV energies with the SHALON telescope were started in 1998 year. A number of activity periods were found. The most significant flaring state of 3C 454.3 at TeV energies was detected in the SHALON observational period of November–December 2010. This increase is correlated with the flares at a lower energy range in observations of Fermi-LAT. The direct association of the significant changes of gamma-ray flux with strong core radio flares are not clear but observed correlations and lags in multi-wavelength activity may point to the complexity of the emission processes in blazars connected with disturbance propagating in the jet.  相似文献   
The laser 40Ar/39Ar dating technique has been applied to five Luna 16 basalt fragments and one impact glass, and nine Luna 24 basalt fragments and one breccia. The textures of these basalts are fine-grained ophitic and coarse-grained basalts. The samples contain high levels of solar and lunar atmospheric argon acquired during their residence on the lunar surface. These trapped argon components are predominantly released at low temperature steps and can be distinguished from radiogenic and cosmogenic released at intermediate and high temperature steps. The apparent ages obtained for Luna 16 samples span a narrow range of 3.29 to 3.38 Ga. A young age of 0.988 Ga was obtained for a basaltic impact glass indicating the age of an impact event in the vicinity of Luna 16 landing site. The ages obtained for Luna 24 samples suggest the existence of at least three periods of volcanism occurring over a protracted interval of between 3.45 and 2.52 Ga. The long period of volcanism suggested for the Mare Crisium was likely due to a combination of geophysical and geochemical features in the surrounding and underlying areas of the Crisium Basin. Attempts at dating three Luna 20 samples were inconclusive due to their high trapped argon contents.  相似文献   
The Galicia Interior Basin (GIB; NW Iberian Peninsula) is located near a critical transition between the subtropical (temperate) and subpolar (cold) gyres of the North Atlantic. It therefore witnesses oceanographic changes driven by global climatic events. This study reports on the recent (latest Pleistocene) sedimentary, palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic history of the basin. We integrated analysis of deep‐sea sediment cores retrieved from an E–W transect across the GIB. The analysis indicated three types of sedimentary processes recording glacial (Marine Isotope Stage 2–4) and deglacial events: along‐slope bottom currents (forming contourite deposits), pelagic and hemipelagic sedimentation, and gravitational dislocation. Variation in depositional patterns and sedimentation rates indicate distinctive transport (along‐slope and down‐slope) and depositional processes. These in turn reflect climatic and oceanographic drivers. We interpret changes in sea level from core evidence showing changes in sediment supply. The cores exhibited conspicuous sedimentary evidence of Heinrich events (HEs). The stratigraphic intervals associated with HEs showed significant lateral variation. We suggest that the lateral variation may result from the development of an oceanographic boundary between surface water masses with different temperature and salinity parameters or changes in surface currents which may have introduced relatively warmer water into the GIB during the last glacial period.  相似文献   
Sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cretaceous in the Subbetic of the Alamedilla area (province of Granada) were studied. In this area, a significant amount of redeposited sediments within the Carretero Formation were recorded. Resedimented material is mainly composed of Jurassic oolitic limestones and volcanic rocks, as well as of Neocomian hemipelagic sedimentary rocks (marly limestones and marls). All these redeposited sediments corresponding to rock fall and debris flow originated as the result of significant slopes in a very sharp submarine topography. Volcanism and the resultant volcanic edifices created this sharp slopes making up in some cases guyots. The volcanism was mainly active in the Middle Jurassic, although it persisted locally until Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, and controlled the sedimentation in this area of the Subbetic basin during most of the Mesozoic. The proposed genetic model is in agreement with a base-of-slope apron model with two significant special features: (1) the provenance of the clasts mainly from Jurassic outcrops with oolites deposited in guyots and isolated marine platforms, and volcanic submarine rocks, and (2) the palaeobathymetry of the deposits, relatively shallow and sporadically affected by storm waves.  相似文献   
Recent studies have shown that global warming and associated sea-surface temperature (SST) changes may trigger an important rainfall increase in southeastern South America (SESA) during the austral summer (December–January–February, DJF). The goal of this paper is to provide some insight into processes which may link global and SESA changes. For this purpose, a “two-way nesting” system coupling interactively the regional and global versions of the LMDZ4 atmospheric model is used to study the response to prescribed SST changes. The regional model is a variable-grid version of the global model, with a zoom focused over South America. An ensemble of simulations forced by distinct patterns of DJF SST changes has been carried out using a decomposition of full SST changes into their longitudinal and latitudinal components. The full SST changes are based on projections for the end of the twenty-first century from a multi-model ensemble of WCRP/CMIP3. Results confirm the presence of a major rainfall dipole structure, characterized by an increase in SESA and a decrease in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone region. Rainfall changes found in the WCRP/CMIP3 models are largely explained as a response of this dipole structure to the zonally-asymmetric (or longitudinal) component of SST changes. The rainfall response to the zonal-mean (or latitudinal) SST changes (including the global warming signal itself) shows an opposite contribution. The processes explaining the role of zonally-asymmetric SST changes involve remote effects of SST warming over the equatorial Indian and Pacific oceans inducing an atmospheric wave-train extended across the South Pacific into South America.  相似文献   
A series of individual turbidites, correlated over distances >100 km, are present in the recent fill of the Agadir Basin, offshore northwest Africa. The aim here is to unravel multiple turbidite source areas and flow pathways, and show how turbidite provenance studies contribute to interpretation of flow processes. Agadir Basin turbidites are sourced from four main areas, with the majority originating from the siliciclastic Morocco Shelf; their sand-mud distribution is strongly controlled by flow sediment volume, with relatively low-volume flows dying out within the Agadir Basin and large-volume flows bypassing significant sediment volumes to basins further downslope. Two large-volume volcaniclastic turbidites are attributed to a Canary Islands landslide source, while several small mud-dominated turbidites are interpreted to be locally sourced from hemipelagic-draped seamounts (e.g. Turbidite AB10). Finally, Turbidite AB1 (∼1 ka) is only present in the western Agadir Basin, and is linked to recent “re-activation” of the Sahara Slide headwall. The muddy suspension clouds of three large-volume flows, all linked to large-scale landslides, have covered huge areas of seafloor and flowed along or even slightly upslope for long distances. It is proposed that northeastwards-flowing bottom currents have aided transport of these dilute flow fractions into and across the Agadir Basin.  相似文献   
The effect of hydro-meteorological forcings (tidal and wind-induced flows) on the transport of suspended particulate matter (SPM), on the formation of high-concentrated mud suspensions and on the occurrence of sand–mud suspensions has been studied using long-term multi-parametric observations. Data have been collected in a coastal turbidity maximum area (southern North Sea) where a mixture of sandy and muddy sediments prevails. Data have been classified according to variations in subtidal alongshore currents, with the direction of subtidal flow depending on wind direction. This influences the position of the turbidity maximum; as such also the origin of SPM. Winds blowing from the NE will increase SPM concentration, whilst SW winds will induce a decrease. The latter is related to advection of less turbid English Channel water, inducing a shift of the turbidity maximum towards the NE and the Westerschelde estuary. Under these conditions, marine mud will be imported and buffered in the estuary. Under persistent NE winds, high-concentrated mud suspensions are formed and remain present during several tidal cycles. Data show that SPM consists of a mixture of flocs and locally eroded sand grains during high currents. This has implications towards used instrumentation: SPM concentration estimates from optical backscatter sensors will only be reliable when SPM consists of cohesive sediments only; with mixtures of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments, a combination of both optical and acoustic sensors are needed to get an accurate estimate of the total SPM concentration.  相似文献   
We present the results of polarimetric and photometric observations of dynamically new comet C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) at phase angles from 6° to 26°. During the observations, the comet was at a distance of 2.7–1.3 AU from the Sun and 1.7–2.0 AU from the Earth. The aperture polarimetry was made with the 2.6-m Shain telescope and the 1.25-m AZT-11 telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and with the 0.7-m telescope of the Astronomical Institute of the Kharkiv National University during the period from November 21, 2003, to February 21, 2004. The wideband UBVRI and WRC (λ7228/1142 Å) filters and the narrowband GC (λ5260/56 Å) filter were used. The photometric observations of the comet were carried out on February 21, 2004, with narrowband filters isolated the BC (λ4845/65 Å) and RC (λ6840/90 Å) continuum and the C2 emission (λ5140/90 Å). The phase-angle dependence of linear polarization of the comet has been obtained, and its parameters, such as the minimal polarization P min = ?1.63%, the phase angle of the minimal polarization αmin = 10.6°, the inversion angle αinv = 22.7°, and the slope of the phase curve at the inversion angle h = 0.24% per degree, were found. From the photometric observations, the following quantities have been obtained: the column density of molecules C2 in the line of sight logN (C2) = ?9.15 mol/cm2 and their production rate log Q (C2) = 27.11 mol/s, the spectral gradient of reflectivity for the dust S′(BC, RC) ≈ 3%/1000 Å, and the dust production parameter Afρ equal to 371 and 273 cm for the blue and red continuum ranges, respectively. According to these results, the physical parameters of comet C/2002 T7 are close to the average characteristics of typical dusty comets.  相似文献   
The Barro Negro site (23°S lat., 65°37′W long.) in the Altiplano (Puna) of northwestern Argentina contains a well stratified sequence of remains of Hippidion, the American extinct horse, camelids, and archaeological materials, which is the focus of this study. In addition to establishing a reliable chronology, paleoenvironmental information was obtained based on analyses of pollen and stable isotopes (oxygen and carbon) from bone and marl. The data indicate that Hippidion was present at the site between 12,000 and 10,000 yr B. P., at a time when Altoandean grasslands had expanded to lower elevations. By 10,000 yr B.P., when modern semi-arid sub-puna scrub had replaced the Altoandean grasslands, only camelids (Lama or Vicugna) were present, simultaneous with the first evidence of local human occupation. This suggests that a climatic shift from cool and moist (winter rain regime) to warm and dry (summer rain regime) conditions took place simultaneously with the disappearance of the American horse and the appearance of camelids and man.  相似文献   
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