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Previous studies on waters of a streamlet in the Vosges Mountains (Eastern France) have shown that strontium and rare earth elements (REE) mainly originate from preferential dissolution of apatite during weathering. However, stream water REE patterns normalized to apatite are still depleted in the light REE (LREE, La-Sm) pointing to the presence of an additional LREE depleting process. Vegetation samples are strongly enriched in LREE compared to stream water and their Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are comparable with those of apatite and stream water. Thus, the preferential LREE uptake by vegetation might lead to an additional LREE depletion of surface runoff in the forested catchment. Mass balance calculations indicate, that the yearly LREE uptake by vegetation is comparable with the LREE export by the streamlet and, therefore, might be an important factor controlling LREE depletion in river water. This is underlined by the observation that rivers from arctic and boreal regions with sparse vegetation appear to be less depleted in LREE than rivers from tropical environments or boreal environments with a dense vegetation cover.  相似文献   
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This paper reports experimental data on columbite solubility in model water-saturated Li- and F-rich silicic melts with different contents of alumina and alkalis. It was found that the columbite solubility is strongly affected by melt composition and is maximal in peralkaline melt. The maximum contents of Ta and Nb in subaluminous and peraluminous melts at the contact with columbite are lower by at least an order of magnitude. The peralkaline melt is relatively enriched in Nb, and the peraluminous melt is enriched in Ta. The temperature dependence of solubility is positive but less pronounced than the effect of melt composition. It is most distinct in the subaluminous melts. The Nb/Ta ratio of melt usually decreases with decreasing temperature. The effect of pressure is relatively small. It was shown that columbite cannot crystallize on the liquidus of both peralkaline and peraluminous magmas. Perhaps, columbite crystallization from a melt is possible only at final near-solidus stages at the high degrees of crystallization of strongly evolved low-temperature melts.  相似文献   
角度域照明可以更加细致地对地下复杂地质体进行照明分析。提出了一种适用于起伏地表条件下的角度域照明分析方法,其主要过程是利用局部倾斜叠加技术分解波场,对起伏地表处采用加权函数判定局部时窗内的振幅包络位置,以区分其位于地表之上或之下;并引入相似系数函数计算反假频局部平面波场,根据局部斜率与平面波场入射角关系,得到局部角度域地震波场;根据帕斯瓦尔等式下的时间-角度域照明关系式,计算得出角度域照明强度。通过起伏地表高速侵入矿体模型试算,得到给定观测系统下角度域照明强度与地下分析点照明随炮点、波场入射角的变化关系。此方法可用于起伏地表条件的观测系统优化、叠前AVA分析等方面。  相似文献   
We review our recent results concerning the molecular gas content of young planetary nebulae NGC 2346, M 2–9, and NGC 6720 (the Ring Nebula in Lyra).Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
New measurements of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn at 3.1 and 8.6 mm wavelengths are given. The temperatures reported for the planets at 3.1 mm wavelength are higher than previous measurements in this wavelength range and change the interpretation of some planetary spectra. For Mercury, it is found that the mean brightness temperature is independent of wavelength and that a temperature dependent thermal conductivity is not required to match the observations. In the case of Mars, the spectrum is shown to rise in the millimeter region as simple models predict. For Jupiter, the need to recalculate the spectrum with recent models is demonstrated. The flux density scale proposed by Dent (1972) has been revised according to a more accurate determination of the millimeter brightness temperature of Jupiter.  相似文献   
Nonthermal radio emission has been observed from some of the most luminous hot star winds. It is understood to be synchrotron radiation of the relativistic electrons in the winds. To understand how the electrons are accelerated to such high energies and to correctly explain the observed radio flux and spectra require an exhaustive investigation of all the relevant physical processes involved and possibly point to a complex wind structure. In this paper we discuss the logical path toward a comprehensive model of the nonthermal radio emission from hot star winds. Based on the available observational data and fundamental theoretical considerations, we found that the only physically viable and self-consistent scenario is:the nonthermal radio emission is synchrotron radiation of relativistic electrons the electrons are accelerated by shocks via the first-order Fermi mechanism the acceleration has to be in situ in the radio emitting region the shocks formed at the base of the winds have to propagate to beyond the radio photosphere).  相似文献   
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