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The future development of new-type urbanization has drawn great attention from both the government and public alike. In this context, the present study had three related research aims. Firstly, it sought to predict the urbanization and population dynamics in China at both national and provincial levels for the period of 2015 to 2030. Secondly, on this basis, it sought to examine the spatial variation of urbanization given the predicted national urbanization rate of 70.12%. Thirdly, it sought to estimate and evaluate the national and provincial demands of investment in the development of new-type urbanization. The main conclusions from this study were as follows: (1) The population size and urbanization rate will reach 1.445 billion and 70.12%, respectively, from 2015 to 2030. (2) The demographic dividend will vanish when the population pressure reaches its maximum. During this period, there will be 70.16 million urban population born. The suburban population that becomes urbanized will be 316.7 million, and thus the net increase in urban population will reach 386 million. (3) Although the urbanization rate of every Chinese province will increase during 2015–2030, it will do so unequally, while differences in urbanization quality among provinces will also be substantial. In some provinces, moreover, the urbanization quality is not compatible with their eco-social development. (4) A total of 4,105,380 billion yuan is required to fund new-type urbanization and the investment demand for each province varies greatly; for example, Guangdong province requires the most funding, amounting to approximately 148 times that required by Tibet, the province in least need of funding. In the final part of this study, policy suggestions concerning the investment of the new-type urbanization are put forward and discussed.  相似文献   
Vicksburg loess is characterized by preferred orientation of constituent grains, which on the average dip 4° toward the west (N 80–85°W). This investigation was undertaken to study, quantitatively, the relationship between natural fabric anisotropies of Vicksburg loess and the orientation of applied stress distribution Results of the study indicate the fabric anisotropies in Vicksburg loess are reflected by definite variation in triaxial shear strength of dry and moist specimens.

In two series of triaxial tests, ultimate strength of the loess is maximum where σ1 is perpendicular to grain orientation, and it is reduced where the principal stresses are 45° to the fabric plane. In this respect, Vicksburg loess may serve as a structural model for granular earth materials in illustrating the influence of fabric on ultimate strength. Moreover, the Mohr-Coulomb fracture line consists of two line segments, with an increase in slope at higher confining pressure. This characteristic suggests that poorly-cemented sands, or sandstones, and silts, or siltstones, may undergo two failures: one at small strains where cement bonds are disrupted and the other at larger strains where internal shearing resistance of granular components is exceeded.  相似文献   

The structure of a stationary sunspot of circular shape is considered. Schluter-Temesvary theory, based on the similarity assumption is criticized. It is shown that this theory does not describe the observed inclination of magnetic field lines in a sunspot. A new assumption is proposed taking into account field lines which return to the photosphere. On the basis of this assumption, the main equation of the new theory is obtained and the results compare well with observations.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
We report the data on changes in snow cover characteristics obtained at meteorological stations Tulun and Bokhan and in their neighborhoods for the period 1961–1990. We examine the changes in snow cover, air temperature and soil temperature at depths of 20, 40 and 80 cm.  相似文献   
During the evolution of the neutron star its magnetic field first decays exponentially with the time and then may becomes quasi-stationary. The non-decaying magnetic field of the neutron star is generated by a degenerate electron gas which is in the Landau orbital ferromagnetism (LOFER) state. Possibly, due to the neutron star transition into the LOFER state, magnetic fields remained sufficiently strong in the case of such old magnetic neutron stars as powerful X-ray sources (e.g., Her X-1), millisecond pulsars and the binary pulsar PSR 0655+64.  相似文献   
To investigate the relation between observations of the 10.7 cm flux and the international sunspot number so that a physical unit may be ascribed to historical records, both polynomial and power law models are developed giving the radio flux as a function of sunspot number and vice versa. Bayesian data analysis is used to estimate the model parameters and to discriminate between the models. The effect on the parameter uncertainty and on the relative evidence of normalizing the measure of fit is investigated. The power law giving flux as a function of sunspot number is found to be the most plausible model and may be used to estimate the radio flux from historical sunspot observations.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of rainfall and the number of animals on changes in vegetation and on the output of milk and meat from the communal areas of Namaqualand. Previously published short- and long-term models link processes that range from the levels of tissue (in, for example, the mammary gland), to the milk yields of individual animals, to the growth and survival of their young and to long-term changes in plant species populations at the ecosystem level. These models have been used to study how different factors and management strategies affect livestock productivity and vegetation composition on a 20,000 ha rangeland in Namaqualand. First, the inter-relations between rainfall, stocking rate and productivity were studied using the short-term model. This model shows that in addition to total rainfall and stocking rate, the timing of rainfall within a year also influences doe live weight and survival to the end of the year. When the long-term model is run, using recorded rainfall, predictions of small stock numbers agree closely with livestock data recorded over the same 30-year period. One thousand replicates of 100-year runs of the long-term model were then used to study the probable impact of different upper limits to stock numbers on animal performance. Off take (sales and slaughterings) are maximal when stock numbers are limited to 2000 adults. Animal numbers increase marginally as the limit is increased above this level, but the variability between years in numbers increases. Secondly, the long-term model was used to study the long-term effects of the stocking rate strategies on rangeland condition. The model predicts that although these effects are variable, when moderately degraded range is stocked with an upper limit at the recommended level it is unable to recover to less degraded states over 100 years. Thirdly, the model was used to examine the effects of reduction in stock numbers and slaughtering of kids in a drought year on goat numbers during the subsequent 5 years. Finally, the model predicts that a 10% reduction in mean annual rainfall will lead to a 35% reduction in animal numbers over 200 years.  相似文献   
The application of the Sm-Nd isotope system of scheelite to dating of low-sulfide, quartz-vein hosted Au mineralization is still under discussion. In the present work, new Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr data for scheelite from the giant Muruntau/Myutenbai Au deposit (Kyzylkum, Western Uzbekistan) are discussed. Based on the geological relationship, mineralogical properties, and trace element characteristics, two types of scheelite can be distinguished within the deposit. The first one is represented by early bluish luminescent and weakly coloured scheelite (generation 1) found within strongly deformed flat quartz veins. The apparent isochron defined by this scheelite (351ᆪ Ma) is interpreted as a mixing line. Typically brownish to orange and yellowish luminescent scheelite from steeply dipping veins (generation 2) defines a Sm-Nd isochron age of 279ᆦ Ma ()Nd=-9.5ǂ.3; MSWD: 1.5). No evidence for mixing or disturbance by late alteration were found for these scheelites. This Sm-Nd isochron age agrees with the Rb-Sr and K-Ar age range for wall rock alteration in this deposit reported previously. The age of 280 Ma is interpreted to date the high-grade ore formation in the Muruntau deposit. There are currently no reliable age data available on the magmatic events in the Muruntau region. Probably, there is some overlap in time of the Hercynian gold deposition with the intrusion of lamprophyric dykes. The Nd and Sr isotopic signatures of scheelite define the wall rocks (mainly metasiltstones and metasandstones) as the most probable sources for these elements in scheelite.  相似文献   
In the southwest of China, one of the greatest threats to local ecosystem is the area expansion of an invasive species, i.e., Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng (EAS). In this study, the remote-sensing technology was used to detect and map the spatial distribution of EAS in Guizhou Province, China. A series of vegetation indices, including normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), simple ratio index (SRI) and atmospherically resistant vegetation index (ARVI), were used to identify EAS from HJ-A Chninese satellite data. According to the analysis results of fieldworks from March 21 to 22, 2009, it was found that the vegetation index of {1.9589 ≤ SRI ≤ 4.1095}∩{0.2359 ≤ ARVI ≤ 0.5193} was the optimal remote-sensing parameter for identifying EAS from HJ-A data. According to the spatial distribution of EAS estimated from HJ-A data, it was found that EAS was rather more in southwest of Guizhou Province than in northeast. EAS became sparse from southwest to northeast gradually, and the central Guizhou Province was the ecological corridor linking EAS in southwest to that in northeast. By comparison with validated data collected by the government of Guizhou Province, it was found that the uncertainty of remote-sensing method was 18.52%, 29.31%, 8.77% and 9.46% in grassland, forest, farmland and others respectively, and the mean uncertainty was 13.29%. Owing to the lower height of EAS than many plants in forest, the uncertainty of EAS was the greatest in forest than that in grassland, farmland and so on.  相似文献   
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