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The relationship between the RMS amplitudes of the wind wave spectral components and the wind speed has been studied at ten frequencies in the band of 0.65–23 Hz. To measure the parameters of the high-frequenci waves, a resistance elevation wave gauge was operated, which was deployed in the Black See on an oceanographic platform near Katsively. The correlation between the wave amplitudes and the wind velocity at high frequencies of 5–23 Hz, corresponding to gravitation-capillary ripples, was found to reach a value of 0.8. At lower frequencies of 0.65–4.3 Hz, corresponding to short gravity waves, it dropped to 0.5–0.7. The response of spectral components to the wind speed variations in the gravity-capillary range is higher than in the range of short gravity waves. The results obtained differ from Phillips' idea about a saturated range for the frequency form of the spectrum of high-frequency gravity waves, since a linear dependence of the spectral amplitudes on the wind speed is established at a wind of force 1–8.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   
G.V. Tahchiev  J. Zhang   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(10):995-1005
Severe hurricanes, such as Katrina, broke the mooring lines of a number of mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) deployed in the Gulf of Mexico and some of those MODUs went adrift. A drifting MODU may damage other critical elements of the offshore oil and gas infrastructure by colliding with floating or fixed production systems and transportation hubs, or by rupturing pipelines owing to their dragging anchors over the seabed. To avoid or mitigate the damage caused by a drifting MODU, it is desirable to understand the mechanics of the drift of a MODU under the impact of severe wind, wave and current and have the capability of predicting the trajectory of the drift. To explore the feasibility and accuracy of predicting the trajectory of a drifting MODU based on hindcast met-ocean conditions and limited knowledge of the condition of the drifting MODU, this study employed a simplified equation describing only the horizontal (surge, sway and yaw) motions of a MODU under the impact of steady wind, current and wave forces. The simplified hydrodynamic model neglects the first- and second-order oscillatory wave forces, unsteady wind forces (owing to wind gustiness), wave drift damping, and the effects of the body oscillation on the steady wind and current forces. It was assumed that the net effects of the oscillatory forces on the steady motion are insignificant. To verify the accuracy and feasibility of our simplified approach, the predicted drifting trajectories of two MODUs were compared with the corresponding measurements recorded by the global positioning system (GPS).  相似文献   
The influence of air invasions from the upper troposphere on the CO total column amount is studied on the basis of spectroscopic measurements of the CO total column amount, backward trajectories of air-mass motions (the HYSPLIT model), and meteorological data. It is shown that the observed invasions of substratospheric and upper-troposphere air masses determine the minimum CO total column amount in late January-late March. The invasion of air masses from the upper troposphere can result in a decrease in the CO total column amount to 30% (of its mean values). Using January 31, 2000, as an example, we show the influence of the invasion of Arctic air masses from the upper troposphere on the CO total column amount in the St. Petersburg region: the results of measurements of the CO total column amount in the St. Petersburg region and at the Kiruna polar station (NDACC) are in agreement to within 1% if the vertical transport of air masses is taken into account. Thus, for a correct combined analysis of measurement data on the CO total column amount for different observation stations, it is necessary to use data on air-mass trajectories.  相似文献   
Using a combined model that couples a three-dimensional ocean circulation model, a model for tidal currents, and a model for particle transport, the structure of the velocity field of the tidal current and the transport of particles migrating over the vertical were studied in the zone of the influence of the riverine runoff in the eastern part of the English Channel. It was found that the interaction between the tidal current and the baroclinic flow formed by the riverine runoff off the northeastern coast of France generates a steady-state intensive (~0.3 m/s) residual current in the zone of the effect of the riverine runoff. In order to assess the influence of different types of particle migration (which simulate ichthyoplankton) on the processes of their transport in the region under consideration, we performed numerical experiments with particle clusters, for which parameterization of their migration was implemented on the basis of the field observations over the proper vertical movements of different types of ichthyoplankton. The experiments showed that the distribution of the fields of the particle concentrations and the velocities of their movements depend not only on the background hydrophysical conditions but also on the character of the vertical migration of the particles. In this paper, a comparison between the results of the modeling and those of the field observations in the region under consideration are presented.  相似文献   
An experiment on the correction of underwater images distorted by waves at the air-water interface was conducted using a laboratory modeling installation intended for experimental examination of light and image transfer across a water surface covered with waves. A digital color camera was used for the simultaneous formation of the image of the underwater test object through the disturbed surface and of the superimposed glitter pattern. Both images are spectrally separated. Processing the glitter pattern makes it possible to obtain the values of the surface slopes at a limited number of points and to use these slopes for retrieval of image fragments. The total corrected image is formed by integration of about 300 partially corrected fragments. This image is close to that obtained through a wave-free water surface.  相似文献   
The seasonal variability of surface chlorophyll in the northern Humboldt Current System is studied using satellite data, in situ observations and model simulations. The data show that surface chlorophyll concentration is highest in austral summer and decreases during austral winter, in phase opposition with coastal upwelling intensity. A regional model coupling ocean dynamics and biogeochemical cycles is used to investigate the processes which control this apparently paradoxical seasonal cycle. Model results suggest that the seasonal variability of the mixed layer depth is the main controlling factor of the seasonality. In winter, the mixed layer deepening reduces the surface chlorophyll accumulation because of a dilution effect and light limitation. In summer, biomass concentrates near the surface in the shallow mixed layer and nitrate limitation occurs, resulting in a biomass decrease in the middle of summer. Intense blooms occur during the spring restratification period, when winter light limitation relaxes, and during the fall destratification period, when the surface layer is supplied with new nutrients. Model sensitivity experiments show that the seasonal variations in insolation and surface temperature have little impact on the surface chlorophyll variability.  相似文献   
Collection of marine invertebrates for use as fishing bait is a substantial activity in many parts of the world, often with unknown ecological consequences. As new fisheries develop, it is critical for environmental managers to have high quality ecological information regarding the potential impacts, in order to develop sound management strategies. Crab-tiling is a largely unregulated and un-researched fishery, which operates commercially in the south-west UK. The target species is the green crab Carcinus maenas. Those crabs which are pre-ecdysis and have a carapace width greater than 40 mm are collected to be sold to recreational anglers as bait. Collection involves laying artificial structures on intertidal sandflats and mudflats in estuaries. Crabs use these structures as refugia and are collected during low tide. However, the effect that this fishery has on populations of C. maenas is not known. The impact of crab-tiling on C. maenas population structure was determined by sampling crabs from tiled estuaries and non-tiled estuaries using baited drop-nets. A spatially and temporarily replicated, balanced design was used to compare crab abundance, sizes and sex ratios between estuaries. Typically, fisheries are associated with a reduction in the abundance of the target species. Crab-tiling, however, significantly increased C. maenas abundance. This was thought to be a result of the extra habitat in tiled estuaries, which probably provides protection from natural predators, such as birds and fish. Although crabs were more abundant in tiled estuaries than non-tiled estuaries, the overall percentage of reproductively active crabs in non-tiled estuaries was greater than in tiled estuaries. As with most exploited fisheries stocks, crabs in exploited (tiled) estuaries tended to be smaller, with a modal carapace width of 20–29 mm rather than 30–39 mm in non-tiled estuaries. The sex ratio of crabs however; was not significantly different between tiled and non-tiled estuaries. These results illustrate the potential to manage fished populations using habitat provision to mitigate the effects of fishing pressure.  相似文献   
Pteropods in Southern Ocean ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To date, little research has been carried out on pelagic gastropod molluscs (pteropods) in Southern Ocean ecosystems. However, recent predictions are that, due to acidification resulting from a business as usual approach to CO2 emissions (IS92a), Southern Ocean surface waters may begin to become uninhabitable for aragonite shelled thecosome pteropods by 2050. To gain insight into the potential impact that this would have on Southern Ocean ecosystems, we have here synthesized available data on pteropod distributions and densities, assessed current knowledge of pteropod ecology, and highlighted knowledge gaps and directions for future research on this zooplankton group.Six species of pteropod are typical of the Southern Ocean south of the Sub-Tropical Convergence, including the four Thecosomes Limacina helicina antarctica, Limacina retroversa australis, Clio pyramidata, and Clio piatkowskii, and two Gymnosomes Clione limacina antarctica and Spongiobranchaea australis. Limacina retroversa australis dominated pteropod densities north of the Polar Front (PF), averaging 60 ind m−3 (max = 800 ind m−3) and 11% of total zooplankton at the Prince Edward Islands. South of the PF L. helicina antarctica predominated, averaging 165 ind m−3 (max = 2681 ind m−3) and up to >35% of total zooplankton at South Georgia, and up to 1397 ind m−3 and 63% of total zooplankton in the Ross Sea. Combined pteropods contributed <5% to total zooplankton in the Lazarev Sea, but 15% (max = 93%) to macrozooplankton in the East Antarctic. In addition to regional density distributions we have synthesized data on vertical distributions, seasonal cycles, and inter-annual density variation.Trophically, gymnosome are specialist predators on thecosomes, while thecosomes are considered predominantly herbivorous, capturing food with a mucous web. The ingestion rates of L. retroversa australis are in the upper range for sub-Antarctic mesozooplankton (31.2-4196.9 ng pig ind−1 d−1), while those of L. helicina antarctica and C. pyramidata are in the upper range for all Southern Ocean zooplankton, in the latter species reaching 27,757 ng pig ind−1 d−1 and >40% of community grazing impact. Further research is required to quantify diet selectivity, the effect of phytoplankton composition on growth and reproductive success, and the role of carnivory in thecosomes.Life histories are a significant knowledge gap for Southern Ocean pteropods, a single study having been completed for L. retroversa australis, making population studies a priority for this group. Pteropods appear to be important in biogeochemical cycling, thecosome shells contributing >50% to carbonate flux in the deep ocean south of the PF. Pteropods may also contribute significantly to organic carbon flux through the production of fast sinking faecal pellets and mucous flocs, and rapid sinking of dead animals ballasted by their aragonite shells. Quantification of these contributions requires data on mucous web production rates, egestion rates, assimilation efficiencies, metabolic rates, and faecal pellet morphology for application to sediment trap studies.Based on the available data, pteropods are regionally significant components of the Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem. However, there is an urgent need for focused research on this group in order to quantify how a decline in pteropod densities may impact on Southern Ocean ecosystems.  相似文献   
It is usually assumed that the ions of cosmic rays contribute nothing to the observable electromagnetic radiation. However, this is true only when these ions are moving in a vacuum or a quiet (nonturbulent) plasma. In the case of fast ions in a turbulent plasma, there is an effective nonlinear mechanism of radiation which is discussed in this paper. The fast ion (relativistic or nonrelativistic) moving in the plasma creates a polarization cloud around itself which also moves with the particles. The turbulent plasma waves may scatter on the moving electric field of this polarization cloud. In the process of this scattering an electromagnetic wave with frequency (2.7) is generated. Let 1 and k1 be the frequency and wave vector of turbulent plasma waves,V is the velocity of the ion, and is the angle between the wave vector of electromagnetic radiation and the direction of the ion velocity. The method of calculating the probability of the conversion of plasma waves (k1) into electromagnetic waves (k) by scattering on an ion with velocityV is described in detal in Section 2 (Equation (2.14)).The spectral coefficients of spontaneous radiation in the case of scattering of plasma waves on polarization clouds created by fast nonrelativistic ions are given in (3.6) for an ion energy distribution function (3.4) and in (3.8) for more general evaluations. The Equations (3.9)–(3.13) describe the spectral coefficients of spontaneous emission for different modes of plasma turbulence (Langmuir (3.9), electron cyclotron in a weak (3.10) or strong (3.11) magnetic field and ion acoustic (3.12)–(3.13) waves). The coefficients of reabsorption or induced emission are given by Equations (3.14) and (3.16)–(3.19). There is a maser effect in the case of scattering of plasma waves on a stream of ions. The effective temperature of the spontaneous emission is given by Equation (3.15). The spectral coefficients of radiation due to scattering of plasma waves on relativistic ions are calculated in the same manner (Equations (4.14)–(4.15)). The total energy loss due to this radiation is given in Equations (4.23)–(4.25). The coefficients of induced emission are given in (4.26)–(4.28).The results are discussed in Section 5. It is shown that the loss of energy by nonlinear plasma radiation is much smaller than the ionization loss. However, the coefficients of synchrotron radiation of electrons and nonlinear radiation of ions under cosmic conditions may be comparable in the case of a weak magnetic field and fairly low frequencies (5.5)–(5.6). Usually the spectrum of nonlinear plasma radiation is steeper than in the case of synchroton radiation. Equation (5.10) gives the condition for nonlinear radiation to prevail over thermal radiation.Translated by D. F. Smith.  相似文献   
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