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A set of radiocarbon dates on woolly mammoth were obtained from several regions of Arctic Siberia: the New Siberian Islands (n = 68), north of the Yana-Indigirka Lowland (n = 43), and the Taimyr Peninsula (n = 18). Based on these and earlier published dates (n = 201) from the East Arctic, a comparative analysis of the time-related density distribution of 14C dates was conducted. It was shown that the frequencies of 14C dates under certain conditions reflect temporal fluctuations in mammoth numbers. At the end of the Pleistocene the number of mammoths in the East Arctic changed in a cyclic manner in keeping with a general “Milankovitch-like” trend. The fluctuations in numbers at the end of the Pleistocene occurred synchronously with paleoenvironmental changes controlled by global climatic change. There were three minima of relative mammoth numbers during the last 50 000 years: 22 000, 14 500–19 000, and 9500 radiocarbon years ago, or around 26 000, 16–20 000, and 10 500 calendar years respectively. The last mammoths lived on the New Siberian Islands, which were connected to the continent at that time, 9470 ± 40 radiocarbon years ago (10 700 ± 70 calendar years BP). This new youngest date approximates the extinction time of mammoths in the last continental refugium of the Holarctic. The adverse combination of environmental parameters was apparently a major factor in the critical reduction in mammoth numbers. The dispersal of humans into the Arctic areas of Siberia no later than 28 000 radiocarbon years ago did not overtly influence animal numbers. Humans were not responsible for the destruction of a sustainable mammoth population. The expanding human population could have become fatal to mammoths during strong the minima of their numbers, one of which occurred at the very beginning of the Holocene.  相似文献   
Emplacement of the Mooselookmeguntic pluton, located in the western Maine region of the northern Appalachians, was thought to have occurred towards the end of the Acadian deformation at around 370 Ma. Crystallization ages from different parts of the pluton suggest a more sequential emplacement history over a period of c. 20 Myr. Foliation inflection/intersection axes (FIAs) within porphyroblasts from its aureole reveal at least five periods of garnet and staurolite growth. The orientation of FIAs in both garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts trend successively from ESE–WNW, NNW–SSE, E–W, ENE–WSW to NE–SW. Electron probe microanalysis dating of monazite grains included in staurolite porphyroblasts containing one of these five periods of FIA development reveals a succession of apparent ages from 410 Ma to 345 Ma. A similar spread of crystallization ages can be observed for plutons from Maine and adjacent regions. This succession indicates that deformation and metamorphism began well before and continued long after what is classically regarded as the Acadian orogeny. The thermal structure of the orogen progressively evolved to enable pluton emplacement, and it continued to develop afterwards with magmatic fluids still forming at depth.  相似文献   
In East Africa, the feedback between tectonic uplift, erosional denudation and associated possible climate changes is being studied by a multidisciplinary research group, ‘Riftlink’. The group's focus is the Albertine Rift, the northern part of the western branch of the East African Rift System, and in particular the rising Rwenzori Mountains that stretch along the border of the D.R. Congo and Uganda. Major questions relate to the timing of the formation of the Rwenzori Mountains, and whether the height of these mountains (> 5000 m) relates to rift movements in Neogene times, or represents an old basement block that formed a topographic high long before. Though, at first, research concentrated on the eastern (Ugandan) part of the Albertine Rift and Rwenzori Mountains, it has now moved further to the west to the D.R. Congo. A first field‐campaign, covering the area from northern Lake Edward along the rift shoulder up to the Blue Mountains at Lake Albert, was conducted in summer 2009, in cooperation with the Ruwenzori State University of Butembo. Here, we present a brief overview of the field‐campaign, with impressions gathered on the morphology and geology of the study area.  相似文献   
The effect of the atmosphere on the propagation of single successive pulses of the ultrabroadband microwave emission has been calculated in detail. It has been indicated that nonlinear effects mainly influence the propagation of the LF pulse part in the absence of divergence, which substantially affects the propagation of the following pulses.  相似文献   
An ophiolitic association consisting of serpentinized ultramafic rocks and serpentinite, layered mafic–ultramafic complex, gabbro and gabbrodolerite, fragments of parallel dike complex, pillow lava, black bedded chert, and jasper has been identified for the first time by authors in the Cape Fiolent area. The chemistry of pillow lavas and dolerites, including REE patterns and a wide set of other microelements, indicates suprasubduction nature of the ophiolites and their belonging to a backarc basin that has reached the stage of spreading in its evolution.  相似文献   
The mixing of gas and aqueous fluid in hydrothermal ore-forming processes is discussed with reference to gold deposits to demonstrate that this phenomenon may affect ore deposition. Data on fluid inclusions in samples from the Sukhoi Log and Olimpiadinskoe deposits in Russia are utilized to demonstrate possible implications of gas mixing with hydrothermal solution when gold ores are formed. A simplified thermodynamic model is suggested to show how interaction between aqueous saline solutions with pure carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide—methane mixture may affect gold solubility. Further studying such processes may provide interesting information for understanding the genesis of ore mineralization.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to compare discrimination diagrams of the first (mid-1980s) and second (early 2010s) generations compiled using data for sedimentary successions of different ages. Our results suggest that the diagrams of different generations allow more or less correct discrimination only between the platform, rift, passive margin, and island arc settings. The data for collision sediments do not form separate fields in these diagrams.  相似文献   
The origin of diamonds in the lava and ash of the recent Tolbachik eruption of 2012–2013 (Kamchatka) is enigmatic. The mineralogy of the host rocks provides no evidence for the existence of the high pressure that is necessary for diamond formation. The analysis of carbon isotope systematics showed a similarity between the diamonds and dispersed carbon from the Tolbachik lava, which could serve as a primary material for diamond synthesis. There are grounds to believe that the formation of Tolbachik diamonds was related to fluid dynamics. Based on the obtained results, it was suggested that Tolbachik microdiamonds were formed as a result of cavitation during the rapid movement of volcanic fluid. The possibility of cavitation-induced diamond formation was previously theoretically substantiated by us and confirmed experimentally. During cavitation, ultrahigh pressure is generated locally (in collapsing bubbles), while the external pressure is not critical for diamond synthesis. The conditions of the occurrence of cavitation are rather common in geologic processes. Therefore, microdiamonds of such an origin may be much more abundant in nature than was supposed previously.  相似文献   
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