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Measurements of electron density, plasma potential, and mean ion mass from the Explorer 31 satellite and measurements of ion current, plasma potential, and ion composition from the Atmosphere Explorer C (AE-C) satellite were used in a comparative study with theory regarding the charged particle distribution in the near wake of an ionospheric satellite. The theoretical wake model of Parker (1976) has been used in the study. It is shown that theory and experiment agree fairly well in the angle-of-attack range between 90 and 135°. In that angular range even the neutral approximation (which treats ions as if they were neutral particles thus ignoring the influence of the electric field) gives fair agreement with the measurements. In the maximum rarefaction zone (145 < θ < 180°), however, the theoretical model overestimates the measured ion depletion (AE-C measurements) by several orders of magnitude. A similar conclusion is drawn from the comparison between theory and the Explorer 31 electron measurements where the theory also significantly overestimates the electron depletion. The study indicates that the discrepancies are mainly due to the use of a steady-state theory and of a single ion equation (using a mean ion mass). It is recommended that improved agreement between theory and experiment be obtained by the use of the timedependent Vlasov-Poisson equations with separate equations for the various ion species.  相似文献   
Conservation tillage and input use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 There continues to be a question as to the overall effectiveness of conservation tillage practices in reducing the impact of agricultural production on the environment. While it is generally recognized that water runoff and soil erosion will decline further, as tillage and mulch tillage systems are not used more extensively on cropland, what will happen to pesticide and fertilizer use remains uncertain. To gain some insight into this, the conservation tillage adoption decision is modelled. On the assumption that the decision to adopt conservation tillage is a two-step procedure, the first decision is whether or not to adopt a conservation tillage production system and the second concerns the extent to which conservation tillage should be used – appropriate models of the Cragg and Heckman (dominance) type are estimated. Based on farm-level data on corn production in the United States for 1987, the profile of a farm on which conservation tillage was adopted is that the cropland had above-average slope and experienced above-average rainfall, the farm was a cash grain enterprise, and it had an above-average expenditure on pesticides and a below-average expenditure on fuel and custom pesticide applications. Additionally, for a farm adopting a no-tillage production practice, an above-average expenditure was made on fertilizer. Received: 18 September 1995 · Accepted: 6 December 1995  相似文献   
Given the present commitment of the developed countries according to the Kyoto Protocol, most published scenarios demonstrate that global greenhouse gases concentrations would not be stabilized at any level. In order to stabilize these concentrations, a deeper global involvement is needed. Taking Israel as an example of a `recently-developed' country, we assess the role that such countries could play by assuming voluntary commitments in strengthening global involvement. This case as a model may encourage a global scheme for curbing carbon emissions, in which the more developed countries assume a stronger role and the less developed countries participate according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibility. The scheme builds on the inverse relation that exists between the per capita gross domestic product and the rate of increase of emissions due to economic growth. According to this theoretical scheme, the voluntary commitments assumed by the `recently-developed' countries encourage the more developed countries to deepen their involvement by assuming more stringent reductions of emissions at home and transferring technological and financial means to the less developed countries. The proposed scheme would enable non-Annex I countries, both `recently-developed' countries and less developed countries, to participate much earlier in the net mitigation of greenhouse gases.  相似文献   
The chemical and isotopic (87Sr/86Sr, δ11B, δ34Ssulfate, δ18Owater, δ15Nnitrate) compositions of water from the Lower Jordan River and its major tributaries between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea were determined in order to reveal the origin of the salinity of the Jordan River. We identified three separate hydrological zones along the flow of the river:
A northern section (20 km downstream of its source) where the base flow composed of diverted saline and wastewaters is modified due to discharge of shallow sulfate-rich groundwater, characterized by low 87Sr/86Sr (0.7072), δ34Ssulfate (−2‰), high δ11B (∼36‰), δ15Nnitrate (∼15‰) and high δ18Owater (−2 to-3‰) values. The shallow groundwater is derived from agricultural drainage water mixed with natural saline groundwater and discharges to both the Jordan and Yarmouk rivers. The contribution of the groundwater component in the Jordan River flow, deduced from mixing relationships of solutes and strontium isotopes, varies from 20 to 50% of the total flow.
A central zone (20-50 km downstream from its source) where salt variations are minimal and the rise of 87Sr/86Sr and SO4/Cl ratios reflects predominance of eastern surface water flows.
A southern section (50-100 km downstream of its source) where the total dissolved solids of the Jordan River increase, particularly during the spring (70-80 km) and summer (80-100 km) to values as high as 11.1 g/L. Variations in the chemical and isotopic compositions of river water along the southern section suggest that the Zarqa River (87Sr/86Sr∼0.70865; δ11B∼25‰) has a negligible affect on the Jordan River. Instead, the river quality is influenced primarily by groundwater discharge composed of sulfate-rich saline groundwater (Cl-=31-180 mM; SO4/Cl∼0.2-0.5; Br/Cl∼2-3×10-3; 87Sr/86Sr∼0.70805; δ11B∼30‰; δ15Nnitrate ∼17‰, δ34Ssulfate=4-10‰), and Ca-chloride Rift valley brines (Cl-=846-1500 mM; Br/Cl∼6-8×10-3; 87Sr/86Sr∼0.7080; δ11B>40‰; δ34Ssulfate=4-10‰). Mixing calculations indicate that the groundwater discharged to the river is composed of varying proportions of brines and sulfate-rich saline groundwater. Solute mass balance calculations point to a ∼10% contribution of saline groundwater (Cl=282 to 564 mM) to the river. A high nitrate level (up to 2.5 mM) in the groundwater suggests that drainage of wastewater derived irrigation water is an important source for the groundwater. This irrigation water appears to leach Pleistocene sediments of the Jordan Valley resulting in elevated sulfate contents and altered strontium and boron isotopic compositions of the groundwater that in turn impacts the water quality of the lower Jordan River.
Understanding continental-slope morphological evolution is essential for predicting basin deposition. However, separating the imprints and chronology of different seafloor shaping processes is difficult. This study explores the utility of bathymetric spectral decomposition for separating and characterizing the variety of interleaved seafloor imprints of mass wasting, and clarifying their role in the morphological evolution of the southeastern Mediterranean Sea passive-margin slope. Bathymetric spectral decomposition, integrated with interpretation of seismic profiles, highlights the long-term shape of the slope and separates the observed mass transport elements into several genetic groups: (1) a series of ~25 km wide, now-buried slide scars and lobes; (2) slope-parallel bathymetric scarps representing shallow faults; (3) slope-perpendicular, open slope slide scars; (4) bathymetric roughness representing debris lobes; (5) slope-confined gullies. Our results provide a multi-scale view of the interplay between sediment transport, mass transport and shallow faulting in the evolution of the slope morphology. The base of the slope and focused disturbances are controlled by ~1 km deep salt retreat, and mimic the Messinian base of slope. The top of the open-slope is delimited by faults, accommodating internal collapse of the margin. The now-buried slides were slope-confined and presumably cohesive, and mostly nucleated along the upper-slope faults. Sediment accumulations, infilling the now-buried scars, generated more recent open-slope slides. These latter slides transported ~10 km3 of sediments, depositing a significant fraction (~3 m in average) of the sediments along the base of the studied slope during the past < 50 ka. South to north decrease in the volume of the open-slope slides highlight their role in counterbalancing the northwards diminishing sediment supply and helping to maintain a long-term steady-state bathymetric profile. The latest phase slope-confined gullies were presumably created by channelling of bottom currents into slide-scar depressions, possibly establishing incipient canyon headword erosion.  相似文献   
 The impact of energy on the adoption of conservation tillage is of special importance in addressing concerns about the effect of agricultural production on the environment in the United States. It is the subject of this paper. After establishing that a relationship exists between the price of energy and the adoption of conservation tillage via cointegration techniques, the relationship is quantified. It is shown that while the real price of crude oil, the proxy used for the price of energy, does not affect the rate of adoption of conservation tillage, it does impact the extent to which it is used. Finally, there is no structural instability in the relationship between the relative use of conservation tillage and the real price of crude oil over the period 1963–1997. Received: 6 February 1998 · Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   
基于现场地温监测数据,选取年平均地温不同的监测断面对青藏铁路普通路基的热状况进行分析,包括多年冻土上限变化及其地温变化、下伏多年冻土温度变化、原天然地表附近热收支等方面. 结果表明:在低温多年冻土区,路基下部多年冻土上限均有所提升,且新近形成的人为上限较为稳定,冷季时负温积累显著;路基下伏多年冻土总体热稳定性较好. 而在高温多年冻土区,左(阳坡)路肩下部多年冻土上限多表现为下降,右(阴坡)路肩下部多年冻土上限有升有降,但是新近形成的上限均温度较高且有进一步升温的趋势;与天然场地地温相比,路基下部多年冻土均出现一定的升温. 尤其在高温极不稳定多年冻土区,天然场地多年冻土自身处于吸热升温状态;路基修筑后,下部多年冻土已经出现了融化夹层及双向退化的情况,路基热稳定性较差. 对于普通路基来说,由于青藏高原强烈的太阳辐射及青藏铁路总体走向原因,普通阴阳坡效应显著,左、右路肩下部多年冻土热稳定性差异较大.  相似文献   
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