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Riparian cottonwood forests in dry regions of western North America do not typically receive sufficient growing season precipitation to completely support their relatively high transpiration requirements. Water used in transpiration by riparian ecosystems must include alluvial groundwater or water stored in the potentially large reservoir of the unsaturated soil zone. We used the stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of stem xylem water to evaluate water sources used by the dominant riparian cottonwood (Populus spp.) trees and shrubs (Shepherdia argentea and Symphoricarpos occidentalis) in Lethbridge, Alberta, during 3 years of contrasting environmental conditions. Cottonwoods did not exclusively take up alluvial groundwater but made extensive use of water sourced from the unsaturated soil zone. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of cottonwood stem water did not strongly overlap with those of alluvial groundwater, which were closely associated with the local meteoric water line. Instead, cottonwood stem water δ18O and δ2H values were located below the local meteoric water line, forming a line with a low slope that was indicative of water exposed to evaporative enrichment of heavy isotopes. In addition, cottonwood xylem water isotope compositions had negative values of deuterium excess (d‐excess) and line‐conditioned (deuterium) excess (lc‐excess), both of which provided evidence that water taken up by the cottonwoods had been exposed to fractionation during evaporation. The shrub species had lower values of d‐excess and lc‐excess than had the cottonwood trees due to shallower rooting depths, and the d‐excess values declined during the growing season, as shallow soil water that was taken up by the plants was exposed to increasing, cumulative evaporative enrichment. The apparent differences in functional rooting pattern between cottonwoods and the shrub species, strongly influenced the ratio of net photosynthesis to stomatal conductance (intrinsic water‐use efficiency), as shown by variation among species in the δ13C values of leaf tissue.  相似文献   
The δ18O of ground water (−13.54 ± 0.05 ‰) and inorganically precipitated Holocene vein calcite (+14.56 ± 0.03 ‰) from Devils Hole cave #2 in southcentral Nevada yield an oxygen isotopic fractionation factor between calcite and water at 33.7 °C of 1.02849 ± 0.00013 (1000 ln αcalcite-water = 28.09 ± 0.13). Using the commonly accepted value of ∂(αcalcite-water)/∂T of −0.00020 K−1, this corresponds to a 1000 ln αcalcite-water value at 25 °C of 29.80, which differs substantially from the current accepted value of 28.3. Use of previously published oxygen isotopic fractionation factors would yield a calcite precipitation temperature in Devils Hole that is 8 °C lower than the measured ground water temperature. Alternatively, previously published fractionation factors would yield a δ18O of water, from which the calcite precipitated, that is too negative by 1.5 ‰ using a temperature of 33.7 °C. Several lines of evidence indicate that the geochemical environment of Devils Hole has been remarkably constant for at least 10 ka. Accordingly, a re-evaluation of calcite-water oxygen isotopic fractionation factor may be in order.Assuming the Devils Hole oxygen isotopic value of αcalcite-water represents thermodynamic equilibrium, many marine carbonates are precipitated with a δ18O value that is too low, apparently due to a kinetic isotopic fractionation that preferentially enriches 16O in the solid carbonate over 18O, feigning oxygen isotopic equilibrium.  相似文献   
Tyler Volk 《Climatic change》2007,85(3-4):251-258
Axel Kleidon (Clim Change 66:271–319, 2004) proposed that the organisms that constitute Earth’s biota have free parameters that can be selected to create states of maximum entropy production (MEP) on various scales, from the biota to the planetary radiation balance of the Earth system. I show that Kleidon’s concept, here called the biotic-MEP hypothesis, is fundamentally mistaken. A thought experiment with a life form that would be selected against even though it would generate a higher degree of entropy demonstrates my case: A hypothetical tree that puts forth a non-productive but high-entropy producing black carpet of tissue clearly separates out entropy production from other biological processes and shows that entropy production is not a functional adaptation and therefore it cannot be selected for. A real world example comes from dimethyl sulfide-emitting plankton, which, by increasing cloud albedo, do not raise but rather lower the entropy flux of the Earth system. I provide a number of other examples of biotic processes that individually either decrease or increase the environmental entropy production. It is argued that biological effects on environmental entropy production can be expected to include both positive and negative examples, because these effects are merely by-products of the actual processes that are selected for by evolution. Given my framework of entropy production as a by-product of the true processes that are being selected for, the concept of MEP on environmental scales has no great relevance for discussions of biological evolution or the time history of the effects of life on the global system.  相似文献   
Slope probability densities were derived from the power spectra of radar echoes from Mars using integral inversion. The inverse problem is ill-posed; that is, small changes in the data can lead to large changes in the solution. We describe a method of stabilizing the inversion, which was necessary for echoes with signal-to-noise power spectral densities on the order of unity, and for those with broad spectral distributions. The resulting slope probabilities usually consisted of a component due to quasi-specular reflection which decreased rapidly with tilt, plus a broad, slowly decreasing, “diffuse” component due to scattering from (1) surface scales small compared with a radar wavelength, or (2) larger features with high slopes. In the absence of more complete polarization measurements, we are unable to In the absence of more complete polarization measurements, we are unable to distinguish between these possibilities. Root mean square tilts have been determined separately for the two cases. For case (1), values of rms tilt associated with surface features responsible for the quasi-specular echo are normally less than 3°; for case (2), values greater than 8° are common. Knowledge of the depolarization of radar returns would help distinguish between these possibilities.  相似文献   
An effective policy response to climate change will include, among other things, investments in lowering greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation), as well as short-term temporary (flow) and long-lived capital-intensive (stock) adaptation to climate change. A critical near-term question is how investments in reducing climate damages should be allocated across these elements of a climate policy portfolio, especially in the face of uncertainty in both future climate damages and also the effectiveness of yet-untested adaptation efforts. We build on recent efforts in DICE-based integrated assessment modeling approaches that include two types of adaptation—short-lived flow spending and long-lived depreciable adaptation stock investments—along with mitigation, and we identify and explore the uncertainties that impact the relative proportions of policies within a response portfolio. We demonstrate that the relative ratio of flow adaptation, stock adaptation, and mitigation depend critically on interactions among: 1) the relative effectiveness in the baseline of stock versus flow adaptation, 2) the degree of substitutability between stock and flow adaptation types, and 3) whether there exist physical limits on the amount of damages that can be reduced by flow-type adaptation investments. The results indicate where more empirical research on adaptation could focus to best inform near-term policy decisions, and provide a first step towards considering near-term policies that are flexible in the face of uncertainty.  相似文献   
The small physical thickness of Saturn's rings requires that radio occultation observations be interpreted using scattering models with limited amounts of multiple scatter. A new model in which the possible order of near-forward scatter is strictly limited allows for the small physical thickness, and can be used to relate Voyager 1 observations of 3.6-and 13-cm wavelength microwave scatter from Saturn's rings to the ring particle size distribution function n(a), for particles with radius 0.001 ≤ a ≤ 20 m. This limited-scatter model yields solutions for particle size distribution functions for eight regions in Saturn's rings, which exhibit approximately inverse-cubic power-law behavior, with large-size cutoffs in particle radius ranging from about 5 m in ring C to about 10 m in parts of ring A. The power-law index is about 3.1 in ring C, about 2.8 in the Cassini division, and increases systematically with radial location in ring A from 2.7 at 2.10Rs to slightly more than 3.0 at 2.24Rs. Corresponding mass densities are 32–43 kg/m2 in ring C, 188 kg/m2 in the Cassini division, and 244–344 kg/m2 in ring A, under the assumption that the material density of the particles is 0.9 g/cm3. These values are a factor of 1 to 2 lower than first-order mass loading estimates derived from resonance phenomena. In view of the uncertainties in the measurements and in the linear density wave model, and the strong arguments for icy particles with specific gravity not greater than about 1, we interpret this discrepancy as being indicative of possible differences in the regions studied, or systematic errors in the interpretation of the scattering results, the density wave phenomena, or some combination of the above.  相似文献   
Observed W-shaped occultation signatures of certain narrow ringlets in the ring systems of Saturn and Uranus imply a concentration of material near their inner and outer radial edges. A model is proposed where edge bunching is a natural consequence of particles in entwined elliptical orbits, with the same particles alternately defining both edges. While such orbits cross over in radius, collisions would not occur if they have small inclinations, the same fixed argument of periapse ω, and other parameters whereby the particles would “fly in formation” along compressed helical paths relative to the core of the ringlet, which is taken to be a circle in the equatorial plane. For this model to match the observed ring thickness and ringlet widths, orbit inclinations i must be much smaller than their eccentricities e, which themselves would be very small compared to unity. Thus, the meridional cross section of the resultant torus would be a very thin ellipse of thickness proportional to i∣cos ω∣, tilted slightly from the equatorial plane by (i/e)∣sin ω∣ radians. However, gravitational perturbations due to the oblateness of the planet would cause a secular change in ω so that this cross section would collapse periodically to a tilted line, and collisions would then occur. If this collapse could be prevented, the torus could remain in a continuous state of nearly zero viscosity. Stabilization against collapse appears possible due to several remarkable characteristics that are added to the model when the particles are electrically charged. First, because of inherent features of the torus structure, a weak electric force could counter the key effect of the vastly larger oblateness force. Second, because the electric perturbation also affects i, there is a large region in ω,i space where stability against cross-sectional collapse is automatic. For this region, the thickness of the elliptical cross section would expand and contract in concert with the way that the major axis of the ellipse rocks back and forth relative to the equatorial plane. The period of these “rocking and breathing” changes would be from 1 to 3 weeks for a torus in the C ring of Saturn, for example. The electric effects could change considerably without driving the parameters of the torus from the stable domain where cross-sectional collapse does not occur. While specialized and in several important ways still incomplete, the proposed model could account for the W-shaped patterns and explain how very dense ringlets might endure without energy loss due to collisions. It also appears to be capable of explaining the observed sorting of particles by size within a ringlet. Several characteristics of the model suggest definitive tests of its applicability, including its prediction that a nonsymmetrical W-shaped occultation signature could be reversed a half orbit away, and that grazing solar illumination of tilted ringlets might cast shadows that change with time in a prescribed way.  相似文献   
The effect of changing palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment on human evolution during the Pleistocene is debated, but hampered by few East African records directly associated with archaeological sites prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. Middle to Late Pleistocene deposits on the shoreline of eastern Lake Victoria preserve abundant vertebrate fossils and Middle Stone Age arte‐facts associated with riverine tufas at the base of the deposits, which are ideal for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. New data from tufas identified on Rusinga Island and on the mainland near Karungu, Kenya are provided from outcrop, thin sections, mineralogical, stable isotopic and U‐series dating analyses. Tufa is identified in four sites: Nyamita (94·0 ± 3·3 and 111·4 ± 4·2 ka); Kisaaka, Aringo (455 ± 45 ka); and Obware. The age ranges of these tufa deposits demonstrate that spring‐fed rivers were a recurrent, variably preserved feature on the Pleistocene landscape for ca 360 kyr. Poor sorting of clastic facies from all sites indicates flashy, ephemeral discharge, but these facies are commonly associated with barrage tufas, paludal environments with δ13C values of ca 10‰ indicative of C3 plants and fossil Hippopotamus, all of which indicate a perennial water source. Other tufa deposits from Nyamita, Obware and Aringo have a mixed C3/C4 signature consistent with a semi‐arid C4 grassland surrounding these spring‐fed rivers. The δ18O values of tufa from Nyamita are on average ca 1‰ more negative than calcite precipitated from modern rainfall in the region, suggesting greater contribution of depleted monsoonal input, similar to the Last Glacial Maximum. Microdebitage and surface‐collected artefacts indicate that early modern humans were utilizing these spring‐fed rivers. The presence of spring?fed rivers would have afforded animals a reliable water source, sustaining a diverse plant and animal community in an otherwise arid environment.  相似文献   
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