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We explore seismically-induced sand blows from the southern Mississippi Embayment and their implications in resolving the question of near or distal epicentral source region. This was accomplished using aerial photography, field excavations, and cone penetration tests. Our analysis shows that three sand blow fields exhibit a distinct chronology of strong ground motion for the southern embayment: (1) The Ashley County, Arkansas sand blow field, near the Arkansas/Louisiana state border, experienced four Holocene sand venting episodes; (2) to the north, the Desha County field experienced at least three episodes of liquefaction; and (3) the Lincoln–Jefferson Counties field experienced at least one episode. Cone penetration tests (CPT) conducted in and between the sand blow fields suggest that the fields may not be distal liquefaction associated with New Madrid seismic zone earthquakes but rather are likely associated with strong earthquakes on local faults. This conclusion is consistent with the differences in timing of the southern embayment sand venting episodes and those in the New Madrid seismic zone. These results suggest that active tectonism and strong seismicity in intraplate North America may not be localized at isolated weak spots, but rather widespread on fault systems that are favorably oriented for slip in the contemporary stress field.  相似文献   
A new methodology based on wavelet analysis is used to estimate steep wave statistics under depth-limited conditions and the corresponding high concentration sediment statistics. Steep waves here are defined as wave crests within the wavelet transform exceeding a root mean square derived acceleration threshold. The method is applied to laboratory data obtained in a large-scale wave-flume experiment conducted in 2005 at Oregon State University's O. H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory from an acoustic Doppler velocimeter and a fiber optic backscatter sensor array above a mobile sand bed. The steep wave and high concentration statistical results for the erosive condition suggest that sand suspensions are intermittent when a wave-breaking timescale (the ratio of breaking wave height and rms wave velocity) is used to detect the concurrence among steep wave, high velocity turbulent fluctuations, and sand concentration events near the bed. More importantly, at 1 cm above the bed, though the accretive case has more steep wave events, the erosive case has more steep waves and concurrent high concentration events, suggesting a more intense breaking wave process near the sensors. The use of a longer time window, based on the dominant wave period in the detection process of steep wave and high concentration events at 1 cm above the bed, does not change the resulting statistics for the erosive condition. However, increased percentages of high concentration events correlated with steep wave and high velocity turbulence events for the accretive condition are obtained. These increased percentages are conjectured to be due to advection of non-local turbulent events and sediment concentration peaks from upstream.  相似文献   
新疆阿克苏—柯坪地区震旦纪古地磁学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆阿克苏—柯坪地区震旦纪包括二套冰成岩,其同位素年龄为7.4—7.7×10~2Ma.古地磁样品采自乌什县尤尔美那克到苏盖特布拉克一带,中心座标:经度79.5°E,纬度40.9°N震旦纪系中至少可能发生了6次地磁极性倒转,极性变化频繁,与世界其他地区震旦系的极性是一致的.震旦纪各时期内的古地磁方向变化较小,震旦纪-尼盆纪之间存在较大的虚极移.震旦纪冰成岩形成于低纬度区,这与柴达木、华南北美、南非和澳大利亚古冰川形成的古纬度是一致的,这为冰成岩形成是全球等时性提供了古地磁依据.  相似文献   
A qualitative and partly quantitative survey of the carbohydrates encountered in acid hydrolyzates of some recent marine sediments reveals the presence of a large variety of known and hitherto unknown monosaccharides. Apart from the well known major monosaccharides a great number of minor components (notably O-methyl and deoxy monosaccharides) are encountered. These minor components are considered to originate from bacteria. Since significantly larger amounts of major monosaccharides are encountered in carbohydrates associated with bacterial cell-walls the greater part of the carbohydrate carbon in these sediments is ascribed to these structures. Superimposed on the bacterial contribution the characteristics of the carbohydrates originating from the primary producers are recognizable. The results indicate that bacterial biopolymers formed by de novo synthesis in the sediment should be considered as a potential source for the insoluble organic matter in these sediments.  相似文献   
Vegetation and climate variability: a GCM modelling study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vegetation is known to interact with the other components of the climate system over a wide range of timescales. Some of these interactions are now being taken into account in models for climate prediction. This study is an attempt to describe and quantify the climate–vegetation coupling at the interannual timescale, simulated with a General Circulation Model (HadSM3) coupled to a dynamic global vegetation model (TRIFFID). Vegetation variability is generally strongest in semi-arid areas, where it is driven by precipitation variability. The impact of vegetation variability on climate is analysed by using multivariate regressions of boundary layer fluxes and properties, with respect to soil moisture and vegetation fraction. Dynamic vegetation is found to significantly increase the variance in the surface sensible and latent heat fluxes. Vegetation growth always causes evapotranspiration to increase, but its impact on sensible heat is less straightforward. The feedback of vegetation on sensible heat is positive in Australia, but negative in the Sahel and in India. The sign of the feedback depends on the competing influences, at the gridpoint scale, of the turbulent heat exchange coefficient and the surface (stomatal) water conductance, which both increase with vegetation growth. The impact of vegetation variability on boundary layer potential temperature and relative humidity are shown to be small, implying that precipitation persistence is not strongly modified by vegetation dynamics in this model. We discuss how these model results may improve our knowledge of vegetation–atmosphere interactions and help us to target future model developments.  相似文献   
Surface geochemical mapping of Rn, Hg and pH on the summit of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, has shown some of the characteristics of outgassing. Rn concentrations measured in shallow ground gas are highest (10 to 155 units, i.e. up to 0.016 nCi/l222Rn) over deep structures associated with the summit caldera, low (1 to 5 units) over the upper rift zones (which are underlain by shallow intrusions) and low to negative (1 to -3 units) over most of the volcanically inactive peripheral areas. High Rn concentrations were measured over peripheral well-developed structures such as the Kaoiki and Koae fault systems (45 and 12 units, respectively). The pattern of Rn values broadly suggests the existence of a summit-wide convection system interrupted locally by specific permeable structures. The low pH (3.5 to 5.6) of soils over the caldera is suggested to be largely due to the sulfurous component of the ground gas. The low concentrations of Hg (5 to 80 ppb) in these soils are postulated as being partly a function of subsurface complexing of Hg with the abundant sulfur. The shallow intrusions below the upper rift zones appear to have outgassed much of their sulfur content, so soils in these areas are only slightly acid (5.6 to 6.2), allowing the accumulation of Hg to concentrations of several thousands of ppb. These conditions change during extrusive (and intrusive) events with the increases in shallow subsurface temperatures and volatiles in ground gas producing an increase in Rn concentration, and a decrease in soil Hg due to volatilization. After such events, Rn concentration decreases, and soil Hg increases significantly.  相似文献   
Three models for the dynamics of seismic airgun‐generated bubbles and their associated far‐field signals are developed and compared with geophysical data. The first model of an airgun‐generated bubble uses a spherical approximation, the second is an approximate Lagrangian model which allows for small deformations from a spherical shape, whilst the final model is an axisymmetric boundary‐integral method which permits the bubble to evolve into highly non‐spherical geometries. The boundary‐integral method also allows both geometric interference and strong dynamic interactions in multi‐bubble studies. When comparing the spherical model to experimental data there are three apparent, significant differences: the magnitude of the primary pressure peak, which is greater in the model; the subsequent decay of the pressure peaks and motion – the experimental data demonstrating greater decay and a slower rise rate; and the frequency of oscillation, which is slower in the experimental data. It is believed that the first discrepancy is due to the initial stages of expansion where the compressed air is forced to sparge through the airgun ports. The other differences indicate that there is some other energy‐loss mechanism which is not accounted for in the spherical bubble model. Non‐spherical bubble behaviour is investigated through the use of two different deformable many‐bubble codes and their predictions are compared with the spherical model and experimental data. The Lagrangian model predicts the formation of a buoyancy‐driven liquid jet on the first collapse of a typical airgun bubble; however, the model breaks down when the bubble becomes significantly deformed, due to a low‐order spherical‐harmonic approximation for the potential. The axisymmetric boundary‐integral code models the jet shape accurately and it is found that these bubbles evolve to toroidal geometries when the jet impacts on the opposite surface of the bubble. This highly non‐spherical behaviour is readily observed on high‐speed films of airgun bubbles, and is one key source of energy loss; it damps the pulsations of the bubble and slows its rise speed. Inter‐bubble interactions are investigated using the two deformable bubble models, and the predictions are compared to field data. It was found that as the bubbles approach each other, their periods of oscillation increase in accordance with observations, and jets are formed in the direction of motion upon collapse.  相似文献   
 Recent improvements to the Hadley Centre climate model include the introduction of a new land surface scheme called “MOSES” (Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme). MOSES is built on the previous scheme, but incorporates in addition an interactive plant photosynthesis and conductance module, and a new soil thermodynamics scheme which simulates the freezing and melting of soil water, and takes account of the dependence of soil thermal characteristics on the frozen and unfrozen components. The impact of these new features is demonstrated by comparing 1×CO2 and 2×CO2 climate simulations carried out using the old (UKMO) and new (MOSES) land surface schemes. MOSES is found to improve the simulation of current climate. Soil water freezing tends to warm the high-latitude land in the northern Hemisphere during autumn and winter, whilst the increased soil water availability in MOSES alleviates a spurious summer drying in the mid-latitudes. The interactive canopy conductance responds directly to CO2, supressing transpiration as the concentration increases and producing a significant enhancement of the warming due to the radiative effects of CO2 alone. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 4 August 1998  相似文献   
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