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Locating regional seismic events with global optimization based on interval arithmetic 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Matti Tarvainen Timo Tiira & Eystein S. Husebye 《Geophysical Journal International》1999,138(3):879-885
More than 1000 seismic events in northern Europe at distances of up to 400 km from the detecting network are located using an optimization method in which the global minimum of the traveltime function residuals is searched for using an Interval Arithmetic (IA) method. Epicentres are determined using P waves detected by the Finnish national seismic network: up to 15 stations were used in the analysis. The IA results coincide with locations provided by the University of Helsinki bulletins with a median location bias of 7.6 km.
A second data set of 59 explosions in the Siilinjärvi mine in central Finland was examined in detail, because the locations of the explosions were known exactly. In this case, the median difference of IA locations was 3.8 km from the average location of mine explosions, while all 59 events were located within 9 km of the 'true' epicentres. The corresponding median error of the University of Helsinki locations was smaller (3.2 km), but some Helsinki locations were well over 10 km from the mine. The convergence towards the global optimum using interval arithmetic was fast when compared with the conventional least-squares approaches for epicentre determinations. 相似文献
A second data set of 59 explosions in the Siilinjärvi mine in central Finland was examined in detail, because the locations of the explosions were known exactly. In this case, the median difference of IA locations was 3.8 km from the average location of mine explosions, while all 59 events were located within 9 km of the 'true' epicentres. The corresponding median error of the University of Helsinki locations was smaller (3.2 km), but some Helsinki locations were well over 10 km from the mine. The convergence towards the global optimum using interval arithmetic was fast when compared with the conventional least-squares approaches for epicentre determinations. 相似文献
Daniel Harlov Peter Tropper Wolfgang Seifert Timo Nijland Hans-Jürgen Frster 《Lithos》2006,88(1-4):72-84
Reaction rims of titanite on ilmenite are described in samples from four terranes of amphibolite-facies metapelites and amphibolites namely the Tamil Nadu area, southern India; the Val Strona area of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, northern Italy, the Bamble Sector, southern Norway, and the northwestern Austroalpine Ötztal Complex. The titanite rims, and hence the stability of titanite (CaTiSiO4O) and Al–OH titanite, i.e. vuaganatite (hypothetical end-member CaAlSiO4OH), are discussed in the light of fH2O- and fO2-buffered equilibria involving clinopyroxene, amphibole, biotite, ilmenite, magnetite, and quartz in the systems CaO–FeO/Fe2O3–TiO2–SiO2–H2O–O2 (CFTSH) and CaO–FeO/Fe2O3–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–O2 (CFASH) present in each of the examples. Textural evidence suggests that titanite reaction rims on ilmenite in rocks from Tamil Nadu, Val Strona, and the Bamble Sector originated most likely due to hydration reactions such as clinopyroxene + ilmenite + quartz + H2O = amphibole + titanite and oxidation reactions such as amphibole + ilmenite + O2 = titanite + magnetite + quartz + H2O during amphibolite-facies metamorphism, or, as in the case of the Ötztal Complex, during a subsequent greenschist-facies overprint. Overstepping of these reactions requires fH2O and fO2 to be high for titanite formation, which is also in accordance with equilibria involving Al–OH titanite. This study shows that, in addition to P, T, bulk–rock composition and composition of the coexisting fluid, fO2 and fH2O also play an important role in the formation of Al-bearing titanite during amphibolite- and greenschist-facies metamorphism. 相似文献
Numerical modelling of bit–rock fracture mechanisms in percussive drilling with a continuum approach
Timo Saksala 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》2011,35(13):1483-1505
This paper presents a numerical method for continuum modelling of the dynamic bit–rock interaction process in percussive drilling. The method includes a constitutive model based on a combination of the recent viscoplastic consistency model, the isotropic damage concept and a parabolic compression cap. The interaction between the drill bit and rock is modelled using contact mechanics by treating the bit as a rigid body. As the bit–rock interaction in percussive drilling is a transient event, the method is implemented in explicit dynamics FEM. The rock strength heterogeneity is characterized at the mesoscopic level statistically using the Weibull distribution. The bit–rock interaction is simulated under axisymmetric conditions using cylindrical and hemispherical buttons. The choice of the quite complex constitutive model accounting, e.g. for plastic compaction, viscoplastic shear and tensile failure along with induced damage and rate dependency is justified by numerical simulations. Moreover, the quasi‐static and dynamic cases are compared in plane strain simulations. Finally, some results clarifying the discrepancy of opinions found in the literature concerning the side (lateral) crack formation are obtained. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Timo Saksala 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》2010,34(13):1362-1386
This paper presents a damage–viscoplastic cap model for rocks with brittle and ductile behavior under low‐velocity impact loading, which occurs, e.g. in percussive drilling. The model is based on a combination of the recent viscoplastic consistency model by Wang and the isotropic damage concept. This approach does not suffer from ill posedness—caused by strain softening—of the underlying boundary/initial‐value problem since viscoplasticity provides a regularization under dynamic loading by introducing an internal length scale. The model uses the Drucker–Prager (DP) yield function with the modified Rankine criterion as a tension cut‐off and a parabolic cap surface as a compression cut‐off. The parabolic cap is smoothly fitted to the DP cone. The strain softening law in compression is calibrated with the degradation index concept of Fang and Harrison. Thereby, the model is able to capture the brittle‐to‐ductile transition and hardening behavior of geomaterials under highly confined compression, which is the prevailing stress state under a bit‐button in percussive drilling. Rock strength heterogeneity is characterized statistically at the structural level using the Weibull distribution. An explicit time integrator is chosen for solving the FE‐discretized equations of motion. The contact constraints due to the impact of an indenter are imposed with the forward increment Lagrange multiplier method that is compatible with explicit time integrators. The model is tested at the material point level with various uniaxial and triaxial tests. At the structural level confined compression, uniaxial tension tests and a rock sample under low‐velocity impact are simulated. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Abstract Economic studies suggest that market leakage rates of greenhouse gas abatement can reach the two-digit percentage range. Although the Marrakesh Accords require Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects to account for leakage, most projects neglect market leakage. Insufficient leakage accounting is facilitated by a lack of applicable methods regarding the quantification and attribution of project-related leakage effects. This article proposes a method for attributing CDM-related market leakage effects to individual projects. To this purpose, alternative attribution methods are analysed. We find that project-specific approaches fail to take account of market leakage effects. Consequently, we propose to estimate aggregate market leakage effects and attribute them proportionally to individual projects. We suggest that predetermined commodity-specific leakage factors are applied by project developers to any emission reductions that are associated with a project's leakage-relevant demand or supply changes. This approach is conservative, equitable, incentive-compatible and applicable at manageable costs. 相似文献
An Analytical Model for the Two-Scalar Covariance Budget Inside a Uniform Dense Canopy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gabriel G. Katul Daniela Cava Samuli Launiainen Timo Vesala 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2009,131(2):173-192
The two-scalar covariance budget is significant within the canopy sublayer (CSL) given its role in modelling scalar flux budgets using higher-order closure principles and in estimating the segregation ratio for chemically reactive species. Despite its importance, an explicit expression describing how the two-scalar covariance is modified by inhomogeneity in the flow statistics and in the vertical variation in scalar emission or uptake rates within the canopy volume remains elusive even for passive scalars. To progress on a narrower version of this problem, an analytical solution to the two-scalar covariance budget in the CSL is proposed for the most idealized flow conditions: a stationary and planar homogeneous flow inside a uniform and dense canopy with a constant leaf area density distribution. The foliage emission (or uptake) source strengths are assumed to vary exponentially with depth while the forest floor emission is represented as a scalar flux. The analytical solution is a superposition of a homogeneous part that describes how the two-scalar covariance at the canopy top is transported and dissipated within the canopy volume, and an inhomogeneous part governed by local production mechanisms of the two-scalar covariance. The homogeneous part is primarily described by the canopy adjustment length scale, and the attenuation coefficients of the turbulent kinetic energy and the mean velocity. Conditions for which the vertical variation of the two-scalar covariance is controlled by the rapid attenuation in the mean velocity and turbulent kinetic energy profiles, vis-à-vis the vertical variation of the scalar source strength, are explicitly established. This model also demonstrates how dissimilarity in the emissions from the ground, even for the extreme binary case with one scalar turned ‘on’ and the other scalar turned ‘off’, modifies the vertical variation of the two-scalar covariance within the CSL. To assess its applicability to field conditions, the analytical model predictions were compared with observations made at two different forest types—a sparse pine forest at the Hyytiälä SMEAR II-station (in Finland) and a dense alpine hardwood forest at Lavarone (in Italy). While the model assumptions do not represent the precise canopy morphology, attenuation properties of the turbulent kinetic energy and the mean velocity, observed mixing length, and scalar source attenuation properties for these two forest types, good agreement was found between measured and modelled two scalar covariances for multiple scalars and for the triple moments at the Hyytiälä site. 相似文献
Lujun XU Huizhi LIU Ivan MAMMARELLA Aki VÄHÄ Joonatan ALA-KÖNNI Xuefei LI Qun DU Yang LIU Timo VESALA 《大气科学进展》2025,181(2):357-372
准确理解湖-气间的能量交换和湖泊蒸发特征及其变化,对区域水资源管理和可持续发展具有重要意义。本文基于芬兰南部Vanajavesi湖泊的涡动观测资料,分析了湖-气间能量交换特征和冷锋对能量交换的影响。研究发现,春季湖泊表现为热汇,冬天则为热源。在日变化尺度上,潜热通量最小值出现在早上,下午达到峰值。感热通量的日变化特征则与潜热通量相反。感热通量的主要影响因子是湖-气温差,以及湖-气温差与风速的乘积。而潜热通量主要受湖-气间水汽压差,以及水汽压差与风速乘积的影响。动量、热量和水汽整体输送系数的年平均值分别为1.98 × 10–3, 1.62 × 10–3, 和 1.31 × 10–3。根据观测资料计算得到的热量和水汽整体输送系数并不相等,这表明数值模式中两者相等的假设需要加以改进。在2016年非冰期,冷锋导致了28次感热通量脉动和17次潜热通量脉动,分别贡献了非冰期感热和潜热通量交换的50.59% 和 34.89%,表明冷锋对湖-气间能量交换和蒸发具有重要影响。
Eeva Mäkiranta Timo Vihma Anna Sjöblom Esa-Matti Tastula 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2011,140(1):105-123
Sonic anemometer and profile mast measurements made in Wahlenbergfjorden, Svalbard Arctic archipelago, in May 2006 and April 2007 were employed to study the atmospheric boundary layer over sea-ice. The turbulent surface fluxes of momentum and sensible heat were calculated using eddy correlation and gradient methods. The results showed that the literature-based universal functions underestimated turbulent mixing in strongly stable conditions. The validity of the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory was questionable for cross-fjord flow directions and in the presence of mesoscale variability or topographic effects. The aerodynamic roughness length showed a dependence on the wind direction. The mean roughness length for along-fjord wind directions was (2.4 ± 2.6) × 10−4 m, whereas that for cross-fjord directions was (5.4 ± 2.8) × 10−3 m. The thermal stratification and turbulent fluxes were affected by the synoptic situation with large differences between the 2 years. Channelling effects and drainage flows occurred especially during a weak large-scale flow. The study periods were simulated applying the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with 1-km horizontal resolution in the finest domain. The results for the 2-m air temperature and friction velocity were good, but the model failed to reproduce the spatial variability in wind direction between measurement sites 3 km apart. The model suggested that wind shear above the stable boundary layer provided a non-local source for the turbulence observed. 相似文献
Distribution of nitrate over sea-salt and soil derived particles — Implications from a field study 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Tuomo A. Pakkanen Veli-Matti Kerminen Risto E. Hillamo Minna Màkinen Timo Màkelà Aki Virkkula 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》1996,24(2):189-205
A method for determining the distribution of supermicrometer nitrate between size-segregated sea-salt and soil derived particles is presented. The analysis is based on field data from six measurements at a coastal site in southern Finland, and on a theoretical treatment taking into account the transfer of gaseous species onto particle surfaces and their subsequent reaction. Significant amounts of nitrate were found in both the particle types, with the fraction of nitrate associated with soil particles varying from 20–50% in the 1–2 m size to near 90% in particles larger than 10 m. Overall, the nitrate accumulation followed closely the relative abundances of these two particle types. Two overlapping modes in supermicron nitrate mass size distributions could be identified. The lower mode, associated with sea-salt, was located between the surface-area and volume distribution of sodium peaking at about 2–3 m of EAD. The upper mode peaked at 3–5 m and followed more closely the surface-area distribution of calcium in all samples. At our site, the accumulation of nitrate into both particle types was shown to be limited by an effective surface reaction rate rather than by gas-phase diffusion. This rate was estimated to be considerably larger for sea-salt particles. Strong evidence in support of the saturation of nitrate in sea-salt particles were obtained. 相似文献
Timo Kumpula Anu PajunenElina Kaarlejärvi Bruce C. ForbesFlorian Stammler 《Global Environmental Change》2011,21(2):550-562
Sizable areas in northwestern arctic Russia have undergone fundamental change in recent decades as the exploration of vast hydrocarbon deposits has intensified. We undertook two case studies on the influence of oil and gas activities within neighbouring federal districts in the tundra zone. Employing a strongly interdisciplinary approach, we studied the ecological, spatial and social dimensions of the visible and perceived changes in land use and land cover. Our data are derived from field sampling, remote sensing and intensive participant observation with indigenous Nenets reindeer herders and non-indigenous workers. Important trends include the rapid expansion of infrastructure, a large influx of workers who compete for freshwater fish, and extensive transformation from shrub- to grass- and sedge-dominated tundra. The latter represents an alternative ecosystem state that is likely to persist indefinitely. On terrain disturbed by off-road vehicle traffic, reindeer pastures’ vegetation regenerates with fewer species among which grasses and sedges dominate, thus reducing biodiversity. To have maximum forage value such pastures must be accessible and free of trash, petro-chemicals and feral dogs. We found that a wide range of direct and indirect impacts, both ecological and social, accumulate in space and time such that the combined influence is effectively regional rather than local, depending in part on the placement of facilities. While incoming workers commonly commit poaching, they also serve as exchange partners, making barter for goods possible in remote locations. In general, the same positive and negative impacts of the presence of industry were mentioned in each study region. Even using very high-resolution remote sensing data (Quickbird-2) it is not possible to determine fully the amount of degraded territory in modern oil and gas fields. With regard to policy, both biophysical and social impacts could be substantially reduced if information flow between herders and workers were to be optimized. 相似文献