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The Val-de-Ruz syncline is a northeast-southwest trending, rhomb-shaped synclinal basin in the internal part of the central Jura Mountains. The Mesozoic sediment succession is decoupled from the basement by a décollement horizon in Middle Triassic evaporite-bearing layers at depth and folding is associated with southeast-dipping thrust splays rooting into this décollement. The folds and thrusts also interfere with a system of N-S striking, sinistral strike-slip faults. A 3D model was constructed from the following input data: A digital elevation model, the 1:25,000 geological map of Switzerland, published contours of the top of basement based on drilling and seismics, and nine newly constructed cross-sections. The latter are based on surface geology and published seismic data. Cross-sections parallel to the northwestward transport direction, i.e. perpendicular to the overall strike, are line balanced. Anticlines are interpreted as faulted detachment folds, which initiated by buckling and associated flow of evaporites from synclinal to anticlinal areas. Anticlines were later broken by northwest-vergent thrusts and subsequently developed into fault-propagation folds during décollement from the basement and northwestward translation. The model assumes no faulting in the pre-Mesozoic basement and no hidden flat-ramp tectonics in the subsurface in order to account for structurally high positions. As a consequence, the modelled cumulative, post-deformation thickness of Triassic strata locally exceeds 1500 m, which we find in accordance with regional observations. From the geological 3D model, new cross-sections in any desired orientation and tectonic thickness variations of the layers can be extracted. The three output cross-sections presented are in excellent agreement with published reflection seismic data. The most important features of our model are (1) large thickness variations due to lateral flow of evaporites, and (2) new and plausible explanation of structural highs in terms of accumulation of Triassic strata by lateral flow.  相似文献   
There is a no lack of significant open questions in the field of hydrology. How will hydrological connectivity between freshwater bodies be altered by future human alterations to the hydrological cycle? Where does water go when it rains? Or what is the future space–time variability of flood and drought events? However, the answers to these questions will vary with location due to the specific and often poorly understood local boundary conditions and system properties that control the functional behaviour of a catchment or any other hydrologic control volume. We suggest that an open, shared and evolving perceptual model of a region's hydrology is critical to tailor our science questions, as it would be for any other study domain from the plot to the continental scale. In this opinion piece, we begin to discuss the elements of and point out some knowledge gaps in the perceptual model of the terrestrial water cycle of Great Britain. We discuss six major knowledge gaps and propose four key ways to reduce them. While the specific knowledge gaps in our perceptual model do not necessarily transfer to other places, we believe that the development of such perceptual models should be at the core of the debate for all hydrologic communities, and we encourage others to have a similar debate for their hydrologic domain.  相似文献   
Application of 182Hf-182W chronometry to constrain the duration of early solar system processes requires the precise knowledge of the initial Hf and W isotope compositions of the solar system. To determine these values, we investigated the Hf-W isotopic systematics of bulk samples and mineral separates from several Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) from the CV3 chondrites Allende and NWA 2364. Most of the investigated CAIs have relative proportions of 183W, 184W, and 186W that are indistinguishable from those of bulk chondrites and the terrestrial standard. In contrast, one of the investigated Allende CAIs has a lower 184W/183W ratio, most likely reflecting an overabundance of r-process relative to s-process isotopes of W. All other bulk CAIs have similar 180Hf/184W and 182W/184W ratios that are elevated relative to average carbonaceous chondrites, probably reflecting Hf-W fractionation in the solar nebula within the first ∼3 Myr. The limited spread in 180Hf/184W ratios among the bulk CAIs precludes determination of a CAI whole-rock isochron but the fassaites have high 180Hf/184W and radiogenic 182W/184W ratios up to ∼14 ε units higher than the bulk rock. This makes it possible to obtain precise internal Hf-W isochrons for CAIs. There is evidence of disturbed Hf-W systematics in one of the CAIs but all other investigated CAIs show no detectable effects of parent body processes such as alteration and thermal metamorphism. Except for two fractions from one Allende CAI, all fractions from the investigated CAIs plot on a single well-defined isochron, which defines the initial ε182W = −3.28 ± 0.12 and 182Hf/180Hf = (9.72 ± 0.44) × 10−5 at the time of CAI formation. The initial 182Hf/180Hf and 26Al/27Al ratios of the angrites D’Orbigny and Sahara 99555 are consistent with the decay from initial abundances of 182Hf and 26Al as measured in CAIs, suggesting that these two nuclides were homogeneously distributed throughout the solar system. However, the uncertainties on the initial 182Hf/180Hf and 26Al/27Al ratios are too large to exclude that some 26Al in CAIs was produced locally by particle irradiation close to an early active Sun. The initial 182Hf/180Hf of CAIs corresponds to an absolute age of 4568.3 ± 0.7 Ma, which may be defined as the age of the solar system. This age is 0.5-2 Myr older than the most precise 207Pb-206Pb age of Efremovka CAI 60, which does not seem to date CAI formation. Tungsten model ages for magmatic iron meteorites, calculated relative to the newly and more precisely defined initial ε182W of CAIs, indicate that core formation in their parent bodies occurred in less than ∼1 Myr after CAI formation. This confirms earlier conclusions that the accretion of the parent bodies of magmatic iron meteorites predated chondrule formation and that their differentiation was triggered by heating from decay of abundant 26Al. A more precise dating of core formation in iron meteorite parent bodies requires precise quantification of cosmic-ray effects on W isotopes but this has not been established yet.  相似文献   
The world's longest record of river water quality (River Thames—130 years) provides a unique opportunity to understand fluvial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations dynamics. Understanding riverine DOC variability through long‐term studies is crucial to capture patterns and drivers influencing sources of DOC at scales relevant for decision making. The Thames basin (United Kingdom) has undergone massive land‐use change, as well as increased urbanisation and population during the period considered. We aimed to investigate the drivers of intra‐annual to interannual DOC variability, assess the variability due to natural and anthropogenic factors, and understand the causes for the increased DOC variability over the period. Two approaches were used to achieve these aims. The first method was singular spectrum analysis, which was used to reconstruct the major oscillatory modes of DOC, hydroclimatic variables, and atmospheric circulation patterns and to visualise the interaction between these variables. The second approach used was generalised additive modelling, which was used to investigate other non‐natural drivers of DOC variability. Our study shows that DOC variability increased by 80% over the data period, with the greatest increase occurring from the beginning of World War II onwards. The primary driver of the increase in DOC variability was the increase in the average value of fluvial DOC over the period of record, which was itself linked to the increase in basin population and diffuse DOC sources to the river due to land‐use and land‐management changes. Seasonal DOC variability was linked to streamflow and temperature. Our study allows to identify drivers of fluvial intra‐annual and interannual DOC variability and therefore empowers actions to reduce high DOC concentrations.  相似文献   
The Triassic to Cretaceous sediment succession of the Lechtal Nappe in the western part of the Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA) has been deformed into large-scale folds and crosscut by thrust and extensional faults during Late Cretaceous (Eoalpine) and Tertiary orogenic processes. The following sequence of deformation is developed from overprinting relations in the field: (D1) NW-vergent folds related to thrusting; (D2) N–S shortening leading to east–west-trending folds and to the formation of a steep belt (Arlberg Steep Zone) along the southern border of the NCA; (D3) E–W to NE–SW extension and vertical shortening, leading to low-angle normal faulting and recumbent “collapse folds” like the Wildberg Syncline. D1 and D2 are Cretaceous in age and predate the Eocene emplacement of the Austroalpine on the Penninic Nappes along the Austroalpine basal thrust; the same is probably true for D3. Finally, the basal thrust was deformed by folds related to out-of-sequence thrusting. These results suggest that the NCA were at least partly in a state of extension during the sedimentation of the Gosau Group in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   
Complexation of aqueous elements by DOC in a clay aquitard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reszat TN  Hendry MJ 《Ground water》2007,45(5):542-553
The extent of partitioning of several elements (Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sr, U, and Zn) on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was investigated in pore water samples collected from a clay-rich aquitard. High DOC concentrations in the aquitard, ranging from 21 to 143 mg C/L, and natural aqueous metal concentrations higher than in most ground water environments facilitated complexation studies at this site. Analyses were conducted using on-line coupling of asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation with ultraviolet, total organic carbon, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry detectors. Of the elements investigated, only U and Zn were complexed with all DOC samples, ranging from 2.2 to 60 microg U/g DOC (0.4% to 3% of the total U in the pore water) and 0.04 to 0.5 microg Zn/g DOC (0.1% to 0.9% of the total Zn in the pore water), respectively. Laboratory experiments conducted over a range in pH (1.3 to 9.7) and geochemical modeling supported the measured complexation of U and Zn on the DOC. The in situ association constant, K(d), for U decreased with depth from 76 mL/g C for pore water samples at 2.2 m below ground (BG) to 24 mL/g C at 9.7 m BG. The decrease was attributed to a decrease in aromaticity of the DOC with depth. Zn K(d)constants ranged from 2 to 12 mL/g C and exhibited no trend with depth. Results of the current study suggest minor masses of U and Zn (less than or equal to 4% of total) complex with this DOC under in situ pH conditions. Our data suggest that competitive complexation by other ligands may limit the importance of DOC-facilitated transport of the elements studied in water of similar chemical composition.  相似文献   
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