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A sufficient knowledge on the kinematics and development of landslides helps to adopt proper measures that can be used to protect slopes and the environment in general. This can be achieved by adequate monitoring programs. This paper presents the findings of intensive monitoring activities carried out on Shiidomari and Katanoo landslides found in Sado Island of Japan. More than one year of observation of the two landslides allowed defining some peculiar futures of their kinematics and style of development. The problem of slope instability in the two areas is generally accredited to various factors. But, both landslides were triggered by heavy rainfalls and snowmelt. Because of the outline of the area and the presence of relict topographic features, the Shiidomari landslide is considered to be a large-scale reactivation of old slope failures. The Katanoo landslide is, however, a first-time case. Geophysical investigations and drilling activities in Shiidomari indicated the presence of two slip planes. The deepest (80–100 m) of these is controlled by existing lineaments. Monitoring data suggests that the body of the landslide has subsided as much as 1.16 m just below the main scarp, but a centimeter in the central region. The toe sector also experienced a significant amount of subsidence, but this was counter-balanced by an uplift on the opposite side of the landslide. Hence, the landslide seems not any more active along the deepest slip surface, although it may extend upward and define a series of shallow shear planes around the crown. In the case of Katanoo, the landform characteristics, differential weathering, the road cut and groundwater fluctuations appeared to contribute much to determine the exact location of the landslide. Extensional cracks that preceded the landslide can be related to heavy rainfalls and the cold and warm cycles thereafter. Subsurface investigations and monitoring works indicated that the landslide has two slide blocks with different slip planes. During the observation period, the upper part of the landslide responded more effectively to rainfall and snowmelt than the middle and lower sections. The corresponding movements, however, appeared to settle about three months after failure. There were also little strain transmissions in boreholes and no significant change in the characteristics of the landslide. The kinematics of deformation of many of the slopes in Sado Island resembles that of Shiidomari landslide. But mass movements along highways and mountain roads are usually similar to Katanoo. Landslides of the type like Shiidomari may not show sudden and drastic failures, but are usually long lasting and can reactivate repeatedly along new, shallow shear planes. Monitoring works and long-term supervisions in these types of landslides are useful to identify impending failures and take the right measures before they brought about large-scale destruction to the environment.  相似文献   
Intensive measurements of gas and aerosol for 2 weeks were carried out at Qingdao (gas and aerosol in 2000, 2001 and 2002), Fenghuangshan (gas and aerosol in 2000 and 2001), and Dalian (aerosol in 2002) in the winter–spring period. High SO2 episodes were observed on 18 January 2000 at both Qingdao and Fenghuangshan. According to back trajectory calculations and analysis of gaseous species, high SO2 episodes were caused by local pollution and transport.Nitrate, sulfate and ammonium were the major species in PM2.5. Mass fractions of NO3, nss-SO42− and NH4+ at Qingdao in 2002 were 10%, 12% and 5.5% for PM2.5, respectively, which were higher than that of nss-Ca2+ (1%). Chemical compositions observed at Dalian and Fenghuangshan were similar to those at Qingdao. The mass ratio of nss-SO42−/SO2 at Qingdao in winter was low (< 1.2), indicating that sulfate was probably produced by the slow oxidation of SO2 in the gas phase and/or was transported from outside of Qingdao in winter. The equivalent ratio of NH4+ to nss-SO42− was 1.39, suggesting that ammonium sulfate was one of the major chemical compositions in PM2.5. The NO3/SO42− ratio at Qingdao was higher than that at remote places in East Asia. Gas and aerosol data obtained at Fenghuangshan were similar to data at Qingdao, suggesting that emissions from small cities may have a great influence on pollution in northern China.  相似文献   
Jets and winds in pre-main sequence (PMS) stars are often heated and ionized, and understanding their heating mechanism is desired to compare UV-to-IR spectral signatures with models and thus investigate their driving mechanism. We review our results of long-slit spectroscopy and spectro-astrometry for He I 1.083 μm and Hα emission, and investigate the heating mechanisms in the jet in the outer (>10 AU) and inner (<10 AU) regions, respectively.  相似文献   
Circumstellar structure of RU Lupi down to au scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used the technique of spectro-astrometry to study the milliarcsecond scale structure of the emission lines in the T Tauri star RU Lupi. The wings of the H α emission are found to be displaced from the star towards the south-west (blue wing) and north-east (red wing) with angular scales of 20–30 mas. This structure is consistent with a bipolar outflow from the star. From a study of the variability of the intensity and position spectra, we argue that a combination of magnetically driven bipolar outflow and accreting gas contributes to the H α emission. On the other hand, the [O  i ] and [S  ii ] emission are displaced from the star to the south-west but at much larger distances than the H α , hundreds of milliarcseconds for the high-velocity component (HVC) and down to 30 mas for the low-velocity components (LVCs). The presence of both redshifted and blueshifted outflows in H α but only a blueshifted outflow in the forbidden lines can be explained if the disc obscures the redshifted forbidden line outflow, but a disc gap with outer radius 3–4 au allows the redshifted H α to be seen. This gap could be induced by an unseen companion.  相似文献   
We present high angular resolution spectra taken along the jets from L1551 IRS 5 and DG Tau obtained with the Subaru Telescope. The position-velocity diagrams of the [Fe II] λ 1.644 μmemission line revealed remarkably similar characteristics for the two sources, showing two distinct velocity components separated from each other in both velocity and space with the entire emission range blueshifted with respect to the stellar velocity. The high velocity component (HVC) has a velocity of –200 ––300 km s-1 with a narrow line width, while the low velocity component (LVC) is around –100 km s-1 exhibitinig a broad line width. The HVC is located farther away from the origin and is more extended than the LVC. Our results suggest that the HVC is a well-collimated jet originating from the region close to the star, while the LVC is a widely-opened wind accelerated in the region near the inner edge of the accretion disk.  相似文献   
We discuss the possibility of accurately estimating the source number density of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) using small-scale anisotropy in their arrival distribution. The arrival distribution has information on their source and source distribution. We calculate the propagation of UHE protons in a structured extragalactic magnetic field (EGMF) and simulate their arrival distribution at the Earth using our previously developed method. The source number density that can best reproduce observational results by Akeno Giant Air Shower Array is estimated at about 10−5 Mpc−3 in a simple source model. Despite having large uncertainties of about one order of magnitude, due to small number of observed events in current status, we find that more detection of UHECRs in the Auger era can sufficiently decrease this so that the source number density can be more robustly estimated. Two hundred event observation above 4 × 1019 eV in a hemisphere can discriminate between 10−5 and 10−6 Mpc−3. Number of events to discriminate between 10−4 and 10−5 Mpc−3 is dependent on EGMF strength. We also discuss the same in another source model in this paper.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present an investigation of interspecies differences in transpiration of the 2 most common plantation forest tree species in Japan, both in the family Cupressaceae with different northern limits of native distribution, Japanese cypress (Hinoki; Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. et Zucc.) and Japanese cedar (Sugi; Cryptomeria japonica D. Don). The stem sap flow rate was measured in 2 nearby stands of similar leaf area index in a 42‐year‐old plantation. Single‐tree and stand‐scale transpiration rates (Etre and Esta, respectively) were observed during an ideal autumn environment. At the stand scale, mean sap flux density of Hinoki was greater than that of Sugi, whereas total sapwood area per ground area was smaller in Hinoki than Sugi. Because the 2 variables had counterbalancing effects on transpiration, Esta of Hinoki was similar to (94% of) that of Sugi. This offset was also found between the mean Etre of the 2 species. Esta was similar between the stands from May to October, whereas Esta of Sugi was notably greater than that of Hinoki from February to April. During these 3 months, the difference in cumulative Esta was 21.7 mm, which accounted for 79% of the difference in annual Esta between Hinoki and Sugi (192 and 219 mm/year, respectively). We found that canopy conductance (Gc) and its sensitivity to the mean vapour pressure deficit during daylight hours in Sugi were particularly high in early spring, whereas those in Hinoki shifted gradually throughout the growing season. This difference was related to the optimal temperature of Gc in Sugi, which was approximately 10 °C lower than that in Hinoki. Our results suggest that plantations of water‐conserving species such as Hinoki produce timber slowly but yield water resources generously. Moreover, for plantations of trees sensitive to high temperature, such as Sugi, managers should be concerned about possible future decline caused by anticipated global warming.  相似文献   
We have measured near-infrared colorsof the binary Kuiper Belt object (KBO)1998 WW31 using the Subaru Telescope withadaptive optics. The satellite was detectednear its perigee and apogee(0.18“ and 1.2” apart from the primary).The primary and the satellite have similar H–Kcolors, while the satellite is redder thanthe primary in J–H. Combined with the Rband magnitude previously published byVeillet et al., 2002, the color of the primaryis consistent with that of optically red KBOs. Thesatellite's R-, J-, H-colors suggest thepresence of ~1 μm absorption band dueto rock-forming minerals. If the surface of thesatellite is mainly composed by olivine, thesatellite's albedo is higher value than the canonicallyassumed value of 4%.  相似文献   
Uptake coefficient of I2 on aqueous surfaces was measured by using an impinging flow method. Dependence of the uptake coefficient on the gas-liquid contact time and pH was investigated. The uptake coefficient was (3.7± 2.0)×10–4 at 120 ms, 293 K and pH = 5.6. In the alkaline region, the uptake coefficient was larger by one order of magnitude than that in the neutral and acidic region. The I2 uptake on KI solutions and synthetic sea water solutions was also measured. According to the analysis by the reactive uptake model, the uptake of I2 was shown to be mainly determined by liquid phase reactions and the accommodation coefficient of I2 on aqueous surfaces was estimated to be 0.01.  相似文献   
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