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Earthquake motion is one of the extreme loads acting on large dams. Dam owners and regulators must therefore ensure that dams are safely operated and present minimal risk to the public in case of extreme loads such as floods and earthquakes. Owners of many dams or officials in charge of dam safety programs may consider comparative assessment of the seismic risk associated with their dams and establish priorities for detailed evaluation. South Africa has in excess of 100 large state-owned dams and the characteristics of these dams have been used to perform a basic seismic hazard assessment and rank the vulnerability of these dams from the lowest to highest. One of the most decisive factors that contributes to the risk of a dam is the wall type; with gravity and earthfill dams being the most vulnerable to earthquake motion. Another aspect that needs further investigation is the downstream hazard potential which, if known to a better degree of accuracy, can provide more reasonable estimates of the risk factors.  相似文献   
A geographic fishery research database system (GFRDBS), called ECHOBASE, for storing and management of data on pelagic fish resources from acoustic surveys and catch samples, combined with environmental data in a geographic context, has been developed. The system constitutes a portable and inexpensive yet powerful tool for fishery research and environmental monitoring and provides on‐board data processing and mapping capabilities.

Data are acquired from an echosounder, echo signal processor, environmental profiler (CTD probe), and Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The electronic digitized maps (based on C‐MAP public format files) provide active on‐screen nautical charts.

The basic GFRDBS platform is a portable PC 486 machine, which is used as an on‐board data acquisition and processing tool running under MS Windows 3.1 operating environment. The system is designed around the Borland's PARADOX package, which provides a relational database for managing acoustic, catch, and environmental data. The ECHOBASE programs were written in Borland C ++ language as a Windows application.  相似文献   
We have analyzed GPS data from 2007–2011 to determine the nature of variation of scintillation index with elevation of the direction of propagation at an observing point Warsaw, Poland, and Hornsund, Svalbard. To compare with the theory, the intensity scintillation index is simulated as a function of elevation angle, azimuth, magnetic field inclination, and shape of irregularities, using the phase screen model of scintillation as formulated by Rino (1979). Data analysis has been done for the seasonal as well as geomagnetic activity dependence of ionospheric scintillation. Scintillation index is a power-law function of the cosecant of the elevation angle. Results show that the power law strongly depends on the form of irregularities, being larger than in isotropic case for irregularities with dimension along the magnetic field direction smaller than those across the magnetic field. The present work also shows the need to use experimentally derived dependence on elevation.  相似文献   
Orthogneisses occurring in the core of the Orlica-Kodzko dome, NE part of the Bohemian massif, exibit a penetrative, N-S stretching lineation defined by mostly ductile elongation of quartz and dilation of K-feldspar crystals of the former granite, now turned into quartz rods and variously elongated K-feldspar porphyroclasts. N-S stretching of the granite seems to be inconsistent with W-E tectonic transport shown by major folds and thrusts developing concurrently in its schistose envelope. The two major lithologies of the dome, differing in their fabrics and rheological properties, offered a drastically different response to an overall shortening. It is interpreted that folds due to buckling evolved in the mantle rocks and after a certain definite range of incremental shortening suffered extension parallel to their hinges. At that time the statistically isotropic granite body was subjected to the same N-S extension and was deformed in common with its schistose mantle under conditions of irrotational strain which represents an early but significant part of the protracted deformation history related to the granite-gneiss transformation.
Zusammenfassung Die Orthogneise, die im NE-Teil der Böhmischen Masse den Kern der Adlergebirge-Kodzko-Kuppel bilden, zeigen eine N-S-ausgerichtete Streckungslineation. Die Streckungsfaser ist an plastisch gedehnten Quarz-Aggregaten zu erkennen sowie an Klastenzügen von Kalifeldspat. Große Falten und Überschiebungen in der Schieferhülle des Granits hingegen geben eine W-E Richtung des tektonischen Transports an. Diese entspricht nicht der Längung des Granits.Zur Deutung werden die unterschiedlichen rheologischen Eigenschaften des Granits und seiner Hüllgesteine herangezogen, die auf Unterschieden der Zusammensetzung und des Gefüges beruhen. Diese Unterschiede bewirken, daß die Hüllgesteine zunächst Biegefaltung erleben bis weitere Einengung durch Faltung unmöglich wird. Daraufhin werden die Hüllgesteine parallel zur Faltenachse in N-S-Richtung gedehnt. Diese Dehnungsrichtung ist allein und von Anfang an den isotropen Graniten überprägt.Die Deformation erfolgte irrotational und nahezu als achsialsymmetrische Streckung. Sie stellt ein frühes, aber wichtiges Stadium der Umwandlung dieses Granits zu Gneisen dar.

Résumé Les orthogneiss qui constituent le coeur du dôme d'Orlica-kodzko (région nord-est du massif de Bohème) présentent une linéation d'étirement pénétrative orientée nordsud. Cette linéation est exprimée principalement par l'allongement ductile en bâtonnets d'agrégats de quartz et par l'alignement de porphyroclastes de feldspath potassique. D'autre part, dans l'encaissant schisteux du granite, les grands plis et les charriages indiquent une direction ouest-est du transport tectonique, ce qui ne semble donc pas correspondre à la structure de l'orthogneiss central.Ce contraste est interprété par la différence entre les propriétés rhéologiques des deux ensembles lithologiques, qui ont répondu de manières différentes au processus de raccourcissement régional. Dans les roches de l'enveloppe, se sont formés d'abord des plis de courbure, jusqu'à un certain degré de raccourcissement, après quoi, ce processus n'étant plus possible, elles ont subi un étirement parallèle aux axes de ces plis. Le corps granitique isotrope, au contraire, a réagi dès le début par une extension nord-sud. Ces conditions de déformation irrotationnelle, à symétrie quasi-axiale, représentent un stade précoce, mais significatif de la transformation du granite en orthogneiss.

, AdlergebirgeKlodzko - , , ; , , , - . - , . , . , . . . - . . - , , , .
Uniformly asymptotic formulae for edge-and-vertex diffraction in the time-domain, involving elementary functions of time, traveltimes and GTD amplitudes, are derived. Explicit expressions for diffraction at a pyramid and a triangle are constructed. They can be applied to the numerical calculation of a field reflected and diffracted at 3-D objects with sharp edges and to reflection from triangulated surfaces. the computational cost is very low.  相似文献   
GPS data from the International GNSS Service (IGS) network were used to study the development of the severe geomagnetic storm of November 7–12, 2004, in the total electron content (TEC) on a global scale. The TEC maps were produced for analyzing the storm. For producing the maps over European and North American sectors, GPS measurements from more than 100 stations were used. The dense network of GPS stations provided TEC measurements with a high temporal and spatial resolution. To present the temporal and spatial variation of TEC during the storm, differential TEC maps relative to a quiet day (November 6, 2004) were created. The features of geomagnetic storm attributed to the complex development of ionospheric storm depend on latitude, longitude and local time. The positive, as well as negative effects were detected in TEC variations as a consequence of the evolution of the geomagnetic storm. The maximal effect was registered in the subauroral/auroral ionosphere during substorm activity in the evening and night period. The latitudinal profiles obtained from TEC maps for Europe gave rise to the storm-time dynamic of the ionospheric trough, which was detected on November 7 and 9 at latitudes below 50°N. In the report, features of the response of TEC to the storm for European and North American sectors are analyzed.  相似文献   
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