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Combined investigations of isotopes, pollen, and molliisc shells were carried out on a Latc Glacial limnic high-resolution sediment sequence from the Geiseltal open-cast mine in Central Gcrmany. The dala confirm thc division of the Late Glacial biozones into two colder (Older and Younger Dryas) and two warmer periods (Bølling, Allcrød), which have already bccn cstablishcd lor the Central and Northern German area. Radiocarbon data, mainly based on wood material, cover a time span between c , 10 800 BP and 12 760 BP, indicating a mean sedimentation rate of c . 2 mm/yr. The stable isotope data (δ18O, δ13C) reflect the transition periods between the climatic phases as changes in relative air humidity (transition from dry, cold to warmer. more humid conditions). The dominance of evaporation effects, however, is superimposed on any ternpcratiirc aignal throughout the profile. Repeated conversions of the hydrologic regime (silting-up phases. lake-level variations) characterize the specific history of the lake development.  相似文献   
As part of the multinational Lake Owens Dust Experiment (LODE), we have studied the generation of dust storms on the south sand sheet of Owens (dry) Lake, California, an anthropogenically desiccated playa reported to be the single greatest source of particulate matter in North America. During March 1993, we performed an intensive field study including eight significant dust storms, building on our prior work (1978–1984) and preliminary studies (1991–1992). We studied sources and magnitude of coarse saltating particles, the meteorological conditions that allow them to become mobile across the flat playa of Owens (dry) Lake, and how the motion of saltating particles across different types of playa surfaces results in the generation of PM10 dusts (aerosol particles smaller than 10 μm aerodynamic diameter). Saltating grains of lacustrine sand and broken crust abrade and disaggregate the playa surface into fine aerosols, and the resulting PM10 concentrations recorded during major dust storms are among the highest ever recorded in North America. On 23 March 1993, we measured a 2 h concentration on the playa of 40 620 μg m−3, as far as we can determine the highest ambient PM10 value ever recorded in the U.S.A. Abrasion of salt-silt-clay crusts by saltation is shown to be responsible for all but a small part of one dust storm. The quantity ‘sand run’, saltating particle transport multiplied by wind run, is shown to be very closely correlated with dust aerosol concentration. Finally, we have established that on-lake bed studies are essential for quantitative prediction of dust events on the Owens (dry) Lake bed, despite the difficult conditions encountered.  相似文献   

In catchments characterized by spatially varying hydrological processes and responses, the optimal parameter values or regions of attraction in parameter space may differ with location-specific characteristics and dominating processes. This paper evaluates the value of semi-distributed calibration parameters for large-scale streamflow simulation using the spatially distributed LISFLOOD model. We employ the Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis (SCEM-UA) global optimization algorithm to infer the calibration parameters using daily discharge observations. The resulting posterior parameter distribution reflects the uncertainty about the model parameters and forms the basis for making probabilistic flow predictions. We assess the value of semi-distributing the calibration parameters by comparing three different calibration strategies. In the first calibration strategy uniform values over the entire area of interest are adopted for the unknown parameters, which are calibrated against discharge observations at the downstream outlet of the catchment. In the second calibration strategy the parameters are also uniformly distributed, but they are calibrated against observed discharges at the catchment outlet and at internal stations. In the third strategy a semi-distributed approach is adopted. Starting from upstream, parameters in each subcatchment are calibrated against the observed discharges at the outlet of the subcatchment. In order not to propagate upstream errors in the calibration process, observed discharges at upstream catchment outlets are used as inflow when calibrating downstream subcatchments. As an illustrative example, we demonstrate the methodology for a part of the Morava catchment, covering an area of approximately 10 000 km2. The calibration results reveal that the additional value of the internal discharge stations is limited when applying a lumped parameter approach. Moving from a lumped to a semi-distributed parameter approach: (i) improves the accuracy of the flow predictions, especially in the upstream subcatchments; and (ii) results in a more correct representation of flow prediction uncertainty. The results show the clear need to distribute the calibration parameters, especially in large catchments characterized by spatially varying hydrological processes and responses.  相似文献   
Two earthquakes that struck Sicily nearly three centuries apart provide the basis for an interpretation of subsequent events. After the 1693 earthquake, local inhabitants rebuilt their towns in a version of baroque architecture that is unique to the region. After the 1990 quake, their descendants mounted a campaign to restore the crumbling landscapes and then, years later, to unite in opposition against an oil company that threatened the newly restored sites. Michel Serres's theory of the “parasite” informs a reading of the earthquakes and the events that followed them as agents that disrupted the flow of human‐environment relationships and produced hybridized landscapes and political alliances. In this way the Sicilian baroque is both a style of architecture and a mode of social and political mobilization.  相似文献   
The regional dust model system LM-MUSCAT-DES was developed in the framework of the SAMUM project. Using the unique comprehensive data set of near-source dust properties during the 2006 SAMUM field campaign, the performance of the model system is evaluated for two time periods in May and June 2006. Dust optical thicknesses, number size distributions and the position of the maximum dust extinction in the vertical profiles agree well with the observations. However, the spatio-temporal evolution of the dust plumes is not always reproduced due to inaccuracies in the dust source placement by the model. While simulated winds and dust distributions are well matched for dust events caused by dry synoptic-scale dynamics, they are often misrepresented when dust emissions are caused by moist convection or influenced by small-scale topography that is not resolved by the model. In contrast to long-range dust transport, in the vicinity of source regions the model performance strongly depends on the correct prediction of the exact location of sources. Insufficiently resolved vertical grid spacing causes the absence of inversions in the model vertical profiles and likely explains the absence of the observed sharply defined dust layers.  相似文献   
St. Amour, N. A., Hammarlund, D., Edwards, T. W. D. & Wolfe, B. B. 2010: New insights into Holocene atmospheric circulation dynamics in central Scandinavia inferred from oxygen‐isotope records of lake‐sediment cellulose. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 770–782. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00169.x. ISSN 0300‐9843 Cellulose‐inferred lakewater oxygen‐isotope records have been obtained from two hydrologically open basins (Lake Spåime and Lake Svartkälstjärn), located on a west–east transect across central Sweden, to investigate changes in atmospheric circulation patterns during the Holocene. The Lake Spåime δ18O record is sensitive to changes in the seasonal distribution of precipitation in the Scandes Mountains of west‐central Sweden, and thus generally portrays variations in δ18O of precipitation (δ18OP) that are governed predominantly by the influence of air masses originating from the North Atlantic. In contrast, the Lake Svartkälstjärn δ18O record appears to reflect the varying influence of air masses delivering moisture from the North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea. A comparison of inferred changes in δ18OP over the Holocene between the two sites reveals systematic patterns of variability over widely different time scales. These include: (1) a previously recognized long‐term regional decline in δ18OP, possibly in response to the declining vigour of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation related to decreasing summer solar insolation; (2) newly identified inverse centennial‐ to millennial‐scale δ18OP fluctuations at the two sites that may be linked to changes in modes of atmospheric circulation analogous to those described at interannual to multidecadal time scales by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index; and (3) a prolonged interval of apparent climatic stability in the mid‐Holocene (c. 6300–4200 cal. yr BP) characterized by persistently negative NAO‐like circulation.  相似文献   
Arnold, L. J., Roberts, R. G., MacPhee, R. D. E., Haile, J. S., Brock, F., Möller, P., Froese, D. G., Tikhonov, A. N., Chivas, A. R., Gilbert, M. T. P. & Willerslev, E. 2010: Paper II – Dirt, dates and DNA: OSL and radiocarbon chronologies of perennially frozen sediments in Siberia, and their implications for sedimentary ancient DNA studies. Boreas, Vol. 40, pp. 417–445. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00181.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 The sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) technique offers a potentially invaluable means of investigating species evolution and extinction dynamics in high‐latitude environments. An implicit assumption of the sedaDNA approach is that the extracted DNA is autochthonous with the host deposit and that it has not been physically transported from older source deposits or reworked within the sedimentary profile by postdepositional mixing. In this paper we investigate whether these fundamental conditions are upheld at seven perennially frozen wetland sites across the Taimyr Peninsula and coastal lowlands of north‐central Siberia. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon (14C) dating are used to constrain the ages of both the inorganic and organic fractions of perennially frozen deposits from which sedaDNA of extinct and extant species have been recovered. OSL and 14C age/depth profiles, as well as single‐grain equivalent dose (De) distribution characteristics, are used to assess the stratigraphic integrity of these sedaDNA sequences by (i) identifying the presence of primary or reworked organic and inorganic material, and (ii) examining the types of depositional and postdepositional processes that have affected specific sedimentary facies. The results of this study demonstrate that even though DNA preservation and stratigraphic integrity are commonly superior in perennially frozen settings, this does not, in itself, guarantee the suitability of the sedaDNA approach. The combined OSL and 14C chronologies reveal that certain perennially frozen sites may be poorly suited for sedaDNA analysis, and that careful site selection is paramount to ensuring the accuracy of any sedaDNA study – particularly for ‘latest appearance date’ estimates of extinct taxa.  相似文献   
The siltation of reservoir causes many problems of management and environmental disturbances that are important to minimize. Solving these problems requires in particular a good knowledge of mud bank instabilities. In partnership with the Laboratoire National d'Hydraulique (LNH), a subsidiary of Electricite de France (E.D.F.), authors realize a study of soft soils sliding entailed by reservoir emptying. Using a geotechnical flat sliding mechanism, the theoretical formulation of the safety factor can be established when the sediment mass is submerged and emergent. The measurement campaign carried out makes it possible to obtain bathymetric and topographic surveys and a geotechnical characterization of the soil for the whole reservoir of Grangent dam, located on the Loire (France). The proposed model appears to agree satisfactorily with the instability of the zones emerged because of the emptying and with the stability of the profile after emptying. The use of this model within the framework of forecasts  相似文献   
The geochemical evolution of Montserrat provides an importantbackground to understanding the current activity of this islandarc volcano. Here we present major and trace element, and U-,Th- and O-isotope data for rocks generated in the last 300 kyrthat provide constraints on the magmatic processes occurringbeneath the volcano. Samples range from low- to medium-K calc-alkalinebasalts to dacites. Three suites can be distinguished on thebasis of major and trace element compositions: the South SoufrièreHills suite; the Soufrière Hills suite, including thelava from the current eruption; and the mafic inclusions. Magmaticdifferentiation of the magma that crystallized to form the maficinclusions appears to have been governed by closed-system processes,modelled by fractional crystallization (F  相似文献   
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