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Summary The deformational behaviour of tunnels, which underwent large deformations, socalled squeezing, have been recently receiving great attention in the field of rock mechanics and tunnelling. Contrary to rockbursting phenomenon in which the deformation of the medium takes place instantaneously, the deformation of the surrounding rock in squeezing phenomenon takes place slowly and gradually when the resulting stress state following the excavation exceeds the strength of the surrounding medium. Although there are some proposals for the definition of squeezing rocks and prediction of their squeezing potential and deformations of tunnels in literature, it is difficult to say that they are concise and appropriate.In the first half of this paper, the squeezing phenomenon of rock about tunnels and its mechanism and associated factors are clarified by studying carefully observed failures in-situ and laboratory model tests. Then, an extensive survey of tunnels in squeezing rocks in Japan is presented and the results of this survey are summarised. In the second half of the paper, a new method is proposed to predict the squeezing potential and deformations of tunnels in squeezing rock. Then, the method is applied to actual tunnelling projects, where squeezing problems have been encountered, to check its validity and applicability. As a concrete example, an application of the method to predict the squeezing potential and deformations of the rock along a 300 m long section of an actual tunnel was made. 相似文献
Observations, from the Apollo 16 Spacecraft, in lunar orbit, of the total radiance of the K + F corona, from 3 R to 55 R are presented and discussed.
The logarithmic slope of the K + F coronal radiance, in the region r > 20 R, is found to be n = 1.93, slightly less steep than previous determinations. The photometric axis of the radiance is found to be displaced 3 ± 1° north of the ecliptic, for the region r > 20 R, and this displacement is interpreted as an annual variation due to non-coincidence of the ecliptic and the symmetry axis of the zodiacal cloud. 相似文献
Exurbia from the bottom-up: Confronting empirical challenges to characterizing a complex system 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Daniel G. Brown Derek T. Robinson Li An Moira Zellner William Rand Rick Riolo Bobbi Low 《Geoforum》2008,39(2):805-818
We describe empirical results from a multi-disciplinary project that support modeling complex processes of land-use and land-cover change in exurban parts of Southeastern Michigan. Based on two different conceptual models, one describing the evolution of urban form as a consequence of residential preferences and the other describing land-cover changes in an exurban township as a consequence of residential preferences, local policies, and a diversity of development types, we describe a variety of empirical data collected to support the mechanisms that we encoded in computational agent-based models. We used multiple methods, including social surveys, remote sensing, and statistical analysis of spatial data, to collect data that could be used to validate the structure of our models, calibrate their specific parameters, and evaluate their output. The data were used to investigate this system in the context of several themes from complexity science, including have (a) macro-level patterns; (b) autonomous decision making entities (i.e., agents); (c) heterogeneity among those entities; (d) social and spatial interactions that operate across multiple scales and (e) nonlinear feedback mechanisms. The results point to the importance of collecting data on agents and their interactions when producing agent-based models, the general validity of our conceptual models, and some changes that we needed to make to these models following data analysis. The calibrated models have been and are being used to evaluate landscape dynamics and the effects of various policy interventions on urban land-cover patterns. 相似文献
P.T. Crisp S. Brenner M.I. Venkatesan E. Ruth I.R. Kaplan 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1979,43(11):1791-1801
Particulate matter was collected during September–October, 1977, in particle traps suspended 30–60 m above the floor of San Nicolas, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica and San Pedro Basins, off the coast of southern California. The trap particulates were analyzed for C15–C35 hydrocarbons using gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry. Kerogens and humic acids were characterized by H/C, N/C, δ13C, δ15N and δ34S ratios, and by electron-spin resonance. Hydrocarbons arising from fresh and weathered petroleum, marine autochthonous and terrestrial sources were identified. The rates of petroleum deposition during the collection period followed the order: San Nicolas Basin < Santa Barbara Basin ~ Santa Monica Basin < San Pedro Basin, with the largest amount of weathered petroleum being deposited in San Pedro Basin. The rates of petroleum deposition are correlated more strongly with human activities such as shipping, and the discharge of municipal and industrial wastes, than with natural submarine oil seepage. Analyses of kerogens and humic acids indicate that the majority of the organic matter in the trap particulates is of marine origin. The water column overlying Santa Barbara Basin appears to have the highest marine productivity of the four basins studied. 相似文献
The finite element method has often been used to simulate excavation. When the soil is linearly elastic, the results of excavation should be independent of the number of stages in the excavation process, and lack of such independence indicates an incorrect procedure. The simple direct method described in this paper provides the required independence in the case of linearly elastic materials, and hence can be used for multi-stage excavation in non-linear problems without excessive errors. However methods whose errors increase with the number of stages of excavation are quite unsuitable for non-linear problems. Alternative methods of analysis, errors arising from the inability of the elements to model adequately the stress gradients near the toe of the excavation and excavation adjacent to a diaphragm wall are discussed. 相似文献
Investigating the propagation mechanism of unmodelled systematic errors on coordinate time series estimated using least squares 总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6
The propagation of unmodelled systematic errors into coordinate time series computed using least squares is investigated,
to improve the understanding of unexplained signals and apparent noise in geodetic (especially GPS) coordinate time series.
Such coordinate time series are invariably based on a functional model linearised using only zero and first-order terms of
a (Taylor) series expansion about the approximate coordinates of the unknown point. The effect of such truncation errors is
investigated through the derivation of a generalised systematic error model for the simple case of range observations from
a single known reference point to a point which is assumed to be at rest by the least squares model but is in fact in motion.
The systematic error function for a one pseudo-satellite two-dimensional case, designed to be as simple but as analogous to
GPS positioning as possible, is quantified. It is shown that the combination of a moving reference point and unmodelled periodic
displacement at the unknown point of interest, due to ocean tide loading, for example, results in an output coordinate time
series containing many periodic terms when only zero and first-order expansion terms are used in the linearisation of the
functional model. The amplitude, phase and period of these terms is dependent on the input amplitude, the locations of the
unknown point and reference point, and the period of the reference point's motion. The dominant output signals that arise
due to truncation errors match those found in coordinate time series obtained from both simulated data and real three-dimensional
GPS data. 相似文献
T. V. Klets 《Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation》2008,16(5):467-489
Geographic differentiation of conodontophorids between northern and southern latitudes commenced in the Triassic since the early Induan. Cosmopolitan long-lived genera of predominantly smooth morphotypes without sculpturing were characteristic of high-latitude basins of the Panboreal Superrealm. Since the early Olenekian until the Carnian inclusive, this superrealm consisted of the Siberian Realm that extended over Northeast Asia and the Canada-Svalbard Realm that included the Svalbard Archipelago and northern regions of Canada. Throughout the Triassic period, conodontophorids characteristic of the Tethys-Panthalassa Superrealm spanning the Tethys and low-latitude zones of the Pacific were highly endemic, very diverse in taxonomic aspect, having well-developed sculpturing and tempos of morphological transformations. Distinctions between the Early-Middle Triassic conodontophorids from northern and southern zones were not as great as afterward, and their impoverished assemblages from southern Tethyan basins were close in some respects to the Boreal ones. Their habitat basins of that time can be grouped into the Mediterranean-Pacific and India-Pakistan realms. Hence, the extent of geographic differentiation of conodontophorids was not constant and gradually grew, as their taxonomic diversity was reducing in northern basins but relatively increasing in southern ones. The Panboreal e Tethys-Panthalassa superrealms of conodontophorids, which are most clearly recognizable, are close to first-rank paleobiochores (superrealms) established earlier for ammonoids and bivalve mollusks. Main factor that controlled geographic differentiation of Triassic conodontophorids was climatic zoning. Initially lower diversity of southern Tethyan assemblages points probably to relatively cooler water regime in the peri-Gondwanan part of the Tethys. The established patterns in geographic distribution of conodontophorids characterize most likely the real trend of their differentiation and evolution, i.e., the distribution area contraction prior to complete extinction at the end of the Triassic 相似文献
The Blue Tier Batholith is one of a number of high-level, essentially postkinematic, composite granitoid bodies occurring at the southern end of the Tasman orogenic belt of Eastern Australia.An integrated study of the structure, texture, and geochemistry of the batholith suggests that it has a cumulate-like character. In particular, the trace element (Ba, Rb, Sr) data, when constrained by textural features of the granitiods, indicate that the batholith formed by fractional crystallization of a single magma which underwent crystallization in situ by progressive nucleation and solidification from the roof, walls, and floor inwards. Progressive changes in liquids (cumulate) mineralogy during crystallization led to the observed sequence of early biotite and/or hornblende granodiorites followed by biotite adamellites and late muscovite biotite granites. Progressive in situ crystallization led in some instances to gradational boundaries between granitoid types whereas periodic tectonic distrubances caused the rest magma to reintrude earlier crystallizates in places: thus emplacement and crystallization sequences are parallel. The ultimate product of fractional crystallization was a water-saturated melt, enriched in incompatible elements, whose crystallization resulted in significant tin mineralization.The chemistry of the rocks comprising the batholith is in many respects analogous to that of basic cumulate rocks, although an origin by outward growth of crystals and expulsion of interstitial melt, coupled with convective mixing, rather than by crystal settling, is favoured for the granitoid suite. It is suggested that the Blue Tier Batholith is not an isolated example of a granitoid body with cumulate-like character, but that such bodies may be more common than is recognized. 相似文献
Low-divergence synchrotron-sourced X-rays enable a radiographic imaging scheme for full characterization of binary chemical reactions and characterization by type of more complex reactions, in situ, in diamond anvil cells (DAC). Spatially resolved reactants are induced to react by laser heating of their interface. The spatially intermediate products are observed through X-ray absorption contrast. Limits to the technique include the ability to maintain controlled experiment geometry during compression and the ability to resolve chemical differences between reactants and products by X-ray absorption. The ability to make in situ observations at experimental pressure and temperature obviates the problem with quenching techniques for capturing liquid compositions in experiments with dimensions smaller than the diffusion length during quenching time. Partially molten Fe-alloy systems, of poor quenchability, are examined at DAC pressures and temperatures for relevance to Earth's core constitution and evolution. Determinations of eutectic melting in Fe–FeS match known results. Of the probable light elements that may alloy with Fe in the Earth's liquid outer core, Fe–FeS experiments show only modest quenching problems, but C and Si alloy experiments are highly vulnerable to quenching artifacts. The observed reactivity of FeS, Fe3C, FeSi, and FeO(OH) with Fe in DAC makes the observed non-reactivity between Fe and FeO more significant, reducing the probability that oxygen alone is the major alloy in Earth's molten outer core. 相似文献
A global inventory of coral reef stressors based on satellite observed nighttime lights 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this article, we present a satellite-based approach to gather information about the threat to coral reefs worldwide. Three chosen reef stressors – development, gas flaring and heavily lit fishing boat activity – are analysed using nighttime lights data derived from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) produced at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, National Geophysical Data Center (NOAA/NGDC). Nighttime lights represent a direct threat to coral reef ecosystems and are an excellent proxy measure for associated human-caused stressors. A lights proximity index (LPI) is calculated, measuring the distance of coral reef sites to each of the stressors and incorporating the stressor's intensity. Colourized maps visualize the results on a global scale. Area rankings clarify the effects of artificial night lighting on coral reefs on a regional scale. The results should be very useful for reef managers and for state administrations to implement coral reef conservation projects and for the scientific world to conduct further research. 相似文献