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During quiescent auroras the large-scale electric field is essentially irrotational. The volume formed by the plasma sheet and its extension into the auroral oval is connected to an external source by electric currents, which enter and leave the volume at different electric potentials and which supply sufficient energy to support the auroral activity. The location of the actual acceleration of particles depends on the internal distribution of electric fields and currents. One important feature is the energization of the carriers of the cross-tail current and another is the acceleration of electrons precipitated through relatively low-altitude magnetic-field-aligned potential drops.Substorm auroras depend on rapid and (especially initially) localized release of energy that can only be supplied by tapping stored magnetic energy. The energy is transmitted to the charged particle via electric inductive fields.The primary electric field due to changing electric currents is redistributed in a complicated way—but never extinguished—by polarization of charges. As a consequence, any tendency of the plasma to suppress magnetic-field-aligned components of the electric fields leads to a corresponding enhancement of the transverse component.  相似文献   
The thermal balance of the plasma in the night-time mid-latitude F2-region is examined using solutions of the steady-state O+ and electron heat balance equations. The required concentrations and field-aligned velocities are obtained from a simultaneous solution of the time-dependent O+ continuity and momentum equations.The results demonstrate the systematic trend for the O+ temperature to be 10–20 K greater than the electron temperature during the night at around 300 km, as observed at St. Santin by Bauer and Mazaudier. It is shown that frictional heating between the O+ and neutral gases is the cause of the O+ temperature being greater than the electron temperature; the greater the importance of frictional heating in the thermal balance the greater is the difference in the O+ and electron temperatures. A study is made of the roles played in the thermal balance of the plasma by the thermal conductivity of the O+ and electron gases; collisional heat transfer between O+ electrons and neutrals; frictional heating between the O+ and neutral gases; and advection and convection due to field-aligned O+ and electron motions. The results of the study show that, at around 300 km, electron cooling by excitation of the fine structure of the ground state of atomic oxygen plays a major role in the thermal balance of the electrons and, since the temperature of the ions is little affected by this electron cooling process, in determining the difference between the ion and electron temperatures.  相似文献   
The discrepancy between the overhead E-region current and the magnetic D-component is studied using data obtained by the Chatanika incoherent scatter radar (L = 5.6). The F-region horizontal current is estimated to be too small to cause the observed D-deflection. Also, the assumption that the magnetic effects of the Pedersen and field-aligned currents cancel each other on the ground is shown to be inadequate to solve the problem. The significance of the inclination angle in the data analysis and the importance of the field-aligned current sheets are discussed.  相似文献   
A quiet-time Pc 5 event (designated Spacequake) of March 18, 1974, first noted on the Fort Churchill magnetopram, was studied using global data. Its amplitude was found to be largest in the northern part of the auroral zone and its period seemed to increase with latitude. The clockwise polarization of the event noted at Baker Lake and higher latitudes changed to counterclockwise at Fort Churchill in X-Y, X-Z and Y-Z planes. The resonance of a field line (L ? 10) excited due to an instability of the Kelvin-Helmholtz type may have given rise to the observed event. It is conjectured that the cause of instability at this high altitude was internal convection of the magnetosphere. Similar quiet-time events from four Canadian observatories were selected from approximately 11 years of magnetograms and their statistical analysis revealed that (i) occurrences maximized near dawn and dusk (ii) the amplitude-latitude profile peaked at Great Whale River (L ? 6.67), (iii) periods increased with increasing geomagnetic latitudes, (iv) a large number of events occurred in January, February and March every year, and (v) frequency of occurrence increased with increasing sunspot numbers. Comparison of these results with those available in the literature from analyses of satellite data clearly indicate that quiet-time Pc 5 events (Spacequakes) originate in the outer magnetosphere.  相似文献   
We present out methods of measurement and reduction of high-dispersion photographic spectra of Venus. Our preliminary results are consistent with slow direct or no rotation at the level we sample, and disagree strongly with a 4-day retrograde rotation. A serious systematic error, which affects much published work, is due to blending of solar lines in the sky with those reflected from the planet. This always tends to produce a spurious retrograde “rotation.” Only data obtained in a dark sky, or daytime observations from which the sky lines have been accurately subtracted, can be relied upon. All such data give low wind speeds.  相似文献   
In view of observations which show that a substorm often begins in a small local time sector, a model is assumed in which the neutral sheet current is diverted around a small region we call a bubble. The simplest assumption is that of a linear variation of current with distance from the centre of the bubble in the x-direction in a SM coordinate system, with the diverted current being channelled within narrow paths of width δy on the dawn and dusk sides of the bubble. This assumption leads to vector potential integrals that can be evaluated analytically. The addition of this current loop into the magnetotail results in a magnetic field structure where new neutral lines of X- and 0-type can be observed; these are connected to each other as a continuous neutral ring in the xy equatorial plane. The magnetic and electric field components around the neutral regions are calculated, and the time dependent evolution of the neutral ring is studied. Comparison with some published satellite observations shows good agreement. Taking typical values for the various quantities on the basis of actual observations within the magnetotail, we show that the induced electric field is at least comparable to the average cross-tail electrostatic field, and it may well be one or two orders of magnitude greater. The response of the plasma to the induction field is discussed qualitatively. It is concluded that field aligned currents may be produced due to inertial forces of the expanding disturbance. Interpretation of the ground based precipitation patterns of energized particles during auroral breakup is given.  相似文献   
Analysis of high precision 2-day mean orbital elements of several U.S. Navy navigation satellites is presented. The combined analytical-numerical method for the computation of the elements from the Defense Mapping Agency precision ephemerides is described. The precision of the semimajor axis and the inclination orbital elements are determined to be 2 cm and 0.016 respectively. The 28th degree and 27th order terms of the geopotential field are determined with the mean elements.  相似文献   
COSMOS measures on a deep UK Schmidt Telescope Plate have been used to obtain the number-magnitude count for galaxies in a field of 14.6 square degrees near the South Galactic Pole. The results are in excellent agreement with data for the North Galactic Pole for galaxies fainter thanB=18.0, indicating no large-scale differences between north and south. A deficiency in numbers is observed for galaxies withB16.0. This is comparable to the deficiency atB17.5 for counts at the North Galactic Pole and supports the suggested asymmetry of the bright galaxy distribution between north and south galactic poles.  相似文献   
Phase curves for the CO2 bands at 7883, 7820, and 8689 Å are presented. While the weaker bands at 7820 and 7883 Å show a definite “inverse phase effect,” the band at 8689 Å shows a more normal phase curve; it also exhibited much larger day-to-day variations in the CO2 abundance near superior conjunction in 1971. Because the variation of the phase curves with band strength is comparable to temporal variations on Venus, simultaneous observations of strong and weak bands are still needed to determine the dependence on band strength accurately.  相似文献   
The unexpectedly large scale height of Io's ionosphere (Kliore, A., et al., 1975, Icarus24, 407–410) together with the relatively large molecular weight of the likely principal constituent, SO2 (Pearl, J., et al., 1979, Nature280, 755–758), suggest a high ionospheric temperature. Electrical induction in Io's ionosphere due to the corotating plasma bound to the Jovian magnetosphere is one possible source for attainment of such high temperatures. Accordingly, unipolar induction models were constructed to calculate ionospheric joule heating numerically. Heating rates produced by highly simplified models lie in the range 10?9 to 10?8 W/m3. These heating rates are lower than those determined from uv photodissociative heating models (Kumar, S., 1980, Geophys. Res. Lett.7, 9–12) at low levels in the ionosphere but are comparable in the upper ionosphere. The low electrical heating rate throughout most of the ionosphere is due to the power limitation imposed by the Alfvén wings which complete the electrical circuit (Neubauer, F.M., 1980, J. Geophys. Res.85, 1171–1178). Contrary to the pre-Voyager calculations of Cloutier, P. A., et al. (1978, Astrophys. Space Sci.55, 93–112), our numerical results show that the J × B force density due to unipolar induction currents in the ionosphere is much less than the gravitational force density when the combined mass of the neutral species is included. The binding and coupling of the ionosphere is principally due to the relatively dense (possibly localized) neutral SO2 atmosphere. In regions where the ions and neutrals are collisionally coupled the ionosphere will not be stripped off by the J × B forces. However at a level above that (to which the ions move by diffusion only) the charged species would be removed. Thus there appears to be no need to postulate the existence of an intrinsic Ionian magnetic field as suggested by Kivelson, M. G., et al. (79, Science 205, 491–493) and Southwood, S. J., et al. (1980, J. Geophys. Res., in press) in order to retain the observed ionosphere.  相似文献   
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