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Solar radio and microwave sources were observed with the Very Large Array (VLA) and the RATAN-600, providing high spatial resolution at 91 cm (VLA) and detailed spectral and polarization data at microwave wavelengths (1.7 to 20 cm - RATAN). The radio observations have been compared with images from the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) aboard theYohkoh satellite and with full-disk phoptospheric magnetic field data from the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo Observatory. The VLA observations at 91 cm show fluctuating nonthermal noise storm sources in the middle corona. The active regions that were responsible for the noise storms generally had weaker microwave emission, fainter thermal soft X-ray emission, as well as less intense coronal magnetic fields than those associated with other active regions on the solar disk. The noise storms did, however, originate in active regions whose magnetic fields and radiation properties were evolving on timescales of days or less. We interpret these noise storms in terms of accelerated particles trapped in radiation belts above or near active regions, forming a decimetric coronal halo. The particles trapped in the radiation belts may be the source of other forms of nonthermal radio emission, while also providing a reservoir from which energetic particles may drain down into lower-lying magnetic structures.Presented at the CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   
Processes resulting in the formation of hydrocarbons of carbonaceous chondrites and the identity of the interstellar molecular precursors involved are an objective of investigations into the origin of the solar system and perhaps even life on earth. We have combined the resources and experience of an astronomer and physicists doing laboratory simulations with those of a chemical expert in the analysis of meteoritic hydrocarbons, in a project that investigated the conversion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) formed in stellar atmospheres into alkanes found in meteorites. Plasma hydrogenation has been found in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Astrophysics Laboratory to produce from the precursor PAH naphthalene, a new material having an IR absorption spectrum (Lee, W. and Wdowiak, T.J., Astrophys. J. 417, L49-L51, 1993) remarkably similar to that obtained at Arizona State University of the benzene-methanol extract of the Murchison meteorite (Cronin, J.R. and Pizzarello, S., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54, 2859-2868, 1990). There are astrophysical and meteoritic arguments for PAH species from extra-solar sources being incorporated into the solar nebula, where plasma hydrogenation is highly plausible. Conversion of PAHs into alkanes could also have occurred in the interstellar medium. The synthesis of laboratory analogs of meteoritic hydrocarbons through plasma hydrogenation of PAH species is underway, as is chemical analysis of those analogs. The objective is to clarify this heretofore uninvestigated process and to understand its role during the origin of the solar system as a mechanism of production of hydrocarbon species now found in meteorites. Results have been obtained in the form of time-of-flight spectroscopy and chemical analysis of the lab analog prepared from naphthalene.  相似文献   
Past studies of interplanetary magnetic sector boundaries have been based on the assumption that one can determine the field polarities by comparing the field directions with those of the nominal Parker spiral angles. Previous investigators have found evidence for decreases of B, the magnitude of the magnetic fieldB, and increases of , the angle betweenB and the ecliptic plane, at sector boundaries. Others have argued that the characteristic thickness of sector boundaries exceeds that of tangential discontinuities, making sector boundaries a separate class of structures.We use a simple technique for inferring the polarities of interplanetary magnetic fields based on the assumption thatE > 2 keV electrons are always flowing along the magnetic field away from the Sun. Electron data from the UC Berkeley experiment on the ISEE-3 spacecraft are used to examine periods around several apparent sector boundaries in 1978 and 1979. We compare properties of (a) boundaries with field polarity changes and (b) large-angle ( > 60°) directional discontinuities with no field polarity changes. We find no significant differences between the sector boundaries and the directional discontinuities in terms of associated decreases in B or of values of . These results suggest no significant difference between sector boundaries and directional discontinuities other than the change in field polarities. Within limited statistics we find that about half the polarity changes would not have been identified using a requirement that > 90° and that half of the > 120° discontinuities would have been misidentified as polarity changes.  相似文献   
We examined solar energetic proton (SEP) events associated with intense H flares. We located these flares on the solar disk and obtained their distribution in heliographic longitude as well as their angular distance distribution with respect to the neutral lines corresponding to the heliospheric current sheet at 2.5R. We found that the SEP-associated H flares tend to occur in active regions at the feet of those helmet streamers which form the heliomagnetic equator and are related to coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and CME shocks. We discuss the possible role of flares, CMEs and CME shocks in generating SEPs.  相似文献   
The point spread function of the SXT telescope aboardYohkoh has been measured in flight configuration in three different X-ray lines at White Sands Missile Range. We have fitted these data with an elliptical generalization of the Moffat function. Our fitting method consists of 2 minimizationin Fourier space, especially designed for matching of sharply peaked functions. We find excellent fits with a reduced 2 of order unity or less for single exposure point spread functions over most of the CCD. Near the edges of the CCD the fits are less accurate due to vignetting. From fitting results with summation of multiple exposures we find a systematic error in the fitting function of the order of 3% near the peak of the point spread function, which is close to the photon noise for typical SXT images in orbit. We find that the full width to half maximum and fitting parameters vary significantly with CCD location. However, we also find that point spread functions measured at the same location are consistent to one another within the limit determined by photon noise. A best analytical fit to the PSF as function of position on the CCD is derived for use in SXT image enhancement routines. As an aside result we have found that SXT can determine the location of point sources to about a quarter of a 2.54 arc sec pixel.This paper is dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague Kermit Smith, who died in June 1993, after a valient fight with leukemia.  相似文献   
A solar type I noise storm was observed on 30 July, 1992 with the radio spectrometer Phoenix of ETH Zürich, the Very Large Array (VLA) and the soft X-ray (SXR) telescope on board theYohkoh satellite. The spectrogram was used to identify the type I noise storm. In the VLA images at 333 MHz a fully left circular polarized (100% LCP) continuum source and several highly polarized (70% to 100% LCP) burst sources have been located. The continuum and the bursts are spatially separated by about 100 and apparently lie on different loops as outlined by the SXR. Continuum and bursts are separated in the perpendicular direction to the magnetic field configuration. Between the periods of strong burst activities, burst-like emissions are also superimposed on the continuum source. There is no obvious correlation between the flux density of the continuum and the bursts. The burst sources have no systematic motion, whereas the the continuum source shows a small drift of 0.2 min–1 along the X-ray loop in the long-time evolution. The VLA maps at higher frequency (1446 MHz) show no source corresponding to the type I event. The soft X-ray emission measure and temperature were calculated. The type I continuum source is located (in projection) in a region with enhanced SXR emission, a loop having a mean density of n e = (1.5 ± 0.4) × 109 cm–3 and a temperature ofT = (2.1 ± 0.1) × 106 K. The centroid positions of the left and right circularly polarized components of the burst sources are separated by 15–50 and seem to be on different loops. These observations contradict the predictions of existing type I theories.Presented at the CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   
We present the results of a study of circumstellar dust envelopes of 36 stars of early(O-B-A) types in the directions of the associations Cas OB1, Cas OB2, Per OB1, and Ori OB1. We determine the absorption at 1640 Å, the linear radius of the dust envelopes, the mean value of the coefficient k, and the masses of the envelopes. They differ significantly from one another.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 3, 1995.  相似文献   
Image intensified video detection systems were used to observe the 1991 Perseid meteor shower from two locations in eastern Canada. In 29.6 hours of total observing time a total of 668 meteors were detected, of which 403 were Perseids. We derived a profile of TVZHR (television zenithal hourly rate) values for the 1991 Perseid shower over the solar longitude (epoch 2000) interval 138°51 to 141°01. The apparent limiting stellar magnitudes of the observing systems were +9.4 and +8.8 (corresponding to limiting meteor magnitudes for our geometry ranging from +8.7 to +7.0). Within the observing period, the maximum TVZHR rate was approximately 1600, and occurred at solar longitude 139.9°. This is in good agreement with the second peak observed by visual observers. The data suggest that TVZHR values should be divided by a factor of approximately 5 to compare TVZHR and ZHR values.  相似文献   
According to A.A. Khentov Venus' rotation is in the quasi-stationary state as a result of the balance interaction of the solar tidal torque with the aerodynamical torque of the rotating Venus' atmosphere. In case of the nonconservative forces are negligible and the solar attraction is the stabilizing factor, the rotation of the rigid Venus may be assumed as the first approximation. The theory of the rotation of the rigid Venus in the coordinates,, had been constructed. It have been found that Venus rotates almost uniformly and the libration harmonics are negligible.  相似文献   
"While 'closed-door' immigration policies are adopted by most countries, 'exceptionalist' legislation is often made to permit entry of special immigrant groups. An example is the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990, which was passed in the run-up to the change in sovereignty of Hong Kong in 1997. Britain's increasingly restrictive immigration policies prior to 1990 [have] resulted in the majority of Hong Kong citizens having British nationality (as British Dependent Territories citizens) but without the right of abode in the U.K. The 1990 Act conferred full British citizenship status on 50,000 heads of households in Hong Kong." The authors conclude that "in a world of marked global inequalities, immigration pressure will become even more extreme and is likely to produce an increasing number of cases of exceptionalist immigration legislation in countries with both ?open' and 'closed'-door policies.'  相似文献   
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