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In urban environments, one major concern with deep excavations in soft clay is the potentially large ground deformations in and around the excavation. Excessive movements can damage adjacent buildings and utilities. There are many uncertainties associated with the calculation of the ultimate or serviceability performance of a braced excavation system. These include the variabilities of the loadings, geotechnical soil properties, and engineering and geometrical properties of the wall. A risk‐based approach to serviceability performance failure is necessary to incorporate systematically the uncertainties associated with the various design parameters. This paper demonstrates the use of an integrated neural network–reliability method to assess the risk of serviceability failure through the calculation of the reliability index. By first performing a series of parametric studies using the finite element method and then approximating the non‐linear limit state surface (the boundary separating the safe and ‘failure’ domains) through a neural network model, the reliability index can be determined with the aid of a spreadsheet. Two illustrative examples are presented to show how the serviceability performance for braced excavation problems can be assessed using the reliability index. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Observations of the thermospheric wind at a mid-latitude station have been made using a Fabry-Perot interferometer to measure the Doppler shift of the nighttime OI emission at 630 nm. The results from 12 summer nights show that the zonal wind has a distinct feature associated with magnetic activity. The zonal wind first reverses and becomes westward. The maximum strength of the westward wind, its duration, and the maximum strength of the subsequent eastward wind all increase with increasing magnetic activity. The meridional wind is less consistent in its behaviour. It is normally equatorward but during magnetic activity it can increase, decrease, or even reverse, although it is consistently equatorward and of increased strength after 02.00 L.T. The initial reversal of the zonal wind is consistent with changes in the wind expected as a result of convective electric fields penetrating to mid-latitudes indicating that these electric fields modify the mid-latitude wind pattern before effects due to auroral heating reach mid-latitudes. The reversal of the zonal wind back to eastward may also be the result of electric field effects. The large variability of the meridional wind, to the extent that it becomes poleward at times, indicates the importance of wind sources equatorward of the observatory.  相似文献   
The muon flux at the South Pole was measured for five zenith angles, 0°, 15°, 35°, 82.13° and 85.15° with a scintillator muon telescope incorporating ice Cherenkov tank detectors as the absorber. We compare the measurements with other data and with calculations.  相似文献   
Summary Geometric data of fault planes and fault plane lineations, together with the observed sense of shear on the slip planes, were used to calculate paleostress tensors and fields responsible for the post metamorphic peak D3 and D4 deformation events in the four Odenwald units sensu Krohe (1991). The paleostress fields were calculated using the method of Will and Powell (1991). As inferred from the paleostress analysis, the D3 strike-slip deformation west of the Otzberg fault zone was caused by a, ± N-S directed, compressional regional stress field, with shallowly plunging σ1 axes and σ3 directions that plunge at shallow to moderate angles to the E or W; the calculated mean orientations are: σ1 06 → 350, σ2 77 → 234 and σ3 12 → 085. The B?llsteiner Odenwald east of the Otzberg fault zone was not affected by this stress field. This implies that the Bergstr?sser and B?llsteiner Odenwald were spatially separated and formed independent crustal blocks during D3. The D4 faulting event is recognised in all areas investigated, even though most prominently in units III and IV, and juxtaposed the Bergstr?sser and B?llsteiner Odenwald. This faulting episode was caused by a paleostress field with a steeply westerly plunging σ1 axis and a shallowly southsoutheasterly plunging σ3 axis. The orientations of the principal stresses are: σ1 52 → 270, σ2 38 → 085 and σ3 06 → 174. With continued deformation from D3 to D4, there was a progressive change in the orientation of the stress field indicating a change from a N-S compressional to extensional stress field, accompanied by the progressive development of strike-slip faults and late normal faults. Paleostress field orientations in the Pfalz Forest, SW of the Odenwald, determined by Fl?ttmann and Oncken (1992) are very similar to those obtained for the Odenwald region and indicate a regionally consistent stress pattern in the southwestern part of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise (MGCR) during strike-slip and normal faulting deformations.
Zusammenfassung Paleostress-Tensor Analyse sp?ter Deformationsereignisse im Odenwald-Kristallin und ein Vergleich mit anderen Einheiten der Mitteldeutschen Kristallinzone, Deutschland Für die vier Odenwald-Einheiten im Sinne von Krohe (1991) wurden Pal?ostressfelder für die Blattverschiebungs- und Abschiebungsereignisse D3 und D4 mit der Methode von Will und Powell (1991) berechnet. Die Analyse ergibt, da? das regionale Spannungsfeld, das westlich der Otzberg-Zone im Bergstr?sser Odenwald zum D3-Ereignis führte, ein ± N-S gerichtetes kompressives Stresssfeld war. Die σ1-Achse f?llt flach nach N bzw. S ein, die σ3-Achse mit kleinen bis moderaten Winkeln nach E bzw. W; die berechneten Orientierungen der Hauptspannungsrichtungen sind: σ1 08 → 350, σ2 77 → 234 and σ3 12 → 085. Der B?llsteiner Odenwald, ?stlich der Otzberg-Zone, wurde von diesem Spannungsfeld nicht erfa?t. Dies impliziert, da? Bergstr?sser und B?llsteiner Odenwald w?hrend des D3-Ereignisses voneinander getrennt waren und separate Krusteneinheiten darstellten. Auswirkungen der D4-Deformation k?nnen im gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet erkannt werden, am st?rksten jedoch in den Einheiten III und IV. Dieses Ereignis wurde von einem Pal?ostressfeld mit einer steil nach W einfallenden σ1- und einer flach nach SSE einfallenden σ3-Achse verursacht und führte zum Zusammenschlu? von Bergstr?sser und B?llsteiner Odenwald. Die berechneten Orientierungen der Hauptspannungsrichtungen sind: σ1 52 → 270, σ2 38 → 085 und σ3 06 → 174. Die Rotation der Hauptspannungsrichtungen war mit einer ?nderung von einem kompressionalen N-S gerichteten (D3) hin zu einem extensionalen (D4) Stressfeld verbunden. Die erzielten Ergebnisse sind sehr ?hnlich mit Resultaten, die Fl?ttmann und Oncken (1992) im Pf?lzer Wald ermittelten. Dies weist auf ein regional übereinstimmendes Spannungsfeld im SW-Teil der Mitteldeutschen Kristallinzone hin.

Received July 8, 1999; revised version accepted March 28, 2000  相似文献   
From elements formed in interstellar furnaces to humans peering back at the stars, the evolution of life has been a long, intricate and perhaps inevitable process. Life as we know it requires a planet orbiting a star at just the right distance so that water can exist in liquid form. It needs a rich supply of chemicals and energy sources. On Earth, the combination of chemistry and energy generated molecules that evolved ways of replicating themselves and of passing information from one generation to the next. Thus, the thread of life began. This chart traces the thread, maintained by DNA molecules for much of its history, as it weaves its way through the primitive oceans, gaining strength and diversity along the way. Organisms eventually moved onto the land, where advanced forms, including humans, ultimately arose. Finally, assisted by a technology of its own making, life has reached back out into space to understand its own origins, to expand into new realms, and to seek other living threads in the cosmos.  相似文献   
Many space scientists think that the chemical conditions today on planets and moons of the outer solar system are similar to conditions on Earth soon after it formed. If so, we can learn much about the chemistry that led to life on this planet. We can also speculate about exotic habitats that might have given rise to other types of life. And if we are able to discern the chemical reactions now occurring in the outer solar system, we may be able to extrapolate these rules to other solar systems, and so define the habitable zones around other stars where the potential for life is high.  相似文献   
Rapid variations of the radial velocities of absorption components of Ti II lines in CH Cyg are presented. The periods of these variations are determined to 1.89 and 41.07 days in 1982. The variations are interpreted through oscilliations in the mass transfer from the M component onto the accretion disk of the companion during periastron passage.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   
Results of high-dispersion spectroscopy (10 Å mm–1) of the symbiotic star AX Per carried out in the years from 1979 to 1987 are reported. The emission line [FeVII] 6086 consists of a narrow and a broad component; the radial velocity of the narrow one varies according to the photometric period 681.6 days. This variation (K=30.6±1.5 km s–1) seems to be due to the orbital motion of the hot star. The radial velocity of absorption lines varies with an inverse phase dependence and a much smaller amplitude (K=5.6±2 km s–1), which may reflect the orbital motion of the red giant. The variation of the radial velocity of the emission lines of FeII, ect. (K=6.7±1.5 km s–1) might be due to the rotation of the red giant. The profile of H emission line suddenly changed around the phase of the photometric minimum, which could be explained as a result of an eclipse of the emitting region by the red giant. On the other hand, some problems remain open in the behaviour of the radial velocities of H and HeI 5876.The observed results support a binary model of AX Per consisting of a rather massive (3M ) M-type giant and a Main-Sequence star (0.6M ). AX Per seems to be in an early stage of the Case C mass transfer, and the estimated very high mass accretion rate (10–4 M yr–1) is consistent with the theoretical models. The narrow component of the emission line of [FeVII] 6086 might be emitted in radiatively driven polar jets on the hot star of which luminosity is close to the Eddington limit.A new identification as ZrII at 6106.47 Å is proposed for the emission line at 6106 Å.  相似文献   
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