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Latentes result from the weathering of a variety of rocks under humid tropical conditions. When developed at the expenses of Mn2+-bearing parent rocks, laterite consists of a thick mantle made up of manganese oxides and hydroxides. Two main examples are described from tropical Africa. The first example displays a lateritic profile on metamorphic rock; the second example deals with lateritic profiles developed on a Precambrian sedimentary rock. From the base to the top of the studied profiles, different Mn hydroxide and oxide sequences have differentiated. Their composition depends on (i) the constitutive parent minerals with vary ing weathering rates, (ii) the intensity of weathering which progresses towards the profile top permitting pseudomorphic replacement of Mn4+ oxides for early formed Mn3+ hydroxides. Most of the manganese ore result from a relative accumulation. However, Mn can also be mobilized in different places of weathering profiles leading to accumulations in other places, mainly at the base of weathering profiles. That absolute accumulation can occur in non-Mn-bearing weathering horizons (kaolinitic horizons) to form Mn nodules in which kaolinite is dissolved. This process provides Al which combines to Mn3+ forming Al-Mn hydroxides (lithiophorite).From these petrographical observations, stability field diagrams are proposed to explain the general evolution of Mn components under chemical lateritic conditions. These diagrams illustrate interactions between ions and manganese species.
Zusammenfassung Latente entstehen durch Verwitterung verschiedener Gesteine in tropisch-feuchten Klimaten. Bildet sich Laterit aus Mn2+-führenden Ausgangsgestein, so besteht er aus einer dicken Schicht von Mangan-Oxiden und -Hydroxiden. Hier sollen zwei Beispiele aus tropischen Regionen Afrikas beschrieben werden:Das erste Beispiel ist ein Lateritprofil, daß das Hangende von Metamorphiten bildet; das zweite Laterite, die sich auf einem präkambrischen Sedimentgestein entwickelt haben. Von der Basis bis zu dem Top der jeweiligen Profile haben sich unterschiedliche Mangan-Hydroxid und -Oxid-Sequenzen herausgebildet. Die Zusammensetzung hängt ab von:(i) Den wesentlichen Ausgangsmineralien unter wechselnden Verwitterungspenoden und (ii) der Verwitterungsintensität, die zum Top des Profils zunimmt und damit die pseudomorphe Substitution von Mn3+-Hydroxiden zu Mn4+-Oxiden ermöglicht. Der Hauptanteil der Manganlagerstätte resultiert aus einer relativen Anreicherung. Allerdings kann Mn auch in verschiedenen Teilen des Verwitterungsprofiles mobilisiert werden, was zu einer Anreicherung in anderen Bereichen führt und zwar hauptsächlich an der Basis eines Profiles. Diese absolute Anreicherung kann in Mangan-freien Verwitterungshorizonten (Kaolinithorizonte) zur Bildung von Mangankonkretionen führen, in denen Kaolinit gelöst wird. Bei diesem Vorgang wird Al frei, das sich mit Mn3+ verbindet, um Al-Mn-Hydroxide (Lithiophorite) zu bilden.Mit Hilfe dieser petrographischen Beobachtungen werden Stabilitäts-Diagramme erstellt, die die allgemeine Entwicklung der Mn-Komponenten unter lateritischen Bedingungen zu erklären versuchen. Diese Diagramme erleutern die zwischen Ionen und Mangan stattfindenen Reaktionen.

Résumé Les latérites résultent de l'altération chimique de roches de types variés, sous conditions tropicales humides. Les latérites se développent sur roches-mères à minéraux manganésifères à Mn2+ sous forme de cuirasses épaisses constituées d'oxydes et d'hydroxydes de manganèse. Deux exemples d'Afrique tropicale sont étudiés. Le premier exemple montre un profil d'altération latéritique développé sur roche métamorphique; le deuxième exemple traite de profils latéritiques développés sur une roche sédimentaire précambrienne. De la base vers le sommet des profils étudiés, se différencient des séquences d'oxydes et hydroxydes de manganèse. Elles sont fonction (1) des minéraux primaires dont les vitesses d'altération varient d'une phase à une autre, (2) de l'intensité de l'altération qui est d'autant plus forte que l'on monte dans le profil et qui permet le remplacement pseudomorphique d'hydroxydes à Mn3+ formés précocement par des oxydes à Mn4+. La plupart des gisements de manganèse résultent d'une accumulation relative; cependant, Mn peut être mobile à différents niveaux dans les profils d'altération et s'accumuler de manière absolue à d'autres, et en particulier à la base des profils. Cette accumulation absolue peut se produire dans des horizons non manganésifères (horizons kaolinitiques) et former des nodules de manganèse dans lesquels la kaolinite est dissoute libérant de l'aluminium qui se combine avec Mn3+ pour former un hydroxyde alumineux et manganésifère: la lithiophorite.A partir de ces observations pétrographiques, et après les avoir comparées avec celles d'autres gisements africains et brésiliens, des diagrammes de champs de stabilité sont proposés pour expliquer l'évolution générale des phases manganésifères sous conditions d'altération latéritique. Ces diagrammes illustrent les interactions entre ions en solution et minéraux manganésifères.

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An ecological model to calculate phytoplankton development and microbial loop dynamics in the marginal ice zone of the antarctic ecosystem has been established on the basis of physical and biological (phyto- and bacterioplankton biomass and activity and counting of two classes of heterotrophic nanoplankton) measurements carried out in the marginal ice zone of the Scotia-Weddell Sea sector of the Southern Ocean during sea ice retreat 1988 (EPOS 1 and 2 expeditions). Application of this model at latitudes where sea ice retreat occurs and in adjacent open sea and permanently ice-covered areas demonstrated that the marginal ice zone is a region of enhanced primary and bacterioplankton production. Combining the results of the phyto- and bacterioplankton models allowed the quantitative estimate of the carbon fluxes through the lower level of the planktonic food web of the Weddell Sea marginal ice zone during the sea ice retreat period. The resulting carbon budget revealed the quantitative importance of microbial and micrograzing processes in the pathways of net primary production, 71% of this latter being assimilated in the microbial food web. However, total net microbial food web secondary production contributed 28% of‘marginal ice zone produced’ food resources available to krill and other Zooplankton.  相似文献   
The Thau Lagoon, a French Mediterranean shallow lagoon, is a site where extensive shellfish farming occurs. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the role of this activity on nutrient exchange at the sediment-water interface in relation to organic matter (OM) sedimentation and degradation. Two stations inside (C5) and outside (C4) of the shellfish farming areas were sampled at three seasons. Porewater chemistry surveys and calculated diffusive fluxes were used to evaluate the trophic status of the Thau lagoon. Quantitative (Particulate Organic Carbon) as well as qualitative OM (Hydrogen Index, Carbohydrates) analyses were performed on sediments to assess OM characteristics. Results emphasized that surficial sediments at C5 are always more enriched in OM. Porewater nutrient concentrations are 10-20 times higher at C5 than at C4. In June 2003, the porewater profiles exhibit a sharp gradient at the bottom waters, indicating a hypereutrophic status, leading to an anoxic crisis.  相似文献   
A high heat-flow (∼900 mW m−2) has been observed over a volcanic structure at the Ocean-Continent Transition in the Eastern Gulf of Aden (Oman margin). The anomaly is superposed to a progressive increase of heat-flow across the margin and can be interpreted either by (1) heat refraction, (2) fluid discharge or (3) cooling magma. The two first explanations cannot be ruled out definitely by modelling analysis, but require unlikely thermal conductivity or permeability values. The third one implies that the latest activity of the volcano was about 100 000 years old and therefore continued c. 18 Ma after the break-up of Africa and Arabia. This potential mechanism is consistent with other lines of evidence of post-rifting activity in the Gulf of Aden and could invalidate the conventional assumption that rifted-margins become passive after the break-up of continents.  相似文献   
Discovery of a middle Permian ostracod fauna in the marine Khuff Formation (Sultanate of Oman), combined with palaeobotanical data from the immediately underlying continental Gharif Formation, supports new interpretations of the palaeobiogeography of the Tethys during the late Palaeozoic. A mixed ostracod fauna existed on the Arabian platform. This new record of Permian ostracods, combined with recent data obtained in other Tethyan areas, emphasizes the close relationship between the south-western Tethys realm and South China. The macro- and microfloral assemblages of the continental Gharif Formation demonstrate that this palaeoflora represents a true mixed association in which Gondwanan, Cathaysian and Euramerian elements are intermingled. Two main models exist for the reconstruction of Pangaea during the late Palaeozoic. Both ostracods and palaeobotanical evidence favour the reduction of the oceanic area between South China and Arabian plate as in the B Pangaea model favoured by recent palaeomagnetic data.  相似文献   
Research conducted in the Yamé Valley (Dogon Country, Mali) provides valuable information about the river systems and their Holocene evolution in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. Past research in the region has relied primarily on marine and lacustrine records. The new results confirm correlation between palaeoclimatic fluctuations recorded in both the river system and in tropical African lakes. They offer a new continental milestone for understanding of the environmental repercussions of Holocene monsoon oscillations. These studies demonstrate the value of river systems as a palaeoenvironmental record and the role of palaeoclimatic and anthropogenic factors in the Holocene dynamics of Sudano-Sahelian hydrosystems.  相似文献   
Precambrian carbonaceous material from Cluff, Saskatchewan (Canada), and samples of Late Carboniferous material from Arlit (250 km NNW of Agadès, Niger), were studied by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The Cluff sample is very rich in uranium, whereas those from Arlit are poorer. An intact organo-uranium complex is the major component of the Cluff sample, the carbon and oxygen content of which are high. Uraniferous fragments show very small molecular orientation, whereas those that are uranium-free present a statistical long range preferred orientation. The carbonaceous material of Arlit is entirely free of uranium and behaves as any other humic poorly evolved material; it acquires a small molecular orientation on heat treatment. Uranium was found associated with titaniferous illite in the form of poorly crystallized UTi2O6 (Brannerite). The formation of brannerite is attributed to a topotactic transformation of clay particles containing adsorbed organic matter. Clay yields TiO2; organic matter is the source of UO2. Destruction of clay leads to release of organic matter, free of uranium, which undergoes diagenesis.  相似文献   
Abstract– The molecular structure of the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from Murchison meteorite has been investigated by our group for several years using a large set of analytical methods including various spectroscopies (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance, X‐ray absorption near‐edge spectroscopy), high resolution electron microscopy, and thermal (pyrolyses in the presence or not of tetramethylammonium hydroxide) and chemical (RuO4 oxidation) degradations. Taken together, these techniques provided a wealth of qualitative and quantitative information, from which we derived 11 elemental and molecular parameters on the same IOM residue. In addition to the basic elemental composition, these parameters describe the distribution of the different types of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur atoms as well as the size of the polyaromatic units. For this molecular structure, we therefore propose a model which fits with these 11 molecular quantitative parameters. Several cosmochemical implications are derived from this structure. Based on the fact that aromatic moieties are highly substituted and aliphatic chains highly branched, it can be anticipated that the synthesis of this IOM occurred through successive additions of single carbon units in the gas‐phase ending by a spontaneous cyclization for chain length ≥7 C. As a whole, these observations favor an organosynthesis in the solar T‐Tauri disk.  相似文献   
We present an analysis of intermediate- to long-wavelength (a few hundred to a few thousand kilometers) axial depth anomalies along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 10 and 50°N. The maximum depth of the rift valley is chosen as the elevation datum for oceanic crust of zero-age. The large depth anomalies are correlated, for short wavelengths (less than a few hundred kilometers), with some fracture zones irrespective of their offset and, for intermediate to long wavelengths, with mantle properties expressed in (1) excess elevation near triple junctions, (2) trace element and isotope geochemistry of the basaltic liquids emplaced at the ridge axis, and (3) anomalies in the Earth's gravity field. We suggest that the correlations may be explained in two ways: the depth anomalies of intermediate to long wavelength may represent the sites of upwelling and downwelling of the deep mantle; alternatively, the depth anomalies could be due to a regionalization in temperature or mineralogy in the asthenosphere.  相似文献   
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