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Abstract— It is now established that a large extraterrestrial object hit the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 65 Ma ago. We have investigated Re‐Os, Hf‐W, and Mn‐Cr isotope systems in sediments from the Cretaceous and the Paleogene in order to characterize the type of impactor. Within the Cretaceous‐Tertiary (K‐T) boundary layer, extraterrestrial material is mixed with terrestrial material, causing a dilution of the extraterrestrial isotope signature that is difficult to quantify. A phase essentially composed of Ni‐rich spinel, formed in the atmosphere mainly from melted projectile material, is likely to contain the extraterrestrial isotopic signature of the impactor. We show that the analysis of spinel is indeed the best approach to determine the initial isotope composition of the impactor, and that W and Cr isotopes confirm that the projectile was a carbonaceous chondrite.  相似文献   
The hydrology of Quebec, Canada, boreal fens is poorly documented. Many peatlands are located in watersheds with impounded rivers. In such cases, their presence influences reservoir inflows. In recent years, some fens have been subjected to an increase of their wet area, a sign that they may be evolving towards an aquatic ecosystem. This dynamic process is called aqualysis. This article presents the seasonal and monthly hydrological budgets of a small watershed including a highly aqualysed fen (James Bay region). The monitoring of precipitation (P), runoff (Q) and groundwater levels (WL) was conducted during the ice‐free season. Three semiempirical equations (Thornthwaite, Priestley–Taylor and Penman–Monteith) were used and compared to calculate potential evapotranspiration. The first two equations, having fewer parameters, estimate higher potential evapotranspiration values than the third equation. The use of pressure‐level gauges installed in wells, for the calculation of peatland water storage, is inconclusive. Swelling of peat, peat decomposition and plant composition could be responsible for nonnegligible amounts of absorbed water, which are not entirely accounted for by well levels. The estimation of peat matrix water storage is potentially the largest source of error and the limiting factor to calculate water balances in this environment. The results show that the groundwater level and the water storage vary depending on the season and especially after a heavy rainfall. Finally, the results illustrate the complexity of water routing through the site and thus raise several questions to be resolved in the future. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
On the night of 1st June 2009, a Rio-Paris Air France flight (AF447) disappeared in a highly variable and poorly observed part of the western tropical Atlantic Ocean. The first debris was located 5 days after the accident. Several reverse drift computations were conducted in order to define the likely position of the wreckage. Unfortunately, the performance of the operational ocean analyses available in the region of interest ranges from 80 to 100 km of positioning error after 5 days of inverse drift computation. In preparation of the third phase of research of the wreckage at sea, a series of numerical experiments was performed at Météo-France and Mercator Océan in an attempt to better compute the surface currents in the region and for the period of the accident of the AF447 (May and June 2009). Tailored high-resolution atmosphere and ocean reanalyses were first produced respectively at Météo-France and Mercator Océan. Several nested experiments were then performed with a small and flexible ocean model limited to the region of interest. The date of the initial conditions and the type of atmospheric forcing fields were varied in order to produce a small ensemble from which information on the sensitivity to these changes could be derived. Probabilistic and statistical combinations between model and observations were tested and a solution was finally selected by means of a comparison of drift computations with independent surface drift observations.  相似文献   
NWA 2737, a Martian meteorite from the Chassignite subclass, contains minute amounts (0.010 ± 0.005 vol%) of metal‐saturated Fe‐Ni sulfides. These latter bear evidence of the strong shock effects documented by abundant Fe nanoparticles and planar defects in Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737 olivine. A Ni‐poor troilite (Fe/S = 1.0 ± 0.01), sometimes Cr‐bearing (up to 1 wt%), coexists with micrometer‐sized taenite/tetrataenite‐type native Ni‐Fe alloys (Ni/Fe = 1) and Fe‐Os‐Ir‐(Ru) alloys a few hundreds of nanometers across. The troilite has exsolved flame‐like pentlandite (Fe/Fe + Ni = 0.5–0.6). Chalcopyrite is almost lacking, and no pyrite has been found. As a hot desert find, NWA 2737 shows astonishingly fresh sulfides. The composition of troilite coexisting with Ni‐Fe alloys is completely at odds with Chassigny and Nahkla sulfides (pyrite + metal‐deficient monoclinic‐type pyrrhotite). It indicates strongly reducing crystallization conditions (close to IW), several log units below the fO2 conditions inferred from chromites compositions and accepted for Chassignites (FMQ‐1 log unit). It is proposed that reduction in sulfides into base and precious metal alloys is operated via sulfur degassing, which is supported by the highly resorbed and denticulated shape of sulfide blebs and their spongy textures. Shock‐related S degassing may be responsible for considerable damages in magmatic sulfide structures and sulfide assemblages, with concomitant loss of magnetic properties as documented in some other Martian meteorites.  相似文献   
Merapi, an andesitic volcanic complex in Central Java, is one of the most frequently erupting volcanoes in Indonesia and poses a permanent threat to the surrounding population of over 1 million people. With frequently recurring volcanic activity, the sixty or so reported eruptions since the mid-1500s have caused ~7,000 fatalities and destroyed numerous villages in the region. In June 2006, an eruption affected the densely populated area on the volcano’s southern and south-eastern flanks for the first time in almost a century. The resultant block-and-ash flows (BAFs) travelled down an incised river valley (Kali Gendol) to a distance of 7 km from the source, breaking out of the main channel at four main locations. Unconfined (overbank) BAFs were generated, which covered the interfluve regions on either side of the main valley and buried buildings and other infrastructure features in the village of Kaliadem, situated on the western bank of the Gendol valley ~5 km from the summit of Merapi. Using traditional volcanological field-based methods and non-invasive, high-resolution ground-penetrating radar techniques, the morphology and internal architecture of these overbank deposits were studied in detail in order to evaluate the destructive impact of these flows in a local context. The results show that complex, local-scale variations in flow dynamics and deposit architectures are apparent and that BAFs are capable of transporting significant numbers of large blocks (>1–2 m) out of the valley confines. We propose a conceptual model for the escape of these channelised BAFs onto the interfluvial terrace at Kaliadem and show, through a stratigraphic analysis of the pyroclastic successions underlying the village and adjacent areas on the volcano’s southern flank, that the area has been affected repeatedly by overbank BAFs and explosive eruptions over the past few 100 years (and more).  相似文献   
In this paper a simple mixing length formulation for the eddy-diffusivityparameterization of dry convection is suggested. The new formulation relates the mixinglength to the square root of the turbulent kinetic energy (e) and a time scale ( ):l = e. To close the parameterization the time scale is calculated as a functionof the boundary-layer height (h) and the convective velocity scale (w*), h/w*. Thesimpler approach of a constant time scale is also studied. The simulation of a case of dry atmosphericconvection with a one-dimensional boundary-layer model shows that the model with the new formulationreproduces quite well the main properties of the convective boundary layer. In particular,the entrainment is realistically represented by the new mixing length, which has the advantage of naturallydecreasing with the turbulent kinetic energy. Sensitivity studies to the surface flux and the lapserate, in the context of a simplified situation, show the robustness of the new formulation.  相似文献   
In Europe, in case of the observation or the forecast of a photochemical event, punctual and local reductions in anthropogenic emissions can be triggered at the regional scale. Although the necessity for the establishment of such measures appears to be justified by bad air quality records over large European cities, individual short-term action plans (STAPs) have been blindly elaborated by regional authorities. Moreover, as they impose industrial and road traffic emission restrictions, these measures have an elevated economical cost. It is consequently crucial to determine their efficiency and potential for ozone peak reduction. The study presented in this paper aims to draw up an expertise on standard European STAPs, through the example of a French Mediterranean city. The objective is to determine and investigate the impact of current STAPs on ozone peak formation and to test ways to optimise their efficiency. In this frame, a set of emission scenarios has been elaborated and tested with the chemistry-transport model CHIMERE on the Berre–Marseille area. Simulations have shown that the tested action plans are not sufficient to eradicate severe ozone peaks and that more drastic restrictions on emissions are required to significantly affect ozone plumes. However, results also showed that the potential for ozone reduction remains small, with a maximum impact of only 5 ppbv for feasible STAPs. Finally, a temporal analysis of the ozone-emission relationship was engaged in order to optimise their application.  相似文献   
Summary In 1976 and 1977, seismic profiles were carried out in Guadeloupe. Two profiles were established in the area of La Soufriére volcano and one profile through the northern part of Guadeloupe and southern part of Grande Terre. The two first profiles were occupied from 1 to 30 km and the third profile between 5 and 50 km.The interpretation shows that the superficial structures are characterized by a three-layers model: the compressional velocity is about 2.7 to 3.0 km/s down to a depth from 1 to 3 km. Below this, the velocity is between 4.0 and 4.5 km/s in a layer whose thickness varies from 1 to 2.5 km. Under this layer we find a 6.0–6.1 km/s layer which is one of the two known crustal layer under Lesser Antilles. The boundary between the old and new are which form the Lesser Antilles arc, is marked by a thicker layer of sediments on the eastern flank of recent volcanic chain.
In many parts of the world, groundwater users regularly face serious resource-depletion threat. At the same time, “groundwater overexploitation” is massively cited when discussing groundwater management problems. A kind of standard definition tends to relegate groundwater overexploitation only as a matter of inputs and outputs. However, a thorough state-of-the-art analysis shows that groundwater overexploitation is not only a matter of hydrogeology but also a qualification of exploitation based on political, social, technical, economic or environmental criteria. Thus, an aquifer with no threat to groundwater storage can rightly be considered as overexploited because of many other prejudicial aspects. So, why is groundwater overexploitation so frequently only associated with resource-depletion threat and so rarely related to other prejudicial aspects? In that case, what really lies behind the use of the overexploitation concept? The case of the Kairouan plain aquifer in central Tunisia was used to analyze the way that the overexploitation message emerges in a given context, how groundwater-use stakeholders (farmers, management agencies and scientists) each qualify the problem in their own way, and how they see themselves with regard to the concept of overexploitation. The analysis shows that focusing messages on overexploitation conceals the problems encountered by the various stakeholders: difficulties accessing water, problems for the authorities in controlling the territory and individual practices, and complications for scientists when qualifying hydrological situations. The solutions put forward to manage overexploitation are at odds with the problems that arise locally, triggering tensions and leading to misunderstandings between the parties involved.  相似文献   
The Valais is the most seismically active region of Switzerland. Strong damaging events occurred in 1755, 1855, and 1946. Based on historical documents, we discuss two known damaging events in the sixteenth century: the 1524 Ardon and the 1584 Aigle earthquakes. For the 1524, a document describes damage in Ardon, Plan-Conthey, and Savièse, and a stone tablet at the new bell tower of the Ardon church confirms the reconstruction of the bell tower after the earthquake. Additionally, a significant construction activity in the Upper Valais churches during the second quarter of the sixteenth century is discussed that however cannot be clearly related to this event. The assessed moment magnitude Mw of the 1524 event is 5.8, with an error of about 0.5 units corresponding to one standard deviation. The epicenter is at 46.27 N, 7.27 E with a high uncertainty of about 50 km corresponding to one standard deviation. The assessed moment magnitude Mw of the 1584 main shock is 5.9, with an error of about 0.25 units corresponding to one standard deviation. The epicenter is at 46.33 N and 6.97 E with an uncertainty of about 25 km corresponding to one standard deviation. Exceptional movements in the Lake Geneva wreaked havoc along the shore of the Rhone delta. The large dimension of the induced damage can be explained by an expanded subaquatic slide with resultant tsunami and seiche in Lake Geneva. The strongest of the aftershocks occurred on March 14 with magnitude 5.4 and triggered a destructive landslide covering the villages Corbeyrier and Yvorne, VD.  相似文献   
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