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Sushil Chandra Das Gupta 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1959,43(1):45-74
Summary Coda waves viz. the tail portion of an earthquake record have been observed and analysed byCarder, Macelwane and others. They showed that the periods of such waves increase with the increase of epicentral distances.Carder observed that these waves have very little transverse component so that these may be considered as of the type of Rayleigh waves. RecentlyOmote showed that the Coda waves contain three periodsT1,T2,T3 of whichT1 increases with epi-central distances as observed by previous observers. ButT2,T3 remain constant for all earthquakes from different epicentral distances.Omote tried to explain this phenomenon by considering that the surface of the earth consists of several layers andT2,T3 are free oscillation periods of the surface layers.T1 period has been explained bySezawa and also byJeffreys which has been shown byGutenberg. The author has attempted to explain the periodsT2,T3 by considering passage of cracks at the focal region. The Rayleigh wave character of Coda waves and low velocity of such waves have been explained. 相似文献
Sushil Chandra Das Gupta 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1954,27(1):1-6
Summary Displacements and stresses produced by impulsive radial pressure and by impulsive twists have been determined. In the former case total flow of energy across a spherical boundary has been obtained. 相似文献
Photochemical calculations indicate that in the prebiotic atmosphere of the Earth ammonia would have been irreversibly converted to N2 in less than 40 years if the ammonia surface mixing ratio were ≤ 10?4. However, if a continuous outgassing of ammonia were maintained, radiative equilibrium calculations indicate that a surface mixing ratio of ammonia of 10?5 or greater would provide a sufficient greenhouse effect to keep the surface temperature above freezing. With a 10?4 mixing ratio of ammonia, 60 to 70% of the present day solar luminosity would be adequate to maintain surface temperatures above freezing. A lower limit to the time constant for accumulation of an amount of nitrogen equivalent to the present day value is 10 my if the outgassing were such as to provide a continuous surface mixing ratio of ammonia ≥ 10?5. 相似文献
From an analysis of the Galileo Near Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (NIMS) data, Baines et al. (Icarus 159 (2002) 74) have reported that spectrally identifiable ammonia clouds (SIACs) cover less than 1% of Jupiter. Localized ammonia clouds have been identified also in the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) observations (Planet. Space Sci. 52 (2004a) 385). Yet, ground-based, satellite and spacecraft observations show that clouds exist everywhere on Jupiter. Thermochemical models also predict that Jupiter must be covered with clouds, with the top layer made up of ammonia ice. For a solar composition atmosphere, models predict the base of the ammonia clouds to be at 720 mb, at 1000 mb if N/H were 4×solar, and at 0.5 bar for depleted ammonia of 10−2×solar (Planet. Space Sci. 47 (1999) 1243). Thus, the above NIMS and CIRS findings are seemingly at odds with other observations and cloud physics models. We suggest that the clouds of ammonia ice are ubiquitous on Jupiter, but that spectral identification of all but the freshest of the ammonia clouds and high altitude ammonia haze is inhibited by a combination of (i) dusting, starting with hydrocarbon haze particles falling from Jupiter's stratosphere and combining with an even much larger source—the hydrazine haze; (ii) cloud properties, including ammonia aerosol particle size effects. In this paper, we investigate the role of photochemical haze and find that a substantial amount of haze material can deposit on the upper cloud layer of Jupiter, possibly enough to mask its spectral signature. The stratospheric haze particles result from condensation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), whereas hydrazine ice is formed from ammonia photochemistry. We anticipate similar conditions to prevail on Saturn. 相似文献
We have investigated the resonances in the earth-moon system around the sun including earth’s equatorial ellipticity. The resonance resulting from the commensurability between the mean motion of the moon and Γ (angle measured from the minor axis of the earth’s equatorial ellipse to the projection of the moon on the plane of the equator) is analyzed. The amplitude and the time period of the oscillation have been determined by using the procedure of Brown and Shook. We have shown the effects of Γ on the amplitude and the time period of the resonance oscillation using the data of the moon. It is observed that the amplitude decreases and the time period also decreases as Γ increases from 0° to 45°. 相似文献
S K Atreya M H Wong T C Owen P R Mahaffy H B Niemann I de Pater P Drossart T h Encrenaz 《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(10-11):1243-1262
We present our current understanding of the composition, vertical mixing, cloud structure and the origin of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. Available observations point to a much more vigorous vertical mixing in Saturn's middle-upper atmosphere than in Jupiter's. The nearly cloud-free nature of the Galileo probe entry site, a 5-micron hotspot, is consistent with the depletion of condensable volatiles to great depths, which is attributed to local meteorology. Somewhat similar depletion of water may be present in the 5-micron bright regions of Saturn also. The supersolar abundances of heavy elements, particularly C and S in Jupiter's atmosphere and C in Saturn's, as well as the progressive increase of C from Jupiter to Saturn and beyond, tend to support the icy planetesimal model of the formation of the giant planets and their atmospheres. However, much work remains to be done, especially in the area of laboratory studies, including identification of possible new microwave absorbers, and modelling, in order to resolve the controversy surrounding the large discrepancy between Jupiter's global ammonia abundance, hence the nitrogen elemental ratio, derived from the earth-based microwave observations and that inferred from the analysis of the Galileo probe-orbiter radio attenuation data for the hotspot. We look forward to the observations from Cassini-Huygens spacecraft which are expected to result not only in a rich harvest of information for Saturn, but a better understanding of the formation of the giant planets and their atmospheres when these data are combined with those that exist for Jupiter. 相似文献
Forecasting of rainfall and subsequent river runoff is important for many operational problems and applications related to hydrology. Modeling river runoff often requires rigorous mathematical analysis of vast historical data to arrive at reasonable conclusions. In this paper we have applied the stochastic method to characterize and predict river runoffofthe perennial Kulfo River in southem Ethiopia. The time series analysis based auto regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) approach is applied to mean monthly runoff data with 10 and 20 years spans. The varying length of the input runoff data is shown to influence the forecasting efficiency of the stochastic process. Preprocessing of the runoff time series data indicated that the data do not follow a seasonal pattern. Our forecasts were made using parsimonious non seasonal ARIMA models and the results were compared to actual 10-year and 20-year mean monthly runoff data of the Kulfo River. Our results indicate that river runoff forecasts based upon the 10-year data are more accurate and efficient than the model based on the 20-year time series. 相似文献
The systematic time differences observed in the onset of postsunset VHF scintillations recorded simultaneously at Ujjain (Geogr. lat. 23.2○N, Geogr. long. 75.6○E) and Bhopal (Geogr. lat. 23.2○N, Geogr. long. 77.6○E), situated at the peak of the anomaly crest in the Indian region, have been analysed to determine the zonal drifts of scintillation-producing irregularities. The method is based on the assumption that the horizontal movement of irregularities does not change while crossing the F-region cross-over points of these stations. The calculated velocities of irregularities indicate an eastward drift decreasing from about 180 m s−1 to 55 m s−1 during the course of night. In the premidnight period, the drifts are reduced under the magnetically disturbed conditions. The average east-west extension of irregularites is found to be in the range of 200–500 km. 相似文献
In an experiment on methane-emission measurements from rice fields amended with urea, biogas spent slurry (BSS) + urea, and farm yard manure (FYM) + urea, three distinctive peaks in the methane emissions were observed at 15, 46, and 69 days after transplanting (DAT) due to the availability of readily degradable C-sources. In all cases, the highest peak was at 69 DAT. The steepest Eh drop to a minimum of -320 mV was reached within two weeks of submergence. pH ranged between 7.5 and 8.5. The combined fertilization (FYM + urea) plot showed the maximum emission rate of 4.86 mg m–2 h–1 with a total load of 49.44 kg ha–1 and was 2.3 times higher than (BSS + urea)-treated plot (22.08 kg ha–1). Grain yields in urea, (BSS + urea) and (FYM + urea) plots were 3.34, 2.94, and 2.85 t ha–1 respectively, suggesting that biogas slurry is a preferred source over FYM causing lesser environmental pollution without any significant reduction in grain yield. 相似文献
The hydrogen bulge is a feature in Jupiter's upper atmosphere that co-rotates with the planetary magnetic field (i.e. the hydrogen bulge is fixed in System III coordinates). It is located approximately 180° removed in System III longitude from the active sector, which has been identified as the source region for Jovian decametric radio emission and for release of energetic electrons into interplanetary space. According to the magnetic-anomaly model, the active sector is produced by the effect of the large magnetic anomaly in Jupiter's northern hemisphere. On the basis of the magnetic-anomaly model, it has been theoretically expected for some time that a two-cell magnetospheric convection pattern exists within the Jovian magnetosphere. Because the convection pattern is established by magnetic-anomaly effects of the active sector, the pattern co-rotates with Jupiter. (This is in contrast to the Earth's two-cell convection pattern that is fixed relative to the Sun with the Earth rotating beneath it.) The sense of the convection is to bring hot magnetospheric plasma into the upper atmosphere in the longitude region of the hydrogen bulge. This hot plasma contains electrons with energies of the order of 100keV that dissociate atmospheric molecules to produce the atomic hydrogen that creates the observed longitudinal asymmetry in hydrogen Lyman alpha emission. We regard the existence of the hydrogen bulge as the best evidence available thus far for the reality of the expected co-rotating magnetospheric convection pattern. 相似文献