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With the transmission electron microscope, we have made detailed studies of the track density gradients and irradiation geometries of track-rich grains and chondrules in sections of Fayetteville and Kapoeta. We have made the same type of studies in sections of lunar breccias and grains from lunar soil for comparison.A substantial fraction (50–90 per cent) of the meteoritic track-rich grains and chondrules show evidence of having been irradiated anisotropically in their different faces, as would be expected for irradiation on the surface of a parent body. Our observations thus support the hypothesis that the irradiation of these grains and chondrules took place on the regoliths of asteroidal-sized bodies.Measurement of steepest track density gradients indicate that while there are finite differences between spectra exhibited by individual gas-rich meteorites, the average solar flare spectral shapes have been similar over the last ~4 b.y. or so.  相似文献   
Located in Goa on the west coast of India and joining the Arabian Sea, the Mandovi and the Zuari are two estuaries, each about 50 km long, connected by a narrow canal. A number of small rivers join the two estuaries, forming a network of channels, whose cross-sectional area decreases rapidly in the upstream direction. They receive large freshwater influx during the southwest monsoon and little during the rest of the year. During April (dry season) and August (wet season) 1993, the water level and salinity at 15 locations in the network were monitored for 3 days to determine characteristics of tidal propagation in the network. Analysis of the data shows that the speed of propagation of both the diurnal and the semi-diurnal tide through the main channels of the network is approximately 6 m/s. Amplitudes of these tides in the channels remain unchanged over a distance of about 40 km from the mouth and then decay rapidly upstream over the next 10 km. The undamped propagation is a consequence of the balance between geometric amplification, due to decrease in the cross-sectional area in the upstream direction, and frictional dissipation. The rapid decay near the upstream end of the channels appears to result primarily from freshwater influx.  相似文献   
The semicircular breakwater (SBW) is a composite breakwater consisting of a semicircular caisson resting on a rubble mound. The SBW function as a barrier dissipates the incident wave energy and creates tranquillity on its leeside. The dynamic pressures due to regular waves exerted on seaside perforated SBWs with 7 and 11% of exposed surface area with perforations were measured. The measured pressures are compared with those exerted on impermeable SBWs. In addition, the forces exerted on the caisson alone are measured. The reflection coefficient, measured total forces on the caisson of the models, and the pressures are presented as functions of relative water depth. The effect of the water depth and the percentage of perforations on the above stated variables are examined, details of which are reported in this paper.  相似文献   
Stability of many ocean structures is affected by seabed scour induced by under-currents. The depth of scour is an important parameter for determining the minimum depth of foundations as it reduces the lateral capacity of the foundations. A review of the literature reveals that there is not much information available in the field of scour in cohesive soils. Hence, a detailed laboratory testing programme on model piles of diameters 50 mm to 110 mm embedded in soft silty clay soil was carried out in a wave flume of 30 m long, 2.0 m wide and 1.7 m deep, which has the capability of simulating steady currents. Scour around the pile due to steady streaming is monitored by using special instrumentation. A procedure has been suggested to predict the ultimate scour depths based on the observed variation in scour depth over a limited time period. The study indicates that the ultimate scour depth is controlled by diameter of obstruction, current velocity, model Reynolds number, flow Froude number, shear stress, and soil characteristics. Based on these results, a few functional relationships are suggested between scour depth and other parameters like Reynolds number, Froude number, and strength of the soil bed.  相似文献   
A laboratory investigation of wave forces induced by a regular train of waves on a large pipeline resting on the bed and at various clearances from the bed is presented. From considerations of dimensional analysis horizontal and vertical components of wave forces acting on the pipeline are expressed as force coefficients which are shown to be functions mainly of H/2a, gT2/2a, d/a and e/2a. A simple unseparated flow model based on potential flow theory and Morison's equation is presented for evaluating the maximum forces on the pipeline. The experimental results are com3ared with the theoretical results and data from existing literature. Based on the experimental results, hydrodynamic coefficients CM and CL have been evaluated  相似文献   
Estimation of wave induced loadings on subsea pipelines involves the evaluation of the hydrodynamic coefficients of drag, inertia, vertical inertia and lift. These coefficients vary with the methodology adopted and the order of wave theory used to compute the water particle kinematics. This paper presents a new and simple method to determine the hydrodynamic coefficients for subsea pipelines in the drag and inertial flow regime. The results are reported for three relative clearances of a pipeline model from the simulated ocean floor.  相似文献   
The present study investigated how the perforations, water depth and rubble mound height on fully perforated semicircular breakwater (SBW) affects non-breaking wave transformations. SBW model with surface piercing condition for three different perforation ratios with 7 percentage, 11 percentage and 17 percentage were considered to study the variation of reflection, transmission, run-up characteristics and dimensionless horizontal and vertical forces as a function of relative water depth and the results are compared with an impermeable SBW and seaside perforated SBW models. From the results it is understood that, SBW with perforation ratio 17 percentage in the case of seaside perforated case shows reverse trend in hydrodynamic characteristics and for fully perforated SBW, it transmits large amount of wave energy on the seaside, which affects the tranquillity condition in the harbour. In addition, transmission characteristics of SBW models and conventional rubble mound breakwater model are compared to understand the effect of composite breakwater action and also the reflection characteristics of SBW models are compared with field data of Miyazaki Port after Sasajima et al. (1994). The results reveal that the SBW model with perforation ratio of 11 percentage in seaside and fully perforated type gives an optimum performance in terms of energy dissipation and transmission.  相似文献   
A combination of unit operations like gravity, magnetic, and electrostatic separation techniques were applied to separate strategic heavy minerals from bulk samples taken from two coastal stretches of Kappil-Varkala (KV) and Shanghumugham-Kovalam (SK) in Thiruvananthapuram, south Kerala, India. On processing the feed, the concentrate obtained contains 67.3% THM for KV and 65.15% THM for SK, out of which ilmenite predominantly exists with a yield of 45.55 and 43.6% in weight followed by other minerals like sillimanite, monazite, zircon, rutile, leucoxene, and garnet. Analysis indicates that judicious combination of unit operations like gravity, magnetic, and electrostatic separation techniques can efficiently recover heavy mineral species even from placers of smaller deposit.  相似文献   
Diffraction of linear waves around a group of dual porous cylinders consisting of a thin and porous outer cylinder with an impermeable inner cylinder is investigated analytically based on the eigenfunction expansion method proposed by Spring and Monkmeyer [Spring BH, Monkmeyer PL. Interaction of plane waves with vertical cylinders. In: Proceedings 14th international coastal engineering conference. 1974. p. 1828–47] and further modified by Linton and Evans [Linton CM, Evans DV. The interaction of waves with arrays of vertical circular cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1990;215:549–69]. The present formulation is an extension of the work of Wang and Ren [Wang KH, Ren X. Wave interaction with a concentric porous cylinder system. Ocean Engineering 1994;21(4):343–60], wherein; the interaction of linear waves with a single concentric porous cylinder system was studied. This paper aims at investigating the influence of multiple interactions between the cylinders in the group on the hydrodynamic wave forces, wave run-up and free-surface elevation in their vicinity. Further, the study focuses on the variation of the forces and run-up on the individual cylinders within the group compared to that on isolated cylinders.  相似文献   
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