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自然资源资产负债表基本概念释义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然资源资产负债表是遵循会计学中资产负债表的逻辑范式,以衡量资源环境损益为核算理念,能够客观、全面、系统地反映特定时空内自然资源的数量与质量、存量与流量的信息系统.其核算对象所赋有的环境与经济属性,以及肩负的“服务自然资源管理,防范生态风险,评价政府生态责任”功能定位,决定了自然资源资产负债表在计量假设、核算路径、配套制度建设等方面同“企业资产负债表”、“环境经济综合核算”、“国家资产负债表”存在差异性.  相似文献   
林丹淳  谭敏  刘凯  柳林  朱远辉 《热带地理》2020,40(2):346-356
以人口密度差异显著的广东省为研究区,比较Worldpop、GPW v4和2种中国公里网格人口分布数据集的空间分布一致性,并以第六次全国人口普查数据为真值,按人口密度分为高、中、低3组,从误差的数值分布和空间分布两方面定量评价4种数据集的精度,最后讨论估算误差的可能来源及数据适用性。结果表明,4种网格人口数据集中Worldpop整体精度最高,且在人口密集区的精度也是最高;GPW v4在低人口密度和中人口密度区域精度略高于Worldpop,但对镇街内人口分布细节刻画不够详细;2种中国公里网格人口分布数据集精度较前两者低,主要受空间化方法和模型变量的选择所限制。Worldpop适合用于人口密度中等及人口密度高区域的精细化研究,GPW v4适合用于长时序、最小研究单元大于镇街的研究,第一种中国公里网格人口分布数据集适合用于需要考虑镇街内人口分布和空间异质性的研究,第二种中国公里网格人口分布数据集适用于需要考虑人口分布细节和空间格局变化的长时序研究。  相似文献   
Climate condition over a region is mostly determined by the changes in precipitation, temperature and evaporation as the key climate variables. The countries belong to the Belt and Road region are subjected to face strong changes in future climate. In this paper, we used five global climate models from the latest Sixth Phase of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) to evaluate future climate changes under seven combined scenarios of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and the Representative Concentration Pathways (SSP1-1.9, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP4-3.4, SSP4-6.0 and SSP5-8.5) across the Belt and Road region. This study focuses on undertaking a climate change assessment in terms of future changes in precipitation, air temperature and actual evaporation for the three distinct periods as near-term period (2021-2040), mid-term period (2041-2060) and long-term period (2081-2100). To discern spatial structure, K?ppen-Geiger Climate Classification method has been used in this study. In relative terms, the results indicate an evidence of increasing tendency in all the studied variables, where significant changes are anticipated mostly in the long-term period. In addition to, though it is projected to increase under all the SSP-RCP scenarios, greater increases will be happened under higher emission scenarios (SSP5-8.5 and SSP3-7.0). For temperature, robust increases in annual mean temperature is found to be 5.2 °C under SSP3-7.0, and highest 7.0 °C under SSP5-8.5 scenario relative to present day. The northern part especially Cold and Polar region will be even more warmer (+6.1 °C) in the long-term (2081-2100) period under SSP5-8.5. Similarly, at the end of the twenty-first century, annual mean precipitation is inclined to increase largely with a rate of 2.1% and 2.8% per decade under SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5 respectively. Spatial distribution demonstrates that the largest precipitation increases are to be pronounced in the Polar and Arid regions. Precipitation is projected to increase with response to increasing warming most of the regions. Finally, the actual evaporation is projected to increase significantly with rate of 20.3% under SSP3-7.0 and greatest 27.0% for SSP5-8.5 by the end of the century. It is important to note that the changes in evaporation respond to global mean temperature rise consistently in terms of similar spatial pattern for all the scenarios where stronger increase found in the Cold and Polar regions. The increase in precipitation is overruled by enhanced evaporation over the region. However, this study reveals that the CMIP6 models can simulate temperature better than precipitation over the Belt and Road region. Findings of this study could be the reliable basis for initiating policies against further climate induced impacts in the regional scale.  相似文献   
Due to its rapid growth, the introduced mangrove species Sonneratia apetala from Bangladesh has been widely used in mangrove restoration in southeastern China since 1985. As an indigenous mangrove species in Hainan, China, Sonneratia caseolaris was also planted in Guangdong Province for afforestation purposes. Both species have developed well in their new habitats, but their ecophysiological differences with the native mangrove species have not been studied. In this study, leaf gas exchange, water and nitrogen use efficiencies of two Sonneratia species were compared with those of selected native mangrove species (Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia candel, and Excoecaria agallocha) in Hainan and Shenzhen. The introduced S. apetala maintained lower carbon assimilation rate (A) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) than the indigenous S. caseolaris. In Shenzhen, the two introduced Sonneratia had comparable photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency (WUE) with the native mangrove species, except that PNUE in S. caseolaris was significantly higher than in the native mangrove species. The two Sonneratia species showed significant overlap in PNUE and long-term WUE. Photosynthetic parameters derived from leaf photosynthetic light–response curves and ACi curves also suggested lower carbon assimilation capacities for the introduced Sonneratia than for the native mangrove species in both study sites. The lower light compensation point (LCP) of two introduced Sonneratia in both study sites also indicated a better adaptation to a low light regime than the native mangrove species. The results of photosynthetic capacities indicated that the introduced mangrove species have little competitive advantage over local native mangrove species in their respective new habitats.  相似文献   
基于多源遥感数据提取投入产出数据,采用考虑非期望产出的超效率EBM模型对2000—2015年山东省县域生态效率进行测度,在此基础上采用核密度估计、空间自相关等方法对山东省县域生态效率的时空特征进行分析。研究表明:①山东省县域生态效率呈现波动式发展趋势;高值区与低值区存在显著空间分化,胶东半岛与济南都市圈构成高值集聚区,鲁西北、鲁西南、鲁南地区形成低值连绵带;②山东省县域生态效率无明显的两极分化现象,处于高值区、低值区的县域生态效率值变化较大,生态效率空间非均衡性逐渐扩大;③山东省县域生态效率存在显著空间正相关,且空间集聚性呈现增强态势;县域生态效率存在空间俱乐部趋同特征。  相似文献   
甘霖  冯长春  王乾 《地理研究》2016,35(10):1831-1845
城市房价与地价之间的关系错综复杂,不仅受多种因素的交织影响,相互之间也存在动态关系。研究房价与地价关系的传统方法,如Granger因果检验和回归分析等,无法刻画房价与地价之间多维的网络状关系,相比之下,结构方程模型能同时处理多个内生潜变量,且不受观测指标共线性的影响,为刻画地价与房价的交互作用提供了新的工具。从住房与土地市场的供需传导机制出发,推导出房价与地价的结构模型,以北京市为例,运用2003-2013年居住用地价格和2014年在售楼盘价格,与北京市GIS电子地图相匹配,提取商服中心可达性、公共交通可达性、道路可达性、商服繁华度、设施便利性等解释变量,构建地价与房价结构方程模型,分析二者之间的结构关系。  相似文献   
农村居民点空间优化重构是推进乡村振兴的重要内容之一。以中国湖北省鄂州市为研究区,从人的生存生活需求出发,构建宜居性评价指标体系,评估鄂州市宜居性高低;通过网络分析法构建城乡人口流动网络,发现乡村人口流动规律。在此基础上,综合宜居性和人口流动强度的组合特征进行农村居民点空间重构。结果表明:(1)鄂州市整体宜居性较高,其中,生存保障功能差距较小,而生活服务功能和生活提升功能差距较大;(2)人口按照主城区、所属镇、附近优势城镇的优先顺序流动;城镇辐射范围有限,现有的点轴结构不能起到以点带面的作用,亟需发展中心村、一般村、基层村形成完整的乡村结构,带动全域发展;(3)基于乡村宜居性和人口流动强度将居民点划分为搬迁撤并类、城郊融合类和集聚提升类(中心村、一般村和基层村)。该研究可重塑乡村发展核心,完善乡村结构,促进资源优化配置,为人口快速流动区乡村聚落重构提供决策依据。  相似文献   
孙启振  杨清华  张林 《极地研究》2011,23(2):128-137
多个业务化的全球预报模式和有限区域预报模式应用于南极地区,已经成为南极天气预报和南极气候诊断研究的主要工具.现今南极地区的数值天气预报模式在模拟南极大气环流和天气系统方面性能不够理想,原因是多方面的:南极天气气候的特殊性(包括边界层的参数化、中尺度气旋等)、模式对南极复杂地形的描述不够充分、由于缺乏观测资料而使得模式的...  相似文献   
长江口及其邻近海域粘性泥沙的数量与输移   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
林承坤 《地理学报》1992,47(2):108-112
长江口的粘性泥沙有89.6%以上来源于长江补给区,一部分来源于废黄河与黄海补给区。长江补给区的粘性泥沙的汇入百分数及其输沙量两者均为已知,据此计算出长江口粘性泥沙沉积量为4.554×10~7t/a,从长江口输向杭州湾与东海补给区的粘性泥沙输沙量为2.247×10~7t/a,废黄河与黄海补给区输向长江口的输沙量为2.730×10~7t/a。长江口粘性泥沙的数量同1915年与1963年实测地形图比较量算的数量为4.469X10~7t/a基本相符。  相似文献   
贵州省乡村贫困空间格局与形成机制分析   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
以贫困态势严峻、区域内部贫困差异大的贵州省为研究区,分析了贵州省区县层面乡村贫困的空间异质性和空间依赖性格局,定量测度了乡村贫困空间差异的影响因素和因素效应的空间差异性,进而归纳了贵州省乡村贫困的形成机制。结果发现,贵州省区县乡村贫困具有时空稳定性,呈现出东、南、西部高而中、北部低的“马蹄”形空间异质性格局。区县贫困存在较强的空间依赖性,“高-高”型贫困地域即空间贫困陷阱区域,集聚分布在贵州省的东南部、南部。定量模型发现,坡度、到所在市中心的距离、青少年人口占比、少数民族人口占比是导致贵州区县层面乡村贫困空间差异的显著因素,且这些因素的效应水平呈现出不同的空间模式。产业发展受限、劳动力流动性差、金融和人力资本积累不足是贵州贫困空间形成的主导机制。最后建议扶贫政策层面应将基于地方和基于人的政策相结合。  相似文献   
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