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The Red Hills Road Cave, Jamaica, is the most important site for terrestrial arthropods in the post‐Miocene of the Greater Antilles. Its fauna includes millipedes, isopods, crabs and insects, in addition to land snails and vertebrates. Arthropods are preserved in three dimensions and delicate structures such as limbs can be recognized. This unusual preservation was favoured by acidic groundwater rich in dissolved calcium carbonate; periods of high rainfall during which the bottle‐shaped cave was filled with water; and any arthropod washed in would have drowned. The absence of spiders, centipedes and most insects is due to the absence of carbonate in their exoskeletons. Millipedes and isopods possess a potential for preservation by carbonate mineralization that does not occur in other groups; they secrete calcium carbonate in the exoskeleton which hardens the cuticle and is water permeable, bringing about mineral replacement of the original structures. Within the cave, fossil millipede taxa include Rhinocricus sp. or spp., Chondrotropis sp., Caraibodesmus verrucosus (Pocock) and Cyclodesmus sp. cf. C. porcellanus Pocock. The isopod fauna includes Pseudarmadillo sp., Venezillo boonae Van Name, and Philoscia spp. 1 and 2. Crab claws belong to Sesarma sp. cf. S. cookei Hartnoll. Millipedes and isopods are particularly complete, representing drowned individuals fossilized soon after death; land crabs occur as fingers and rare chelae, suggesting that they may be exuviae. Only the most robust parts of insects have been discovered, but are particularly rare, consisting of three taxa of fly puparia and one possible beetle elytra. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Positions of active regions estimated from observations of the whole solar disk in Caii K iv during the period 1977–1989 at the Coimbra Astronomical Observatory are compared with the time-dependent latitudinal distribution of background solar magnetic fields and with the latitudinal shifts of boundaries of their polarities. We confirm that the sunspot groups are located near the zonal boundaries between the opposite polarities of the solar background magnetic field during different phases of the two recent consecutive cycles of activity. We demonstrate a probable connection between the increased number of groups and the commencement of poleward migration of zonal boundaries in both hemispheres. But the influence of the dominant convective rolls seems to he still unclear. A new problem of interrelation between the zonal and sector boundaries has also appeared.  相似文献   
Samples of lake water and coastal seawater from Nova Scotia, Canada, were irradiated with natural or artificial sunlight to investigate the potential for photochemical hydrogen production. Hydrogen photo-production was observed in all natural water samples. Rates of hydrogen formation were highest in coloured lake water (range: 98–163 pmol L− 1h− 1) and lower in seawater (range: 19–45 pmol L− 1 h − 1). Dilutions of the most highly coloured lake sample (Kejimkujik Lake) showed a positive linear relationship between H2 production rates and CDOM concentration. Photo-production rates normalised to UV absorption coefficients at 350 nm indicated that the photochemical efficiency of hydrogen formation varied between samples, perhaps due to differences in the CDOM composition. Photochemical hydrogen formation was also seen in solutions of syringic acid and acetaldehyde: two low-molecular-weight carbonyl compounds found in natural waters. Photochemistry may therefore offer least a partial explanation for the persistently high levels of hydrogen observed in the low-latitude surface ocean.  相似文献   
The assimilation of evaporites and brines by basaltic magma in continental rifts may be responsible for alkaline magmatism and metasomatism. Spilites may be the oceanic counterpart of alkaline syenites. Remobilisation of alkaline material from evaporites and brines may also lead to feldspathisation and, moreover, it may be an essential factor in the production of glaucophane-bearing rocks. It is particularly significant that the oldest known occurrences of evaporites, nepheline syenites, and glaucophane schists are all of late Precambrian (-Eocambrian) age. These rocks appear to have become increasingly abundant with decreasing age, and this may reflect an evolution in the alkali (especially sodium) content of sea water, which in turn may correspond to progressive alkalinisation of the Earth's crust.
Zusammenfassung Die Assimilation von Evaporiten und Solen durch basaltisches Magma in Zonen von kontinentalen Rifts dürfte für alkalischen Magmatismus und Metasomatismus verantwortlich sein. Die Spilite könnten das ozeanische Äquivalent der Alkalisyenite darstellen. Die Remobilisierung von alkalischem Material, ausgehend von Evaporiten und Solen, wäre auch für die Feldspatisation (z. B. die alpine Albitisierung) verantwortlich. Außerdem könnte dieser Vorgang eine wichtige Rolle bei der Bildung von Glaukophangesteinen spielen. Es ist von besonderer Bedeutung, daß die ältesten heute bekannten Lagerstätten von Evaporiten, Nephelinsyeniten und Glaukophanschiefern dem oberen Präkambrium (bzw. dem Eokambrium) angehören. Diese Gesteine scheinen mit abnehmendem Alter in ihrer Häufigkeit zuzunehmen. Dies könnte eine Evolution im Alkaligehalt des Meerwassers widerspiegeln, eine Erscheinung, welche ihrerseits einer zunehmenden Alkalisierung der Erdkruste entsprechen könnte.

Résumé L'assimilation d'évaporites et de saumures par le magma basaltique montant dans des zones à rifts continentaux conduirait à des phénomènes de magmatisme et métasomatisme alcalins. Les spilites représenteraient le pendant océanique des syénites alcalines. La remobilisation de matériel alcalin à partir d'évaporites et de saumures serait également responsable de la feldspathisation (l'albitisation alpine, par exemple). De plus, elle pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la production de roches à glaucophane. Il est particulièrement significatif que les gisements les plus anciens, connus à ce jour, d'évaporites, de syénites néphéliniques, et de « schistes » à glaucophane, datent tous du Précambrien supérieur (ou de l'Eocambrien). Ces roches semblent augmenter de fréquence avec la diminution d'âge, ce qui pourrait refléter une évolution dans la teneur en alcalis (sodium surtout) de l'eau de mer, correspondant, à son tour, à l'alcalinisation croissante de la croûte terrestre.

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Rivers in drylands typically are characterized by extreme flow variability, with long periods of little or no flow interspersed with occasional large, sometimes extreme, floods. Complete adjustment of river form and process is sometimes inhibited, resulting in a common assumption that equilibrium conditions may rarely, if ever, exist in dryland rivers, and that transient and unstable (nonequilibrium) behavior is the norm. Examples from the Channel Country and the Northern Plains in central Australia challenge that notion. Along the middle reaches of these intermediate and large, low-gradient rivers, where long duration floods generate moderate to low unit stream powers and boundary resistance is high as a result of indurated alluvial terraces, cohesive muds or riparian vegetation, there is evidence that: (1) channels have remained essentially stable despite large floods; (2) sediment transport discontinuities, while present at a catchment scale, are largely insignificant for channel form and process in individual reaches; (3) there are strong correlations between many channel form and process variables; and (4) many rivers appear to be adjusted to maximum sediment transport efficiency under conditions of low gradient, abundant within-channel vegetation and declining downstream discharge. In these middle reaches, rivers are characterized by equilibrium conditions. However, in the aggradational lower reaches of rivers on the Northern Plains, where upstream terraces are buried by younger sediments and channels are less confined, nonequilibrium conditions prevail. Here, channels sometimes undergo sudden and substantial changes in form during large floods, sediment transport discontinuities are readily apparent, and landforms such as splays remain out-of-balance with normal flows. Hence, dryland rivers can exhibit both equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions, depending on factors such as catchment size, channel gradient, flood duration, unit stream power, channel confinement, sediment cohesion, and bank strength. [Key words: dryland rivers, floods, equilibrium, nonequilibrium, central Australia.]  相似文献   
Water quality in the tidal Delaware River has improved dramatically over the last several decades. Areas near Philadelphia that were once anoxic and formed a pollution block to migratory fish passage now rarely experience dissolved oxygen concentrations less than 3 ppm. To assess whether these improvements in water quality led to increased abundance of juvenile fishes, data from a beach seine survey conducted annually since 1980 were examined. The number of species captured increased throughout the tidal river, but the increase was greatest in the areas downstream of Philadelphia, wheare water quality has improved the most. Abundance of juvenile striped bass and American shad, two important game species in the river whose migratory patterns make them susceptible to water quality problems, both increased more than, 1,000-fold during the last decade. Correlatations between the temporal abundance patterns of these species in the tidal Delaware River and in other East Coast systems were poor, suggesting that increases in their numbers were related more closely to improving conditions within the Delaware than to factors affecting coastal stocks.  相似文献   
We linked a 2-dimensional water quality model of the Patuxent River with a spatially-explicit model of fish growth to simulate how changes in land use in the Patuxent River Basin would affect the growth rate potential (GRP) of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). Simulations of three land-use patterns that reflected current nutrient loadings, increased nutrient loadings, and decreased nutrient loadings were used to drive the water quality model. Changes in nutrient loadings caused changes in the timing and intensity of phytoplankton concentrations and the region of hypoxia increased during summer with increased nutrient loading. The spatial distribution of menhaden GRP was highly correlated with phytoplankton concentrations and localized in the middle on third of the Patuxent River. Menhaden growth rate was highest in early June and late summer. During June, menhaden GRP (and phytoplankton concentration) was lowest at the lower nutrient loading simulation. During late summer, mean menhaden growth rates were inversely proportional to nutrient loading rates and menhaden grew best when nutrient loadings were the lowest. Upriver to mid-river phytoplankton patches drove overall mean calculations. Model results suggest that more research is needed on water quality model predictions of phytoplankton levels at a high level of spatial and temporal resolution, menhaden foraging, and menhaden habitat selection.  相似文献   
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