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The in situ observations of the Earth magnetosphere performed over the past decades of space research have provided a rather good understanding of many partial localized processes of the magnetospheric substorm. The continuing lack of global observations inhibits the construction of a coherent picture of the substorm as a whole, which is actually determined by the coupling of the partial processes. In this context the importance of global observations for the advancement of magnetospheric substorm studies is critical. This paper presents briefly a promising technique of global observations, namely the imaging of charge exchange neutral atoms, or neutral atom imaging (NAI) of the magnetosphere. Model and theoretical estimates of charge-exchange neutral atom fluxes, as well as appropriate spacecraft orbit and instrumentation requirements are presented and discussed for specific regions of interest and vantage points. The potential merits of NAI for substorm research are presented along with possible combinations with other types of observational methods. Substorm issues that would benefit from NAI should include among others the assessment of the ionospheric contribution to the hot magnetospheric plasma, the relative importance of various ionospheric ion source regions, the resolution of spatial and temporal characteristics of substorm ion injections. NAI observations can be precious complements to local observations and lead to the understanding of how local processes, many of which are resolved quite well today, combine to form the global process of the magnetospheric substorm.  相似文献   
Rock and stepped gabion weirs are peculiar hydraulic structures that received relatively little attention in technical literature. Nevertheless, they can be successfully used for river restoration instead of traditional hydraulic structures. They have the advantage of being elastic structures and to preserve the natural environment. They can easily adapt to the in situ conditions and can be effortlessly modified according to the different hydraulic or geometric conditions which can occur in a natural river. The present study aims to analyze the effects of their presence on flow pattern and on the scour hole occurring downstream. The analysis involved scour processes, hydraulic jump types, stilling basin morphology and flow patterns. Two different hydraulic jump types were distinguished and classified. It was shown that the flow regime deeply influences the scour process, which evolves much more rapidly when a Skimming Flow regime takes place. Empirical relationships are proposed to evaluate maximum scour depth, maximum axial length, and non dimensional axial profiles.  相似文献   
The paper describes the derivation of a depth-averaged, two-dimensional form of the sediment balance equation, suitable to study the morphodynamics of movable sediment beds even when the flow depth attains values comparable to bed irregularities. This equation is derived by double-averaging in time and in space the instantaneous three-dimensional sediment balance equation. For this, a proper phase function is introduced, which depends on the statistics of bed topography. The structure of the macroscopic volumetric sediment discharge vector resulting from the averaging procedure is discussed for the case of dominant bedload transport. The theoretical framework developed within the paper sets the stage for a proper parametrization of the physical processes acting at spatial scales smaller than those usually resolved by depthaveraged numerical models.  相似文献   
A study concerning the evaluation of seismic response of statues exhibited in art museums, and a base-isolated floor strategy for their enhanced protection, are presented in this paper. Attention is particularly focused on statues made of small tensile strength materials, whose behaviour is simulated by a smeared-crack finite element approach. Seismic performance is assessed by referring to four levels specially postulated herein, and namely: (1) Rest conditions; (2) No rocking; (3) Damage control; and (4) Collapse prevention. The response is investigated via incremental dynamic analysis, by progressively increasing the amplitude of the ground motion histories adopted as inputs, and by relating output data to the limit conditions fixed for the above-mentioned performance levels. The assessment procedure is applied to a demonstrative case study, represented by a marble statue to be exhibited in the museum wing situated at the ground level of a medieval castle in Italy, according to an architectural hypothesis of partial rebuilding and reuse of the stronghold. The design solution for the base-isolated floor consists in a system of double-friction pendulum isolators. The finite element model constitutive laws and parameters, the dynamic analyses carried out in fixed-base and base-isolated floor conditions, and the practical implementation of the assumed performance assessment criteria are reported for the statue examined, along with a selection of technical details of the floor design.  相似文献   
This paper presents an innovative set of high‐seismic‐resistant structural systems termed Advanced Flag‐Shaped (AFS) systems, where self‐centering elements are used with combinations of various alternative energy dissipation elements (hysteretic, viscous or visco‐elasto‐plastic) in series and/or in parallel. AFS systems is developed using the rationale of combining velocity‐dependent with displacement‐dependent energy dissipation for self‐centering systems, particularly to counteract near‐fault earthquakes. Non‐linear time‐history analyses (NLTHA) on a set of four single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) systems under a suite of 20 far‐field and 20 near‐fault ground motions are used to compare the seismic performance of AFS systems with the conventional systems. It is shown that AFS systems with a combination in parallel of hysteretic and viscous energy dissipations achieved greater performance in terms of the three performance indices. Furthermore, the use of friction slip in series of viscous energy dissipation is shown to limit the peak response acceleration and induced base‐shear. An extensive parametric analysis is carried out to investigate the influence of two design parameters, λ1 and λ2 on the response of SDOF AFS systems with initial periods ranging from 0.2 to 3.0 s and with various strength levels when subjected to far‐field and near‐fault earthquakes. For the design of self‐centering systems with combined hysteretic and viscous energy dissipation (AFS) systems, λ1 is recommended to be in the range of 0.8–1.6 while λ2 to be between 0.25 and 0.75 to ensure sufficient self‐centering and energy dissipation capacities, respectively. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The growing concern for health‐related problems deriving from pollutants leaching is driving national and international administrations to support the development of tools for evaluating the effects of alternate management scenarios and identifying vulnerable areas. Cropping systems models are powerful tools for evaluating leachates under different environmental, social, and management conditions. As percolating water is the transport vehicle for pollutants transport in soil, a reliable evaluation of water balance models is a fundamental prerequisite for investigating pesticides and nitrate fate. As specific approaches for the evaluation of multi‐layer evolution of state variables are missing, we propose a fuzzy‐based, integrated indicator (ISWC: 0, best; 1, worst) for a comprehensive evaluation of soil water content (SWC) simulations. We aggregated error metrics with others quantifying the homogeneity of errors across different soil layers, the capability of models to reproduce complex dynamics function of both time and soil depth, and model complexity. We tested ISWC on a sample dataset where the models CropSyst and CERES‐Wheat were used to simulate SWC for winter wheat systems. ISWC revealed that, in the explored conditions, the global assessment of the two models' performances allowed identification of CropSyst as the best (average ISWC = 0·441, with a value of 0·537 obtained by CERES‐Wheat), although each model prevailed for some of the metrics. CropSyst presented the highest accuracy (average agreement module = 0·400), whereas CERES‐Wheat's accuracy was slightly worse, although achieved with a simplified modelling approach (average Akaike Information Criterion = − 230·44), thereby favouring large‐area applicability. The non‐univocal scores achieved by the models for the different metrics support the use of multi‐metric evaluation approaches for quantifying the different aspects of water balance model performances. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Stable isotopes (13C and 15N) are widely applied in studies of trophic links. We used this method to investigate the contribution of aquatic and terrestrial prey to the diet of riparian predatory arthropods in two mountain headwater streams in Colorado, USA. Aquatic and terrestrial prey and riparian predators were collected during summer 2009. To evaluate the reliability of conclusions based on stable isotope ratios, we compared the isotopic signatures of aquatic larval and terrestrial adult stages of three abundant stream insect species and assessed variation in mixing model estimates for spider diet composition under varying assumptions for trophic fractionation. Adult isotopic signatures of some aquatic prey species were indistinguishable from those of prey species with exclusively terrestrial life histories (stoneflies: 13C and 15N, chironomids: 13C). Other prey had distinctly aquatic isotopic signatures as both larvae and adults (a mayfly and a caddisfly). There was no evidence that prey with aquatic isotopic signatures contributed to the diet of the spiders near one stream. For the other stream, mixing model analysis suggested that chironomids were included in the diets of lycosid, linyphiid and liocranid spiders. Reliable estimates of the contributions of prey sources were compromised by the sensitivity of mixing models to assumptions on trophic fractionation and the presence of “isotopically cryptic” prey. This study emphasizes the importance of supporting isotope-based studies on cross-boundary trophic links with data on isotopic shifts in prey with complex life cycles and assessment of fractionation rates specific to the study system.  相似文献   
The main aim of this study is the experimental analysis of the hydrogeological behaviour of the Mt. Prinzera ultramafic massif in the northern Apennines, Italy. The analysed multidisciplinary database has been acquired through (a) geologic and structural survey; (b) geomorphologic survey; (c) hydrogeological monitoring; (d) physico‐chemical analyses; and (e) isotopic analyses. The ultramafic medium is made of several lithological units, tectonically overlapped. Between them, a low‐permeability, discontinuous unit has been identified. This unit behaves as an aquitard and causes a perched groundwater to temporary flow within the upper medium, close to the surface. This perched groundwater flows out along several structurally controlled depressions, and then several high‐altitude temporary springs can be observed during recharge, together with several perennial basal (i.e., low altitude) springs, caused by the compartmentalisation of the system because of high‐angle tectonic discontinuities.  相似文献   
Flood and ebb currents provide different contributions to the initiation and evolution of tidal channel networks, generating diverse network structures and channel cross-sections. In order to separate the effects of these contributions, a physical model of a sloping tidal-flat basin was set up in the laboratory. Depending on the degree of tidal asymmetry imposed offshore, either flood or ebb currents can be enhanced. The experimental results show that the ebb current has a higher capability to initiate and shape tidal networks than the flood current. Headward erosion is mainly induced by the ebb flow. The slightly inclined flat surface tends to reduce the energy of the flood current and to enhance the ebb current, thus prolonging the duration of morphodynamic activity as well as sediment motion. Overall, flood-dominated tides favour the formation of small-scale channel branches in the upper basin zone, while long lasting ebb-dominated tides result in more complex, wider and deeper tidal networks. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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