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Measurements of the atmospheric electric field strength made by an electrostatic fluxmeter with a unique threshold sensitivity for such devices (6 × 10–2–10–3 V m–1 Hz–1/2 in the 10–3–25 Hz frequency range) and wide dynamic (120 dB) and spectral (0–25 Hz) ranges, are presented. The device parameters make it possible to observe the electric component of global electromagnetic Schumann resonances and long-period fluctuations in the atmospheric electric field strength.  相似文献   
A variety of studies of magnetised plasma turbulence invoke theories for the advection of a passive scalar by turbulent fluctuations. Examples include modelling the electron density fluctuations in the interstellar medium, understanding the chemical composition of galaxy clusters and the intergalactic medium, and testing the prevailing phenomenological theories of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. While passive scalar turbulence has been extensively studied in the hydrodynamic case, its counterpart in MHD turbulence is significantly less well understood. Herein we conduct a series of high-resolution direct numerical simulations of incompressible, field-guided, MHD turbulence in order to establish the fundamental properties of passive scalar evolution. We study the scalar anisotropy, establish the scaling relation analogous to Yaglom’s law, and measure the intermittency of the passive scalar statistics. We also assess to what extent the pseudo Alfvén fluctuations in strong MHD turbulence can be modelled as a passive scalar. The results suggest that the dynamics of a passive scalar in MHD turbulence is considerably more complicated than in the hydrodynamic case.  相似文献   
A method for determining the basic atmosphere O/N2 based on the solar observations is described. It is shown that, on XUV images of the Sun received by transillumination of the atmosphere, it is possible to observe its state controlling the O/N2 ratio. The method allows local inhomogeneities of the upper atmosphere to be studied. Its abilities were demonstrated according to the SPIRIT complex on board the Coronas-F satellite.  相似文献   
Based on the ground survey of total-field magnetic data at 53 sites, which recorded a time-series over the interval 2003–2005, the core field + long wavelength lithospheric field over the middle-northern Croatia region was calculated. The area of the survey was 18900 km2, an average distance between the neighbouring sites being 12 km. The results were reduced to 2004.5 epoch. This “normal” total-field was estimated using the firstorder Taylor polynomial as a function of geographic coordinates, and the polynomial coefficients were calculated with three methods of adjustment: simple and weighted least squares fits and adjustment according to the most frequent value. The stability of the normal field was tested using the Monte Carlo-type test, by decreasing the input data set in each adjustment (up to 90%). All obtained field residuals (measured-“normal”) were mutually compared, as well as fit coefficients of the Taylor polynomials. The residual values indicate the presence of shorter-wavelength anomalies, specifically three major residual anomalies were found (−106 nT, 74 nT and 57 nT). The geostatistical analysis of the ground survey data and the normal field residuals (respectively), using the median absolute deviation method, was further conducted in order to evaluate the calculated anomalies. The geological situation around the anomalies derived by the median absolute deviation method, and around the normal field residual anomalies, is given. The correlation was found between higher value anomalies of the normal field residuals, and shallow volcanic rocks and oil field, respectively.  相似文献   
This article studies long-period variations in the Earth’s upper atmosphere density over several solar activity cycles, using long-term data on the evolution of motion of three artificial satellites (Intercosmos-19, Meteor-1-2, and Cosmos-1154) in orbits at heights of 400–1000 km. The time interval when the satellites were in the orbits covered three solar activity cycles (partly the 21st, completely the 22nd, and partly the 23rd). It is found that the variations in the average density of the upper atmosphere at heights of 400–600 km in the 1980–2000 period were governed by the changes in the solar activity level.  相似文献   
Surface sediments (fraction <63 μm) from the source to the mouth of the Rječina, short (18.3 km) karst allogenic river in Croatia, which is an important source of drinking water, were studied to investigate their mineral (by XRD) and chemical (by ICP-MS) composition to check possible anthropogenic influence at the lower course due to paper industry and mills, and in the prodelta area from untreated municipal sewage and the large harbor of Rijeka town. In all analyzed sediment samples and in the sandstone source, rock quartz is a major mineral, while feldspar and mica group minerals are less abundant. Chlorite is a minor or trace mineral in all samples. Calcite and dolomite are abundant in the river prodelta, reflecting changes in bedrock lithology from flysch to carbonates. In river sediments, Fe is the most abundantly analyzed element, while Ca is the most abundant in prodelta sediments. Concentrations of Al, Mn, Ni, Cr, Co, La and Nd decrease downstream, while Mg, S, Na, B, Pb, Zn, As, Sn, U, Mo, Hg and Ag have relatively higher concentration in prodelta sediments. The results are compared with sediments of other rivers in the area: Raša, Rižana and Dragonja, as well as with those of the Rosandra Creek (Italy). Sediments in the Raša River showed similar behavior as those in the Rječina, as the highest concentration of metals was found in the restricted upper part of the estuary, characterized by rapid deposition of clay particles and terrestrial sedimentary organic matter. The comparison also showed that the most contaminated were the sediments from the Rižana, followed by those from the Rječina and Rosandra Creek, which had similar results. Among the studied elements, As was present in all sediment samples at concentrations >6 ppm that might have the lowest toxic effects. At the lower Rječina and in prodelta sediments, Pb was also present at slightly elevated concentrations (>31 ppm) that could cause such effects. Concentrations of Zn in the prodelta correspond to those occurring in moderately polluted sediments (90–200 ppm). In the prodelta sediments, Hg is slightly below toxicity threshold (1 ppm), while Ag is present at toxicity threshold (0.5 ppm) or close to it. Rječina River could act as a good illustrative example for behavior of toxic metals in allogenic karstic rivers, in which accumulation of anthropogenically introduced pollutants usually occurs in their estuaries, as a result of transport and deposition of fine particles.  相似文献   
Analysis of E||X-polarized optical absorption spectra of natural olivines of various origin in the range of electronic spin-allowed dd-transitions of Fe2+ evidences that in some crystals, there is a weak ordering of Fe2+ as in M1, as in M2 structural sites. The samples of three different depth facies seem showing a vague tendency of lowering of k D -values from spinel-pyroxene (Sp-Px) through graphite-pyrope (G-Py) to diamond-pyrope (D-Py) facies, but the statistics are too poor (24 samples only) to be certain of it. Weak relations between Mg, Fe2+-distribution and iron content were found for the samples of Sp-Px- and G-Py-facies, while there is practically no one for those of the deepest D-Py facie.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of ilinskite, NaCu5O2(SeO3)2Cl3, a rare copper selenite chloride from volcanic fumaroles of the Great fissure Tolbachik eruption (Kamchatka peninsula, Russia), has been solved by direct methods and refined to R 1?=?0.044 on the basis of 2720 unique observed reflections. The mineral is orthorhombic, Pnma, a?=?17.769(7), b?=?6.448(3), c?=?10.522(4) Å, V?=?1205.6(8) Å3, Z?=?4. The The CuOmCln coordination polyhedra share edges to form tetramers that have 'additional' O1 and O2 atoms as centers. The O1Cu4 and O2Cu4 tetrahedra share common Cu atoms to form [O2Cu5]6+ sheets. The SeO3 groups and Cl atoms are adjacent to the [O2Cu5]6+ sheets to form complex layers parallel to (100). The Na+ cations are located in between the layers. A review of mixed-ligand CuOmCln coordination polyhedra in minerals and inorganic compounds is given. There are in total 26 stereochemically different mixed-ligand Cu-O-Cl coordinations.  相似文献   
The surfaces of salt diapirs in the Zagros Mountains are mostly covered by surficial deposits, which significantly affect erosion rates, salt karst evolution, land use and the density of the vegetation cover. Eleven salt diapirs were selected for the study of surficial deposits in order to cover variability in the geology, morphology and climate in a majority of the diapirs in the Zagros Mountains and Persian Gulf Platform. The chemical and mineralogical compositions of 80 selected samples were studied mainly by X-ray powder diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Changes in salinity along selected vertical profiles were studied together with the halite and gypsum distribution. The subaerial residuum formed from minerals and rock detritus released from the dissolved rock salt is by far the most abundant material on the diapirs. Fluvial sediments derived from this type of residuum are the second most common deposits found, while submarine residuum and marine sediments have only local importance. The mineralogical/chemical composition of surficial deposits varies amongst the three end members: evaporite minerals (gypsum/anhydrite and minor halite), carbonates (dolomite and calcite) and silicates-oxides (mainly quartz, phyllosilicates, and hematite). Based on infiltration tests on different types of surficial deposits, most of the rainwater will infiltrate, while overland flow predominates on rock salt exposures. Recharge concentration and thick accumulations of fine sediment support relatively rich vegetation cover in some places and even enable local agricultural activity. The source material, diapir relief, climatic conditions and vegetation cover were found to be the main factors affecting the development and erosion of surficial deposits. A difference was found in residuum type and landscape morphology between the relatively humid NW part of the studied area and the arid Persian Gulf coast: In the NW, the medium and thick residuum seems to be stable under current climatic conditions. Large sinkholes and blind valleys with sinking streams are common. On other diapirs, the original thick residuum is undergoing erosion and the new morphology is currently represented by salt exposures and badland-like landscapes or by fields of small sinkholes developed in the thin residuum. Models for evolution of the subaerial residuum and the diapir landscape/morphology are described in this paper. While the thick residuum with vegetation has very low erosion rates, the salt exposures and thin residuum are eroded rapidly. During wet periods (e.g. early Holocene), the diapirs rose and salt glaciers expanded as the influx of salt mass was much faster compared to erosion. After the onset of an arid climate, c. 6 ka BP, the rising of the some diapir surfaces decreased or even reversed due to acceleration of erosion thanks to vegetation degradation and changes in the residuum type and thickness.  相似文献   
The detection and characterisation of domains of intersecting fractures are important goals in several disciplines of current interest, including exploration and production of unconventional reservoirs, nuclear waste storage, CO2 sequestration, and groundwater hydrology, among others. The objective of this study is to propose a theoretical framework for quantifying the effects of fracture intersections on the frequency‐dependent elastic properties of fluid‐saturated porous and fractured rocks. Three characteristic frequency regimes for fluid pressure communication are identified. In the low‐frequency limit, fractures are in full pressure communication with the embedding porous matrix and with other fractures. Conversely, in the high‐frequency limit, fractures are hydraulically isolated from the matrix and from other fractures. At intermediate frequencies, fractures are hydraulically isolated from the matrix porosity but can be in hydraulic communication with each other, depending on whether fracture sets are intersecting. For each frequency regime, the effective stiffness coefficients are derived using the linear‐slip theory and anisotropic Gassmann equations. Explicit mathematical expressions for the two characteristic frequencies that separate the three frequency regimes are also determined. Theoretical predictions are then applied to two synthetic 2D samples, each containing two orthogonal fracture sets: one with and another without intersections. The resulting stiffness coefficients, Thomsen‐style anisotropy parameters, and the transition frequencies show good agreement with corresponding numerical simulations. The theoretical results are applicable not only to 2D but also to 3D fracture systems and are amenable to being employed in inversion schemes designed to characterise fracture systems.  相似文献   
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