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Catastrophic fracture of heterogeneous grains consisting of refractory matrix and trapped icy inclusions is examined. As such a grain approaches the Sun after release from the comet, the saturation pressure of icy inclusions increases, and finally exceeds the crack-extension-force necessary for onset of unstable fast fracturing. Subsequently a growth of cracks results in a facture of the grain.The calculation revealed that obsidian and magnetite grain, respectively, of radius 100 m with 10% water-ice inclusions in volume suddenly disrupt near the solar distance of 0.25 AU and of 0.6 AU. Since the small debris of fragmentation comes from the direction of the sun on a relatively higher eccentric orbit, this fragmentation mechanism seems favourable to explain the -meteoroids observed at 1 AU.  相似文献   
We present two scenarios for production of the Quadrantid stream based on two different models for its origin: the extinct model in which 2003EH1 was an active comet that released the dust particles during past 5000 years, stopping its activity abruptly in AD 1488; and the split model; in which a catastrophic disruption of an asteroid at AD 1488 released a large number of dust particles in a single event. We calculate the orbital evolution of test particles released in both cases and derive the resulting size distribution of surviving meteoroids in the current Quadrantid stream in the form of s −α ds, where s denotes the radius of a meteoroid. We find α = 3.1 in the extinct model and 2.0 in the split model. In addition, the radius of the surviving meteoroids is derived as s >10 μm in the both models. We propose, based on our estimation of the infrared color ratio for the Quadrantid stream derived from both models, that infrared observations of the Quadrantid stream may determine which origin model is more reasonable.  相似文献   
The second known outburst of the WZ Sge type dwarf nova GW Lib was observed in 2007 April. We have obtained unique multiwavelength data of this outburst which lasted ∼26 days. The American Association of Variable Star Observers ( AAVSO ) recorded the outburst in the optical, which was also monitored by Wide Angle Search for Planets , with a peak V magnitude of ∼8. The outburst was followed in the ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths by the Swift ultraviolet/optical and X-ray telescopes. The X-ray flux at optical maximum was found to be three orders of magnitude above the pre-outburst quiescent level, whereas X-rays are normally suppressed during dwarf nova outbursts. A distinct supersoft X-ray component was also detected at optical maximum, which probably arises from an optically thick boundary layer. Follow-up Swift observations taken 1 and 2 years after the outburst show that the post-outburst quiescent X-ray flux remains an order of magnitude higher than the pre-outburst flux. The long interoutburst time-scale of GW Lib with no observed normal outbursts support the idea that the inner disc in GW Lib is evacuated or the disc viscosity is very low.  相似文献   
Seagrass beds are susceptible to various natural and human-induced disturbances. Disturbances affect not only seagrasses, but also the abundance and diversity of associated macrofaunal communities. The Andaman Sea coast of Thailand was heavily affected by the tsunami of December 26, 2004. To examine its impact on seagrass macrofaunal communities, we compared the abundance, diversity and taxa composition by quantitative samplings in 2001 (before the tsunami) and in 2005 and 2006 (after the tsunami). Macrobenthic animals and sediments were collected from vegetated and nonvegetated areas of two sites that had received different levels of tsunami disturbances. A large decline in abundance and diversity was observed in the nonvegetated areas after the tsunami, whereas an increase was observed in the vegetated areas. The magnitude of decline and subsequent recovery of abundance and diversity of macrobenthic animals in nonvegetated areas were similar between the two sites, suggesting that their temporal changes were not solely related to the magnitude of the tsunami disturbance. Similarity of the benthic animals differed greatly between 2001 and 2005–2006 at the nonvegetated areas, whereas it varied less among the 3 years at the seagrass-vegetated areas. This study demonstrated that the presence of seagrass vegetation alters the patterns of temporal variation in macrofaunal assemblages and subsequent recovery processes following a tsunami.  相似文献   
Pumping rate of a mud shrimp,Callianassa japonica, in its burrow was measured by continuous monitoring of dye concentration in the burrow water. Measurement of dilution in two directions from stained overlying seawater to normal burrow water andvice versa, gave no significant difference in results. The rate of exchange (v) of burrow water was estimated from,v=(u tu 0)V/(mu t−1)t, whereV is volume of burrow water,u 0,u t−1 andu tis dye concentration of burrow water at time 0,t−1 andt, respectively, andm is dye concentration of overlying water. The pumping rate ranged from 0.63 to 5.46 ml min−1, which corresponded to a turnover time for the burrow water of 7–51 min. Short term changes in the pumping rate were correlated to intermittent behaviour of the shrimp in the burrow.  相似文献   
Transneptunian objects (TNOs) orbit beyond Neptune and do offer important clues about the formation of our solar system. Although observations have been increasing the number of discovered TNOs and improving their orbital elements, very little is known about elementary physical properties such as sizes, albedos and compositions. Due to TNOs large distances (>40 AU) and observational limitations, reliable physical information can be obtained only from brighter objects (supposedly larger bodies). According to size and albedo measurements available, it is evident the traditionally assumed albedo p=0.04 cannot hold for all TNOs, especially those with approximately absolute magnitudes H?5.5. That is, the largest TNOs possess higher albedos (generally >0.04) that strongly appear to increase as a function of size. Using a compilation of published data, we derived empirical relations which can provide estimations of diameters and albedos as a function of absolute magnitude. Calculations result in more accurate size/albedo estimations for TNOs with H?5.5 than just assuming p=0.04. Nevertheless, considering low statistics, the value p=0.04 sounds still convenient for H>5.5 non-binary TNOs as a group. We also discuss about physical processes (e.g., collisions, intrinsic activity and the presence of tenuous atmospheres) responsible for the increase of albedo among large bodies. Currently, all big TNOs (>700 km) would be capable to sustain thin atmospheres or icy frosts composed of CH4, CO or N2 even for body bulk densities as low as 0.5 g cm−3. A size-dependent albedo has important consequences for the TNOs size distribution, cumulative luminosity function and total mass estimations. According to our analysis, the latter can be reduced up to 50% if higher albedos are common among large bodies.Lastly, by analyzing orbital properties of classical TNOs (), we confirm that cold and hot classical TNOs have different concentration of large bodies. For both populations, distinct absolute magnitude distributions are maximized for an inclination threshold equal to 4.5° at >99.63% confidence level. Furthermore, more massive classical bodies are anomalously present at , a result statistically significant and apparently not caused by observational biases. This feature would provide a new constraint for transneptunian belt formation models.  相似文献   
The infrared flux of Venus has been observed with a narrowband filter (λ = 3.6 μm, Δλ = 0.08 μm) from 1982 through 1984, covering a range of the phase angle α from 27 to 94°. Normalized values of flux at the Venus-Earth distance of 1 AU were (4.0–5.4) × 10?17W/cm2/cm?1 and the α dependence of the data is rather weak. Furthermore, when the evening terminator of Venus was seen, lower values of flux were obtained in contrast with higher values at the morning terminator. The α dependence is quite different from that of J.V. Martonchik and R. Beer (1975, J. Atmos. Sci.32, 1151–1156). Since we cannot find any significant problem in the two observational methods, the difference might suggest an intrinsic time variation of haze particles during these 10 years in the upper haze layer of the Venus cloud.  相似文献   
A correct understanding of the dynamical effect of solar radiation exerted on fluffy dust particles can be achieved with assistance of a light scattering theory as well as the equation of motion. We reformulate the equation of motion so that the radiation pressure and the Poynting-Robertson effect on fluffy grains are given in both radial and nonradial directions from the center of the Sun. This allows numerical estimates of these radiation forces on fluffy dust aggregates in the framework of the discrete dipole approximation, in which the first term of the scattering coefficients in Mie theory determines the polarizability of homogeneous spheres forming the aggregates.The nonsphericity in shape turns out to play a key role in the dynamical evolution of dust particles, while its consequence depends on the rotation rate and axis of the grains. Unless a fluffy dust particle rapidly revolves on its randomly oriented axis, the nonradial radiation forces may prevent, apart from the orbital eccentricity and semimajor axis, the orbital inclination of the particle from being preserved in orbit around the Sun. However, a change in the inclination is most probably controlled by the Lorentz force as a consequence of the interaction between electric charges on the grains and the solar magnetic field. Although rapidly and randomly rotating grains spiral into the Sun under the Poynting-Robertson effect in spite of their shapes and structures, fluffy grains drift inward on time scales longer at submicrometer sizes and shorter at much larger sizes than spherical grains of the same sizes. Numerical calculations reveal that the dynamical lifetimes of fluffy particles are determined by the material composition of the grains rather than by their morphological structures and sizes. The Poynting-Robertson effect alone is nevertheless insufficient for giving a satisfactory estimate of lifetimes for fluffy dust grains since their large ratios of cross section to mass would reduce the lifetimes by enhancing the collisional probabilities. We also show that the radiation pressure on a dust particle varies with the orbital velocity of the particle but that this effect is negligibly small for dust grains in the Solar System.  相似文献   
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