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Hydrostatic or “normal” pressure can be easily visualized as a water column with pressure given by ρgh and any departures classified as abnormal pressure. This is the basis for commonly used hydrostatic pressure depth trends in sedimentary basins that are constructed on assumptions of constant gradients and are datumed at mean sea level or ground level. But the straightforward water column concept does not upscale in a simple way to sedimentary basins where the zones of interest are several thousands of metres below the land or sea surface. Sedimentary basins are heterogeneous, including stacked, confined reservoirs and variations in pore water composition. It is possible to construct pressure-depth profiles that honour the geology and hydrostratigraphy of a basin and these give different hydrostatic baselines from simple constant gradients hung from familiar local datums such as ground level. Key steps are using a reservoir-specific datums such as the water table or potentiometric surface relevant to that unit, then building a pressure-depth trend that represents the pore fluid salinity variation and density profile throughout the reservoir unit. At a given depth, this version of hydrostatic may predict pressures several hundred psi different from a single density gradient hung from a datum local to the well, and exhibit a notched profile reflecting the geological and hydrological stratigraphy. This construct redefines normal and abnormal pore fluid pressures in sedimentary basins. The impacts of this alternative approach to sedimentary basin hydrostatics, even if data are limited and pressure profiles have to be framed probabilistically, extend to many aspects of studying and interacting with fluid systems in sedimentary basins including basin modelling, petroleum systems analysis, well planning and well operations.  相似文献   
The Quaternary to late Pliocene sedimentary succession along the margin of the South Caspian Basin contains numerous kilometre‐scale submarine slope failures, which were sourced along the basin slope and from the inclined flanks of contemporaneous anticlines. This study uses three‐dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data to visualise the internal structure of 27 mass transport deposits and catalogues the syndepositional structures contained within them. These are used to interpret emplacement processes occurring during submarine slope failure. The deposits consist of three linked structural domains: extensional, translational and compressive, each containing characteristic structures. Novel features are present within the mass transport deposits: (1) a diverging retrogression of the headwall scarp; (2) the absence of a conventional headwall scarp around growth stratal pinch outs; (3) restraining bends in the lateral margin; (4) a downslope increase in the throw of thrust faults. The results of this study shed light on the deformation that occurred during submarine slope failure, and highlight an important geological process in the evolution of the South Caspian Basin margin.  相似文献   
Aaron  Jordan  Loew  Simon  Forrer  Markus 《Landslides》2021,18(7):2383-2401
Landslides - Understanding landslide behavior over medium and long timescales is crucial for predicting landslide hazard and constructing accurate landscape evolution models. The behavior of...  相似文献   
The geochemical partitioning of bromine between hydrous haplogranitic melts, initially enriched with respect to Br and aqueous fluids, has been continuously monitored in situ during decompression. Experiments were carried out in diamond anvil cells from 890 °C to room temperature and from 1.7 GPa to room pressure, typically from high P, T conditions corresponding to total miscibility (presence of a supercritical fluid). Br contents were measured in aqueous fluids, hydrous melts and supercritical fluids. Partition coefficients of bromine were characterized at pressure and temperature between fluids, hydrous melts and/or glasses, as appropriate: DBrfluid/melt = (Br)fluid/(Br)melt, ranges from 2.18 to 9.2 ± 0.5 for conditions within the ranges 0.66-1.7 GPa, 590-890 °C; and DBrfluid/glass = (Br)fluid/(Br)glass ranges from 60 to 375 at room conditions. The results suggest that because high pressure melts and fluids are capable of accepting high concentrations of bromine, this element may be efficiently removed from the slab to the mantle source of arc magmas. We show that Br may be highly concentrated in subduction zone magmas and strongly enriched in subduction-related volcanic gases, because its mobility is strongly correlated with that of water during magma degassing. Furthermore, our experimental results suggest that a non negligible part of Br present in the subducted slab may remain in the down-going slab, being transported toward the transition zone. This indicates that the Br cycle in subduction zones is in fact divided in two related but independent parts: (1) a shallower one where recycled Br may leave the slab with a water and silica-bearing “fluid” leading to enriched arc magmas that return Br to the atmosphere. (2) A deeper cycle where Br may be recycled back to the mantle maybe to the transition zone, where it may be present in high pressure water-rich metasomatic fluids.  相似文献   
IPCC-type climate models have produced simulations of the oceanic environment that can be used to drive models of upper trophic levels to explore the impact of climate change on marine resources. We use the Spatial Ecosystem And Population Dynamics Model (SEAPODYM) to investigate the potential impact of Climate change under IPCC A2 scenario on Pacific skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). IPCC-type models are still coarse in resolution and can produce significant anomalies, e.g., in water temperature. These limitations have direct and strong effects when modeling the dynamics of marine species. Therefore, parameter estimation experiments based on assimilation of historical fishing data are necessary to calibrate the model to these conditions before exploring the future scenarios. A new simulation based on corrected temperature fields of the A2 simulation from one climate model (IPSL-CM4) is presented. The corrected fields led to a new parameterization close to the one achieved with more realistic environment from an ocean reanalysis and satellite-derived primary production. Projected changes in skipjack population under simple fishing effort scenarios are presented. The skipjack catch and biomass is predicted to slightly increase in the Western Central Pacific Ocean until 2050 then the biomass stabilizes and starts to decrease after 2060 while the catch reaches a plateau. Both feeding and spawning habitat become progressively more favourable in the eastern Pacific Ocean and also extend to higher latitudes, while the western equatorial warm pool is predicted to become less favorable for skipjack spawning.  相似文献   
The Palaeogene Faroe Islands Basalt Group (FIBG) comprises three eruptive sequences or formations, all emplaced into a subaerial environment during the development of the extensive continental flood basalt province that stretches from East Greenland through the Faroe Islands and into the Faroe-Shetland Basin. The Beinisvørð Formation, having a tabular-classic facies architecture, is composed of a sequence of simple flows each comprising a single sheet lobe. The Beinisvørð Formation is overlain by the distinctly contrasting Malinstindur Formation that has a compound-braided facies architecture. The Enni Formation occurs at the top of the sequence and consists of a mixture of simple and compound flows with tabular-classic and compound-braided facies architectures, respectively. Surface and internal characteristics of the sheet lobes of the Beinisvørð and Enni formations indicate emplacement through inflation, which is more obvious for the tube-fed compound flows of the Malinstindur and Enni formations. The difference between the simple and compound flow sequences of the FIBG is, most likely, linked to the manner in which the lava was supplied during the eruption and the eruptive style of the volcanic system. The sheet lobes were erupted over laterally extensive areas from fissure systems which had a continuous supply of lava, which contrasts with the tube-fed compound flows which were erupted in a gradual, piecemeal manner from point-sourced, low shield volcanoes with limited areal extents.  相似文献   
The Batu Hijau porphyry copper-gold deposit, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Batu Hijau porphyry Cu---Au deposit lies in southwest Sumbawa Island, Indonesia. It is a world-class porphyry Cu deposit in an island are setting, and is typical of this deposit type in most features, including igneous association, morphology, hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation style.The region was not previously recognised as a porphyry Cu province; disseminated Cu sulphides were first recognised in float samples in southwest Sumbawa in 1987. Associated stream sediment sampling identified a broad area of anomalous Au and Cu in an area of greater than 5 km2 around Batu Hijau, including 169 ppb Au in BLEG samples and 580 ppm Cu in stream silts 1 km from the deposit. Mineralisation in bedrock at surface contains > 0.1 wt % Cu and > 0.1 ppm Au over an area of 0.6 km × 1.2 km, including a zone 300 m × 900 m containing > 0.3 wt % Cu. Areas with elevated Mo (> 30 ppm) form a distinctive annulus around this Cu-rich zone.Batu Hijau mineralisation is hosted in a tonalite intrusive complex, and diorite and metavolcanic wallrocks. There are no post-mineralisation igneous intrusions or breccia pipes within the deposit. The main tonalite intrusion forms a stock in the centre of the deposit, where it generally displays intensely pervasive potassic (biotite with magnetite-quartz) alteration and hosts most of the higher grade mineralisation. Younger tonalite dykes intruding the centre of this stock are generally less altered and mineralised than the older tonalite.The core zone of potassic alteration grades outward into extensive propylitic alteration (chlorite-epidote), with both variably overprinted by widespread fracture controlled intermediate argillic alteration (sericite-chlorite), and minor phyllic (sericite-pyrite) and sodic (albite) alteration. Argillic (sericite-kaolinite) and advanced argillic (kaolinite-alunite-pyrophyllite) assemblages occur near surface.Copper and Au grades within the orebody show a positive correlation with quartz stockwork intensity, although disseminated Cu sulphides are also common. Chalcopyrite and bornite are the principle hypogenal minerals, with minor chalcocite. Oxidation extends to a depth of 5 m to 85 m below surface across the deposit, and is underlain by weak supergene mineralisation. Drill testing of the deposit down to 650 m below surface reveals a single cylindrical to conical orebody of 334 million tonnes grading 0.8 wt % Cu and 0.69 gm per tonne Au; the depth extent of mineralisation is unknown.  相似文献   
Despite the high number of species and ecological diversity of pandalid shrimps, there has been no previous attempt to resolve evolutionary relationships of several genera using molecular tools. Although mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) is widely used in barcoding studies to delimit species boundaries, additional insights into phylogenetic affinities can be obtained, especially when used in combination with data from additional genes. The knowledge of molecular diversity is essential to understand phylogenetic relationships and will help systematic clarifications. Based on partial fragments of the 16S and COI genes, we have focused specifically on addressing the systematic relationships of the economically and ecologically important shrimp genus Plesionika within a framework of five genera from within the Pandalidae. Our results showed that species within Plesionika are substantially divergent when compared with other genera, exhibiting the highest average nucleotide divergence, with 0.1123 and 0.0846 in COI and 16S genes, respectively. In addition, sequence divergence was found to vary greatly within the genus Plesionika (COI/16S): 0.0247/0.0016 between Plesionika antigai and Plesionika heterocarpus and 0.1616/0.098 between Plesionika heterocarpus and Plesionika edwardsii. We did not find amino acid sequence divergence between P. heterocarpus and P. antigai compared with P. heterocarpus and P. edwardsii (8.10%, K2P distance). Three species of Plesionika (P. antigai, P. heterocarpus and Plesionika scopifera) appear well separated from other Plesionika species in both maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. The present study confirms the utility of COI over 16S as a genetic marker to resolve relationships between different species of Plesionika from the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, in addition to species delimitation. The findings highlight the need to further review paraphyly within Plesionika in an attempt to recognize a concordance in the evolutionary history of Plesionika with major ecological and geological events.  相似文献   
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