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鳗鲡目鱼类线粒体基因组的基因组成较为保守,在58个线粒体基因组中,仅有3个物种存在基因数量的差异。在19个鳗鲡目鱼类线粒体基因组中存在主编码基因的重排。主编码基因的变异位点分析结果支持nad5、nad4和nad2基因作为cox1和lrRNA基因辅助的分子标记。鳗鲡科Anguillidae的20个种(亚种)聚在一起,强烈支持鳗鲡科为单系群(BPP=100)。鳗鲡科下属的3个类群(大洋洲类群、大西洋类群和印度洋-太平洋类群)也同时得到有力的验证(BPP均为100)。线鳗科Nemichthyidae和锯齿鳗科Serrivomeridae亲缘关系最近,二者聚类后,与鳗鲡科Anguillidae构成姊妹群(BPP=100)。在囊喉鱼亚目Saccopharyngoidei中,宽咽鱼科Eurypharyngidae与囊鳃鳗科Saccopharyngidae聚类(BPP=100),同时,单颌鳗科Monognathidae与月尾鳗科Cyematidae聚类(BPP=100),4个科聚在一支,支持囊喉鱼亚目为单系群(BPP=100)。在囊喉鱼亚目线粒体基因组中,3个物种(吞鳗Eurypharynx pelecanoides、拉文囊鳃鳗Saccopharynx lavenbergi和杰氏单颌鳗Monognathus jesperseni)存在主编码基因的重排。16种鳗鲡(细美体鳗Ariosoma shiroanago、短吻颈鳗Derichthys serpentinus、凯氏短尾康吉鳗Coloconger cadenati、鸭颈鳗Nessorhamphus ingolfianus、龟草鳗Thalassenchelys sp.、粗犁齿海鳗Cynoponticus ferox、百吉海鳗Muraenesox bagio、巨斑花蛇鳗Myrichthys maculosus、大吻沙蛇鳗Ophisurus macrorhynchos、几内亚副康吉鳗Paraconger notialis、哈氏异康吉鳗Heteroconger hassi、小头鸭嘴鳗Nettastoma parviceps、弱头鳗Leptocephalus sp.、斑点长犁齿鳗Hoplunnis punctata、尖吻小鸭嘴鳗Facciolella oxyrhyncha和星康吉鳗Conger myriaster),与鳗鲡目线粒体主编码基因的原始排列相比,共享nad6基因的易位。同时,基于线粒体基因组13个蛋白质编码基因构建的系统演化树,强烈支持这16个物种聚为一支(BPP=100)。然而,由此而带来的海鳗科Muraenesocidae、拟鯙科Chlopsidae和糯鳗科Congridae是否为单系群的问题,值得今后深入探究。  相似文献   
The radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure submerged in oblique seas of finite depth is investigated. The analytical expressions for the radiated and diffracted potentials are derived as infinite series by use of the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the series are determined by the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and reflection and transmission coefficients are given and verified by the boundary element method. Using the present analytical solution, the hydrodynamic influences of the angle of incidence, the submergence, the width and the thickness of the structure on the wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
长江河口径流与盐度的谱分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
根据大通水文站的流量和引水船站的盐度系列资料,应用谱分析方法研究长江口径流、盐度的变化规律及两者的相互关系.分析表明,长江口径流存在4~8a,2~3a,1.5a,1a,30~60d及20d的及化周期;盐度存在5~10a,2~3a,1.5a,1a,0.5a,40~50d,26~30d,14~15d7~8d及3.5d的变化周期.径流和盐度的谱结构在各水文年基本一致,均以1a周期变化占优势,但盐度谱结构在高频部分较径流的谱结构具有更大的振荡.盐度与流量的5~10a,2~3a,1.5a,1a的周期振动上存在高相关.径流对盐度变化的影响主要体现在低频部分.在低频变化中表现为盐度变化滞后于径流变化,在高频带呈同步变化.  相似文献   
溞对中国对虾早期幼体的循环系统及血液流向进行了活体观察 ,描述了中国对虾早期幼体发育阶段中幼体循环系统血管的走向与分布、血液的流向及循环路径等 ,比较各期幼体循环系统的形态 ,并探讨对虾早期幼体循环系统的发育过程。  相似文献   
作者以 Sm Cl3 与 (CH3 Cp) Na反应分离得到了三价稀土有机配合物 [(CH3 Cp) 2 Sm Cl·THF]2 的单晶 ,X-射线四圆衍射测定 ,该配合物属正交晶系 ,Pbna空间群 ,晶胞参数 a=9.6 6 2 (2 ) ,b=16 .4 76 (9) ,c=2 0 .582 (9) ;α=β=γ=90°,Z=4。并分析比较 [(CH3 Cp) 2 Sm Cl· THF]2 与其他三价稀土一氯化物的结构特点  相似文献   
A numerical modeling study of the influence of the lateral flow on the estuarine exchange flow was conducted in the north passage of the Changjiang estuary. The lateral flows show substantial variabilities within a flood-ebb tidal cycle. The strong lateral flow occurring during flood tide is caused primarily by the unique cross-shoal flow that induces a strong northward (looking upstream) barotropic force near the surface and advects saltier water toward the northern part of the channel, resulting in a southward baroclinic force caused by the lateral density gradient. Thus, a two-layer structure of lateral flows is produced during the flood tide. The lateral flows are vigorous near the flood slack and the magnitude can exceed that of the along-channel tidal flow during that period. The strong vertical shear of the lateral flows and the salinity gradient in lateral direction generate lateral tidal straining, which are out of phase with the along-channel tidal straining. Consequently, stratification is enhanced at the early stage of the ebb tide. In contrast, strong along-channel straining is apparent during the late ebb tide. The vertical mixing disrupts the vertical density gradient, thus suppressing stratification. The impact of lateral straining on stratification during spring tide is more pronounced than that of along-channel straining during late flood and early ebb tides. The momentum balance along the estuary suggests that lateral flow can augment the residual exchange flow. The advection of lateral flows brings low-energy water from the shoal to the deep channel during the flood tide, whereas the energetic water is moved to the shoal via lateral advection during the ebb tide. The impact of lateral flow on estuarine circulation of this multiple-channel estuary is different from single-channel estuary. A model simulation by blocking the cross-shoal flow shows that the magnitudes of lateral flows and tidal straining are reduced. Moreover, the reduced lateral tidal straining results in a decrease in vertical stratification from the late flood to early ebb tides during the spring tide. By contrast, the along-channel tidal straining becomes dominant. The model results illustrate the important dynamic linkage between lateral flows and estuarine dynamics in the Changjiang estuary.  相似文献   
我国地震多、强度大、分布广,强地震的现实危害和潜在威胁是我国城市安全发展所面临的重大挑战。国内外城市地震灾害惨痛经验表明,震灾预防能力建设不足的城市往往在强震中毁于一旦。实现我国城市安全可持续发展,必须高度重视和持续推进城市震灾预防能力建设,切实防控和消除地震灾害风险。本文在深入分析城市地震灾害影响因素的基础上,从震灾预防能力建设、城市地震灾害风险防控工作、法规及技术标准和评价体系等方面入手,提出了进一步加强城市震灾预防能力建设的对策建议。  相似文献   
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