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The Cretaceous Toki granitic pluton of the Tono district, central Japan was emplaced in the East Asian continental margin at about 70 Ma. The Toki granite has apatite fission‐track (AFT) ages ranging from 52.1 ±2.8 Ma to 37.1 ±3.6 Ma (number of measurements, n = 33); this indicates the three‐dimensional thermal evolution during the pluton's low‐temperature history (temperature in the AFT partial annealing zone: 60–120 °C). The majority of the Toki granite has a spatial distribution of older ages in the shallower parts and younger ages in the deeper parts, representing that the shallower regions arrived (were exhumed) at the AFT closure depth earlier than the deeper regions. Such a cooling pattern was predominantly constrained by the exhumation of the Toki granitic pluton and was related to the regional denudation of the Tono district. The age–elevation relationships (AERs) of the Toki granite indicate a fast exhumation rate of about 0.16 ±0.04 mm/year between 50 Ma and 40 Ma. The AFT inverse calculation using HeFTy program gives time‐temperature paths (tT paths), suggesting that the pluton experienced continuous slow cooling without massive reheating since about 40 Ma until the present day. A combination of the AERs and AFT inverse calculations represents the following exhumation history of the Toki granite: (i) the fast exhumation at a rate of 0.16 ±0.04 mm/year between 50 Ma and 40 Ma; (ii) slow exhumation at less than 0.16 ±0.04 mm/year after 40 Ma; and (iii) exposure at the surface prior to 30–20 Ma. The Tono district, which contains the Toki granite, underwent slow denudation at a rate of less than 0.16 ±0.04 mm/year within the East Asian continental margin before the Japan Sea opening at 25–15 Ma and then within the Southwest Japan Arc after the Japan Sea opening, which is in good agreement with representative denudation rates obtained in low‐relief hill and plain fields.  相似文献   
To analyse suspended sediment sources in unmanaged Japanese cypress plantation watersheds, field measurements and fingerprinting of the suspended sediment was conducted in the Shimanto River basin in southern Japan. For sediment fingerprinting, 137Cs and 210Pbex were detected by means of gamma‐ray spectrometry in the surface soil of the forest floor, stream bank and truck trail and mobilized sediment by interrill erosion. The 137Cs and 210Pbex activities associated with the forest floor materials were considerably higher than those of the stream bank and truck trail. The 137Cs and 210Pbex activities associated with the suspended sediment were found to vary with the sampling period. Evidently, the suspended sediment can comprise materials generated from the forest floor by interrill erosion and those from the truck trail and/or stream bank. The multivariate sediment‐mixing model using 137Cs and 210Pbex showed that the contribution of the forest floor varied periodically, ranging from 23–56% in the Hinoki 156 subwatershed and from 18–85% in the Hinoki 155 subwatershed. The difference in the average contribution of the forest floor between Hinoki 156 (46%) and Hinoki 155 (69%) may relate to the presence of truck trail networks in the watershed. The truck trail network can play roles of sediment source and pathway for sediment from forest floor to stream channel due to the concentrated overland flow on the truck trail during heavy rainfall events. These results indicate that the forest floor should be recognized as a major source of suspended sediment in unmanaged Japanese cypress plantation watersheds. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The gold content of sixty geochemical reference samples has been determined by atomic absorption spectrometry using a graphite furnace atomizer after digestion of sample with aqua regia and extraction of gold as chloride by methylisobutylketone. A comparison with published data shows clearly the need for much more data on most samples before consensus values could be assigned.
La teneur en or dans soixante échantillons géochimiques de référence a été déterminée par le spectromètre d'absorption atomique équipé d'un four à graphite. L'échantillon a été mis en solution avec de l'eau régale et l'or extrait avec du methylisobutylketone. Un examen des données publiées sur l'or montre qu'il faut davantage de résultats pour fixer des valeurs de consensus dans la plupart des échantillons.  相似文献   
Abstract: Analytical data for fourteen rare-earth elements, scandium, yttrium, zirconium and hafnium, received by May 1992, have been compiled on twenty-six GSJ (Geological Survey of Japan) reference samples. Seventeen of them are 'Igneous rock series' and nine are "Sedimentary rock series". The reported data including personal communication were evaluated under the consideration on analytical methods and geochemical evidences. No significant difference has been observed between the values obtained by the different analytical methods. Based on the selected available data, 1992 compilation values were tabulated.  相似文献   
Nine new rock reference samples of the "Sedimentary rock series", Chert JCh-1, Dolomite JDo-1, Lake sediment JLk-1, Limestone JLs-1, Stream sediments JSd-1 to JSd-3, and Slates JS1-1 and JSl-2 have been prepared by the Geological Survey of Japan(GSJ). Thirty major, minor and trace elements were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry, flame emission spectrometry, infrared absorption spectrometry and wet chemical techniques. The results of homogeneity tests showed that almost all elements, with a few exceptions, are considered to be distributed homogeneously in each reference sample.  相似文献   
We recovered a sediment core (DL04) from the depocenter of Dali Lake in central-eastern Inner Mongolia. The upper 8.5 m were analyzed at 1-cm intervals for grain-size distribution to partition the grain-size components and provide a high-resolution proxy record of Holocene lake level changes. Partitioning of three to six components, C1, C2, C3 through C6 from fine to coarse modes within the individual polymodal distributions, into overlapping lognormal distributions, was accomplished utilizing the method of lognormal distribution function fitting. Genetic analyses of the grain-size components suggest that two major components, C2 and C3, interpreted as offshore-suspension fine and medium-to-coarse silt, can serve as sediment proxies for past changes in the level of Dali Lake. Lower modal sizes of both C2 and C3 and greater C3 and lower C2 percentages reflect higher lake stands. The proxy data from DL04 core sediments span the last 12,000 years and indicate that Dali Lake experienced five stages during the Holocene. During the interval ca. 11,500–9,800 cal year BP, lake level was unstable, with drastic rises and falls. Following that interval, the lake level was marked by high stands between ca. 9,800 and 7,100 cal year BP. During the period from ca. 7,100 to 3,650 cal year BP, lake level maintained generally low stands, but displayed a slight tendency to rise. Subsequently, the lake level continued rising, but exhibited high-frequency, high-amplitude fluctuations until ca. 1,800 cal years ago. Since ca. 1,800 cal year BP, the lake has displayed a gradual lowering trend with frequent fluctuations.  相似文献   
Abstract Swath bathymetric data, single-channel seismic reflection profiles, magnetic and gravity anomalies in the northern part of the Parece Vela (West Mariana) Basin were obtained by comprehensive surveys conducted by the Hydrographic Department of Japan. The central zone of the Parece Vela Basin is characterized by the north-south trending chain of depressions in a right-stepping en echelon alignment. The morphology of these depressions is diamond shaped and bordered by steep escarpments of 1000-1500 m relative height. These fault escarpments extend northeastward and southwestward from the depressions into the surrounding basin floor and then gradually fade out. These escarpments have an S-shaped trend, and their geometry seems to be symmetric about the depressions. Minor ridges and troughs trending orthogonal to these escarpments are recognized. It is concluded that these depressions and escarpments are the topographic expression of extinct spreading axes and S-shaped transform faults, respectively. The age of the central depressions seems to be young, although details of tectonic processes forming them remains unsolved. The western province of the basin floor and basement is extremely rugged and characterized by minor ridges and troughs trending in a north-south direction. Although magnetic anomalies of the basin are very weak, magnetic lineations trending parallel to the topographic trend are recognizable in the central and western parts of the basin. Based on updated geomorpholog-ical features and magnetic anomalies revealed by the present survey, together with the previously published data including drilling results, it is proposed that the evolution of Parece Vela Basin took place in four stages of opening and tectonic activity: rifting, east-west spreading, northeast-southwest spreading with counter-clockwise rotation of spreading axes, and post-spreading deformation and volcanism. This proposed spreading model of the Parece Vela Basin is similar to that of the adjacent Shikoku Basin. The spreading axes of both basins were segmented and gradually rotated counter-clockwise in a later phase of the basin evolution, after the cessation of relatively uniform spreading nearly in an east-west direction.  相似文献   
We describe the mode of occurrence and geochemical characteristics of basalts, in the Khangai–Khentei belt in Mongolia, overlain by Middle Paleozoic radiolarian chert in an extensive accretionary complex. These basalts are greatly enriched in K, Ti, Fe, P, Rb, Ba, Th, and Nb in comparison to the composition of the mid‐ocean ridge basalts, indicative of within‐plate alkaline type. Ti/Y vs Nb/Y and MnO/TiO2/P2O5 ratios of the basalts also suggest within‐plate affinities. Considering the geochemical characteristics as well as the conformable relationship with the overlying radiolarian chert, the alkaline basalts were clearly not continental but formed a pelagic oceanic island. The mode of occurrence and geochemistry of the basalts show that the alkaline basaltic volcanic activity had taken place to form an oceanic island in the Paleozoic pelagic region sufficiently far from continents to allow radiolarian ooze accumulation.  相似文献   
Organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) contents and corresponding isotope ratios were determined in surficial sediment (0–3 cm) at 94 stations ranging from 21 to 1995 m water depth off Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan, to elucidate the distribution and source of sedimentary organic matter. Suspended particulate organic matter (POM) in the seawater and suspended POM and sediment in the Tokachi River were also examined. δ13C, δ15N and C / N ratios of the samples in the Tokachi River suggest that the spring snowmelt is an important process for the transport of terrestrial organic matter to the coastal waters. δ13C values of suspended POM in the surface seawater were higher in May and November than in August, while δ15N values of the POM were higher in May and August than in November. These changes are attributed to seasonal changes in phytoplankton growth rate and nitrate availability. δ13C and δ15N values in the sediments off Tokachi were lowest near the Tokachi River mouth, and increased offshore to constant values that persisted from 134 to 1995 m water depth. The spatial variation in C / N ratios in the sediment mirrored those of δ13C and δ15N. Comparison of δ13C, δ15N and C / N ratios in the sediments off Tokachi with those in the Tokachi River and seawater indicates that about half of the organic matter in the sediment was of terrestrial origin near the Tokachi River mouth, and the sedimentary organic matter from 134 to 1995 m water depth was of marine origin. The organic C content in the sediment was high near the Tokachi River mouth, and also around 1000 m water depth. The C content was significantly correlated with silt plus clay content, with different regression lines for those stations shallower and deeper than 134 m, owing to several stations of higher C content with the elevated C / N ratio on the inner shelf. These results suggest that transport and deposition of organic-rich fine sediment particles by hydrodynamic processes were major factors controlling C content off Tokachi. In addition, the supply of a fraction of terrestrial organic matter with high C / N probably also affected C content on the inner shelf.  相似文献   
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