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We present a database of late-Quaternary plant macrofossil records for northern Eurasia (from 23° to 180°E and 46° to 76°N) comprising 281 localities, over 2300 samples and over 13,000 individual records. Samples are individually radiocarbon dated or are assigned ages via age models fitted to sequences of calibrated radiocarbon dates within a section. Tree species characteristic of modern northern forests (e.g. Picea, Larix, tree-Betula) are recorded at least intermittently from prior to the last glacial maximum (LGM), through the LGM and Lateglacial, to the Holocene, and some records locate trees close to the limits of the Scandinavian ice sheet, supporting the hypothesis that some taxa persisted in northern refugia during the last glacial cycle. Northern trees show differing spatio-temporal patterns across Siberia: deciduous trees were widespread in the Lateglacial, with individuals occurring across much of their contemporary ranges, while evergreen conifers expanded northwards to their range limits in the Holocene.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the quality of GPS radio occultation (RO) atmospheric excess phase data derived with single- and double-difference processing algorithms. A spectral analysis of 1 s GPS clock estimates indicates that a sampling interval of 1 s is necessary to adequately remove the GPS clock error with single-difference processing. One week (May 2–8, 2009) of COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 data are analyzed in a post-processed mode with four different processing strategies: (1) double-differencing with 1 s GPS ground data, (2) single-differencing with 30 s GPS clock estimates (standard COSMIC Data Analysis and Archival Center product), (3) single-differencing with 5 s GPS clocks, and (4) single-differencing with 1 s GPS clocks. Analyses of a common set of 5,596 RO profiles show that the neutral atmospheric bending angles and refractivities derived from single-difference processing with 1 s GPS clocks are the highest quality. The random noise of neutral atmospheric bending angles between 60 and 80 km heights is about 1.50e−6 rad for the single-difference cases and 1.74e−6 rad for double-differencing. An analysis of pairs of collocated soundings also shows that bending angles derived from single-differencing with 1 s GPS clocks are more consistent than with the other processing strategies. Additionally, the standard deviation of the differences between RO and high-resolution European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) refractivity profiles at 30 km height is 0.60% for single-differencing with 1 and 5 s GPS clocks, 0.68% for single-differencing with 30 s clocks, and 0.66% for double-differencing. A GPS clock-sampling interval of 1 s or less is required for single- and zero-difference processing to achieve the highest quality excess atmospheric phase data for RO applications.  相似文献   
Marine pollution affects all life processes in aquatic organisms. The genotoxic effect of pollution on the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus was assessed. Bivalves were collected from the ‘clean'(Vostochnaya Cove) and polluted(Nakhodka Bay) areas in the Peter the Great Bay. The degree of DNA damage in C. grayanus was determined by alkaline comet assay as mean percentage of DNA in tail, and the genetic damage index was calculated. Our results indicate that almost one-third of DNA in cells of gills and digestive gland of C. grayanus inhabiting the Nakhodka Bay had destructive changes compared to the individuals of this species from the Vostochnaya Cove. This study has shown that chronic pollution of the aquatic environment causes destructive changes to DNA in gill and digestive gland cells of C. grayanus.  相似文献   
Non‐hyperbolic generalised moveout approximation is a powerful tool to approximate the travel‐time function by using information obtained from two rays. The standard approach for parameter selection is using three parameters defined from zero‐offset ray and two parameters obtained from a reference ray. These parameters include the travel time and travel‐time derivatives of different order. The original parameter selection implies more fit at zero offset compared with offset from a reference ray. We propose an alternative approach for parameter selection within the frame of generalised moveout approximation by transferring more fit from the zero offset to a reference ray by changing in parameter selection. The modified approximation is tested against the original one in few analytical model examples, including the multi‐layered model.  相似文献   
The Selenga River is the main artery feeding Lake Baikal. It has a catchment of ~450000 km² in the boundary region between Northern Mongolia and Southern Siberia. Climate, land use and dynamic socioeconomic changes go along with rising water abstractions and contaminant loads originating from mining sites and urban wastewater. In the future, these pressures might have negative impacts on the ecosystems of Lake Baikal and the Selenga River Delta, which is an important wetland region in itself and forms the last geobiochemical barrier before the Selenga drains into Lake Baikal. The following study aims to assess current trends in hydrology and water quality in the Selenga-Baikal basin, identify their drivers and to set up models (WaterGAP3 framework and ECOMAG) for the prediction of future changes. Of particular relevance for hydrological and water quality changes in the recent past were climate and land use trends as well as contaminant influx from mining areas and urban settlements. In the near future, additional hydrological modifications due to the construction of dams and abstractions/water diversions from the Selenga’s Mongolian tributaries could lead to additional alterations.  相似文献   
综合数字区域模型在区域可持续发展的任何模型实现中都是不可或缺的,而空间数据基础设施为综合数字区域模型提供了一个可靠的基础。其可以很方便地在地图信息或者直接在地理信息系统(GIS)内形成。这种GIS系统具有开发良好的模型函数,能够集成专家系统,也能被设计全尺度多媒体产品。GIS允许集成不同的信息资源、模型、可视化和分析、各种假设的详尽细节和为诸如自然-社会-经济等的复杂系统提供可选开发方案。一个综合辅助信息系统的结构包括紧密相关的社会-政治、经济(或生产)、自然资源和环境模块。它提供了对于不同区域范围社会生态系统的全面描述,显示了自然和人类资源的重要性。人们在这个研究领域将会谈及自然和社会管理。根据它们的变化层次体系(从全局范围到局部范围)可以描述所有专题,并且考虑在不同尺度上描述的现象的专业特征。超媒体系统原理可以通过链接集成主题来实现。这种系统的日益复杂性使得系统的智能化成为必要,专家系统和神经元网络可以从很复杂并且非常模糊的问题中得出可行的解决方案。现代GIS配有很多设备,对用户来说,这使得用基础地图和互联网获取必要的数据来编制专题图成为可能。数学建模的专业方法具有特殊的重要性,特别是那些旨在追求在区域变换到可持续发展模型时设想的详尽细节的方法。最高级的AIS能作为全尺度的决策支持系统使用。莫斯科国立大学试图实现上述思想,开发了俄罗斯可持续发展信息系统框架,特以俄罗斯南部地区为一案例。该示例一方面作为更大区域即国家的一部分进行描述,另一方面作为一个或多或少、基于资源发展的单元进行描述。也能对区域发展战略和改革措施提出建议。我们已经对所有俄罗斯地区进行了分类,并且指出了不同组(工业、农业等)的最典型代表。将精心设计几个系统的区域分支来描述整个国家的不同地域类型。计算机辅助信息系统提供用户以各种各样传统地图集的计算机的模拟,为决策者对未来的设计和区域发展变量评估等创造了条件。我们正在开发一个大范围有机废弃产品处理的测试GIS系统。其主要目标是为在废弃物储存和掩埋场所的生物降解进行方法研究。其应用包括:存放生活和工业废品的场所的使用和改进(包括工业和农业的场所和废品产生的地方);污水处理设备的建设和重建等。  相似文献   
We present results of petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical investigations of three Chelyabinsk meteorite fragments. Three distinct lithologies were identified: light S3 LL5, dark S4–S5 LL5 material, and opaque fine-grained former impact melt. Olivine–spinel thermometry revealed an equilibration temperature of 703 ± 23 °C for the light lithology. All plagioclase seems to be secondary, showing neither shock-induced fractures nor sulfide-metal veinlets. Feldspathic glass can be observed showing features of extensive melting and, in the dark lithology, as maskelynite, lacking melt features and retaining grain boundaries of former plagioclase. Olivine of the dark lithology shows planar deformation features. Impact melt is dominated by Mg-rich olivine and resembles whole-rock melt. Melt veins (<2 mm) are connected to narrower veinlets. Melt vein textures are similar to pegmatite textures showing chilled margins, a zone of inward-grown elongated crystals and central vugs, suggesting crystallization from supercooled melt. Sulfide-metal droplets indicate liquid immiscibility of both silicate and sulfide as well as sulfide and metal melts. Impact melting may have been an important factor for differentiation of primitive planetary bodies. Graphite associated with micrometer-sized melt inclusions in primary olivine was detected by Raman mapping. Carbon isotopic studies of graphite could be applied to test a possible presolar origin.  相似文献   
Since 2013, round-the-clock monitoring of the sky has been carried out simultaneously in 96 beams using a high-sensitivity radio telescope called the Large Phased Array(LPA) at the frequency110.25 MHz. These observations are made under the program of interplanetary plasma investigation.The same data are used to search for pulsars by means of power spectra. To increase the sensitivity of the pulsar search, 500–600 power spectra corresponding to different days of observations are summed. In the integrated spectra of known pulsars, besides expected improvement in signal-to-noise(S/N) ratio for the frequency harmonics, some features are explored in this paper. We present the 27 strongest pulsars which are in a field with declination 21°-42°. The observable details in the integrated power spectra are connected with the presence of pulsar periods of the second(P_2) and third(P_3) class, which have been identified. Empirical relations for calculating these periods are obtained. The value P_2 is estimated for 26 pulsars, and for 15 sources it is made for the first time. The value P_3 is estimated for 13 pulsars,among them these values are given for five sources for the first time.  相似文献   
We simulate the dynamics of slender magnetic flux tubes(MFTs) in the accretion disks of T Tauri stars. The dynamical equations of our model take into account aerodynamic and turbulent drag forces, and the radiative heat exchange between the MFT and ambient gas. The structure of the disk is calculated with the help of our MHD model of the accretion disks. We consider the MFTs formed at distances of 0.027-0.8 au from the star with various initial radii and plasma betas β_0. The simulations show that MFTs with a weak magnetic field(β_0= 10) rise slowly with speeds less than the speed of sound. MFTs with β_0= 1 form an outflowing magnetized corona above the disk. Strongly magnetized MFTs(β_0= 0.1) can cause outflows with velocities 20-50 km s~(-1). The tubes rise periodically over times from several days to several months according to our simulations. We propose that periodically rising MFTs can absorb stellar radiation and contribute to the IR-variability of young stellar objects.  相似文献   
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Quite often powerful flares occur during a decrease of solar activity. In this work, we make an attempt to consider X-class flares at the minima of solar activity cycles...  相似文献   
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