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不同类型生态系统水热碳通量的监测与研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
亚太地区环境革新战略项目(APEIS) 在中国5种主要生态系统类型区(草地: 海北、耕地: 禹城、稻田: 桃源、林地: 千烟洲、荒漠: 阜康) 建立了一个以连续观测能量、水分和碳素通量为中心,包括气象、水文、土壤、植被等各项生态要素的监测网络系统,被称之为APEIS-FLUX系统。作者首先对APEIS-FLUX系统的观测数据进行了初步分析,表明该系统稳定可靠,它可以实时地提供高质量、高精度、长期而连续的通量及生态要素的观测数据。对数据的比较清楚地反映出了不同生态系统类型区的水热碳通量的差异性。其次,利用APEIS-FLUX数据对美国航空航天局(NASA) 的MODIS数据产品进行比较验证后发现,除部分产品如地表面温度(MOD11) 等与观测数据较吻合以外,大部分数据产品如土地覆盖(MOD12),叶面积指数(MOD15) 和光合速率与净第一性生产力(MOD17) 等都与观测数据相差深远,有必要对其处理程序和模式进行修正。为此,我们利用APEIS-FLUX的数据作为MOD15和MOD17的生成模型(BIOME-BGC) 的输入数据,并对该模型的有关参数进行了修订。结果表明,该模式在通过修正后,可以很好地模拟植被的生长过程及其相应的水热碳循环过程。  相似文献   
Amorphous silicon oxide films have been studied on the basis of electron diffraction (ED) analyses and infrared (IR) spectroscopy in order to elucidate the relationship between the structures. After the heat treatment of the film in air at 300 and 500°C, the ED pattern showed halo rings, and the IR spectra clearly changed. Intensity analysis of the ED pattern provided evidence for the structural change of the amorphous film. It was concluded that the spectral changes in the ranges of 9.2–10.2, 12.5–13.5 and 19.5–22.5 μm were the result of phase transitions of the microcrystallites of α-cristobalite to β-cristobalite, and α- or β-quartz. Astrophysical implications have been discussed.  相似文献   
Fischer-Tropsch catalysis, which converts CO and H2 into CH4 on the surface of iron catalyst, has been proposed to produce the CH4 on Titan during its formation process in a circum-planetary subnebula. However, Fischer-Tropsch reaction rate under the conditions of subnebula have not been measured quantitatively yet. In this study, we conduct laboratory experiments to determine CH4 formation rate and also conduct theoretical calculation of clathrate formation to clarify the significance of Fischer-Tropsch catalysis in a subnebula. Our experimental result indicates that the range of conditions where Fischer-Tropsch catalysis proceeds efficiently is narrow (T∼500-600 K) in a subnebula because the catalysts are poisoned at temperatures above 600 K under the condition of subnebula (i.e., H2/CO = 1000). This suggests that an entire subnebula may not become rich in CH4 but rather that only limited region of a subnebula may enriched in CH4 (i.e., CH4-rich band formation). Our experimental result also suggests that both CO and CO2 are converted into CH4 within time significantly shorter than the lifetime of the solar nebula at the optimal temperatures around 550 K. The calculation result of clathration shows that CO2-rich satellitesimals are formed in the catalytically inactive outer region of subnebula. In the catalytically active inner region, CH4-rich satellitesimals are formed. The resulting CH4-rich satellitesimals formed in this region play an important role in the origin of CH4 on Titan. When our experimental data are applied to a high-pressure model for subnebula evolution, it would predict that there should be CO2 underneath the Iapetus subsurface and no thick CO2 ice layer on Titan's icy crust. Such surface and subsurface composition, which may be observed by Cassini-Huygens mission, would provide crucial information on the origin of icy satellites.  相似文献   
With a lack of United States federal policy to address climate change, cities, the private sector, and universities have shouldered much of the work to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to determine how landcover characteristics influence the amount of carbon (C) sequestered and respired via biological processes, evaluating the role of land management on the overall C budget of an urban university. Boston University published a comprehensive Climate Action Plan in 2017 with the goal of achieving C neutrality by 2040. In this study, we digitized and discretized each of Boston University’s three urban campuses into landcover types, with C sequestration and respiration rates measured and scaled to provide a University-wide estimate of biogenic C fluxes within the broader context of total University emissions. Each of Boston University’s three highly urban campuses were net sources of biogenic C to the atmosphere. While trees were estimated to sequester 0.6 ± 0.2 kg C m−2 canopy cover year−1, mulch and lawn areas in 2018 emitted C at rates of 1.7 ± 0.4 kg C m−2 year−1 and 1.4 ± 0.4 kg C m−2 year−1, respectively. C uptake by tree canopy cover, which can spatially overlap lawn and mulched landcovers, was not large enough to offset biogenic emissions. The proportion of biogenic emissions to Scope 1 anthropogenic emissions on each campus varied from 0.5% to 2%, and depended primarily on the total anthropogenic emissions on each campus. Our study quantifies the role of urban landcover in local C budgets, offering insights on how landscaping management strategies—such as decreasing mulch application rates and expanding tree canopy extent—can assist universities in minimizing biogenic C emissions and even potentially creating a small biogenic C sink. Although biogenic C fluxes represent a small fraction of overall anthropogenic emissions on urban university campuses, these biogenic fluxes are under active management by the university and should be included in climate action plans.  相似文献   
The petrological properties, and O and Al-Mg isotopic compositions of two spinel-bearing chondrules from the Allende CV chondrite were investigated using scanning electron microscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry. A coarse spinel grain in a barred-olivine (BO) chondrule is less enriched in 16O (Δ17O ∼ −5‰; Δ17O = δ17O - 0.52 δ18O), whereas smaller spinel grains in a plagioclase-rich chondrule member of a compound chondrule are extremely 16O-rich (Δ17O ∼ −17‰) and the spinels have a strongly serrated character. The petrological features and 16O-enrichments of the spinels in the plagioclase-rich chondrule indicate that spinels originating in coarse-grained Ca-Al-rich Inclusions (CAIs) were incorporated into chondrule precursors and survived the chondrule-forming event. The degree of 16O-excesses among minerals within each chondrule is correlated to the crystallization sequences. This evidence suggests that the O isotopic variation among minerals may have resulted from incomplete exchange of O isotopes between 16O-rich chondrule melt and 16O-poor nebular gas. Aqueous alteration also has changed the O-isotope compositions in the mesostasis. The feldspathic mesostasis in the BO chondrule shows a disturbed Mg-Al isochron indicating that the BO chondrule experienced secondary alteration. While plagioclase in the plagioclase-rich chondrule member of the compound chondrule shows slight 26Mg-excesses corresponding to (26Al/27Al)0 = [4.6±4.0(2σ)] × 10−6, nepheline formed by secondary alteration shows no detectable excess. The Al-Mg isotopic system of these chondrules was disturbed by aqueous alteration and thermal metamorphism on the Allende parent body.  相似文献   
To carry out comparative geochemical investigation of refractory and reactive metals in different oceanic settings covering different θ-S characteristics, productivity, dissolved oxygen profiles, water and sediment discharge, etc., we have determined the vertical profiles of dissolved (<0.04 μm) Al, In and Ce, as well as 210Pb and 210Po in the eastern Indian Ocean (from 40°S in the Southern Ocean to 8°N in the Bay of Bengal) and the Southeast Asian Seas. In the Antarctic Circumpolar Region, the concentrations of these refractory metals are very low, presumably due to very low the atmospheric input and intensified scavenging. Resemblance in the vertical profiles of these metals is often seen in some other stations. However, there are also significant differences among their distributions, for example, in the magnitude of surface enrichment caused by the external input from eolian and fluvial-coastal sources. Comparison of Al distributions in surface waters with those of atmospherically derived 210Pb suggests the relative importance of eolian input over fluvial-coastal sources. Fluvial and coastal input appears to be insignificant for dissolved In, but may be important for Ce. The mean residence time of Al in the surface mixed layer was estimated to be ∼2 years which is similar to that of 210Pb.In the intermediate and deep waters, the concentrations of each element vary with depth and location. The range of variation is in the order of Al>Ce>In, depending upon particle reactivity. Although dissolved Al decreases along the water trajectory by particle scavenging, variations of dissolved In and Ce are relatively small which may be due to less scavenging for both elements. Compared with significantly high (>4 pM) dissolved Ce throughout the water column in the Bay of Bengal, dissolved Al concentration remains low, suggesting that it has higher affinity to particles and hence is scavenged by sinking particulate matter. This is consistent with the observation that the dissolved Al in the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) decreases from 4 to 6 nM in the 30°S Perth Basin to <0.7 nM in the 10°S West Australia Basin along its trajectory. Using the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) ventilation age of AAIW (Fine, 1993), the mean residence time of Al in the intermediate and deep waters in the eastern Indian Ocean is estimated to be <17 yr, approximately the same as that of 210Pb (10-15 yr). In the semiclosed basins of Southeast Asia, the distributions of Al, In and Ce are also very unique. In the South China Sea, there is a strong sediment source for dissolved In and Ce during the deepwater passage through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   
We have prepared a HF-HCl residue and its oxidized residue of the Allende meteorite and have measured the elemental concentrations and the isotopic compositions of noble gases. In the HF-HCl reside, noble gases are enriched in colloidal fraction compared to the non-colloidal fraction by a factor of 2-4. The heavy noble gases were evidently lost after the oxidization, indicating that phase Q (carrier of planetary heavy noble gases) was removed by the oxidation. The Raman spectroscopic parameters show that the colloidal fraction of the HF-HCl residue is more amorphous compared to the non-colloidal fraction. As the ion irradiation converts carbon into a more amorphous form, our result indicates that the “plasma model” is more plausible than the “labyrinth model” as the origin of phase Q. TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) observations also show such a trace of ion irradiation. While the TEM observations did not show any large difference between the HF-HCl residue and its oxidized residue, the Raman spectroscopic parameters changed discretely resulting from the oxidization. This observation indicates that the oxidization not only dissolved and removed oxidized carbon, but also changed the carbon structure itself to a more amorphous (disordered) state. The Raman spectroscopic results indicate the possibility that release of Q-gas during oxidation is not accompanied by mass loss and that the release of Q-gas simply resulted from rearrangement of carbon structure during oxidation.  相似文献   
Tephra fingerprinting techniques contributing to volcanology and palaeoenvironmental studies have been developed using a combination of laser-ablation inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). In particular, femtosecond LA-ICP-MS can determine major- and trace element abundances in individual glass shards. On the basis of the major oxide and trace element composition of the glass shards, using those methods, we re-examined the identification of four lower Pleistocene tephras originating from north-east Japan. All trace element abundances exhibited the typical pattern of tephras from the Hokkaido–Tohoku area, and major element concentrations were distinct. As a result, we re-examined the correlation of the widespread Tmg-R4 tephra (2.0 Ma), and newly defined the widespread Kd44-Naka tephra (1.968–1.781 Ma), both originating from the Sengan geothermal region. Furthermore, we re-examined identifications of Sr-Asn-Kd8 (1.219 Ma) and Sr-Kc-U8 (0.922–0.910 Ma) in central Japan, both derived from the Aizu volcanic region. The extensive distributions of the former two tephras suggest the occurrence of two large caldera-forming eruptions (Volcanic Explosivity Index 7) during a short period. Also, the distributions and volumes of the latter two tephras are broader and larger than those previously assumed. The results provide insight into large volcanic eruption history and terrestrial and marine palaeoenvironmental history.  相似文献   
The concentration of dissolved rare earth elements (REE) were determined at 47 stations in the North Pacific surface waters. Combining with other previous data, we present the surface REE distribution in the North Pacific and discuss the controlling factors. The surface concentrations increase toward the high latitude and continental margin (e.g. [Nd] > 10 pmol kg−1) from the central North Pacific (e.g. [Nd] < 5 pmol kg−1). The North Pacific Deep Water-normalized REE patterns are varied, indicating that two or more factors contribute to the REE distribution. We examined four factors making the regional variation of surface REE concentrations mainly; a) particle scavenging, b) atmospheric dust input, c) vertical mixing and d) lateral transport from the coastal region. Flux calculations for Nd showed that the influence of atmospheric dust was less significant than the vertical input even in the western upwelling zone. Moreover, the longitudinal and latitudinal transitions of surface REE seem to reflect the lateral supply from the coastal areas. We constructed the diagram of surface Er/Lu and Er/Yb molar ratios in order to assess the origin and the input processes of the surface REE. Both molar ratios showed increasing trend toward PEW (Er/Lu (>10.5) and Er/Yb (>1.4)) from PSUW (Er/Lu (>7) and Er/Yb (>1.2)). The high Er/Lu and Er/Yb ratios in PEW indicate that the lateral supply of terrestrial materials from the coastal area is possibly the important factor in PEW, because only weathering and dissolution of rocks can explain such high Er/Lu and Er/Yb ratios to our knowledge.  相似文献   
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