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Balloon-borne observations of electrical conductivity in the troposphere and stratosphere were performed using conductivity sondes at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany, from June to November, 1980, after the Mt St Helens eruption. A significant decrease of atmospheric ions in the altitudes from the troposphere to lower stratosphere has been detected until several months after the eruption in comparison with the observational results obtained before the eruption. Simulteneous ruby lidar observation a month after the eruption indicates an increased amount of aerosol at nearly the same altitude as that of conductivity decrease. Several months after the eruption it appears that aerosols detected by lidar and those effective in reducing ion concentration have different profiles.  相似文献   
The Ladoga, Russia, and adjacent Sulkava, southeastern Finland, metamorphic complexes are the two largest “granulite” provinces of the Svecofennian domain. In this area, the domain is composed of outer and inner zones. Sulkava is situated in the inner zone, which principally can be compared to the accretionary arc complex of Southern Finland. Ladoga is situated in the outer zone, which is correlated with the accretionary arc complexes of central and Western Finland. The complexes contain different metamorphic assemblages, which are caused by the different composition of the sedimentary protoliths: the rocks of the Sulkava metamorphic complex are higher in Al and K than those of the Ladoga Complex. Pb-Pb step leaching dating was used to determine the age of prograde sillimanite from both complexes. The dates thus obtained constrain metamorphic peaks for the Sulkava and Ladoga complexes at 1799 ± 19 Ma and 1878 ± 7 Ma, respectively, which is consistent with the U-Pb monazite ages of gneisses from both of the complexes. The differences in the ages of the metamorphic minerals from these complexes reflect the Early Svecofennian (1.89–1.86 Ga) and Late Svecofennian (1.83–1.79 Ga) metamorphic stages in the Fennoscandian Svecofennides.  相似文献   
Since 1954 average orthophosphate and total phosphorus concentrations have increased twenty and eightfold respectively in Lake Sempach. It is demonstrated that the lake is not in steady state with its phosphorus loading and that the net deposition rate of phosphorus is not linearly related to the phosphorus content of the lake. This implies that linear steady state one-box models are unsuitable to describe the phosphorus balance of this lake. Applying a nonlinear dynamic lake model we predict that the defined water quality goals ([P] ⩽30 mg m−3, [O2 ⩾4 mg m−3]) can only be achieved within the next 15 years if the external phosphorus loading is reduced by at least 50% and simultaneously lake-internal measures, such as hypolimnion areation or hypolimnion siphoning are carried into effect.   相似文献   
The development of fragility curves to perform seismic scenario-based risk assessment requires a fully probabilistic procedure in order to account for uncertainties at each step of the computation. This is especially true when developing fragility curves conditional on an Intensity Measure that is directly available from a ground-motion prediction equation. In this study, we propose a new derivation method that uses realistic spectra instead of design spectral shapes or uniform hazard spectra and allows one to easily account for the features of the site-specific hazard that influences the fragility, without using non-linear dynamic analysis. The proposed method has been applied to typical school building types in the city of Basel (Switzerland) and the results have been compared to the standard practice in Europe. The results confirm that fragility curves are scenario dependent and are particularly sensitive to the magnitude of the earthquake scenario. The same background theory used for the derivation of the fragility curves has allowed an innovative method to be proposed for the conversion of fragility curves to a common IM (i.e. spectral acceleration or PGA). This conversion is the only way direct comparisons of fragility curves can be made and is useful when inter-period correlation cannot be used in scenario loss assessment. Moreover, such conversion is necessary to compare and verify newly developed curves against those from previous studies. Conversion to macroseismic intensity is also relevant for the comparison between mechanical-based and empirical fragility curves, in order to detect possible biases.  相似文献   
In spite of the fundamental role the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays for global climate stability, no direct current measurement of the Denmark Strait Overflow, which is the densest part of the AMOC, has been available until recently that resolve the cross-stream structure at the sill for long periods. Since 1999, an array of bottom-mounted acoustic instruments measuring current velocity and bottom-to-surface acoustic travel times was deployed at the sill. Here, the optimization of the array configuration based on a numerical overflow model is discussed. The simulation proves that more than 80% of the dense water transport variability is captured by two to three acoustic current profilers (ADCPs). The results are compared with time series from ADCPs and Inverted Echo Sounders deployed from 1999 to 2003, confirming that the dense overflow plume can be reliably measured by bottom-mounted instruments and that the overflow is largely geostrophically balanced at the sill.  相似文献   
Mean bulk densities of various samples of dry atmospheric aerosol particles sampled at different sites and during different seasons and weather situations range between 1.8 and more than 3 gm cm3.  相似文献   
The thermoluminescence (TL) of various plagioclase feldspars embedded in a thick target of 150 kg of artificial lunar soil was measured after a 600-MeV proton irradiation. No correlation was observed between the parameters of the characteristic feldspar glow peak and the anorthite contents. The relative TL sensitivities of the individual plagioclase variants were measured and found to be practically the same for60Co-γ- and 600-MeV proton-irradiated samples.The TL intensity distribution within the target arrangement, converted to a 2π isotropic p-influx, resulted in an approximate TL depth profile of a thermally undisturbed lunar soil bomarded by galactic cosmic protons. The undisturbed TL intensity at a depth of 28 g/cm2 (? 17 cm) decreased to 39% at a depth of 106 g/cm2 (? 60 cm). For the evaluation of the temperature gradients by TL in lunar samples the experimental data at the sites of Taurus-Littrow and of Hadley-Rille yielded minimum depth intervals for sampling of ~ 20 cm and ~ 40 cm respectively, presuming an error of ± 15% in the TL determination. Certain aspects are seen by using the relation TL intensity/22Na-activity ratio versus depth (thus representing the total ionization profile) to establish22Na depth profiles.  相似文献   
H. Mädler 《Ocean Dynamics》1972,25(3):120-144
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