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The Kay Tanda epithermal Au deposit in Lobo, Batangas is one of the Au deposits situated in the Batangas Mineral District in southern Luzon, Philippines. This study aims to document the geological, alteration, and mineralization characteristics and to determine the age of the mineralization, the mechanism of ore deposition, and the hydrothermal fluid characteristics of the Kay Tanda deposit. The geology of Kay Tanda consists of (i) the Talahib Volcanic Sequence, a Middle Miocene dacitic to andesitic volcaniclastic sequence that served as the host rock of the mineralization; (ii) the Balibago Diorite Complex, a cogenetic intrusive complex intruding the Talahib Volcanic Sequence; (iii) the Calatagan Formation, a Late Miocene to Early Pliocene volcanosedimentary formation unconformably overlying the Talahib Volcanic Sequence; (iv) the Dacite Porphyry Intrusives, which intruded the older lithological units; and (v) the Balibago Andesite, a Pliocene postmineralization volcaniclastic unit. K‐Ar dating on illite collected from the alteration haloes around quartz veins demonstrated that the age of mineralization is around 5.9 ± 0.2 to 5.5 ± 0.2 Ma (Late Miocene). Two main styles of mineralization are identified in Kay Tanda. The first style is an early‐stage extensive epithermal mineralization characterized by stratabound Au‐Ag‐bearing quartz stockworks hosted at the shallower levels of the Talahib Volcanic Sequence. The second style is a late‐stage base metal (Zn, Pb, and Cu) epithermal mineralization with local bonanza‐grade Au mineralization hosted in veins and hydrothermal breccias that are intersected at deeper levels of the Talahib Volcanic Sequence and at the shallower levels of the Balibago Intrusive Complex. Paragenetic studies on the mineralization in Kay Tanda defined six stages of mineralization; the first two belong to the first mineralization style, while the last four belong to the second mineralization style. Stage 1 is composed of quartz ± pyrophyllite ± dickite/kaolinite ± diaspore alteration, which is cut by quartz veins. Stage 2 is composed of Au‐Ag‐bearing quartz stockworks associated with pervasive illite ± quartz ± smectite ± kaolinite alteration. Stage 3 is composed of carbonate veins with minor base metal sulfides. Stage 4 is composed of quartz ± adularia ± calcite veins and hydrothermal breccias, hosting the main base metal and bonanza‐grade Au mineralization, and is associated with chlorite‐illite‐quartz alteration. Stage 5 is composed of epidote‐carbonate veins associated with epidote‐calcite‐chlorite alteration. Stage 6 is composed of anhydrite‐gypsum veins with minor base metal mineralization. The alteration assemblage of the deposit evolved from an acidic mineral assemblage caused by the condensation of magmatic volatiles from the Balibago Intrusive Complex into the groundwater to a slightly acidic mineral assemblage caused by the interaction of the host rocks and the circulating hydrothermal waters being heated up by the Dacite Porphyry Intrusives to a near‐neutral pH toward the later parts of the mineralization. Fluid inclusion microthermometry indicates that the temperature of the system started to increase during Stage 1 (T = 220–250°C) and remained at high temperatures (T = 250–290°C) toward Stage 6 due to the continuous intrusion of Dacite Porphyry Intrusives at depth. Salinity slightly decreased toward the later stages due to the contribution of more meteoric waters into the hydrothermal system. Boiling is considered the main mechanism of ore deposition based on the occurrence of rhombic adularia, the heterogeneous trapping of fluid inclusions of variable liquid–vapor ratios, the distribution of homogenization temperatures, and the gas ratios obtained from the quantitative fluid inclusion gas analysis of quartz. Ore mineral assemblage and sulfur fugacity determined from the FeS content of sphalerite at temperatures estimated by fluid inclusion microthermometry indicate that the base metal mineralization at Kay Tanda evolved from a high sulfidation to an intermediate sulfidation condition.  相似文献   
Several high‐sulfidation epithermal gold orebodies in the Mankayan Mineral District were formed in an environment that has been already affected by earlier porphyry‐type mineralization. This study reports the geologic and geochemical characteristics of the Carmen and Florence epithermal orebodies, which are located in the south of the Lepanto main enargite–gold orebody. The gold‐bearing epithermal quartz veins in the Carmen and Florence areas are of two types: (i) the enargite‐rich veins and (ii) the quartz–pyrite–gold (QPG) veins. The two types of veins are mainly hosted by the Cretaceous Lepanto Metavolcanics basement rocks, with minor veins cutting the Pleistocene Imbanguila Dacite Pyroclastics. The mineral assemblages and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions indicate that the Carmen and Florence orebodies were deposited by fluids varying from high to very high sulfidation state. The enargite and QPG epithermal veins of Carmen and Florence cut porphyry‐type quartz veinlet stockworks and veins that host polyphase hypersaline fluid inclusions that did not homogenize at or below 400°C. These high‐temperature quartz exhibits distinctly different mineral chemistry from the quartz of the QPG and enargite‐rich epithermal veins. In particular, the Ti content of quartz of the porphyry‐type veinlet stockwork is elevated (>100 ppm), whereas the Ti concentration of the epithermal vein quartz crystals are below detection limits. The Fe concentration of quartz is high in epithermal vein quartz (>300 ppm), whereas nearly undetected in the porphyry‐type stockwork veinlet quartz. Multiple generations of quartz with different mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions morphology, temperature, salinity and bulk gas compositions, and stable isotopic ratios indicate the variable hydrothermal conditions throughout the mineralization history of the Mankayan District. The temperature, pH, sulfidation state, oxidation state, and fluid composition vary among the orebodies in Carmen and Florence areas. Furthermore, the characteristics of earlier alteration affected the apparent characteristics of subsequent mineralization.  相似文献   
The Martabe Au–Ag deposit, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, is a high sulfidation epithermal deposit, which is hosted by Neogene sandstone, siltstone, volcanic breccia, and andesite to basaltic andesite of Angkola Formation. The deposit consists of six ore bodies that occurred as silicified massive ore (enargite–luzonite–pyrite–tetrahedrite–tellurides), quartz veins (tetrahedrite–galena–sphalerite–chalcopyrite), banded sulfide veins (pyrite–tetrahedrite–sphalerite–galena) and cavity filling. All ore bodies are controlled by N–S and NW–SE trending faults. The Barani and Horas ore bodies are located in the southeast of the Purnama ore body. Fluid inclusion microthermometry, and alunite‐pyrite and barite‐pyrite pairs sulfur isotopic geothermometry show slightly different formation temperatures among the ore bodies. Formation temperature and salinity of fluid inclusions of the Purnama ore body range from 200 to 260 C and from 6 to 8 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively. Formation temperature and salinity of fluid inclusions of the Barani ore body range from 200 to 220 °C and from 0 to 2.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent and those of the Horas ore body range from 240 to 275 °C and from 2 to 3 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively. The Barani and Horas ore bodies are less silicified and sulfides are less abundant than the Purnama ore body. A relationship between enthalpy and chloride content indicates mixing of hot saline fluids with cooler dilute fluids during the mineralization of each of the ore bodies. The δ18O values of quartz samples from the southeast ore bodies exhibit a wide range from +4.2 to +12.9‰ with an average value of +7.0‰. The δ18O values of H2O estimated from δ18O values of quartz, barite and calcite confirm the oxygen isotopic shift to near meteoric water trend, which support the incorporation of meteoric water. Salinity of the fluid inclusions decrease from >5 wt.% NaCl equivalent in the Purnama ore body to <3 wt.% NaCl equivalent in the Barani ore body, indicating different fluid systems during mineralization. The δ34S values of sulfide and sulfate in Purnama range from ? 4.2 to +5.5‰ and from +1.2 to +26.7‰, those in the Barani range from ? 4.3 to +26.4‰ and from +3.9 to +18.5‰ and those in the Horas ore body range from ? 11.8 to +3.5‰ and from +1.4 to +25.7‰, respectively. The δ34S of total bulk sulfur in southeastern ore bodies (Σδ34S) was estimated to be approximately +6‰. The estimated sulfur fugacity during formation of the Purnama and Horas ore bodies is relatively high. It was between 10?4.8 and 10?10.8 atm at 220 to 260 °C. Tellurium fugacity was between 10?7.8 and 10?9.5 atm at 260 °C and between 10?9 and 10?10.6 atm at 220 °C in the Purnama ore body. The Barani ore body was formed at lower fS2, lower than about 10?14 atm at 200 to 220 °C based on the presence of arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite in the early stage, and between 10?14 and 10?12 atm based on the existence of enargite and tennantite in the last stage. © 2016 The Society of Resource Geology  相似文献   
Characterization of Fe(III) (hydr)oxides in soils near the Ichinokawa mine was conducted using X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and Mössbauer spectroscopies, and the structural changes were correlated with the release of As into pore-water. The Eh values decreased monotonically with depth. Iron is mainly present as poorly-ordered Fe(III) (hydr)oxides, such as ferrihydrite, over a wide redox range (from Eh = 360 to −140 mV). Structural details of the short-range order of these Fe(III) (hydr)oxides were examined using Mössbauer spectroscopy by comparing the soil phases with synthesized ferrihydrite samples having varying crystallinities. The crystallinity of the soil Fe (hydr)oxides decreased slightly with depth and Eh. Thus, within the redox range of this soil profile, ferrihydrite dominated, even under very reducing conditions, but the crystalline domain size, and, potentially, particle size, changed with the variation in Eh. In the soil–water system examined here, where As concentration and the As(III)/As(V) ratio in soil water increased with depth, ferrihydrite persisted and maintained or even enhanced its capacity for As retention with increased reducing conditions. Therefore, it is concluded that As release from these soils largely depends on the transformation of As(V) to As(III) rather than reductive dissolution of Fe(III) (hydr)oxide.  相似文献   
A high-sensitive technique to detect O(1S) atoms using vacuum ultraviolet laser-induced fluorescence (VUV-LIF) spectroscopy has been applied to study the O(1S) production process from the UV photodissociation of O3, N2O, and H2O2. The quantum yields for O(1S) formation from O3 photolysis at 215 and 220 nm are determined to be (1.4 ± 0.4) × 10−4 and (5 ± 3) × 10−5, respectively. Based on thermochemical considerations, the O(1S) formation from O3 photolysis at 215 and 220 nm is attributed to a spin-forbidden process of O(1S)+O2(X3Σg ). Analysis of the Doppler profile of O(1S) produced from O3 photolysis at 193 nm also indicates that the O(1S) atoms are produced from the spin-forbidden process. In the photolysis of N2O and H2O2 at 193 nm, no discernible signal of O(1S) atoms has been detected. The upper limit values of the quantum yields for O(1S) production from N2O and H2O2 photolysis at 193 nm are estimated to be 8 × 10−5 and 3 × 10−5, respectively. Using the experimental results, the impact of the O(1S) formation from O3 photolysis on the atmospheric OH radical formation through the reaction of O(1S)+H2O has been estimated. The calculated results show that the contribution of the O(1S)+H2O reaction to the OH production rate is ∼2% of that of the O(1D)+H2O reaction at 30 km altitude in mid-latitude. Implications of the present laboratory experimental results for the terrestrial airglow of O(1S) at 557.7 nm have also been discussed.  相似文献   
Zircon U–Pb ages of two acidic tuff and two turbidite sandstone samples from the Nakanogawa Group, Hidaka Belt, were measured to estimate its depositional age and the development of the Hokkaido Central Belt, northeast Japan. In the northern unit, homogeneous zircons from pelagic acidic tuff from a basal horizon dated to 58–57 Ma, zircons from sandstone from the upper part of the unit dated to 56–54 Ma, and zircons from acidic tuff from the uppermost part dated to 60–56 Ma and 69–63 Ma. Both of the tuff U–Pb ages are significantly older than the youngest radiolarian fossil age (66–48 Ma). Therefore, the maximum depositional age of the turbidite facies in the northern unit is 58 Ma and the younger age limit, estimated from the fossil age, is 48 Ma. In the southern unit, homogeneous zircons from turbidite sandstone dated to 58–57 Ma. Thus the depositional age of this turbidite facies was interpreted to be 66–56 Ma from the fossil age, probably close to 57 Ma. Most of the zircon U–Pb ages from the Nakanogawa Group are younger than 80 Ma, with a major peak at 60 Ma. This result implies that around Hokkaido volcanic activity occurred mainly after 80 Ma. Older zircon ages (120–80 Ma, 180–140 Ma, 340–220 Ma, 1.9 Ga, 2.2 Ga, and 2.7 Ga) give information about the provenance of other rocks in the Hidaka Belt. It is inferred that the Nakanogawa Group comprises protoliths of the upper sequence of the Hidaka Metamorphic Zone, which therefore has the same depositional age as the Nakanogawa Group (66–48 Ma). The depositional ages of the lower sequence of the Hidaka Metamorphic Zone and the Nakanogawa Group are probably the same.  相似文献   
Wind-induced circulation and the distribution of hypoxia corresponding to the upwelling of oxygen-depleted water (called “Aoshio” in Japan and “Sumishio” locally in Omura Bay) in Omura Bay, Japan, was examined field observations and by three-dimensional modeling. During the calm weather in summer, well-mixed strait water, in rich oxygen at the mouth of the bay intruded into the middle layer of the bay, southward and northward along the west and east coast, respectively, forming basin-scale cyclonic circulation. A stagnant water mass was formed below the center of this cyclonic circulation, and it became hypoxic water. As a result of the prevailing strong southeast (northeast) wind, the bottom hypoxia moved in a southeasterly (northeasterly) direction. This induces the upwelling of hypoxic water, accompanied by mass mortality of marine organisms.  相似文献   
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