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One of the major challenges related with the current practice in seismic hazard studies is the adjustment of empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) to different seismological environments. We believe that the key to accommodating differences in regional seismological attributes of a ground motion model lies in the Fourier spectrum. In the present study, we attempt to explore a new approach for the development of response spectral GMPEs, which is fully consistent with linear system theory when it comes to adjustment issues. This approach consists of developing empirical prediction equations for Fourier spectra and for a particular duration estimate of ground motion which is tuned to optimize the fit between response spectra obtained through the random vibration theory framework and the classical way. The presented analysis for the development of GMPEs is performed on the recently compiled reference database for seismic ground motion in Europe (RESORCE-2012). Although, the main motivation for the presented approach is the adjustability and the use of the corresponding model to generate data driven host-to-target conversions, even as a standalone response spectral model it compares reasonably well with the GMPEs of Ambraseys et al. (Bull Earthq Eng 3:1–53, 2005), Akkar and Bommer (Seismol Res Lett 81(2):195–206, 2010) and Akkar and Cagnan (Bull Seismol Soc Am 100(6):2978–2995, 2010).  相似文献   
In this study, biometric and structural engineering tool have been used to examine a possible relationship within ChuariaTawuia complex and micro-FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) analyses to understand the biological affinity of Chuaria circularis Walcott, collected from the Mesoproterozoic Suket Shales of the Vindhyan Supergroup and the Neoproterozoic Halkal Shales of the Bhima Group of peninsular India. Biometric analyses of well preserved carbonized specimens show wide variation in morphology and uni-modal distribution. We believe and demonstrate to a reasonable extent that C. circularis most likely was a part of Tawuia-like cylindrical body of algal origin. Specimens with notch/cleft and overlapping preservation, mostly recorded in the size range of 3–5 mm, are of special interest. Five different models proposed earlier on the life cycle of C. circularis are discussed. A new model, termed as ‘Hybrid model’ based on present multidisciplinary study assessing cylindrical and spherical shapes suggesting variable cell wall strength and algal affinity is proposed. This model discusses and demonstrates varied geometrical morphologies assumed by Chuaria and Tawuia, and also shows the inter-relationship of ChuariaTawuia complex.Structural engineering tool (thin walled pressure vessel theory) was applied to investigate the implications of possible geometrical shapes (sphere and cylinder), membrane (cell wall) stresses and ambient pressure environment on morphologically similar C. circularis and Tawuia. The results suggest that membrane stresses developed on the structures similar to ChuariaTawuia complex were directly proportional to radius and inversely proportional to the thickness in both cases. In case of hollow cylindrical structure, the membrane stresses in circumferential direction (hoop stress) are twice of the longitudinal direction indicating that rupture or fragmentation in the body of Tawuia would have occurred due to hoop stress. It appears that notches and discontinuities seen in some of the specimens of Chuaria may be related to rupture suggesting their possible location in 3D Chuaria.The micro-FTIR spectra of C. circularis are characterized by both aliphatic and aromatic absorption bands. The aliphaticity is indicated by prominent alkyl group bands between 2800–3000 and 1300–1500 cm−1. The prominent absorption signals at 700–900 cm−1 (peaking at 875 and 860 cm−1) are due to aromatic CH out of plane deformation. A narrow, strong band is centred at 1540 cm−1 which could be COOH band. The presence of strong aliphatic bands in FTIR spectra suggests that the biogeopolymer of C. circularis is of aliphatic nature. The wall chemistry indicates the presence of ‘algaenan’—a biopolymer of algae.  相似文献   
A dense seismic network (~100 stations) was operated in the Koyna-Warna region from January 2010 to May 2010, that allow us to collect 400 high-quality local earthquake data of magnitude less than 4. In this region, the fault structure and tectonic setting that accommodate the induced seismicity is not well understood. To investigate the seismotectonics of the region, we have inverted 7826 P- and 7047 S-P arrival times for 3-D Vp and Vp/Vs tomographic models along with hypocenters parameters in the region. Although, Dixit et al. (2014) have performed 3-D local earthquake tomography with double-difference tomography code using catalog differential time data. In this paper, Simulps14 code on the same data set is applied. For better approach P arrival time and S-P travel times are inverted directly for Vp, Vp/Vs variations and earthquake locations. High Vp ~5.9 to 6.5 and low to high Vp/Vs ~1.69-1.74 imaged in the hypocenter region. These features interpreted as a fluid bearing rock mass under high pore pressure. It is also observed that below the trap basement form a local topography depression between the Koyna and Warna Reservoirs. To the South of the Warna reservoir, intense seismic activity defines a major cluster of ~ 5 km width at 3 to7 km deep, located under the trap, where the basement is deepening. Such regions are inferred to be associated with the seismically active faults zones. The obtain velocity anomalies are reliable down to a depth of 10 km. This is also confirmed by the analysis of three resolution parameters viz. Hit count, Derivative Weight sum (DWS) and Resolution Diagonal Elements (RDE).  相似文献   
The cryosphere constitutes an important subset of the hydrosphere.The Himalayan cryosphere is a significant contributor to the hydrological budget of a large river system such as the Ganges.Basic data on the cryosphere in the Himalaya is inadequate and also has large uncertainties.The data on glacial melt component in the Himalayan rivers of India also shows high variability.The Gangotri glacier which constitutes nearly a fifth of the glacierized area of the Bhagirathi basin represents one of the fastest receding,large valley glaciers in the region which has been surveyed and monitored for over sixty years.The availability of measurement over a long period and relatively small glacier-fed basin for the Bhagirathi river provides suitable constraints for the measurement of the glacial melt fraction in a Himalayan river.Pre- and post-monsoon samples reveal a decreasing trend Of depletion of δ~(18)O in the river water from glacier snout(Gaumukh) to the confluence of the Bhagirathi river with the Alaknanda river near Devprayag.Calculations of existing glacial melt fraction(~ 30%at Rishikesh) are not consistent with the reported glacial thinning rates.It is contended that the choice of unsuitable end-members in the three component mixing model causes the overestimation of glacial melt component in the river discharge.Careful selection of end members provides results(~11%at Devprayag) that are consistent with the expected thinning rates.  相似文献   
Thermal waters at the Godavari valley geothermal field are located in the Khammam district of the Telangana state, India. The study area consists of several thermal water manifestations having temperature in the range 36–76 °C scattered over an area of ~35 km2. The thermal waters are Na–HCO3 type with moderate silica and TDS concentrations. In the present study, detailed geochemical (major and trace elements) and isotope hydrological investigations are carried out to understand the hydrogeochemical evolution of these thermal waters. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) are performed to classify the thermal waters and to identify the different geochemical processes controlling the thermal water geochemistry. From correlation matrix, it is seen that TDS and EC of the thermal springs are mainly controlled by HCO3 and Na ions. In PCA, thermal waters are grouped into two distinct clusters. One cluster represents thermal waters from deeper aquifer and other one from shallow aquifer. Lithium and boron concentrations are found to be similar followed by rubidium and caesium concentrations. Different ternary plots reveal rock–water interaction to be the dominant mechanism for controlling trace element concentrations. Stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) data indicate the meteoric origin of the thermal waters with no appreciable oxygen-18 shift. The low tritium values of the samples originating from deeper aquifer reveal the long residence time (>50 years) of the recharging waters. XRD results of the drill core samples show that quartz constitutes the major mineral phase, whereas kaolinite, dolomite, microcline, calcite, mica, etc. are present as minor constituents. Quartz geothermometer suggests a reservoir temperature of 100 ± 20 °C which is in good agreement with the values obtained from K–Mg and Mg-corrected K–Mg–Ca geothermometers.  相似文献   
Unplanned and unsustainable extraction has created stress on groundwater resources in many parts of India. The stress symptoms are more pronounced in hard rock areas, where the aquifer potentials are comparatively low. Present research targeted an area of 3000 km2 in the interstream region between the Kharun and Seonath rivers, which is one such region in Central India. In spite of being a water-stressed area, so far, little is understood about processes of recharge, amount of recharge and processes controlling chemical quality, which are key inputs for groundwater management in the area. This study presents an appraisal of recharge mechanism, recharge rate and prevailing water–rock interactions in the study area. Stable isotope composition of groundwater when compared to that of rainfall indicates monsoon rainfall as the primary source of groundwater recharge. Winter rains, which are characteristically enriched in heavier isotopes, do not contribute notably to groundwater recharge. Recharge is rapid with minor or no evaporative enrichment before recharge. Further, analysis of stable isotopes show that ‘macropore recharge’ is dominant in limestone or calcareous shale, covering more than 70% of the study area. Also apparent is the vertical connectivity amongst the aquifers. However, active intermixing of surface water and groundwater is not a predominant process. Annual groundwater recharge from rainfall, as derived from chloride mass balance, is 105.26 million cubic metre. Groundwater is predominantly of bicarbonate type, irrespective of its hydrostratigraphic (lithology) setting. Dissolution of carbonates and gypsum (occurring as veins), weathering of feldspar and ion exchange of clay minerals are amongst the most likely processes controlling the regional groundwater chemistry.  相似文献   
Experiments have been carried out to characterize the adsorption of chromium(VI) in the aqueous phase onto dried roots of water hyacinth. Results revealed a very high degree of removal efficiency (∼100%). Theoretical analyzes are also made for describing the sorption and diffusion processes. The effective pore diffusivity of chromium(VI) in the water hyacinth roots is determined by a suitable global optimization technique. The depth of penetration, on the other hand, has been estimated for various initial concentrations of chromium(VI). Theoretically predicted concentration profiles are in excellent agreement with the experimental values.  相似文献   
Incorporation of the Kaapvaal craton within a speculative Neoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic supercontinent has long been debated, and this idea provides a potential solution to solving the apparently enigmatic provenance of the huge quantities of gold within the famous Witwatersrand auriferous deposits of Kaapvaal. Within a framework of a postulated Neoarchaean “Kenorland” (“northern”; present-day reference) supercontinent, we examine possible “southern” cratons that may have been contiguous with Kaapvaal: Pilbara, Zimbabwe, Dharwar, São Francisco, Amazon, Congo. Brief reviews of their basic geology and inferred evolution in syn-Witwatersrand basin times (c. 3.1–2.8 Ga) show no obvious support for any such supercontinental amalgamations. An alternative idea to explain a measure of gross similarity amongst several Neoarchaean cratons is through global events, such as a c. 3125–3000 Ma cratonic-scale erosive event interpreted for both Pilbara and Kaapvaal, and a much more widespread magmatic event at c. 2760–2680 Ma. We postulate that a global superplume event at c. 3.0 Ga included a plume beneath the Kaapvaal cratonic nucleus, thus halting any subduction around that terrane due to the thermal anomaly. Such a speculative global magmatic event is assumed to have enhanced production of juvenile oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges, including those “offshore” of the thermally elevated Kaapvaal nucleus. Intra-oceanic obduction complexes may have built up fairly rapidly under such conditions, globally, and once the plume event had abated, “normal” plate tectonics would have resulted in composite (greenstone-tonalite, possibly also including granite) terranes accreting with nuclei such as Kaapvaal. This enhanced plume-related cratonic growth can be seen as a rapid accretion event. Formation of the envisaged ophiolite complexes possibly encompassed deformation-related first-order concentration of gold, and once accretion occurred around Kaapvaal's nucleus, from north and west (present-day frame of reference), a second-order (deformation-related) gold concentration may have resulted. The third order of gold concentration would logically have occurred once placer systems reworked detritus derived from the orogens along the N and W margins of Kaapvaal. Such conditions and placer gold deposits are known from many Neoarchaean cratons. The initial source of gold was presumably from the much hotter Mesoarchaean mantle and may have been related to major changes in Earth's tectonic regime at c. 3.0 Ga. The unique nature of Kaapvaal is probably its early stabilization, enabling formation of a complex flexural foreland basin system, in which vast quantities of placer sediments and heavy minerals could be deposited, and preserved from younger denudation through a unique post-Witwatersrand history.  相似文献   
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