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Synchrotron single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments at high-pressure and high-temperature conditions were performed up to 20 GPa and 573.0(2) K on a fully ordered stoichiometric dolomite and a partially disordered stoichiometric dolomite [order parameter, s = 0.26(6)]. The ordered dolomite was found to be stable up to approximately 14 GPa at ambient temperature and up to approximately 17 GPa at T = 573.0(2) K. The PV data from the ambient temperature experiments were analysed by a second-order Birch–Murnaghan equation-of-state giving K 0 = 92.7(9) GPa for the ordered dolomite and K 0 = 92.5(8) GPa for the disordered dolomite. The high-temperature data, collected for the ordered sample, were fitted by a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation-of-state resulting in K 0 = 95(6) GPa and K′ = 2.6(7). In order to compare the three experiments results, a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation-of-state was also calculated for the ambient temperature experiments giving K 0 = 93(3) GPa, K′ = 3.9(6) for the ordered dolomite and K 0 = 92(3) GPa, K′ = 4.0(4) for the disordered dolomite. The derived axial moduli show that dolomite compresses very anisotropically, being the c-axis approximately three times more compressible than the a-axis. The axial compressibility increases as T increases, and the a-axis is the most temperature-influenced axis. On the contrary, axial compressibility is not influenced by disordering. Structural refinements at different pressures show that Ca and Mg octahedra are almost equally compressible in the ordered dolomite with K(CaO6) = 109(4) GPa and K(MgO6) = 103(3) GPa. On the contrary, CaO6 compressibility is reduced and MgO6 compressibility is increased in the disordered crystal structure where K(CaO6) = 139(4) GPa and K(MgO6) = 89(4) GPa. Disordering is found to increase CaO6 and to decrease MgO6 bond strengths, thus making stiffer the Ca octahedron and softer the Mg octahedron. Cation polyhedra are distorted in both ordered and disordered dolomites and they increase in regularity as P increases. Ordered dolomite approaches regularity at approximately 14 GPa. The increase in regularity of octahedra in the disordered dolomite is strongly affected by the very slow regularization of MgO6 with respect to CaO6. The phase transition to the high-pressure polymorph of dolomite (dolomite-II), which is driven by a significant increase in the regularity of both cations polyhedra and mineral crystal structure, occurs in the ordered dolomite at ambient temperature at approximately 14 GPa; whereas no clear evidences of phase transition were observed as regards the disordered crystal structure.  相似文献   
The provenance of the Maastrichtian deep-water reservoir sandstones from the Jubarte oil field (Campos Basin, eastern Brazil), was studied using an integrated approach that included quantitative petrography, conventional heavy mineral analysis, garnet mineral chemistry and zircon geochronology. The reservoirs are predominantly coarse, poorly-sorted sandstones with feldspathic composition derived from uplifted basement terrains. The fourth- and fifth-order depositional sequences analyzed show no major variations in composition or in provenance through time. However, variations in apatite:tourmaline presents potential to be used as a parameter for sandstone correlation within the field. The composition of heavy minerals indicates derivation from high temperature and low-to-medium pressure aluminous metapelitic rocks, from granites and subordinate mafic rocks, derived from the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain and the Oriental terrain of Ribeira orogen, characterizing a supply route from SW to NE. The low ZTR index, as well as the absence of low-grade stable heavy minerals and of metasedimentary rock fragments, suggest that by the end of Cretaceous all supracrustal, low-grade terrains had already been totally eroded, and that plutonic, infracrustal rocks were exposed, similarly to the present situation.  相似文献   
Foraging behavior and diet of breeding seabirds may be analysed simultaneously with the combined use of remote sensing devices and stable isotope analysis. Imperial shag, Phalacrocorax atriceps, breeding at Punta León colony, Argentina, were equipped with global positioning system (GPS) loggers to record foraging trips and blood samples were taken after removal of the devices in order to analyse their nitrogen and carbon stable isotope composition in whole blood and plasma. Whole blood was correlated to plasma isotopic composition for each individual (n = 35), linking diet in the short and medium term. Sexes did not differ in isotopic signatures. The maximum distance reached and the total number of dives that individuals made on two consecutive foraging trips were correlated to their plasma nitrogen isotopic signature. Individuals that went further from the colony and dived fewer times presented more positive signatures, indicative of benthic prey consumption (e.g. Raneya brasiliensis). Diet was predominantly benthic with some individuals incorporating pelagic prey (Engraulis anchoita) and even cephalopods (Octopus tehuelchus). Within breeding pairs (n = 9), different combinations of foraging and prey preferences were observed. Estimated trophic levels of these individuals were similar to those of the same species in other colonies further south along the Patagonian coast.  相似文献   
The High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) was flown on a NASA sounding rocket on 11 July 2012. The goal of the Hi-C mission was to obtain high-resolution (≈?0.3?–?0.4′′), high-cadence (≈?5 seconds) images of a solar active region to investigate the dynamics of solar coronal structures at small spatial scales. The instrument consists of a normal-incidence telescope with the optics coated with multilayers to reflect a narrow wavelength range around 19.3 nm (including the Fe xii 19.5-nm spectral line) and a 4096×4096 camera with a plate scale of 0.1′′?pixel?1. The target of the Hi-C rocket flight was Active Region 11520. Hi-C obtained 37 full-frame images and 86 partial-frame images during the rocket flight. Analysis of the Hi-C data indicates the corona is structured on scales smaller than currently resolved by existing satellite missions.  相似文献   
We consider a satellite in a circular orbit about a planet that, in turn, is in a circular orbit about the Sun; we further assume that the plane of the planetocentric orbit of the satellite is the same as that of the heliocentric orbit of the planet. The pair planet–satellite is encountered by a population of small bodies on planet-crossing, inclined orbits. With this setup, and using the extension of Öpik’s theory by Valsecchi et al. (Astron Astrophys 408:1179–1196, 2003), we analytically compute the velocity, the elongation from the apex and the impact point coordinates of the bodies impacting the satellite, as simple functions of the heliocentric orbital elements of the impactor and of the longitude of the satellite at impact. The relationships so derived are of interest for satellites in synchronous rotation, since they can shed light on the degree of apex–antapex cratering asymmetry that some of these satellites show. We test these relationships on two different subsets of the known population of Near Earth Asteroids.  相似文献   
A conceptual-stochastic approach to short time runoff data modelling is proposed, according to the aim of reproducing the hydrological aspects of the streamflow process and of preserving as much as possible the dynamics of the process itself. This latter task implies preservation of streamflow characteristics at higher scales of aggregation and, within a conceptual framework, involves compatibility with models proposed for the runoff process at those scales. At a daily time scale the watershed response to the effective rainfall is considered as deriving from the response of three linear reservoirs, respectively representing contributions to streamflows of large deep aquifers, with over-year response lag, of aquifers which run dry by the end of the dry season and of subsurface runoff. The surface runoff component is regarded as an uncorrelated point process. Considering the occurrences of effective rainfall events as generated by an independent Poisson process, the output of the linear system represents a conceptually-based multiple shot noise process. Model identification and parameter estimation are supported by information related to the aggregated runoff process, in agreement to the conceptual framework proposed, and this allows parameter parsimony, efficient estimation and effectiveness of the streamflow reproduction. Good performances emerged from the model application and testing made with reference to some daily runoff series from Italian basins.  相似文献   
Öpik's analytical expressions relate in a simple way the semimajor axis, eccentricity and inclination of the projectile orbit to the magnitude and direction of the relative velocity vector at impact on a given target on circular orbit. These interesting quantities, along with the impact probability of any given projectile, can be all represented on a suitable projection giving a comprehensive picture of the impact risk on the selected target. By means of this theory a complete analysis of the impact risk on the International Space Station (ISS) is performed. It is found that the large majority of the debris population is on orbits such that a correlation exists between their impact velocity on the ISS and the angle between the velocity vector of the impactor and that of the ISS. The impactor population also is separated in terms of nature of the projectiles, with most of the low-medium velocity ones being particles related to solid rocket motor slag condensates. On the other hand, the highest velocity projectiles are composed mainly by fragments of past in-orbit explosions.The flux of projectiles on the ISS has been calculated for the planned operative lifetime of the Station, by assuming a realistic scenario of the future debris environment evolution and the actual planned altitude profile for the ISS mission. There is a factor 2-3 variation of the flux due to the changing ISS altitude. The most dangerous part of the mission appears to be the central one, when the ISS will orbit at about 450 km above the Earth.  相似文献   
A. Rossi  F. Marzari 《Icarus》2009,202(1):95-103
The overall change of NEO spin rate due to planetary encounters and YORP is evaluated by using a Monte Carlo model. A large sample of test objects mimicking a source population is evolved over a timescale comparable with the Solar System age until they reach a steady state spin distribution that should reproduce the current NEO distribution. The spin change due to YORP is computed for each body according to a simplified model based on Scheeres [Scheeres, D.J., 2007a. Icarus 188, 430-450].The steady state cumulative distribution of NEO spin rates obtained from our simulation nicely reproduces the observed one, once our results are biased to match the diameter distribution of the sample of objects included in the observational database. The excellent agreement strongly suggests that YORP is responsible for the concentration of spin at low rotation rates. In fact, in the absence of YORP the steady state population significantly deviates from the observed one. The spin evolution due to YORP is also so rapid for NEOs that the initial rotation rate distribution of any source population is quickly relaxed to that of the observed population. This has profound consequences for the study of NEO origin since we cannot trace the sources of NEOs from their rotation rate only.  相似文献   
When double neutron star or neutron star–black hole binaries merge, the final remnant may comprise a central solar-mass black hole surrounded by a  ∼0.01–0.1 M  torus. The subsequent evolution of this disc may be responsible for short γ-ray bursts (SGRBs). A comparable amount of mass is ejected into eccentric orbits and will eventually fallback to the merger site after ∼0.01 s. In this paper, we investigate analytically the fate of the fallback matter, which may provide a luminous signal long after the disc is exhausted. We find that matter in the eccentric tail returns at a super-Eddington rate and eventually (≳0.1 s) is unable to cool via neutrino emission and accrete all the way to the black hole. Therefore, contrary to previous claims, our analysis suggests that fallback matter is not an efficient source of late-time accretion power and unlikely to cause the late-flaring activity observed in SGRB afterglows. The fallback matter rather forms a radiation-driven wind or a bound atmosphere. In both the cases, the emitting plasma is very opaque and photons are released with a degraded energy in the X-ray band. We therefore suggest that compact binary mergers could be followed by an 'X-ray renaissance', as late as several days to weeks after the merger. This might be observed by the next generation of X-ray detectors.  相似文献   
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