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This paper presents laboratory experiments and numerical simulations of effects of submerged obstacles on tsunami-like solitary wave and its run-up. This study was carried out for the breaking and non-breaking solitary waves on 1:19.85 uniform slope which contains a submerged obstacle. New laboratory experiments are performed to describe the mitigation of tsunami amplitude and run-up under the effect of submerged obstacles. We are based on experimental results obtained to validate the numerical model. The numerical modeling using COULWAVE aims essentially to show the effect of the obstacle on the shape of solitary wave and the limit of this effect. Using a multiple nonlinear regression, we have determined a model to estimate height of run-up according to the amplitude of the wave and the obstacle peak depth.  相似文献   
The occurrences of Pinus L. (family Pinaceae) megafossils (cones and leaf remains) have been abundantly documented from the Cenozoic sediments of eastern Asia (Japan and China), but none has been confirmed from the Indian Cenozoic till date. Here, we describe Pinus arunachalensis Khan and Bera, sp. nov. on the basis of seed remains from the middle to late Miocene Siwalik sediments of the Dafla Formation exposed around West Kameng district in Arunachal Pradesh, eastern Himalaya. Seeds are winged, broadly oblong to oval in outline, 1.3–1.5 cm long and 0.4–0.6 cm broad (in the middle part), located basipetally and symmetrically to wing, cellular pattern of wing is seemingly undulatory and parallel with the long axis of the wing. So far, this report provides the first ever fossil record of Pinus winged seeds from India. This record suggests that Pinus was an important component of tropical-subtropical evergreen forest in the area during the Miocene and this group subsequently declined from the local vegetation probably because of the gradual intensification of MSI (monsoon index) from the Miocene to the present. We also review the historical phytogeography and highlight the phytogeographic implication of this genus.  相似文献   
In this paper, the self-adaptive artificial fish swarm algorithm (SAAFSA) is used to optimize the coarse graining of segment numbers, which are used in the Lempel-Ziv complexity algorithm. This approach improves the Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZC) algorithm of equal probability coarse graining. As a case study, the complexities of monthly series of groundwater depth were analyzed at seven farms in the Hongxinglong Administration. GIS technology was used to create spatial distributions of monthly groundwater depths. A projection pursuit model based on the SAAFSA was established and used for complexity attribution analysis at selected farms with different degrees of complexity. The three selected farms, Hongqiling, 852, and Youyi, each represent a certain degree of complexity. Further analysis shows that precipitation, evaporation, temperature, and human activities are the primary factors that cause complexity variations in local groundwater depth. The results reveal the evolution of the complexity characteristics of local groundwater depth and provide scientific evidence for the need to effectively allocate regional water resources. Additionally, the proposed method can be applied in complexity analyses of other hydrologic features, as well as in research regarding nonlinear time series in economic, engineering, medical, and signal analyses.  相似文献   
The impact of Southern Oscillation on thecyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal duringthe summer monsoon has been investigated.The analysis of correlation coefficients(CCs) between the frequency of monsoondepressions and the Southern OscillationIndex (SOI) reveals that more depressionsform during July and August of El Niñoyears. Due to this, the seasonal frequencyof monsoon depressions remains little higherduring El Niño epochs even though thecorrelations for June and September are notsignificant. The CCs for July and August aresignificant at the 99% level.The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)is known to affect Indian MonsoonRainfall (IMR) adversely. The enhancedcyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal duringJuly and August is an impact of ENSO whichneeds to be examined closely. Increasedcyclogenesis over the Bay of Bengal may bereducing the deficiency in IMR duringEl Niño years by producing more rainfallover the eastern parts of India duringJuly and August. Thus there is a considerablespatial variation in the impact of ENSOon the monsoon rainfall over India and El Niñoneed not necessarily imply a monsoonfailure everywhere in India.The area of formation of monsoon depressionsshifts eastward during El Niño years.Warmer sea surface temperature (SST) anomaliesprevail over northwest and adjoiningwestcentral Bay of Bengal during premonsoon andmonsoon seasons of El Niño years.May minus March SOI can provide useful predictionsof monsoon depression frequencyduring July and August.  相似文献   
The discovery of hydrocarbons (mainly gas) in commercial quantities from Gondwanan sediments in the Mandapeta field of Krishna-Godavari Basin, India, provided impetus for intensified exploration in Mandapeta and the adjoining Kommugudem, Draksharama and Endamuru fields. Both oil and gas have been found in the reservoirs of Mandapeta (Triassic) and Golapalli (Early Cretaceous) formations. Mature, localised, basal shales (1.0–1.1% Ro) in the Mandapeta formation have sourced the oils from the Mandapeta Sandstone reservoir (Triassic). The oils being produced from Golapalli Sandstone reservoir (Early Cretaceous) are relatively less mature and have been sourced by the underlying shales in the Mandapeta Formation at a maturity level of 0.80–0.85% Ro. The source and maturity data preclude liquid hydrocarbon sourcing from the Kommugudem (Permian) sequence. Permian coals and shales of the Kommugudem Formation are the major source rocks for gaseous hydrocarbons in this area. The hydrocarbon generation started in Early Cretaceous in the Kommugudem Formation, but the intermittent tectonic activity (with associated structural developments) has resulted in reorientation and redistribution of the then existing trap configurations. The present day maturity level of the Permian sediments in the Mandapeta field is 1.2% Ro or greater, capable of generating gas dominantly. The Raghavapuram shale in the Mandapeta area is adequately mature and has good hydrocarbon potential for oil generation. The probability of finding hydrocarbon reserves in the sands of Raghavapuram shales and other suitable traps is high. Modern seismic information together with geologic models can give new exploration leads.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Karachi is Pakistan’s largest city with population exceeding 18 million and is amongst the top five most congested cities in the world. Karachi has experienced no earthquake...  相似文献   
Summary Analytical transmission electron microscopy has been used to investigate two zincian dolomites occurring as overgrowths on calcite from the oxidized zone of the ore bodies at Broken Hill, New South Wales. Particular attention has been focussed on the nature of the microstructures, and any correlations between microstructure and local composition, especially zinc content. The possible occurrence of tiny amounts of the zinc dolomite, minrecordite, has also been explored.The most notable features in the zincian dolomite are fine-scale distributions of ribbonlike calcitic second phase, growth bands, and modulated microstructures (strong modulations in diffraction contrast). Their occurrence is correlated with calcium in excess of stoichiometric requirements, but is not directly influenced by zinc content. The associated calcites are low in zinc, but they also exhibit carbonate second phase, which is thought to be dolomitic although giving no detectable order (b-type) reflections. Long-exposure electron diffraction patterns, however, revealed the presence of diffuse c-type superstructure reflections, which are thought to arise from smaller volumes in which Ca and Mg cations are ordered, for which a model is proposed.
Zusammensetzungsabhängige Mikrogefüge in Zn-haltigen Karbonat-Vergesellschaftungen von Broken Hill, New South Wales
Zusammenfassung Analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie wurde benutzt um zwei Zn-haltige Dolomite zu untersuchen, die als Überzüge von Calcit aus der Oxidationszone der Erzkörper von Broken Hill, New South Wales, auftraten. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde der Art der Mikrogefüge und möglichen Korrelationen zwischen Mikrogefüge und der lokalen Zusammensetzung, vor allem dem Zn-Gehalt, gewidmet. Dem möglichen Auftreten von geringen Mengen des Zn-Dolomit, Minrecordit, wurde ebenfalls nachgegangen.Die bemerkenswertesten Erscheinungen im Zn-haltigen Dolomit sind feine bandartige Verteilung einer calcitischen Phase, Wachstumsbänder und modulierte Strukturen (starke Modulationen im Beugungskontrast sichtbar). Ihr Auftreten ist mit über das stöchiometrische Verhältnis hinaus vorhandenem Ca korreliert; es ist aber vom Zn-Gehalt nicht direkt beeinflußt. Die mitvergesellschafteten Calcite haben einen niedrigen Zn-Gehalt, zeigen aber eine weitere Karbonatphase. Diese wird für dolomitsch gehalten, obwohl keine entsprechenden Ordnungsreflexe (b-Reflexè) nachweisbar waren. Sehr lange belichtete Elektronenbeugungs-Aufnahmen zeigen jedoch diffuse c-Typ-Über-struktur-Reflexe. Diese sind wahrscheinlich auf kleine Bereiche beschränkt, in dener die Ca und Mg Kationen geordnet sind, wofür ein Modell vorgeschlagen wird.

With 10 Figures  相似文献   
Biofouling, associated with membranes, is considered as a major operational challenge in membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology. Interrupting the process for the formation of biofilm by the action of interspecies quorum quenching (QQ) has received a significant attention since recent years. An antifouling bacterial consortium was identified to improve biofouling inhibition performance during MBR operation. For this purpose, various QQ bacteria were isolated from laboratory-scale MBR using enrichment culture method and identified via 16S rRNA. Potential quenching strains including Enterobacter cloaca, Delftia sp., and Pseudomonas sp. were utilized to control biofouling in the MBR operated in the continuous mode for 38 days. Three laboratory-scale MBRs, including two MBRs with different anti fouling consortium and a control, were operated in parallel under similar operating conditions. Biofouling control by QQ bacteria was compared based on the membrane permeability and EPS secretion from biofilm on the membrane. Both MBRs with antifouling consortium (AC-MBRs) experienced around three times less biofouling as compared to conventional MBR leading to significant decrease in acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) concentration in the biocake. More than 90, 45, and 49% of COD, NH4–N, and PO4 3?–P removal efficiencies elucidate that QQ bacterial consortium could effectively reduce membrane biofouling without compromising the MBR efficiency. Comparatively lower concentration of bound EPS in AC-MBRs restricted the bacterial adhesion to membrane resulting in enhanced membrane permeability depicting that a broader range of signal molecules could be hydrolyzed using antifouling consortium than single or no QQ strain in the submerged MBR.  相似文献   
The Lalmai Hills is a low amplitude anticline with significant variations in landforms, situated along the western fringe of the Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt (CTFB) and immediate east of the Indo-Burmese deformation front. This fold belt of the Bengal Basin along with more easterly Indo-Burman Range (IBR) developed as a consequence of the oblique collision between Indian and Burmese plates. This neotectonic activity is still continuing and shaping the geomorphology of the area. This study is conducted based on the geomorphological observation of the topo maps and satellite images, and through reconnaissance field work. Stream length gradient index (SL Index) and Mountain front sinuosity (Smf) reveals the relative status of tectonic activity. Anomalous SL index values confirm the position of the sympathetic minor faults and also relate to the local stratigraphy. A 2D structural model based on the seismic section reveals thrusts controlled wedge-shape upliftment of the central part as pop-up anticlinal structure. The western thrust is the direct result of the collision of the Indian and Burmese plates, and the eastern one is the back thrust of the western fault. Low Smf value found in the western flank signifies recent tectonics and relatively high Smf value in the eastern flank indicates that weathering intensity is relatively greater compared to western flank. Finally, the findings not only enhanced the understanding of geomorphic evolution and active tectonics of the Lalmai Hills area but also the overall tectonic and geomorphic evolution of the western most folded part of the CTFB.  相似文献   
The study was done to assess the effect of the river Sutlej on arsenic (As) contamination. Sampling was done from the alluvial plain with increasing distance from the river Sutlej in district Vehari and compared with the study done in the proximity of River Sutlej. Sixty (60) groundwater samples mostly from shallow depths were collected and analyzed for As concentrations. Multivariate statistical tools (PCA and CA), saturation index, piper plots and Gibbs diagrams were used to detect evidence about the interrelationship and sources of As and other water quality variables responsible for groundwater contamination. Results revealed that As concentration ranged from below detection limit to 156 µg/L indicating that 50% samples exceeding the WHO guidelines (10 µg/L) and 17% exceeding the Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) limits (50 µg/L) Sutlej. The piper plot revealed that water chemistry of the study area was Ca–HCO3?, Ca–Mg–Cl, type. Correlations between As and HCO3? (r2?=?0.433) was positive, while negative correlations were observed between As–Mn2+ and As–Fe2+ (r2?=???0.102), (r2?=?0.107) respectively. Geochemical signatures of the groundwater in the study area showed that the As could be released by oxidative dissolution to some extent and elevated evaporation in the arid environment of the study area under the stimulus of alkaline water and high pH (range 7.1–8.4). Although the concentrations are exceeding the WHO limit in 50% of the water samples but, are less than the previous study done in Mailsi near River Sutlej. Further, the concentrations decreased as the distance from the River increased which shows the probable role of sediments deposited by the River Sutlej.  相似文献   
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