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Monthly-mean winds and currents have been used to identify the driving mechanisms of seasonal coastal circulation in the North Indian Ocean. The main conclusions are: (i) the surface circulation off Arabia is typical of a wind-driven system with similar patterns of longshore current and wind stress; (ii) circulation off the west coast of India is consistent with the dynamics of a wind-driven eastern boundary current only during the southwest monsoon. During the northeast monsoon it is possible that the influence of the interior flow is important. (iii) There are at least three mechanisms that influence the surface circulation off the east coast of India: wind-stress, influence of fresh-water run off and contribution of the interior flow. It is difficult at present to assess the relative importance of these three processes.  相似文献   
The technique of predicting Potential Fishing Zone using satellite derived sea surface temperature and chlorophyll is becoming an important aspect for the fishermen. In the present study an attempt has been made to compare fish density/catch per unit effort in the areas predicted by Satellite imagery and available to fishermen via electronic display boards at the fish landing centers of Uttara Kannada district, Karnataka with those of non predicted areas. Direct and Indirect validation was done. Direct method means comparing the catch using fishing vessels simultaneously in the notified region with that of catch from non notified region. And in indirect method by comparing catch data from landing centers on notified days with that of non notified days. Direct validation off Karwar showed that catch was significantly higher in notified (PFZ) area with high densities as compared to non notified (non PFZ) regions. When comparisons of landing center data of Karwar, Tadadi and Bhatkal are done it is evident that in all the centers during the period under study, higher catches were observed on notified days than non notified days except in Bhatkal centre in 2009–10. There by validating the accuracy of PFZ predictions and economic gains to fishermen.  相似文献   
Base-metal sulfides in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits are important carriers of platinum-group elements (PGE). The distribution and concentrations of PGE in pentlandite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite were determined in samples from the mineralized portion of four Merensky Reef intersections from the eastern and western Bushveld Complex. Electron microprobe analysis was used for major elements, and in situ laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) for trace elements (PGE, Ag, and Au). Whole rock trace element analyses were performed on representative samples to obtain mineralogical balances. In Merensky Reef samples from the western Bushveld, both Pt and Pd are mainly concentrated in the upper chromitite stringer and its immediate vicinity. Samples from the eastern Bushveld reveal more complex distribution patterns. In situ LA-ICP-MS analyses of PGE in sulfides reveal that pentlandite carries distinctly elevated PGE contents, whereas pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite only contain very low PGE concentrations. Pentlandite is the principal host of Pd and Rh in the ores. Palladium and Rh concentrations in pentlandite reach up to 700 and 130 ppm, respectively, in the samples from the eastern Bushveld, and up to 1,750 ppm Pd and up to 1,000 ppm Rh in samples from the western Bushveld. Only traces of Pt are present in the base-metal sulfides (BMS). Pyrrhotite contains significant though generally low amounts of Ru, Os, and Ir, but hardly any Pd or Rh. Chalcopyrite contains most of the Ag but carries only extremely low PGE concentrations. Mass balance calculations performed on the Merensky Reef samples reveal that in general, pentlandite in the feldspathic pyroxenite and the pegmatoidal feldspathic pyroxenite hosts up to 100 % of the Pd and Rh and smaller amounts (10–40 %) of the Os, Ir, and Ru. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite usually contain less than 10 % of the whole rock PGE. The remaining PGE concentrations, and especially most of the Pt (up to 100 %), are present in the form of discrete platinum-group minerals such as cooperite/braggite, sperrylite, moncheite, and isoferroplatinum. Distribution patterns of whole rock Cu, Ni, and S versus whole rock Pd and Pt show commonly distinct offsets. The general sequence of “offset patterns” of PGE and BMS maxima, in the order from bottom to top, is Pd in pentlandite?→?Pd in whole rock?→?(Cu, Ni, and S). The relationship is not that straightforward in general; some of the reef sequences studied only partially show similar trends or are more complex. In general, however, the highest Pd concentrations in pentlandite appear to be related to the earliest, volumetrically rather small sulfide liquids at the base of the Merensky Reef sequence. A possible explanation for the offset patterns may be Rayleigh fractionation.  相似文献   
Bolometric light curves for the afterglow resulting from the passage of a gamma-ray burst through a molecular cloud are computed. The profile and duration of the afterglow light curve depend strongly on the distribution of matter in the cloud, the degree of collimation of the gamma-ray radiation, and the observing conditions. The peak can be reached as soon as seven days (the gamma-ray burst is located at some distance from the center of a molecular cloud with small-scale density enhancements), or as long as one to three years (the gamma-ray burst is located at the center of a uniform molecular cloud) after the burst. The bolometric luminosity of the re-radiated signal can reach 6.5 × 1042 erg/s.  相似文献   
Origin and differentiation of picritic arc magmas,Ambae (Aoba), Vanuatu   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Key aspects of magma generation and magma evolution in subduction zones are addressed in a study of Ambae (Aoba) volcano, Vanuatu. Two major lava suites (a low-Ti suite and high-Ti suite) are recognised on the basis of phenocryst mineralogy, geochemistry, and stratigraphy. Phenocryst assemblages in the more primitive low-Ti suite are dominated by magnesian olivine (mg 80 to 93.4) and clinopyroxene (mg 80 to 92), and include accessory Cr-rich spinel (cr 50 to 84). Calcic plagioclase and titanomagnetite are important additional phenocryst phases in the high-Ti suite lavas and the most evolved low-Ti suite lavas. The low-Ti suite lavas span a continuous compositional range, from picritic (up to 20 wt% MgO) to high-alumina basalts (<5 wt% MgO), and are consistent with differentiation involving observed phenocrysts. Melt compositions (aphyric lavas and groundmasses) in the low-Ti suite form a liquid-line of descent which corresponds with the petrographically-determined order of crystallisation: olivine + Cr-spinel, followed by clinopyroxene + olivine + titanomagnetite, and then plagioclase + clinopyroxene + olivine + titanomagnetite. A primary melt for the low-Ti suite has been estimated by correcting the most magnesian melt composition (an aphyric lava with 10.5 wt% MgO) for crystal fractionation, at the oxidising conditions determined from olivine-spinel pairs (fo2 FMQ + 2.5 log units), until in equilibrium with the most magnesian olivine phenocrysts. The resultant composition has 15 wt% MgO and an mg Fe2 value of 81. It requires deep (3 GPa) melting of the peridotitic mantle wedge at a potential temperature consistent with current estimates for the convecting upper mantle (T p 1300°C). At least three geochemically-distinct source components are necessary to account for geochemical differences between, and geochemical heterogeneity within, the major lava suites. Two components, one LILE-rich and the other LILE- and LREE-rich, may both derive from the subducting ocean crust, possibly as an aqueous fluid and a silicate melt respeetively. A third component is attributed to either differnt degrees of melting, or extents of incompatible-element depletion, of the peridotitic mantle wedge.  相似文献   
The zooplankton community of Mission Bay, San Diego, California, was monitored over two years, to study spatial and temporal patterns and the response of zooplankton species composition to environmental variation. Data were collected every two weeks from six stations and included hydrographic parameters, dissolved nutrient concentrations, and phytoplankton and zooplankton species composition. Hydrography varied seasonally, along a spatial gradient from the mouth to the back of the bay, and between the two years around the influence of rainfall. Spatially, Mission Bay could be divided into three regions during this study based on hydrography and zooplankton species composition. Zooplankton species composition followed a predictable seasonal progression, with different groups of species being characteristic to particular times of the year. Variability in zooplankton species composition was also evident between years, as certain species were more common in one or the other year of the study. Spatial patterns were more consistent than temporal ones, and related to distance from the mouth of the bay during much of the year and distance from freshwater inlets during the relatively short rainy season. Multivariate analysis revealed that variation in zooplankton species composition was best related to measured abiotic factors (temperature, salinity, rainfall, and tidal velocity).  相似文献   
Recent volcanism on the northern flank of the Medicine Lake Highland consists of a series of basalt to andesite spatter and cinder cones and their associated flows. Two particular structures, Cinder Butte and Schonchin Butte, have erupted materials that are very similar in terms of age, volume, modal mineralogy, and many major and trace elements. Significant differences with respect to TiO2, K2O, P2O5, Sr, Ba, Zr, and LREE can be related to possible changes in the mineralogy within the source region of these volcanic rocks. Apatite and priderite are the two minor constituents that best satisfy the constraints set by the mineral and chemical data. An inhomogeneous upper mantle or lower crust beneath the Medicine Lake Highland is indicated.  相似文献   
The solution of the hydrogenic Schrödinger equation are given with two boundary conditions imposed on the wave function, for distances of the order of magnitude of one hundred times the Bohr radius from the central nucleus. Thus the shifts and splitting of the H-H26 lines are given which arise from the non-vacant environment. The Inglis-Teller limit is revised since from the shifts it follows that it gives a correct charged particle density only in the case of extremely high electron and ion densities. The gas density is derived from the number of the visible Balmer lines, and usually the widths and the contours but not the coalescence include information on the charged particle density.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Eine Neuuntersuchung der Tektonik in den Vilser Alpen und im Hochvogelgebiet, wo die Frage seit langer Zeit diskutiert wird, ob dort die Allgäu- und Lechtal-Decke getrennte Einheiten bilden, oder stratigraphisch untrennbar zusammenhängen, erbrachte eine eindeutige Entscheidung für den Deckenbau. Der Verlauf der Deckengrenze konnte zwischen Hochvogel und Hohenschwangauer Alpen präzisiert werden. Der interne Falten- und Schuppenbau der Lechtal-Decke hat nirgends zur Bildung von tektonisch tieferen Teildekken geführt, die internen Verschuppungen besitzen nur ein geringes Ausmaß.
A new investigation of the tectonics in the Vilser Alps and in the Mt. Hochvogel area where since a long time a discussion was going on if the thrust sheets of Allgäu and Lechtal-Decke are separate units or connected by stratigraphic sequences, a definite decision could be made in favour of the nappe structure in this part of the Northern Calcareous Alps. The internal structure of the Lechtal-Decke thrust sheet is characterized by local imbricate structure which originate from sheared folds.

Résumé On a dicuté depuis longtemps dans les Vilser Alpen et dans la région du Mont Hochvogel le problème, si les nappes de Allgäu et Lechtal-Decke sont des unités separées ou qu'ils forment une partie inséparable par des séquences stratigraphiques. Une nouvelle examen de la tectonique a affirmé la structure de nappes dans cette région des Alpes Calcaires du Nord. La structure intérieure de la nappe de Lechtal-Decke est caracterisée par une structure écaillée locale, qui se developpe de plis cisaillés.

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Summary. During 1977 March and April, three Sacks-Evertson borehole dilatometers were installed at the ends of boreholes drilled into the sidewall of an experimental tunnel at a depth of 3.1 km in the ERPM gold mine near Johannesburg. In the following year coseismic strain changes ranging from 5 ± 10−10 to values exceeding 5 ± 10−6 were recorded for hundreds of mine tremors in the magnitude range -1 to 3.7 and at hypocentral distances of 50 m to about 2 km. Hypocentral coordinates and magnitudes were determined from seismograms recorded from an underground array of geophones. Amplitudes and polarities of the coseismic strain steps are generally in excellent agreement with theoretical expectations based on point-source dislocation theory; specifically, the strain steps are proportional to the seismic moment divided by the cube of hypocentral distance. At a strain level of 5 ± 10−9 or greater the tremors do not appear to be preceded by any short-term indications of instability even for tremors producing coseismic steps greater than 5 ± 10−6 and for which the strainmeters were within a source radius of the hypocentre. Continuous strain changes observed at the times when the mine excavation, at a distance of about 100 m, is extended are in good agreement with calculated changes based on the theory of elasticity. A similar calculation is consistent with post-seismic strain changes observed to follow some of the closer tremors. These post-seismic strains show a logarithmic dependence on time following the tremor and appear to be due to the interaction of a tremor with the adjacent mine excavation rather than to deformation within the actual seismic source region.  相似文献   
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