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Discussed are the results of applying a dynamic stochastic method based on the use of the two-dimensional model and the Kalman filtering algorithm for solving the problem of the very short-range (from 0.5 to 6 hours) fore cast of air temperature and orthogonal components of the wind speed in the atmospheric boundary layer realized using the data of radio metric, sodar, and in creased-frequency radiosonde measurements. It is demonstrated that the pro posed technique and the appropriate algorithm give a rather high ac cu racy of very short-range fore casting of temperature and wind within the lead time range under consideration.  相似文献   
Austral summer rainfall over the period 1991/1992 to 2010/2011 was dynamically downscaled by the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model at 9 km resolution for South Africa. Lateral boundary conditions for WRF were provided from the European Centre for medium-range weather (ECMWF) reanalysis (ERA) interim data. The model biases for the rainfall were evaluated over the South Africa as a whole and its nine provinces separately by employing three different convective parameterization schemes, namely the (1) Kain–Fritsch (KF), (2) Betts–Miller–Janjic (BMJ) and (3) Grell–Devenyi ensemble (GDE) schemes. All three schemes have generated positive rainfall biases over South Africa, with the KF scheme producing the largest biases and mean absolute errors. Only the BMJ scheme could reproduce the intensity of rainfall anomalies, and also exhibited the highest correlation with observed interannual summer rainfall variability. In the KF scheme, a significantly high amount of moisture was transported from the tropics into South Africa. The vertical thermodynamic profiles show that the KF scheme has caused low level moisture convergence, due to the highly unstable atmosphere, and hence contributed to the widespread positive biases of rainfall. The negative bias in moisture, along with a stable atmosphere and negative biases of vertical velocity simulated by the GDE scheme resulted in negative rainfall biases, especially over the Limpopo Province. In terms of rain rate, the KF scheme generated the lowest number of low rain rates and the maximum number of moderate to high rain rates associated with more convective unstable environment. KF and GDE schemes overestimated the convective rain and underestimated the stratiform rain. However, the simulated convective and stratiform rain with BMJ scheme is in more agreement with the observations. This study also documents the performance of regional model in downscaling the large scale climate mode such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and subtropical dipole modes. The correlations between the simulated area averaged rainfalls over South Africa and Nino3.4 index were ?0.66, ?0.69 and ?0.49 with KF, BMJ and GDE scheme respectively as compared to the observed correlation of ?0.57. The model could reproduce the observed ENSO-South Africa rainfall relationship and could successfully simulate three wet (dry) years that are associated with La Niña (El Niño) and the BMJ scheme is closest to the observed variability. Also, the model showed good skill in simulating the excess rainfall over South Africa that is associated with positive subtropical Indian Ocean Dipole for the DJF season 2005/2006.  相似文献   
Summary At its southernmost end, the main spreading centre of the North Fiji Basin is propagating into arc crust of the poorly-known Hunter Ridge. We define nine magmatic groups from major element glass chemistry and olivine and spinel compositions in samples dredged from twenty six sites in this area by the R/V Academician A. Nesmeyanov in 1990. These include groups of boninites, island arc tholeiites (IAT), mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), enriched mid-ocean ridge basalts (E-MORB), olivine porphyritic andesites and basaltic andesite and Na-rhyolites. Primitive lavas containing highly forsteritic olivine phenocrysts are common in all the groups, except for the rhyolites.We report over 100 glass analyses for dredged rocks from this region, and about 300 olivine-spinel pairs for representatives of all the magmatic groups identified, except the Na-rhyolites.The MORB in this region are probably produced at the propagating spreading centre in the southern part of the North Fiji Basin. Juxtaposition of shallow, hot MORB-source diapirs supplying the MORB in this area, and the sub-arc damp, refractory upper mantle beneath the Hunter Ridge, provides suitable petrogenetic conditions to produce a range of magma types, from island arc tholeiites through to high-Ca boninites. The latter were recovered in eleven dredges.The E-MORB lavas recovered from the extreme southern margin of the North Fiji Basin are shown to be essentially identical to those dredged from adjacent older South Fiji Basin crust. It is hypothesized that the former were either scraped off the South Fiji Basin crust during an episode of oblique subduction that may have generated the Hunter Ridge during the last 5 Myr, or alternatively, that slices of the South Fiji Basin crust were trapped and incorporated into the North Fiji Basin as the subduction zones fronting the Vanuatu arc stepped or propagated southward.
Primitive Inselbogen- und ozeanische Laven von Hunter Rücken und der Hunter BruchZone: die Bedeutung der Zusammensetzung von Glas, Olivin und Spinell
Zusammenfassung Das spreading centre des Nord-Fidschi-Beckens setzt sich an seinem südlichsten Ende in die Inselbogen-Kruste des noch wenig bekannten Hunter-Rückens fort.Wir definieren 9 magmatische Gruppen auf der Basis der Hauptelement-Zusammensetzung von Gläsern und der Zusammensetzung von Olivin und Spinell in Proben die das Forschungsschiff R/V Akademiker A. Nesmeyanov von 26 Stellen im Jahr 1990 aufgesammelt hat. Zu diesen gehören Gruppen von Boniniten, Inselbogentholeiiten (IAT), Basalten zentralozeanischer Rücken (MORB), angereicherte zentralozeanische Rücken (E-MORB), Olivin-porphyritische Andesite und basaltische Andesite, sowie Na-Rhyolite. Primitive Laven mit Olivinkristallen, die reich an Forsterit-Komponenten sind, kommen in allen diesen Gruppen, mit Ausnahme der Rhyolite, vor.Wir legen über 100 Glas-Analysen von Gesteinen aus diesem Gebiet vor und über 300 Olivin-Spinell-Paare für Vertreter aller der hier identifizierten magmatischen Gruppen, mit Ausnahme der Natriumrhyolite.Die MORB in diesem Gebiet sind wahrscheinlich an dem aktiven Spreading Center im Südteil des Nord-Fidschi-Beckens entstanden. Das nebeneinander Vorkommen von seichten heißen MORB-Quellen Diapiren, die MORB in diesem Gebiet erzeugen, und der Sub-Inselbogen, wasserhaltige, refraktäre obere Mantel unter dem Hunter Rücken führen zu geeigneten petrogenetischen Bedingungen für die Entstehung einer Vielfalt von Magmatypen, von Inselbogentholeiiten bis zu sehr Kalziumreichen Boniniten. Die letzteren wurden in 11 Dredge-Proben gefunden.Die E-MORS Laven, die aus dem extremen Südteil des Nord-Fidschi-Beckens entnommen wurden, sind im wesentlichen mit jenen identisch, die aus der benachbarten älteren Kruste des Süd-Fidschi-Beckens stammen. Es wird vermutet, daß die letzteren entweder aus dem Süd-Fidschi-Becken während einer Episode obliger Subduktion, die in den letzten 5 Millionen Jahren zur Entstehung des Hunter Ridge geführt hat, abgeschert wurden, oder auch daß Teile der Kruste des Süd-Fidschi-Beckens in das Nord-Fidschi-Becken inkorporiert wurden als Subduktionszonen gegenüber dem Vanuato-Bogen sich nach Süden fortbewegten.
This paper presents the application of a discrete element technique to the analysis of the dynamic indentation of either a purely brittle or a brittle viscoplastic geomaterial which can experience fragmentation resulting in fragments with size dependent strength characteristics.  相似文献   
Recommendations for the certification of reference materials, as published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), are reviewed and proposals made as to how they can be adapted for the certification of new geological reference materials. Whilst acknowledging the important contribution made by the large number of existing matrix-matched geological reference materials, it is recommended that future characterisation programmes should follow the ISO guidelines for certification, not the least so that laboratories can readily use the resultant samples to establish the traceability of geoanalytical results.  相似文献   
Detailed three-dimensional building data and a morphometric model are used to estimate the aerodynamic roughness length z 0 and displacement height d over a major UK city (Leeds). Firstly, using an adaptive grid, the city is divided into neighbourhood regions that are each of a relatively consistent geometry throughout. Secondly, for each neighbourhood, a number of geometric parameters are calculated. Finally, these are used as input into a morphometric model that considers the influence of height variability to predict aerodynamic roughness length and displacement height. Predictions are compared with estimations made using standard tables of aerodynamic parameters. The comparison suggests that the accuracy of plan-area-density based tables is likely to be limited, and that height-based tables of aerodynamic parameters may be more accurate for UK cities. The displacement heights in the standard tables are shown to be lower than the current predictions. The importance of geometric details in determining z 0 and d is then explored. Height variability is observed to greatly increase the predicted values. However, building footprint shape only has a significant influence upon the predictions when height variability is not considered. Finally, we develop simple relations to quantify the influence of height variation upon predicted z 0 and d via the standard deviation of building heights. The difference in these predictions compared to the more complex approach highlights the importance of considering the specific shape of the building-height distributions. Collectively, these results suggest that to accurately predict aerodynamic parameters of real urban areas, height variability must be considered in detail, but it may be acceptable to make simple assumptions about building layout and footprint shape.  相似文献   
The organic composition and organic‐inorganic interaction in paper mill sludge (PS) solvent extracts (hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone and ethanol) and humic fractions, humic acid (HA) and humin (HU) were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR), proton and carbon‐13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR; 13C NMR), Fourier‐transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and ultraviolet‐visible spectroscopy (UV‐vis). The strategy of fractionating the PS, sequentially, with organic solvents of increasing polarity is a reliable analytical procedure for humic substance sample separation because it results in more purified fractions. FTIR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR results showed that hexane extract consisted mainly of aliphatic hydrocarbon structures. Their contents in the extracts decreased as the polarity of the extracting solvent increased and the content of oxygen functional groups increased. Carboxylic and carboxylate functional groups were found in the acetone extract, and ester and ether functions were predominantly found in the ethanol extract. EPR spectra revealed some Fe3+ complexes with rhombic structure (g1 = 4.3; g2 = 9.0) in the humic fractions and in all solvent extracts, except hexane. Quasi‐octahedral Fe3+ complexes (g = 2.3; ΔHpp ≤ 400 G) were found in the HU fraction and in the acetone extract. The organic free radical content in the HA fraction was higher than the non‐fractionated PS sample and HU fraction.  相似文献   
The modernization methods and tools, which may make an ordinary seismometer the unique instrument, are analyzed.  相似文献   
The source of sulfur in giant Norilsk-type sulfide deposits is discussed. A review of the state of the problem and a critical analysis of existing hypotheses are made. The distribution of δ34S in sulfides of ore occurrences and small and large deposits and in normal sedimentary, metamorphogenic, and hypogene sulfates is considered. A large number of new δ34S data for sulfides and sulfates in various deposits, volcanic and terrigenous rocks, coals, graphites, and metasomatites are presented. The main attention is focused on the objects of the Norilsk and Kureika ore districts. The δ34S value varies from -14 to + 22.5‰ in sulfides of rocks and ores and from 15.3 to 33‰ in anhydrites. In sulfide-sulfate intergrowths and assemblages, δ34S is within 4.2-14.6‰ in sulfides and within 15.3-21.3‰ in anhydrites. The most isotopically heavy sulfur was found in pyrrhotite veins in basalts (δ34S = 21.6‰), in sulfate veins cutting dolomites (δ34S = 33‰), and in subsidence caldera sulfates in basalts (δ34S = 23.2-25.2‰). Sulfide ores of the Tsentral’naya Shilki intrusion have a heavy sulfur isotope composition (δ34S = + 17.7‰ (n = 15)). Thermobarogeochemical studies of anhydrites have revealed inclusions of different types with homogenization temperatures ranging from 685 °C to 80 °C. Metamorphogenic and hypogene anhydrites are associated with a carbonaceous substance, and hypogene anhydrites have inclusions of chloride-containing salt melts. We assume that sulfur in the trap sulfide deposits was introduced with sulfates of sedimentary rocks (δ34S = 22-24‰). No assimilation of sulfates by basaltic melt took place. The sedimentary anhydrites were “steamed” by hydrocarbons, which led to sulfate reduction and δ34S fractionation. As a result, isotopically light sulfur accumulated in sulfides and hydrogen sulfide, isotopically heavy sulfur was removed by aqueous calcium sulfate solution, and “residual” metamorphogenic anhydrite acquired a lighter sulfur isotope composition as compared with the sedimentary one. The wide variations in δ34S in sulfides and sulfates are due to changes in the physicochemical parameters of the ore-forming system (first of all, temperature and Pch4) during the sulfate reduction. The regional hydrocarbon resources were sufficient for large-scale ore formation.  相似文献   
Magnetometer array studies have led to the discovery and mapping of the Southern Cape Conductive Belt (SCCB) crossing the southern tip of Africa from west to southeast coasts. The SCCB lies just south of the Namaqua-Natal Belt of cratonic rocks remobilized about 1000 m.y. B.P. It is shown that it coincides with a zone of weakness which has been exploited by three major geosynclinal accumulations over some 600 m.y. Relationships between the SCCB and the basement geochronology, geology and tectonics are considered in detail. These relationships support the view that the conductive belt was formed by an accumulation of marine sediments and oceanic lithosphere at the top of a Proterozoic subduction which stopped about 1000 to 800 m.y. B.P. Associated with this subduction we propose a Proterozoic range of Andean mountains, whose roots are now exposed in the Namaqua-Natal Belt. Later subduction further south, near the present south coast, is proposed to account for the intrusion, between the south coast and the SCCB, of the Cape Granites in the time interval 600-500 m.y. B.P. There is some evidence for a third, yet more distant, subduction episode off Permian Gondwanaland. After outlining this tectonic history, the paper turns to a closer examination of the hypothesis that the Southern Cape Conductive Belt consists of partly serpentinized basalt accumulated at the top of a Proterozoic subduction. A large static magnetic anomaly, which correlates with the SCCB over most of its length, is well fitted by a model which strongly supports this hypothesis. Bouguer gravity anomalies along western and central profiles likewise support the hypothesis. A discussion follows of the process of formation of the proposed block of serpentinized marine rocks, beginning with serpentinization of the crust near oceanic ridges by reaction of warm, porous, newly-extruded basalt with seawater convecting through it. The serpentinized basalt is stable at crustal temperatures and pressures and so is transported in the seafloor until it reaches a subduction, where it accumulates because of its low density. Examples of such accumulations are cited. Finally, it is shown that any iron in the olivine and pyroxene in the original basalt precipitates, when these silicates are hydrated to serpentine, as magnetite which is the dominant mineral conferring high electrical conductivity and high magnetic susceptibility on serpentinites. In particular the Beattie static magnetic anomaly requires, in our model calculation, a very high susceptibility readily attainable in basalt at 15–20% serpentinization. The authors know of no other rock able to provide this high susceptibility. A similar percentage of serpentinization provides the density required to model the gravity anomalies.  相似文献   
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