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Three measurements of the concentration of ozone in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at sunset have been made by the occultation technique from rocket payloads. Two of these were developmental flights made from Woomera in June 1966. Both produced useful results from 55 to 70 km, and the one flight giving results above 70 km indicated the presence of a secondary ozone layer with approximately uniform concentration between 72 and 92 km. The final flight, made from Fort Churchill Range in September 1969, revealed a minimum in the concentration near 80 km and a secondary maximum around 90 km.  相似文献   
We describe the technique of absorption-line imaging of galaxy discs using the Taurus Tunable Filter on the Anglo-Australian Telescope and demonstrate its sensitivity to the behaviour of spectral features associated with Mg and Fe. Radial profiles of Mg2 and Fe5270 line strengths are presented for a sample of eight face-on spiral galaxies spanning a range of Hubble types. Signatures of phenomena including merger-induced star formation, H  ii rings and galactic bars are also reported. This study demonstrates the capacity of tunable filters to measure Mg and Fe line strengths across the face of spiral galaxies, which can ultimately reveal clues about the star formation history and chemical evolution.  相似文献   
We evaluated the significance of the line candidates identified by the visual search of burst spectra from BATSE's spectroscopy detectors. None of the candidates satisfy the detection criteria: anF-test probability less than 10–4 for a feature in one detector and consistency among the detectors which viewed the burst. Most of the candidates are not very significant, and are likely to be fluctuations. Because of the expectation of finding absorption lines, the search was biased towards absorption features. We do not have a quantitative measure of the completeness of the search which would form the basis of a comparison with previous missions. Therefore a more objective computerized search has begun.  相似文献   
Highly siderophile element compositions of lunar impact melt breccias provide a unique record of the asteroid population responsible for large cratering events in the inner Solar System. Melt breccias associated with the 3.89 Ga Serenitatis impact basin resolve at least two separate impact events. KREEP-rich melt breccias representing the Apollo 17 poikilitic suite are enriched in highly siderophile elements (3.6-15.8 ppb Ir) with CI-normalized patterns that are elevated in Re, Ru and Pd relative to Ir and Pt. The restricted range of lithophile element compositions combined with the coherent siderophile element signatures indicate formation of these breccias in a single impact event involving an EH chondrite asteroid, probably as melt sheet deposits from the Serenitatis Basin. One exceptional sample, a split from melt breccia 77035, has a distinctive lithophile element composition and a siderophile element signature more like that of ordinary chondrites, indicating a discrete impact event. The recognition of multiple impact events, and the clear signatures of specific types of meteoritic impactors in the Apollo 17 melt breccias, shows that the lunar crust was not comprehensively reworked by prior impacts from 3.9 to 4.5 Ga, an observation more consistent with a late cataclysm than a smoothly declining accretionary flux. Late accretion of enstatite chondrites during a 3.8-4.0 Ga cataclysm may have contributed to siderophile element heterogeneity on the Earth, but would not have made a significant contribution to the volatile budget of the Earth or oxidation of the terrestrial mantle. Siderophile element patterns of Apollo 17 poikilitic breccias become more fractionated with decreasing concentrations, trending away from known meteorite compositions to higher Re/Ir and Pd/Pt ratios. The compositions of these breccias may be explained by a two-stage impact melting process involving: (1) deep penetration of the Serenitatis impactor into meteorite-free lower crust, followed by (2) incorporation of upper crustal lithologies moderately contaminated by prior meteoritic infall into the melt sheet. Trends to higher Re/Ir with decreasing siderophile element concentrations may indicate an endogenous lunar crustal component, or a non-chondritic late accretionary veneer in the pre-Serenitatis upper crust.  相似文献   
Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) provides many important ecosystem functions, but SAV has been significantly reduced in many estuaries. We used spatial–statistical models to identify estuarine shoreline characteristics that explain variations in SAV abundance among subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay and mid-Atlantic Coastal Bays. We summarized digital spatial data on shoreline construction, shoreline land use, physical characteristics, watershed land cover, and salinity for each subestuary. We related SAV abundance to shoreline characteristics and other stressors using univariate regression and multivariate models. The strongest univariate predictors of SAV abundance were percent shoreline forest, percent shoreline marsh, the percentage of shoreline that is 5–10 m tall, percent riprap, the percentage of subestuary area <2 m deep, percent herbaceous wetland, and percent shrubland. Shoreline marsh, bulkhead, and shoreline forest had different effects on SAV in different salinity zones. Percent riprap shoreline was the most important variable in a regression tree analysis of all the subestuaries, and percent deciduous forest in the watershed was the most important variable in a separate regression tree analysis on the mesohaline subestuaries. Subestuaries with <5.4 % riprap followed a significantly different temporal trajectory than those with >5.4 % riprap. SAV abundance has increased steadily since 1984 in subestuaries with <5.4 % riprap, but has not increased since 1996–1997 in subestuaries with >5.4 % riprap. Some shoreline characteristics interact with larger-scale factors like land cover and salinity zone to affect the distribution of SAV, while the effects of other shoreline characteristics are consistent among subestuaries with different salinities or local watershed land covers. Many shoreline characteristics can be controlled by management decisions, and our results help identify factors that managers should consider in efforts to increase SAV abundance.  相似文献   
We present high-resolution near-infrared imaging obtained using adaptive optics and HST /NICMOS, and ground-based spectroscopy of the hotspot galaxy NGC 2903. Our near-infrared resolution imaging enables us to resolve the infrared hotspots into individual young stellar clusters or groups of these. The spatial distribution of the stellar clusters is not coincident with that of the bright H  ii regions, as revealed by the HST /NICMOS Pa α image. Overall, the circumnuclear star formation in NGC 2903 shows a ring-like morphology with an approximate diameter of 625 pc.
The star formation properties of the stellar clusters and H  ii regions have been studied using the photometric and spectroscopic information in conjunction with evolutionary synthesis models. The population of bright stellar clusters shows a very narrow range of ages, 4–7×106 yr after the peak of star formation, or absolute ages 6.5–9.5×106 yr (for the assumed short-duration Gaussian bursts), and luminosities similar to the clusters found in the Antennae interacting galaxy. This population of young stellar clusters accounts for some 7–12 per cent of the total stellar mass in the central 625 pc of NGC 2903. The H  ii regions in the ring of star formation have luminosities close to that of the supergiant H  ii region 30 Doradus, they are younger than the stellar clusters, and they will probably evolve into bright infrared stellar clusters similar to those observed today. We find that the star formation efficiency in the central regions of NGC 2903 is higher than in normal galaxies, approaching the lower end of infrared luminous galaxies.  相似文献   
It is generally assumed that older mansions in the elite residential sector of Latin American cities filter down to the middle classes once their residents migrate to modern suburban homes. Five land use maps compiled between 1975 and 1999 show that the elite residential sector of Quito (Mariscal Sucre) experienced a much more complex fate. Diffusion of nonresidential land uses from the city center and its associated spine transformed the residential neighborhood into a vibrant upper‐scale business district. Sophisticated businesses subsequently moved on to modern suburban facilities, but Mariscal Sucre became a major hub for business, nocturnal entertainment, and tourism. Diversification of land use in Mariscal Sucre confirms the Crowley hypothesis of complexity in Latin American urban land use patterns ( Crowley 1995 ).  相似文献   
We present low-resolution ( R ∼450) K -band spectroscopy for 16 of the 43 circumnuclear star-forming knots in M100 identified by Ryder & Knapen. We compare our measurements of equivalent widths for the Br γ emission line and CO 2.29-μm absorption band in each knot with the predictions of starburst models from the literature, and derive ages and burst parameters for the knots. The majority of these knots are best explained by the result of short, localized bursts of star formation between 8 and 10 Myr ago. By examining both radial and azimuthal trends in the age distribution, we present a case for sequential triggering of star formation, most likely resulting from the action of a large-scale shock. In an appendix, we draw attention to the fact that the growth in the CO spectroscopic index with decreasing temperature in supergiant stars is not as regular as is commonly assumed.  相似文献   
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