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东亚地磁场模型的计算与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据中国、前苏联和蒙古等地区的地磁复测点和地磁台站资料,使用泰勒多项式方法和冠谐分析方法,计算东亚地磁场(X,Y,Z)的泰勒多项式模型和冠谐模型,以及东亚剩余磁场(ΔX,ΔY,ΔZ)的冠谐模型和泰勒多项式模型,并绘制了相应的理论地磁图. 泰勒多项式模型的展开原点位于45°N和100°E,截断阶数为7.地磁场泰勒多项式模型的均方偏差为:X分量是133.0nT,Y分量是107.4nT,Z分量是14.0nT. 球冠极点位于45°N和100°E,球冠半角为42°,冠谐模型的截断阶数为10. 剩余磁场冠谐模型的均方偏差分别为131.2nT(ΔX),112.6nT(ΔY)和13.7nT(ΔZ). 对比分析了上述两种模型. 提出了确定区域模型截断阶数的判据.  相似文献   
We compute the characteristic parameters of the magneto-dipole radiation of a neutron star undergoing torsional seismic vibrations under the action of Lorentz restoring force about an axis of a dipolar magnetic field experiencing decay.After a brief outline of the general theoretical background of the model of a vibration-powered neutron star,we present numerical estimates of basic vibration and radiation characteristics,such as frequency,lifetime and luminosity,and investigate their time dependence on magn...  相似文献   
On the contiguous territories of Russia and Chi-na,along the left and right banks of the Amur Riv-er (Heilongjiang Province of China,and Amur Oblast' of Russia),among the Late Mesozoic ter-rigenous and volcano-plutonic formations,several Precambrian prot…  相似文献   
When the spatial parameters of regional ore-magmatic systems of Russian Amur Province is estimated,the deep seismic results and gravity data are most often used. In the first case,the correlation of ore-deposits with the thickness of the sialic crys-talline complexes and the crust bottom depth are considered (Kokorin, 1988; Sukhov etal., 2000; Moiseenko,1996),in second case the spatial laws of deposit distribution relative to the regional Bouge minimums explained by “granitization”and lowd…  相似文献   
The changes of taxonomical composition of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous palynofloras are revealed,in the upper stream of Bureya River in Bureya Basin.The palynofloras are dominated as follows:the Berriasian one by ferns(Cyatheaceae,Dicksoniaceae,Osmundaceae),Classopollis and bisaccate pollen;the Valanginian-Hauterivian one by ferns(Cyatheaceae,Dicksoniaceae),Ginkgocycadophytus and bisaccate pollen;the Barremian one by ferns(Cyatheaceae,Dicksoniaceae);the Aptian one by ferns(Cyatheaceae,Dicksoniaceae,Gleicheniaceae) and Ginkgocycadophytus;and the Albian one by ferns(Schizaeaceae) and bisaccate pollen.In the Albian the floral diversity raises with the angiosperms appearing.  相似文献   
On the contiguous territories of southeastern Russia and northeastern China,many gold-bearing areas are conjugate in space with the gradient zones of the gravity field.Large gold-ore districts,defining in many respects the metallogenic signature of the region,are located on the joints of differently oriented gradient zones.In the best-studied districts,the Precambrian protrusions,staged distribution of magmatic chambers (by vertical) above the Mohorovicic discontinuity and restriction to the peripheral parts of intrusive massifs have been recognized.Different-type gold deposits in the studied ore-placer districts and nodes are often located on the areas of joint of the granitoid massifs and subvolcanic bodies with depressions.Availability of areals of metasomatic alterations of rocks,placers,and ore occurrences of precious metals on such but poorly studied areas can serve as the basis for the revision and detailed forecasting-prospecting works to develop the mineral-raw material base of the region for precious metals.  相似文献   
根据中俄地震科技合作1993年度计划,国家地震局于1993年8月派出以国家地震局科技监测司司长孙其政为团长的中国国家地震局地震代表团赴俄罗斯参加双方联合举行的中俄地震预报研讨会。在俄逗留期间,代表团参观访问了一些有关单位。本文综合介绍了这次中俄地震预报研讨会的概况及地震代表团参观访问的有关单位的情况。  相似文献   
高大并且广泛分布的构造悬崖是全球构造地貌的重要组成部分,是南方大陆和次大陆边缘的基本构造地形类型,同时也发育在亚洲东部的陆-洋过渡区。它们位于大陆边缘区的后缘,其地球动力学作用以大陆架、大陆斜坡和边缘海沉降区域的裂谷作用为特征。大悬崖的形成始于大陆岩石圈的变薄和裂解,持续发育过程较长,期间经历一系列的平行后退过程——即所谓构造夷平作用,导致大陆架沉积基准面的形成。大悬崖见于被动大陆边缘以及西太平洋陆-洋过渡带后缘。在陆内区域大悬崖不常见,而是在陆地升、降交界边缘区域出现其他的地貌构造特征。  相似文献   
Lower Permian formations within the Buqingshan Mountains (A'nyemaqen ophiolitic zone, eastern sector of the eastern Kunlun) were formed in the following paleogeodynamic environments (from north to south): (1) shelf and slope of a passive continental margin in a marginal sea; (2) partially Permian metamorphic rocks of subduclion-accretion complexes and volcanogenic rocks of an ensimatic island arc, of the age limited from above by the Asselian - Sakmarian; and (3 ) an island arc slope and oceanic trench. Subduction-accretion complexes and the island arc volcanites are overlain with a sharp angular unconformity by a carbonate-conglomerate sequence, which presents as local molasse of the Early Permian age. Based on fusulinids from the basal limestone, the age of the local molasse is first defined as the Yakhtashian-Bolorian, i.e. Artinskian-Kungurian (?). The thorough investigations revealed that the initial closure of the eastern Paleotethys within the eastern Kunlun corresponded to the Sakmarian-Yakhtashian (Artinskian) boundary, whereas in the western Paleotethys sector (Northern Pamirs) the closure occurred considerably earlier, prior to the Late Bashkirian. Thus, the idea that the Paleotethys in the eastern Kunlun reached its maximum width in the Permian, is highly questionable. During the Early Permian the A'nyemaqen branch of the Paleotethys intensely decreased. Beginning from the Bolorian (Kungurian) and up to the end of the Permian this branch represented its relict in the form of a marginal sea depression. It may be suggested that the Paleotethys closure in the A'nyemaqen took place gradually from the west to the east and covered a long period from the Late Carboniferous to the terminal Early Permian.  相似文献   
The European part of Russia exhibits highly developed sulphate and carbonate karst. It mostly occurs within river valleys with relatively thin covering deposits. These conditions may induce karst collapses, which appear to be the main danger for civil and industrial buildings. Evolution of karst rocks includes several epochs of karst development, which causes complicated distribution of karst caves in karst rocks and, as the result, irregular distribution of karst caves on the surface. Karst hazards prediction is mostly reliable within the geotechnical system "Karst-Construction", using probability methods. This approach allows creating 3 types of antikarst protection (alternative design of construction arrangement on a plan, structural protection of a construction and plugging of karst caves beneath construction foundation) and selecting the optimum or the most effective version or their rational combination.  相似文献   
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