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Matt K. Broadhurst Russell B. Millar Damian J. Young Michael E. L. Wooden Stuart Rowland 《新西兰海洋与淡水研究杂志》2013,47(5):755-766
Three manipulative experiments were done to estimate the selectivity of conventional and new sizes and configurations of mesh for school prawns, Metapenaeus macleayi, in three south‐eastern Australian recreational fishing gears (haul, push, and scoop nets). The treatment meshes examined were: (1) conventional‐sized, diamond‐shaped mesh used in all gears (20 mm in scoop nets and 30 mm in push and haul nets); (2) 30 mm in scoop nets; and (3) 40‐mm diamond‐ and (4) 23‐mm square‐shaped mesh in all gears. In all experiments, known quantities of school prawns (6–24 mm carapace length (CL)) were placed in purpose‐built enclosures, monitored to ensure no experimental‐induced stress (as measured by changes in L‐lactate in their haemolymph) and the replicate treatments of the various gear configurations deployed. Escapees from the various treatment nets were collected from the enclosures using fine‐meshed nets. Logistic selection curves were derived for all treatment nets and specific comparisons made within and among gears. All nets had 50% retention lengths (L50) comparable to other penaeid‐catching gears with similar mesh sizes, but most had selection ranges (SRs) that were atypically inflated. The large SRs were attributed to a combination of factors that included the mesh geometry and towing speed of the gears and the behaviour of school prawns. The 20‐mm scoop net had the smallest selection parameters, retaining >99% of individuals larger than 13 mm CL. Mesh size in this gear would need to be increased to at least 30 mm to allow some maturing prawns (>18 mm CL) to escape. 相似文献
Abstract Aquifers occur in basalt deposits infilling valleys in the Western Springs catchment of Auckland City, and they discharge into small streams incised along the edges of major lava flows. Total run‐off from the area is >0.261 m3·s?1. Analyses by standard methods of twelve subsurface and surface waters show that flowing groundwaters have a low level of pollution (dissolved oxygen x = 7.6 mg·l?1, abuminoid nitrogen x = 0.038 mg·l?1, and total solids x = 188 mg·l?1). Surface waters and stagnant groundwater have high, but varying levels of biological activity. Although much of the dissolved solid content of all the waters (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SiO2) is consistent with the chemistry of the rocks of the catchment, particularly the glassy volcanic tuffs, for surface waters various sources of pollution also make significant contributions (e.g., leaking sewers, sewage overflows, combustion of fossil fuels, fertilisers, zoo animals). Apart from its iron level, the moderate volume (~.0.13 m3·s?1) of flowing groundwater is of suitable quality for domestic, industrial and irrigation needs. 相似文献
Antonio Tovar-Snchez Sergio A. Saudo-Wilhelmy A. Russell Flegal 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2004,60(4):717-728
Despite the fact that Co is an essential trace element for the growth of marine phytoplankton, there is very limited information on the cycling of this trace metal in the marine environment. We report here the distribution of dissolved (<0.4 μm) and particulate (>0.4 μm) Co in surface waters of the Hudson River Estuary (HRE) and San Francisco Bay (SFB). Samples were collected during several cruises (from 1990 to 1995 in SFB and from 1995 to 1997 in the HRE) along the whole salinity gradient. Dissolved Co concentrations (mean±1 standard deviation) were nearly identical in magnitude in both estuaries despite differences in climate, hydrography, riverine-flow conditions and land-usage (HRE=0.91±0.61 nM; SFB=1.12±0.69 nM). Dissolved Co levels in each system showed non-conservative distributions when plotted as a function of salinity, with increasing concentrations downstream from the riverine end-members. Desorption from suspended particulates and sewage inputs, therefore, seems to be the major processes responsible for the non-conservative behavior of Co observed. Mass balance estimates also indicated that most of the estuarine Co is exported out of both estuaries, indicating that they and other estuarine systems are principal sources of this essential trace element to the open ocean. 相似文献
To improve resolution of seismic-reflection profiles in continental slope water depths of 900 to 1500 m, a single hydrophone was towed about 150 m off the bottom to receive reflected signals from a surface-towed sparker sound source. That deep-towed hydrophone data show that valleys which appear V-shaped in records from a surface-towed hydrophone are flat-bottomed, and that subbottom reflections from an erosional unconformity can be much better resolved. The data produced by this technique are very hepful when used in conjunction with records from conventional surface-towed seismic-profiling equipment. 相似文献
Trace element concentrations (Pb, Cd, Mn, Fe, and Zn) were measured along four surface water transects across the continental shelf off Baja California, to evaluate the magnitude of heavy metal contamination in the coastal waters along the US-Mexican boundary. These initial measurements of trace elements in Mexican neritic waters revealed offshore concentration gradients, with the highest levels in coastal waters with high salinities and nutrient concentrations. There were also longshore gradients, with lower concentrations in the southern locations. Although the relative enrichment of metals detected at nearshore stations along the US-Mexican border appeared to correspond to wastewater discharges in that area, these trace metal enhancements were found to be primarily associated with physical oceanographic processes (upwelling and advection), rather than anthropogenic inputs. This was demonstrated both by metal-nutrient correlations and multivariate statistical analyses. Mass balance calculations also indicated that about 1% of Cd, 9% of Zn, and 29% of Pb were from urban discharges within the area. 相似文献
The problem of drained cavity expansion in soils of finite radial extent is investigated. Cylindrical and spherical cavities expanded from zero radius subjected to either constant stress or zero displacement at the finite boundary are considered. The generalised analytical solution procedure presented enables more advanced constitutive models to be implemented than have been possible in previous studies. Results generated for Sydney quartz sand highlight substantial differences between cavity limit pressures for the two boundary conditions and for boundaries of finite and infinite radial extent. This is of significance in accounting for boundary effects when interpreting cone penetration tests conducted in calibration chambers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
E. K. J. Kilpua P. C. Liewer C. Farrugia J. G. Luhmann C. Möstl Y. Li Y. Liu B. J. Lynch C. T. Russell A. Vourlidas M. H. Acuna A. B. Galvin D. Larson J. A. Sauvaud 《Solar physics》2009,254(2):325-344
We analyze a series of complex interplanetary events and their solar origins that occurred between 19 and 23 May 2007 using
observations by the STEREO and Wind satellites. The analyses demonstrate the new opportunities offered by the STEREO multispacecraft configuration for diagnosing
the structure of in situ events and relating them to their solar sources. The investigated period was characterized by two high-speed solar wind streams
and magnetic clouds observed in the vicinity of the sector boundary. The observing satellites were separated by a longitudinal
distance comparable to the typical radial extent of magnetic clouds at 1 AU (fraction of an AU), and, indeed, clear differences
were evident in the records from these spacecraft. Two partial-halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were launched from the same
active region less than a day apart, the first on 19 May and the second on 20 May 2007. The clear signatures of the magnetic
cloud associated with the first CME were observed by STEREO B and Wind while only STEREO A recorded clear signatures of the magnetic cloud associated with the latter CME. Both magnetic clouds
appeared to have interacted strongly with the ambient solar wind and the data showed evidence that they were a part of the
coronal streamer belt. Wind and STEREO B also recorded a shocklike disturbance propagating inside a magnetic cloud that compressed the field and plasma
at the cloud’s trailing portion. The results illustrate how distant multisatellite observations can reveal the complex structure
of the extension of the coronal streamer into interplanetary space even during the solar activity minimum.
Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
The gross chemical structures of xylites and gelified soft brown coal woods, Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia, as determined by solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, are compared with those of present-day wood-derived materials prepared from an angiosperm, Eucalyptus regnans, and a gymnosperm (conifer), Pinus radiata. Also examined are the changes in the gross chemical structures of soft brown coal woods with increase in their degree of gelification and the relationship between these changes and variations in their chemical composition and microscopic appearance.The Victorian xylites exhibit greater affinities with the present-day gymnosperm than the present-day angiosperm. The progressive removal of cellulose with increasing degree of gelification can be equated with an increase in huminite reflectance, elimination of humotelinite autofluorescence and changes in the relative proportions of the humotelinite submacerals. The lignin structure of xylite is also modified during the gelification process, including the progressive loss of methoxyl groups and evidence of minor oxidation. 相似文献
Stephen B. Weisberg Peter Himchak Tom Baum Harold T. Wilson Russell Allen 《Estuaries and Coasts》1996,19(3):723-729
Water quality in the tidal Delaware River has improved dramatically over the last several decades. Areas near Philadelphia that were once anoxic and formed a pollution block to migratory fish passage now rarely experience dissolved oxygen concentrations less than 3 ppm. To assess whether these improvements in water quality led to increased abundance of juvenile fishes, data from a beach seine survey conducted annually since 1980 were examined. The number of species captured increased throughout the tidal river, but the increase was greatest in the areas downstream of Philadelphia, wheare water quality has improved the most. Abundance of juvenile striped bass and American shad, two important game species in the river whose migratory patterns make them susceptible to water quality problems, both increased more than, 1,000-fold during the last decade. Correlatations between the temporal abundance patterns of these species in the tidal Delaware River and in other East Coast systems were poor, suggesting that increases in their numbers were related more closely to improving conditions within the Delaware than to factors affecting coastal stocks. 相似文献
Harry Y. McSween Jr. Richard P. Binzel M. Cristina De Sanctis Eleonora Ammannito Thomas H. Prettyman Andrew W. Beck Vishnu Reddy Lucille Le Corre Michael J. Gaffey Thomas B. McCord Carol A. Raymond Christopher T. Russell the Dawn Science Team 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2013,48(11):2090-2104
The Dawn mission has provided new evidence strengthening the identification of asteroid Vesta as the parent body of the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites. The evidence includes Vesta's petrologic complexity, detailed spectroscopic characteristics, unique space weathering, diagnostic geochemical abundances and neutron absorption characteristics, chronology of surface units and impact history, occurrence of exogenous carbonaceous chondritic materials in the regolith, and dimensions of the core, all of which are consistent with HED observations and constraints. Global mapping of the distributions of HED lithologies by Dawn cameras and spectrometers provides the missing geologic context for these meteorites, thereby allowing tests of petrogenetic models and increasing their scientific value. 相似文献